my new life, in the werewolfs...

By dead-fantasy

1.2M 18.4K 1.1K

Singing, playing the violin, studying like crazy and lastly enjoying the little free time she has with her fr... More

my new life, in the werewolfs claw 1 to 3
my new life, in the werewolves claw ch 4
my new life, in the werewolves claw ch 5
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 6 part 1
my new life, in the werewolf claw 6 part 2
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 7 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 8 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 9 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 10 the monster within
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 11 Kala's POV
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 11
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 12 dream
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 13 Friends ~ truth
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 14 Friends ~ Thomas
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 15 Friends ~ drunk chatt
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 16 Friends ~ the chase / hunt
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 17 Vampire BFF okay, so what else?
my new life, in the werewolfs claws 18 the ball/ party
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 19 No one is allowed to touch you, but me...
my new life, in the werewolfs claw Chapter 20 she is MINE!
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 21 dirty
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 22 stand alone -1 Kidnapped
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 22 stand alone -1 Kidnapped part two
my new life, in the werewolfs claw 23 Kidnapped- fearless
Kidnapped, the end of our fighting
ch 26 girls, bets and fights. And a hot shower with Mr. Nice Guy!
ch 27 good looks, hormones and me- live is way to irrational
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 28 i want to know
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 29
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 30 the slaves revenge
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 31 the slaves revenge- a bloody day
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, chapter 32 the key
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, 33 the last beloved
my new life, in the werewolfs claw, chapter 34 fight one
my new life, in the werewolfs claw- fight two
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 35 a slaves freedom centuries of solitude
my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 36 not alone
My new life, in the werewolfs claw- ch 37 The Duel
Chapter 38 the saviour
My new life, in the werewolf's claw chapter 39 my ancestor
chapter 40 time to rest?
ch 41 unspoken feelings
ch 42 the next step
ch 43 lovley hormones
ch 44 the safest way
Chapter 45 Far Far Away
CH 46 July 30- 13:44 Towards my own future

my new life, in the werewolfs claw ch 25 The grim reaper and the crematory

23.7K 352 12
By dead-fantasy

Chapter 25 The grim reaper and the crematory  

My grandmother once told me, that all girls are princesses and their picky heart is making the princess-choice, choosing the one she would marry and pledge loyalty and love to.

But some girls are born with wings, which want to spread and fly, but these girls are held down by fate, tradition and family, they never get to do the actual princess-choice, because from the beginning they had given their hearts to the sky and freedom. 

Sometimes one of this girls manages it, they are able to break the chains binding them to the earth and fly into sky, to their own happiness. And of course they had to pay an equal price for it.

I was never able to break free from my chains, my wings were pulled at, feathers ripped off and then they were broken again and again, by people I didn't know, by my family, and by my own fears.

But now they were ripped off completely

and they were replaced

for sharp claws...

I just wonder when or if I'll learn to use them...


The dark sky grumbled angry above me, thousand water droplets soaked my hair and cloths as I stood in front of his grave. Big golden letters were graved in stone, a single lily and ice decorating it. Tears melted with the rain, at first the cold felt like thousand needles penetrating your skin, but it numbed your pain in the heart, leaving behind nothing but some tiredness.

Samuel Prashant, the name set in stone with golden letters, glistened even in this stormy weather.  

My brother, who had died over 4 years ago while trying to save me. 

Other people died for my sake as well, it was like a vicious circle and I was stuck in there, without any hope of escaping it. 

No, it got worse, the first day I met Aaron someone died, just yesterday a guy died, because of me! 

My uncle, my grandma, my kidnappers, my own brother and now even random people!? Why? Just why? Was I some kind of grim reaper and didn't know it yet? Just what was wrong with my live?

Aarons POV


I stood beside my car, taking a look at the flower shop where the girl had just been, she must have bought something and waited for a bus on the station to my right.

That I was actually stalking her was pathetic, but that I was actually standing in the rain, thinking of where she might have gone, was incredible... ughh

I think her perfume was brain-damaging me, a man of my standards doesn't run after a kid!

She just pops up in my life plays the strong and careless, slowly poisons my food to give me a brain-fuck and then disappears on me when my reputation is in danger, not mention her own live!

"Hello. How are you doing?" A bright blue umbrella and a girl dressed in a fluffy white coat was standing beside me, turning her head around looking for something. I frowned to myself- I hadn't even noticed her.

"Isn't your dog here as well?" she looked up at me smiling kindly, then I recognized her.

"You are the little lady from that night, what are doing here?" my voice sounded annoyed even thought I held back, the small runt had no fault on my mood swings.

"My mother will pick me here, but she will be late, so I'm waiting. Where is your dog?" she had the same eyes as the girl, but they were softer, kinder, like they had never experienced any hurt or fear.

"It ran away..." Ianswered, while her mouth twitched unpleased, the same way as her sister, the head set slightly oblique. 

Goodness I was getting obsessed with a child! I should go home and slap myself!

"You don't look like you are upset about the dog thought." she eyed me curiously with those gray orbs of hers.

Could I ask her, where her sister would have gone?... trying wouldn't hurt. 

"Girl,..." I stopped rethinking my question and crouching down to her height. "If you were already big, and someone had upset you, where would you go?"

"Mhh" she bent her head to the side, trying to read my face "Over what was I upset?"

"Let's say,... about an incident you had a long time ago." 

"Ahh" she pouted her pink lips looking at my hands. "I would go... to the person who helped me after the incident, or just to someone who was with me.... or did someone die?" she whispered her visible breath tingling on my face, she smelled like her, that's why I didn't notice this child, I had gotten too used to this scent.

"Yes..." I whispered back. Her eyes held pity, god knows what she was thinking, but what the hell was I thinking asking a child something like this? 

"I would buy a flower." she glanced once to the flower shop "and go to the graveyard."

The cemetery, of course what else? I closed my eyes massaging my nose bridge. 700 years of seeing peoples various behaviors and still needing a little girl to figure out another little girl, pathetic indeed. If someone found out about this I would become a laughingstock.

"It's okay, I'm sure you will be alright, just go there." the girl patted my head, giving me an encouraging smile, I was becoming definitely pitiable.

I laughed at myself gave the girl a quick kiss on the forehead and opened my car. "You shouldn't talk to strangers, you know. Still, thanks." and with that I stepped on the gas, driving for the nearest cemetery.

She was just standing there, her clothes already soaked from the rain, she looked pale and weak. Just how long has she been standing there?

I took a deep breath and my body tensed instinctively, the stench of a vampire and something else flowed in my nose.  

I turned my head to the side, seeing a leech, almost the same height as me, with short black hair drenched, just like his clothes, looking at the girl. I tried to point out the others but they were hidden well, beneath the rotting earth and snow.

"She really is reckless." he spoke while turning his full body to me, a smirk playing on his lips while he took in my appearance. 

"Get the hell out of here bastard, before I rip you to shreds!" I growled still silent enough so she wouldn't hear me.

He laughed looking back to my girl... the girl... 

"Do you want to keep her?" he asked so silently that the pounding rain made it almost in-auditable. But I heard, and the monster inside me swelled up, taking long strides towards the guy who still didn't care to look at me. 

"...If you want to keep her, you should take better care of her..." he turned jumping and going over to a run to fast for humans to see more than a blurry image.

The same moment the others showed up, attacking her without delay.

Kala POV

They appeared out of nowhere, the one standing before me, grabbed my head and slammed me against his body, snaking his muscular arm around my waist, and ran like the devil himself was after him. I tried to free myself but it was futile, he pressed me against him even harder, I almost lost my breath.

I heard a howl, growling and then I just saw how one figure was attacked by a black monster, making him or her scream so much that it painfully ringed in my ears.

My heart was beating like crazy, but I couldn't even breath thanks to the thug holding me, I tried to look past his shoulder but the whole surrounding was a blurry wall, only a black big dot seemed to be following us.

Another deep growl let our surrounding tremble and then I was thrown into some muddy snow making me lose my vision for a few seconds. But it was too fast for me to see anyways, three people tried to attack and lunge at the beast in front of them but even I could tell that the monster was superior.

The thug took a new fighting stance and darted head on to the monster, while the smaller figure ran around him to its back and attacked from behind, and then it was all just ball of black growling and twisting around as the two figures popping out of it and back in.

Soon the smaller guy realized that it was useless fighting against it, and charged for me. 

My body froze, and my heart stopped and for a second even the rain seemed to halt on.

His cramped and bloodied hands reached my neck, I felt his cold grip but he suddenly was being tackled from the side, making him crash against the wall that surrounded the graveyard.

The giant wolf stood in front of me, looking at the other ones place growling viciously, his bloody fangs clearly visible. 

Hi golden eyes were hard, fixed on his opponents, ready to attack the first one to move.

"Aaron..." I tried to reach out for his fur but he lunged forward at the thug who did the same, this time it was over fast.

The wolfs fangs bored themselves in the thugs neck, he threw him down and around, still having him clenched in his snout, blood flew everywhere and the cracking of bones was clearly auditable.

I felt like someone was strangling me, I couldn't help myself but turn my head and vomit, I hadn't seen such gore in all my life...

I was still fighting to catch my breath as I saw as the monster charged for the last figure.

Just how was this possible? Of course I didn't know him that well, but still, his golden eyes were intriguing and kind even if they held sadness...

Was it so easy to end a life? To kill people for nothing, even if something had happened, is it needed to teach people wrong by killing them? How can he do something like that so easily?

The memories from the New Year's night flashed up in my mind, so did the memory of Josh and Trevor- my captors. 

I really was a grim reaper... 

Honestly who else sees so many people die? 

Was fate playing pranks on me? Was it just fun to watch my wings being ripped apart? 

Would I just watch today as well?

"Stop!" I stood up on wobbly feet and tumbled my way over to Aarons head. He ignored my presence throwing me off, growling at the figure cutting off any escape routes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Stop it now!" My feet were frozen and numb, but managed to stand up again and run to him.

This time I positioned myself in front his muzzle, holding on with both hands on his ears, pressing my whole body weight against him.

The poor bastard behind me didn't need a second invitation and made a run for it, Aaron moved his head abruptly so that I lost my footing and fell on the muddy ground for the 3rd time today.

He pressed his paw against my chest, making it hard to breath for me, he was furious it was the least I could do to describe him. He growled loudly in my face, while his weight on my chest got harder to endure, but I felt save and not scared at all, even thought I resisted the urge to call him a mutt and shove him off myself.

He silenced and it seemed like he checked the area with his superhuman senses, at this moment I was happy that thanks to the heavy rain no one came to this place, having giant wolf pinning you down would freak some people out.

He smelled the air, his head went around once more, to me there was nothing more than the continuous rain , it swallowed the sins committed right now in this cemetery.

Moments passed and his body changed back, the fur giving way to his skin, and chiseled abs, muzzle formed back to his normal nose and kissable lips. His eyes remained angry as they bored in mine.

"Do not interfere with my fights ever again!" the pressure on my chest got heavier with every word. I didn't dare to answer him now. Then he just jumped up moving with elegancy and fastness even in this cold in his adams suite.

He picked up the big guy and threw him over his shoulder and did the same with the second person. 

It took me a moment or two to catch my breath and then I followed him back to his car.

He was throwing them in his trunk like dirt and smashed it close and with a bundle in his hand he went to the driver's seat. 

Through the windows of the passenger seat I could see that it was some pants. He behaved almost casual and it drove me insane.

"Do you need to kill anyone who is in your way?" my voice was trembling but I held it low, knowing he would hear me, but he didn't react sitting in his car waiting for me to do the same.

"Don't you have some fucking other way!?" I couldn't hold back anymore how can someone be so calm, after doing what he done and that twice?!

He sighted and opened the passenger door. "Get in."  


"Get in!" he paused breathing in deep before shouting again.

"GET IN!" 


He stood suddenly before me, his breath tickling my face, his hand around my neck, the other pulled in a fist. 

"Get in, before I make you." he warned calmly. "Will you kill me too if I don't?"

He sighted leaning in some more and actually hugging me, I looked up to him confused. 

"There is no other way for me, and not for you, forget all the human rules you lived by till now, they are void in a world of the stronger."

"No... there has to be some other way than just killing each other!" I struggled out of his arms looking angry at him, as his flat hand collided with my cheek.

I fell down, once again, looking shocked up to him, his face held disgust and anger. 

He grabbed me by the collar and threw me in his car before settling himself beside me and starting the car.

"This, was the last time, did you understand?" he hissed after a while. 

I was holding my cheek, it was swelling, throbbing like crazy. 

"What do you mean?"

"You will never disobey me or my friends again, neither will you in anyway disrespect or question us, it's time you learn who I am and where you stand."

His voice was monotonous and its content made me lift my eyebrows at him, which earned me low growl.

"At least I do know with whom I'm dealing with." I answered smug. 

"Do you?" 

"Yes, with a crazy mutt, a bastard believing he could do as he liked, and someone who likes his egg sunny side up."

To my surprise he laughed a little but other than that nothing. He took a sharp curve and parked inside a gloomy seeming house, there was an attendant in a suit who nodded his head in respect.

"Where are we?" I asked him before he could get out holding his arm. 

"The crematory, I have to dispose of them, or do you think I will drive around the city with dead bodies in my trunk?"

He got out, shook hands with the one outside, they opened the trunk and like it was normal they put them on wheeled beds, those the ambulance car used, and got them somewhere else. The crematory, disposing of the 'things' what a nice way to put "things". 

"You will stay here, I'll be back soon." Aaron ordered me, without sparing me another glance he turned around before disappearing to somewhere in this building, I so wanted to run after him or something but on second thought, who knew whom I would meet in there.

The heater was on, but my fingertips were cold and blue and my toes probably didn't look any better. 

I turned on the radio, I didn't want to think anymore, I had done enough of that for today. I hummed along some random songs, almost falling asleep as the man from before knocked on my window.

"A warm blanket and some hot coffee, for you." He smiled at me, as he handed them over. 

"Thank you." I was glad to get anything that would provide some warmth.

"Are you okay?" he asked again. I just nodded and sipped on my coffee,  Coffee yummy... 

"You aren't human, are you?" he asked again, looking uncomfortable.

"Not anymore, if that's what you mean." answered coldly hoping he would leave me alone. 

He nodded knowingly smiling, why doesn't he stop smiling? Didn't he see in what state I was?

"You sure are lucky, to have Sir Hacker beside you, he is a great leader, a better Alpha doesn't exist here." his eyes were admiring the black car as he spoke to me. A fan great.

I didn't answer, I just swallowed my anger that formed a lump in my throat. 

"How is he like?" he asked nervously. Great a Fan-atic.

"He is nice, if you ignore this and that, being quiet and tidy, that's all." I answered in a low voice not wanting to destroy his illusion and much less, not wanting Aaron hear me talking trash behind his back.

To my surprise he seemed content with my words and left me alone, I thought a bit over it, he admired him, a lot of people did at the ball, and even the way Thomas talked about him or Leon was filled with respect and admiration.

There must be something good about him, I mean beside his looks, from which I had seen enough today, but something more than just a murderer.

Half an hour had passed as Aaron came, he sat limply in his chair, closed eyes his head leaned back. 

"Is this the way you earn your money?" I remembered our conversation from some time ago, he had just told me that his rent was 75.000 Euros but didn't want to tell me his occupation.

"No. Not the only way at least." his voice forbade any other conversation and we just sat there, he was still wearing only sweat pants and I was covered up to the nose in the blanket.  

My anger against him was fading, I wasn't angry at him at all, I was angry at myself, I was too weak for my own good, and it was going on my nerves.

I'm being protected and because trouble seeks me like the moths light, people get killed and it's getting more and more out of hand, and what was I doing? Nothing, ignoring it, pretending to forget, pretending that I'm not hurt, that I'm just fine and I just go on.

He started the car which made me jump, he looked at me and I at him, we stared in each others eyes, through my eyes he just looked tired and through his eyes I looked small....

"Are you alright?" he asked his voice low and husky I just nodded, not knowing what I would do in the future with someone like him around.

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