Magcon! (Matt Espinosa)

By kalli_is_a_penguin

26.3K 410 43

This story is about Katherine and her friends, Jenn and Elena. They go to Magcon, and Katherine meets Matthew... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23... The End.

Magcon! (Matt Espinosa)

6.1K 40 6
By kalli_is_a_penguin

Katherine's POV

"Wake up! C'mon we're going to Magcon today!" Jenn yells in my ear. Jenn was a true Magcon fan. She loved Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier, Carter Reynolds, Cameron Dallas, and everyone else that traveled with the Magcon crew.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I was different thought... I mean I followed all of them on Vine, but I wasn't a die hard fan like her and Elena.

"Aren't you excited?!" Elena said as she entered the room.

"I guess..." I muttered. I got up out of bed and went to take a quick shower. I straightened my hair and applied my eyeliner and mascara. I threw on short jean shorts and a orange and floral print top. Casual right? Magcon was being held only a few miles away in Sacramento, California. We live in Georgia, but Elena's mom lives here in Cali. We decided that we would come down for Magcon and to spend the summer with Elena and her mom. I finished getting ready and checked my Instagram and Twitter... Nothing interesting as usual. Next, I checked Vine... All I could see were posts from Nash, Matt, Cam, and the rest of then about coming to Sacramento. I watched a few of them then met Jenn and Elena in the kitchen for breakfast.

"Finally!" Jenn and Elena say in unison. It was 12:45, and Magcon started at 3 for people with V.I.P tickets. Elena and her family were crazy rich; therefore, we had V.I.P tickets. The next few hours flew by and soon we were in the back of a nice car heading to Magcon. Ugh. There was a HUGE line in front of the building! Elena and Jenn were smiling ear to ear and talking about meeting all of their "baes" as they called them. After a while, we got inside the theater type building. We started toward the lines of girls getting ready to Meet And Greet the Magcon boys. The first line we got in was Nash Grier's and Cameron Dallas'. I snapped a few pictures with Jenn and Elena's phones, and we moved on to the next line. Next, we met Hayes Grier and Shawn Mendes. Elena was "in love" with Hayes, and it took Jenn and I a while to pry her away from him. The last line we came to was Carter Reynolds' and Matt Espinosa's. Again, I took the pictures.

"Go take a picture with Matt and Carter!" Jenn whispered.

"Okay!" I said. I walked up to Carter first, and he put his arm over my shoulder. Next, I went to Matt.

"Hey, my friends wanted me to get a picture with you." I said casually.

"Okay..." He replied as he turned around to look at me.

Matthew's POV

Wow! That's the only thing that came into my mind when I turned around and saw this girl standing in front of me. "So... How about that picture?" She asked.

"Oh, right. Sorry!" I said. I was so stunned by her beauty that I completely forgot about taking a picture with her. After we took the picture together, I was trying to think of a way to make her stay long enough for me to get her number.

"I'm Matt, and you are?" I asked.

"I'm Katherine." She replied. I smiled at her, and she started to walk away.

"Will you be sticking around for the show?" I questioned. She turned to look at her friends.

She looked back at me and said, "Yupp! See you there." After more pictures, it was time for the big show with all of the fans. Our names were called, and we all ran out from backstage to the stage. We ran out to the silver gate type things that were restricting our fans from getting any closer to us or the stage. I took a few pictures with a couple fans. Then, I saw Katherine in th front row. I walked over to her.

"Want to take a selfie with me?" I asked.

"Sure, why not?" She answered. She gave me her phone, and we took a picture. Before she grabbed her phone, I put my number in her phone. Then, I ran up on stage. After a couple hours on stage, we decided to bring up three fans to the stage to sing or dance or do whatever they wanted really.

"Okay, so whose ready to find out who the winners are?" Nash yelled in the microphone. That question made all of the girls scream, but my eyes were on Katherine. She covered her ears when the screaming began. Nash began to read the winners' names.

"Sarah Jones! Elena Williams! And, Katherine Mikaelson!" Whoa, Katherine was picked to come up on stage. I was so happy!

Katherine's POV

You're joking right? I was picked to go up on stage with some random girl and Elena. Ugh. This is not how I wanted to spend my day! I walked up on stage, and my eyes landed on their amazing piano. Well, it was actually a keyboard, but whatever. Matt automatically walks over to me. This is weird... Does he like me or something?

"Nice keyboard!" I say and point to the Yamaha.

"You play?" Matt says.

"Yeah. May I?" I ask.

"Umm.." He goes over the the stage manager. He came back a minute later.

"Sure." Matt grabs a mic and announces that I was going to play a song on the piano. I quickly walk over to Elena.

"Sing!" She nods, and I walk over to the piano.

"What are you gonna play?" She asks.

"Ummm... What about Lose It?"  An interpretation of Lose It by SWMRS was one of the hardest yet best pieces I could play and could sorta sing. Elena was a better singer than me; thus, I always made her sing! I sit down on the piano bench and begin to play the song. Elena starts singing. Once the song was over, we hung out on stage for a while longer before getting escorted off. After everything, we went back to our seats, and I checked my phone. The first thing I see on my phone was a contact that said Matt. He put his number in my phone? I texted the number Hey it's Katherine. Did you put your number in my phone? I know he was on stage, but I knew he would read it later. Soon after the text was sent, Magcon was over. I was so happy, yet kinda sad because Matt was cool. My phone vibrated, so I checked it. It was Matt. Yeah. I hope that's okay. I just wanted to talk to you more(:

"Who are you texting?" Jenn asks.

"No one!" I say.

"I saw Matt with her phone." Elena said. They both look at me with the look of "looks like someone likes you." Nerds! I text Matt back. It's fine. I just wanted to know why I had a random contact in my phone... And okay I guess it would be cool to get to know you too. You seem cool!(: I know it's a bad way to reply, but I've never really had a guy text me anything like that before. Maybe in middle school, but that doesn't really count. We got back to Elena's house, and I got ready for bed. I know it was still pretty early, but what was I gonna do for the rest of the night? I checked Twitter and Instagram, but there was still nothing interesting. My phone vibrated again; it was Matt. Ha okay well what are you doing? Wow! I think my last reply made it SUPER awkward for him. Sorry if I made this awkward. And nothing really what about you? I felt like a total idiot. Matt replied before I could lock my phone. Hanging with the guys. Are you going to Magcon tomorrow? Sadly, we were, but I couldn't say that to Matt. Yeah! Jenn and Elena are really excited! I am too... Sorta. I plugged my phone in because it had 10% battery left. Well I can't wait to see you again.(: I smiled at his text and went down to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Wow, it was already 9:00? I ran upstairs and texted Matt back. I'm excited to see you too!(: Well... I'm gonna go to bed see ya tomorrow. I put my phone down and slowly fell asleep.

Thanks for reading!(: Stay tunned for more. I will try to upload every day. What do you guys think so far?

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