It's High School (Completed)

By Everydaylover122

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"Henry?'' I whispered, scared that if I spoke to loud he would disappear into thin air like breath in cold we... More

Chp.1~ Greetings From Austin, Texas
Chp.2~ Old Friends, New School
Chp.3~ Changed Person
Chp.4~ Patio of the Forgotten
Chp.5~ Lunch With the Morales
Chp.6~ Caleb's In a Band?!
Chp.7~ Finding Henry
Chp.8~ Priorities
Chp.9~ Homecoming
Chp.10~ Heat Of The Moment
Chp.11~ Aftermath
Chp.12~ Confession
Chp.13~ Waiting Room
Chp.15~ Coco Deliciousness
Chp.16~ Alex Wagner
Chp.17~ Grudges
Chp.18~ Confused
Chp.20~ Valentine's Day
Chp.21~ Revenge is Going to Be Sweet
Chp.22~ Terry-Tots
Chp.23~ She Knows
Chp.24~ Rumors
Fixing My Situations
Chp.25~ Searching for Answers
Chp.26~ Pool Party
Chp.27~ Guilty Pleasures
Chp.28~I Feel the Same Way
Chp.29~ Girls for God
Chp.30~ Her Sickness 1/3
Chp.32~ Her Sickness 2/3
Chp.33~ Her Sickness 3/3
Chp.34~ You Don't Understand 1/2
Chp.35~ You Don't Understand 2/2
Chp.36~ This Is Me
Chp.37~Therapy Boredom and Flynn Rider
Chp.38~ Wedding Day
Chp.39~ Don't Absorb The Hate
Chp.40~ Hero
Chp.41~ Three More Years

Chp.14~ It's On

99 12 0
By Everydaylover122

"Teresa's POV"

I took the last bite out of the cold pumpkin pie before continuing one with my every so often "uh-huh's" after Jennifer finished a sentence or two. I gulped down a large portion of my water; the pumpkin pie's sweetness had overtaken my mouth as if it was almost too sweet. Today Thanksgiving, but it felt more like a regular sit-at-home dinner. Only Jennifer my mom and I were present. Trevor had to leave for a dinner with his manager and everybody else was too busy with their own completed families. Even though I looked into Jennifer's dark musky eyes, I couldn't help with be bothered by something else, it was the same recurring conversation that I had with the nurse at the Women's Clinic. When I went in to get an ultrasound to see if there was anything in my system, nothing showed up. Though, since it was only like 4 days since we had 'assured intercourse' or whatever that means, there was no certain chance that the egg had made it to my uterus. So next Wednesday, they want me to come back so they can make a firm understanding if I'm am pregnant or not. But Dr. Woods said it was a probability of 42% since I wasn't showing any signs of a pregnancy. The heavy weighs were only lifted a little, but next week will be the final understanding, so that I can go back to living my normal, everyday life.

I shot out of my trance when I hear, "My Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira explode out and vibrate the table. I immediately clicked answer due to the reason of knowing who put the song as her ringtone for when she calls.


"Hello?" I answered taking a spoonful of potato salad to my mouth. "So, what's the plan's for tonight?" She asked me, the muffle voices of shouting and laugher behind her. Trevor had texted me earlier today about a new carnival that had just opened last night, and how excited Lola was about going, but in all honestly, I wasn't up for going out today.

Lola shrieked through the phone at the latest news I dropped on her, "Vamos Teresa!" Lola whined over the phone. I sighed, preparing myself for a lecture about not having fun for a good thirty minutes in half of a language I still couldn't understand.

"This could me like a celebration for no baby!" I could see through the phone Lola hands in the air.

"Well were not sure just yet." I reminded her. She hissed at me. "Whatever, can we just do something tonight?" Lola groaned. When Jennifer saw that I wasn't paying any more attention to her, she left down the hall and into her room. I knew that if I stayed at the house, I was going to half to suffer another one of Jennifer's bench-watching episodes. I loved her to death, but if I had to sit through one more season of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, I was going to lose it.

"Alright, we can go, but I don't know if the amusement park will even be open this late." I threw away my empty bowl of potato salad before making my way upstairs to find the first stich of clothing that caught my eye.

"No just look up times, it's 7 now so we have about a good 3 more hours in the next like 30 minutes."

"Okay, I'll let Trevor know and we'll be on our way."

"No need, Caleb just got his license today, he offered to drive us." Lola nervously laughed.

"Well then let me go warn the news for everyone to stay off the roads." I joked. Lola laughed with me before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I decided on a floral romper, with a white cardigan, and my tan flip flops. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail, not even bothering to see what it had looked like. I avoided the mirrors, worried that I would see a dramatic change in my appearance, informing me that there actually was a human growing inside of me.

20 minutes later, Trevor showed up in a throw-on grey t-shirt with jeans. Two minutes after, we heard honking from outside.

"Jennifer I'm leaving! Make sure you tell mom when she gets back from her girl's night out okay?" I shouted.

"Sure." She yelled back. She sounded a little disappointed. I should've invited her to come, but she continuously complained about the humidity in Texas, so I doubt she would've said yes.

As we drove, Caleb didn't speak a word. He was so focused on the road that it was like a do-or-die moment, which in this case it kind of was. He drove the exact speed limit and both hands were on the steering wheel, I genuinely thought that Caleb would be a reckless driver. Slouching in his seat with one hand on the steering wheel as he swerved to build up my anxiety. But I overthought it as I usually do.

I could tell that Lola's hair was down, it's usual wavy mess was straitened, even in the low lighting from outside it still stood out as the brightest object in the car. When she turned her head, I saw the dark red lipstick that covered her mouth and her long luscious eyelashes I was always so jealous of. I really didn't understand Lola's ethnicity, but I always felt it as rude to ask. I knew that she was Hispanic, I mean, her faint Mexican accent when she said anything, and that she normally talked Spanish all the time, but, she also had natural blonde hair had beautiful blue eyes. My mom had once compared her to looking like the younger version of Blake Lively, and Caleb always teased her on it. I, on the other hand, think of her as more of an Amanda Seyfried, or maybe even a hint of Cara Delevingne. Lola never talked at all about her family, the only thing I knew was from what Caleb told me, she had a single mother and several brothers. Even though she was my best friend, I was still nervous to ask.

A few minutes later, Caleb entered through the gates of the carnival. We were forced to park on the other end of the lot, causing a rough walk back to the entry.

As I stepped out of the car I noticed the weather became a little cooler. Good thing I brought this cardigan. Even though it was winter and it was supposed to be a little cool, the weather hasn't been on anybody's side since day one that I got here. For instance, it was raining for like two minutes before the sky became bright and clear. Empty foam cups and carnival tickets twirled in the wind and around us as we made our way to the ticket booth. The trees were bare without their leaves and the branches were hanging off like dis-located fingers. This weather made me miss Florida and its sunny 24/7 days. In the winter it would be somewhere around 70 to 80 degrees and the beach would be full of fun games to play like pie eating contest, greeting booths, ice skating, (which I never understood how they kept the ice from melting) face painting, surfing, and pin the carrot on the sandman. I missed not caring what I wore because the weather was always the same. Here, you just never knew.

"Two adult please," Trevor told the women at the front. She took the money from Trevor and slid two cards under the window. She looked up with no amused expression at all, the piercing close to her eye was a sharp black and her hair tips were dyed with a heavy blue.

"Thank you and enjoy your time at Austin's newest carnival." The women said monotone. We nodded and kept walking. As we waited for the rest to get their tickets, I grabbed a map and a flier from the stands. The flier

read, "Today's the day to try out the newest carnival wheel, it's 63 feet tall! Unless you're afraid, but who said a little bit of height could hurt you?"

"Every death caused by being up somewhere high!" Trevor peered over my shoulder and read it too. "We have to do it!" I squealed. Trevor scratched the back of his head. I knew how scared Trevor was of heights ever since that day he almost fell of the roof of his orphan home.

"Okay, we don't have to do it." I put the flier back onto the stands. "Maybe last." He somewhat promised.

After 2 roller coasters with Lola and Caleb, the bumper cars, and a few gaming booths, Lola and I decided to get our face painted, but that was too girly for the boys, so they decided to go and try out the zombie apocalypse virtual reality. So, when we finished we decided to go look for them. We went to the Virtual reality thing, but the long line indicated that the boys were either on it right now or that they just finished. Lola and I looked at each other with a knowing nod.

"The exit?" We both said at the same time.

"Good call." I laughed as we walked.

Right before we reached the sign that said 'exit' in red lights, I noticed him. Not Trevor, Not Caleb, but Mason. His jet black hair and oval-like jaw stood out in any crowd. It was a shock to me seeing Mason, he hadn't shown up for school since maybe a month before homecoming. I was a little concerned, but I played it off thinking that he went home schooled, or something. Although, my worries where still present when Mr. Gentry called role and his name was still on the school's student list. The same "Supah Dupah Dope" tank he always wore to school was what he wore now. It didn't matter the amount of times he had gotten in trouble with that thing at school, he still would've give a crap for the multiple commands that he got to go home and change. He glanced up from his phone as if he could sense me starring, his smile seemed like its usual, "I-get-all-the-girls grin," but today it showed an actual friendly meaning behind it.

I smiled back, giving a little wave. "Manchado!" Lola shouted, it meant spotted. Good thing I've been listening in señora Gomez's algebra class, she usually liked to surprise us with Spanish Wednesday. "Caleb! Trevor! Over here!" She waved to them.

"Well hello beautiful." Trevor greeted me, kissing me on the cheek. I blushed, it always made me feel a little special when Trevor showed affection to me in public, but I couldn't help not always enjoying the looks from other people. Trevor had fans all over the United States, including some other countries too, but I still couldn't pin-point if people starred because they were disgusted of PDA, or they saw Trevor and gave me dirty looks. Caleb eyes drew nauseating and looked as about excited to be here as an 80 something librarian would've been.

"I feel sick." Caleb leaned over. "Ew! Gross! take that to the bathroom!" Lola shouted. Caleb hurriedly scurried around to try and find the nearest barfing basket.

"I'll go get us some lemonade." Trevor offered as he walked to the long line for food and drinks. Me and Lola found a little table by a merry-go-round to take a break before starting up. We talked about the celebrity gossip that Lola loved to chitchat about. it was a good 15 minutes that we sat there talking, and I had wondered what happen to Trevor and those drinks.

"Yeah, where is he?" Lola looked in the opposite direction of me. I shifted myself in the direction of where he went for drinks but was instead met with a group of girls that had surrounded him.

I internally sighed.

"Seems like his fans have come out to see him." I said looking back over at Lola. She gave me a sympathy smile.

Most of them seemed no older than sixteen. They all wore denim shorts and tight crop tops, setting off every detail of their curvy bodies. I tried imagining myself in their outfits and it made my feel physically sick. I wouldn't look right in the shorts they pulled off, or the tiny crop tops that barely shielded they torsos. I would look like a child playing in her mother's makeup compared to them. Trevor tries his best to separate himself from them, but they stayed, glued onto his hip. One girl goes to the furthest attempt to even kiss his cheek.

"You know he loves you Teresa." Lola blurted. I wondered what she was getting at until She gestured down to my fidgeting hands.

"I know," I assured her.

It's hard dating a person that has almost 2 million followers on YouTube and most of them hormonal teenage girls. Not only that, but some of them go to the furthest attempt to send him nudes through all types of social media. Trevor always tells me every time to not worry about it, that my body was the only one glued to his mind, but it was difficult to continue to believe it when girls sent their luscious curves and smooth skin to him. I found myself getting jealous at the complete stranger that I didn't even know exist show off her body without any worry of embarrassment or feeling of insecurity. It took me an entire 6 months just to feel comfortable in a bathing suit around Trevor and then an entire year for him to see me completely vulnerable. But still, my body will never compare to theirs.

Finally, another 10 minutes later, Trevor came back with the drinks, "sorry about that you guys," He apologized, setting the drinks on the table. "The drinks might not be cold anymore." Trevor nervously chuckled.

Lola waved it off, but I told Trevor he could have our drink. He saw how upset I was and scooted closer, wrapping a hand around my waist. He kissed the top of my head before taking a sip of his lemonade. Anytime we went anywhere and fans came up to Trevor for pictures and signatures, afterwards he would make sure to show me how important I was, even if it was a simple smile while taking pictures or a sweet kiss to show me I was the only one. But, I still couldn't help but still fill a pinch coming from inside of me. Trevor could simply have any girl he wanted. His pretty blue eyes and broad shoulders could easily get a girl to fall for him and do anything for his attention. I truthfully never understood the exact reason that Trevor stayed with me when he could have another social media influencer beside him, or even a more realistic girlfriend that one would pin with him.

They finished their drinks and Caleb found his way back to us. We all decided to go to the arcade, but we had to hurry since the park would be closing in another hour or so.

"I said we play PAC-man." I gestured to the rusty machine that sat all the way in the back of the dark room.

"OMG! I have always wanted to play air hockey!" Lola interjected into my words as she scrambled through the crowd and over to air hockey, located by the door.

"Caleb and me against you both and whoever wins has to buy us whatever we want at the concession stands." Lola crossed her arms. Me and Trevor looked at each other before agreeing to the bet.

"Hey, that's Mason!" Lola pointed behind me.

I swiftly direction my eyes to where her finger was pointed and was met with Mason strict glare at the screen as he tried his best to kill the dinosaurs.

"I'll be right back." I signaled to Trevor. He gave me a weak thumb up, starring intensively at Mason.

When I got closer I tapped a finger on his shoulder, trying to start up a conversation.

"You know you have to shoot at the dinosaurs, right?" I chuckled. Mason slowly smirked, "well, maybe you could give me a hand." He gestured towards the other gun propped up on the handle. But before I could even reach for it, Mason had died. He slammed the gun back onto the handle. "Well, that was a waste of 50 cents." Mason groaned. He turned back to me with the same smile I saw earlier.

"It's nice to see you Angel Face." He threw another one of those stupid nicknames he always gave me.

"Nice to see you too."

"So, who's Bieber over there?" Mason gestured towards Trevor who cautiously talked to Caleb, but I could tell he was looking over here every now and then.

"Trevor, my boyfriend, and-"

"Oh, so he was the one who decided to show up and hour late to your homecoming. Let me guess, 'boyfriend of the Year'?" Mason chopped off my sentence, sarcastically accusing Trevor.

"His plane was delayed and he got here from Florida." I crossed my arms.

Mason sometimes crossed the boundaries between being funny and being cruel. He didn't seem when to stop or when to lighten up. I wanted to know why I hadn't seen him at school in almost a month, he didn't give any thought to his future and it concerned me, a lot.

I tried changing the subject, but Mason egged on, "You know he could've been hooking up with his fan in the back of an RV, but we may never know." Mason grinned. I rolled my eyes before giving up and turning to go back to the group. "Okay, okay. Sorry." Mason apologized reaching out for my arm. His voice made it sound like he actually meant it, but I was never sure with him.

"I came over here to ask you why you haven't been at school.

Mason scoffed, throwing his head back in irritation that I brought up the conversation. "I have better things to do than worry about how the respiratory system works, or how Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue." He laughed.

"Mason, this is your future we're talking about. Do you want to become that one kid that doesn't ever cross the stage because he didn't like what he had to be taught?" I asked.

Mason shook his head, chuckling at my accusation.

"Do you want to be making minimum wage at 30 years-old?" I asked again.

"I'll probably get a job at a car wash, or work at as a janitor or something." Mason shrugged his shoulders, completely ignoring the problems I had sat out for him.

I could see how bitter Mason got, how his muscles tensed when I asked a question. It brought me to shock on how little he thought of his future.

"Is that really all you see yourself doing? washing rude people's cars, or cleaning up after distrusting kids?"

"I'm not like you Teresa. You have your whole life planned out. I'm the type of person that just goes with whatever happens. I live in the moment, you live in the future." He explained. Even out of the short few months that I only knew Mason, it seemed like he knew me more that I would've thought. He knew my entire life motto without having to even think about it, and I felt a little guilty for not even knowing him very well.

"Okay, your right, but still, you could be a lawyer or a; therapist!" I named out options. Mason chuckled. "Really? a therapist? I can't even deal with my own problems, how in the world will I be able to fix other people's situations?" He argued against me.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "All I'm saying is, there is more to you than meets the eye. And I want you to discover that." I said. Mason laughed again.

"So, what now you feel sympathy for me?" He smiled. I uncrossed my arms, "yeah, I do." I nodded my head. Mason's smirk lowered into a dull expression.

"Listen, if you promise to work on your future, I promise to live more in the moment." I pleaded.

"And if you break that promise?" Mason smirked appeared back with in less than five seconds. I gave a confused face. "What makes you think I can't do this?" I played along with his act.

"Just in case."

"Okay if you break you promise than you have to dress up like a woman for a week and-" Mason interrupted me.

"And if you break your promise than you'll have to break up with mister popular." He gestured towards Trevor. I shook my head.

"No, I'm not doing that." I folded my arms. I wasn't dumb enough to break up with Trevor over a stupid bet.

"Okay, that's a little cruel," Mason pretend to rub his imaginary beard as he thought.

"Then you'll just have to be my date to next year's homecoming, and it has to be the whole entire time." He brought out his hand.

"OK." I shook his hand.

How hard could this challenge be? All I had to do was live in the moment. Almost like I'm doing now spending time with my friends and going to carnivals. Well, Mason, point one Teresa, point zero you.




Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading!!

QOTC: "When you try to control everything, you enjoy nothing. Sometimes, you need to relax, breathe, let go, and just live in the moment."




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