Boarding School for the Rejec...

By everetet

63.6K 705 143


Boarding School for the Rejected -1-
Boarding School for the Rejected -2-
Boarding School for the Rejected -3-
Boarding School for the Rejected -4-
Boarding School for the Rejected -5-
Boarding School for the Rejected
Boarding School for the rejected -7-
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Boarding School for the Rejected -10-
boarding School for the Rejected -11-
Boarding School For the Rejcted -12-
Boarding School for the Rejected -13-
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Boarding School for the Rejected -15(preview)-
Boarding School for the Rejected -15- (Full)
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Boarding School for the Rejected -17-
Boarding School for the Rejected -18-

Boarding School for the Rejected -8-

3.4K 34 19
By everetet

Recap: "Hey are you and Damien going out?" She suddenly asked curiously. I looked at her like she was crazy and shook my head. "Oh you too both just seem to really like each other," she said smiling lightly. Then the bell rang again for us to change classes. Hah, she was hilarious me and Damien together?


So Damien showed me to my next class quickly -so that he wouldn't be late- which was some type of science, I didn't understand though. On my paper it said Veneficus Science. Don't know it looked Latin or something, but I had not a clue what it meant. "Okay yeah so... Wait here after class for me. I don't care how late I am. Do not leave," Damien said sternly outside of the door, "And be careful," he said before walking off. 'Be careful?' I thought confused, but simply shrugged my shoulders.

I looked around the class for someone I knew, but saw no one which made me frown as I took a seat at the back of the class laying my head on my hands on the desk as I looked around at the others. Most of the people were talking with someone else or preoccupied by SOMETHING. I was bored... For once I didn't feel like drawing and it was just... Bleh. I actually wanted class to start.

Suddenly I felt the desk shift as someone took a seat next to me. I moved my eyes glancing at him for a moment and I had to say he was gorgeous! Although basically everyone in this school, but me was... He had rich dark brown hair that was cut in layers and had a lot of edge cuts. His eyes were a pretty, but a weird shade of purple, he had fair skin and that was all I could really see about him from my position.

"Hey... I'm Zeke," the boy introduced himself to me. I heard an odd accent from him. I couldn't quite pinpoint it, but sounded really interesting and I liked it. He looked at me curiously and I kind of just took my glance away from him staring down at my desk, for some reason feeling embarrassed to tell him that I was mute.

"Okay class, shut the fuck up and listen," a young looking man with blonde hair said as he stood at the front of the room, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He really didn't even look old enough to be a teacher and yet immediately the room was quiet. I stared at the teacher slightly wide eyed. He grabbed a pen and a list from the desk and looked around the class checking something off on the list and constantly looking back. His green eyes suddenly landed on me and I started having a panic attack inside, no idea why, but this teacher scared the shit out of me.

"Are you Elizabetta?" He asked boredly nodding his head towards me. I meekly nodded my head. He rolled his eyes letting out an annoyed sigh. "I guess I'm going to have to get you caught up... Well I am your teacher Professor Evans, though I hope you aren't too much of a dumbshit and figured that out already, and if you looked at your schedule you probably figured out that you are in Veneficus scientia." I looked at him confuse and began writing onto a piece of paper. 'Pardon me what?' He walked over to me and grabbed the paper. He looked over the three neatly written words before crumpling up the paper into a ball and throwing it into the garbage. "If you want to ask something, say it. You will not disrespect me by deciding you don't want to talk to me. "He stated simply.

I didn't to give out that I was mute already and I just dropped my head on the desk. "Very well then," I heard him mutter. It sounded like he was walking away and I was just frustrated and embarrassed now. Next thing I knew I felt something hit the back of my head hard followed by the voice of my 'lovely' teacher. "Head up." My head shot up automatically and I heard a couple chuckles from through the room. Well I know what class I'd be happy to miss.

I kept my head up during the class though I was staring down as I listened to Professor Evans begin his lecture. When I glanced to the side I noticed Zeke with a blank expression on his face as he boredly looked forward though it didn't look like he was really looking at anything in particular, I actually thought I could see some anger behind his eyes. His eyes suddenly flew in my direction and I automatically turned my eyes back to the ground.

"ELIZABETTA! Would you fucking pay attention to this class instead of staring at Zeke? Considering the fact that you don't even know what the fuck this class is I'd listen up!" I heard laughs come from around the room and Zeke looking at me curiously for a second. I looked at Evans, yeah I don't care enough to add Professor every fucking time I think of his name. Oh great, his cursing is contagious. "So now that I have your attention I'd like to inform you that you need to go and take Latin or you will fail this class, since basically everything you are going to read and say will be in Latin. So this class, since you don't even know that much Latin," he let out an annoyed sigh, "Is basically the knowledge of magical sciences. I take it you aren't very good at this either since you didn't know what it was, are you?" I simply shook my head. "Ugh. Okay Zeke find out what she can do. If you don't manage to find out anything by the end of class you both get zeros understand?" I nodded my head, but I didn't see Zeke's response.

"Okay, well get started. Now for the rest of you..." I tuned him out as Zeke lightly tapped my shoulder causing me to jump. "Hey calm down," he said in a soft voice looking at me worriedly. "Okay so... Is there anything at all you know about magic?" I shook my head, but then stopped and nodded my head lightly as I grabbed another piece of paper beginning to write. 'Well it sometimes has runes right?' His eyes moved to the side towards the paper seeming to read over the words. "Why are you writing I down?" He asked me instead answering to what I wrote. I stared at him for a moment biting my lip, but my mouth slowly opened as I began to calm down as I continued to look him in his beautiful purple eyes.

"Aw, it's okay if you're mute. That isn't a problem for me." He said all of a sudden smiling lightly. My eyebrows furrowed confused, but I still had trouble looking away from his eyes. "His hands went through my hair as he continued to smile at me gently, "I am a Fang Viewer darling. To put it simply I can see many things about you simply by looking at you. Don't worry though I am only finding out the things I need to know about you. Like the fact that you're mute." I had never heard of what he was, but he didn't seem harmful. He seemed so nice. I just nodded my head smiling at him.

"I wonder though why you are in this class if you don't know anything about magic. Not everyone is able to do magic and Munnies [Authors Note: Just to clarify it is pronounced Moo- nee] usually aren't able to do magic either." He said seeming to try and contemplate why I was there as he looked away from me. I was confused though about what a 'Munnie' was and I planned to ask, as I began to write on to the paper 'What is a Munnie?'

"Ah, I am terribly sorry it is my peoples' word for human. Us Fang Viewer's have our own language, but learn other languages once we get a bit older." I simply nodded now thinking that was interesting. Suddenly the bell rang. Shit. "Elizabetta, Zeke zero." Evans said from over his shoulder. First day, second class I already have a zero. Joy.

"Don't worry about it I'll make sure we fix that grade soon, and considering the fact that this is your first day I doubt you know how to get to your next class?" Zeke asked. I shook my head scratching the back of my head. He smiled, "Well let me just see your schedule okay?" I nodded my head pulling it out of my pocket. He gently took it from me opening up the folded paper looking over it. I noticed his finger going in circles around a corner of it, most likely a subconscious habit. He folded the paper back up handing it back to me.

"Well then let's go," he then smiling brightly taking my hand into his as we began to walk down the hall. My hand felt so warm, and... Safe? In his. We began to turn the corner when someone ran into us causing me to fall back, my hand slipping out of Zeke's. His hand suddenly grabbed my arm though his other one coming behind my back causing me to fall. He gripped my hand tightly again. "What the fuck move out the way!" The person yelled. He suddenly stopped and my eyes focused as I saw who it was. Damien.

He stared at me for a moment and then at Zeke. "What the fuck Elizabetta?! Didn't I tell you to wait for me, and I am pretty sure that I specifically said do not-"He suddenly stopped. I looked at him wondering why he stopped and then I noticed that his eyes fell on mine and Zeke's intertwined hands. He looked back up at us glaring at me. "Come on I need to get you to our next class." He growled roughly pulling me away from Zeke.

"Umm pardon me, but I was about to help her, and I am perfectly capable," Zeke said a poisonous edge coming from his words, something I hadn't seen come from him. "Deal with it." Damien said turning around dragging me behind him. I just turned waving to Zeke, before I was pulled away to my next class.

So what do you think of Zeke? And Professor Evans? xD Who do you like better Zeke or Damien? I want to try and post more often :]. Tell me what you think darlings <3

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Just random stories that I started and I never decided to finish. Feel free to browse through, and maybe encourage me to continue? ^_^