By kemrez

10.5K 568 56

♧ COMPLETED ▪︎ Chapter Count: 39 + Epilogues From an omniscient view, we follow Sam'Riyah Parker, the best ba... More

Omniscient 1 ◇
Omniscient 2 ◇
Omniscient 3 ◇
Omniscient 4 ◇
Omniscient 5 ◇
Omniscient 7 ◇
Omniscient 8 ◇
Omniscient 9 ◇
Omniscient 10 ◇
Omniscient 11 ◇
Omniscient 12 ◇
Omniscient 13 ◇
Omniscient 14 ◇
Omniscient 15 ◇
Omniscient 16 ♡
Omniscient 17 ♡
Omniscient 18 ♡
Omniscient 19 ♡
Omniscient 20 ♡
Omniscient 21 ♡
Omniscient 22 ♡
Omniscient 23 ♡
Omniscient 24 ♡
Omniscient 25 ♡
Omniscient 26 ♡
Omniscient 27 ♡
Omniscient 28 ♡
Omniscient 29 ♡
Omniscient 30 ♤
Omniscient 31 ♤
Omniscient 32 ♤
Omniscient 33 ♤
Omniscient 34 ♤
Omniscient 35 ♤
Omniscient 36 ♤
Omniscient 37 ♤
Omniscient 38 ♤
Omniscient 39 ♤
♧ Epilogue I ♧
♧ Epilogue II ♧
♧ Epilogue III ♧

Omniscient 6 ◇

274 17 1
By kemrez

Chapter 6- Pretend.

Two weeks have passed and Sam was on high alert, worried.
She tried to push it away and hide it from those she was around, especially little Riley.

Riley now made frequent visits to the bakery and kept her company while she worked, whether baking or book keeping. Jeremiah would pick up Riley when the bakery was close to closing and she was grateful for that because she wasn't alone when locking the bakery and in return for their unknowing help, she always had a dessert/pastry for the two.

"Angel how do you swirl?" Riley asked.

"It's quite simple actually and will seem like nothing as soon as you get used to it. Come, let me show you." Sam got a bare cupcake, stood behind Riley and showed her the simple technique of swirls.

She got the hang of it somewhat, it was good for her age. She allowed her to do some for herself.

"Angel, can I tell you a secret? You have to promise you will not tell anyone though," Riley said, stopping her swirls.

Sam finished her last swirl and got the sprinkles and flakes.

"Yes you can and I promise." Sam fist bumped Riley as a seal of their secret.

"So, I do not know my mommy and I do not know my daddy. I see others at school with their mommy and daddy. It makes me real sad, Angel." Riley pouted.

Sam sighed. She felt that for Riley.

"It's gonna' be okay. You have a whole family with you," Sam said, embracing Riley.

"I know but it isn't the same without mommy and daddy," Riley said.

Sam nodded. It was true. It is hard for Riley to grow up without parents. Sam did not want to imagine what it would be like without her parents (despite recent circumstances).

"That's true," Sam said.

"Hey wanna play a game that doesn't end?" Riley asked.

"What game is that?"

"You be my pretend mommy until my real mommy comes," Riley replied.

Sam paused. Where was this little girl's mother?

"How exactly do I pretend to be your mommy?"

"I know you don't live with me but it's easy. Just tell me you love me everyday, play with me, hug me and always make cupcakes!" Riley exclaimed.

Sam laughed.

"I think I can do that and even if your real mommy shows up, I'll still do all those things," Sam said.

She put the cupcakes in storage and then began to clean up so she could go home. It was past the lock up time and Jeremiah wasn't there yet. She didn't bother to call him. She could just bring Riley home herself.

"Are you done washing your hands Riley?" Sam yelled.

"Yea, I-" Riley screamed.

Sam got alerted and ran around to the bathroom.

"Riley are you okay?"

"Yes sorry Angel. A moth just flew through the window and scared me," Riley said.

Sam sighed in relief.

Jeremiah got caught up with a patient and so he was late for Riley. It still puzzled him how Riley got attached to Sam so quickly. Everyone liked the woman, even though she was not the social butterfly and was so silent that Jeremiah wished Leah could be like that sometimes.

He pulled up and saw Sam closing the bakery. He got out to help her.

"Hey sorry I'm late. I was caught up at work with a patient," Jeremiah said.

"Jer!" Riley exclaimed hugging him.

"Hey Riles!" He hauled her up and put her to sit on his shoulders.

"Hey it's no problem. I was gonna bring her home anyway. I was actually gonna' text you after I closed this place and tell you you didn't have to come," Sam said.

Jeremiah smiled.

"Well here I am. Now you don't have to go out of your way and do that," He said.

They started walking to Sam's car.

"It wasn't out of my way, Jeremiah. If I didn't want to do it, I would not. You have a lot to learn about me. Now here you go, two large muffins for you, blueberry and banana, the ones you love. Riley has her cupcakes," Sam said.

Jeremiah took the muffins and smiled.

"Thanks. Keep em' coming," Jeremiah said.

Sam rolled her eyes.

"Give me this baby girl." She took Riley off Jeremiah's shoulders.

She hugged Riley in her arms wishing her "Goodnight" then gave her back to Jeremiah.

"Goodnight Jeremiah," Sam said.

"Goodnight Sam'Riyah," Jeremiah said.

Sam scoffed at her full name as she got in her car. Jeremiah walked off to his car, putting in Riley and then got in himself. Sam started up seeing they were safe in the car and started her journey. They were going the same way basically so Jeremiah would be behind her, the whole time. She didn't mind. It was better than a stalker.

Sam made it home. She was tired and just wanted to sleep. She was preparing to take a shower, when her phone rang. It was her father.

Jace: Apple?
: Yes dad?
Jace: Are you okay?
: Yes, I am. Is there a problem? You don't usually call me this late to ask if I'm okay.
Jace: Just due to recent events. I'm getting very far up in age and stress keeps piling up with it.
: Dad, I'm worried. I'm terrified. I'm trying to be sane throughout this but it isn't really something I can do. I cannot just pretend to be okay about all of this.
Jace: I believe all things are gonna work for good. Anything that happens, just happens. Okay?
: If that's what you believe. Sure.
Jace: Sam'Riyah, I'm serious. Don't put too much on yourself. It's going to be okay.

Sam straightened up at her full name. Her father really wanted her to forget about everything and move on. She was not supposed to be dragged in this anyway.

: Okay dad.
Jace: Sleep well apple. I love you.
: I love you too.

The phone call ended and tears came to Sam's eyes. She has never cried in so long but the thought that she could lose her dad or worse, because of some stupid thug sh't, hit her. She wiped her tears, blocking out the emotions and continued her nightly routine. It was gonna be hard to sleep but it is what it is.

Jeremiah sat at the bar in his kitchen, looking at some paperwork and eating the muffin Sam made. Her blueberry and banana muffins were heaven to Jeremiah. He needed her to teach him how to make these.

Leah came down.

"Are you coming to b- Seriously Jeremiah?" Leah snapped.

Jeremiah rolled his eyes. It's always, if not, most times, when he is doing his work that Leah decides to do the most.

"What's the problem now?"

"Is that a healthy muffin?" Leah asked.

"What? I don't know, I just got it," Jeremiah replied.

"You are down here, scoffing down some big ass muffins that's probably loaded with unhealthy stuff," Leah said.

"Do you want me to eat leaves all day?! Come on now, I'm trying to hurry and look on some paperwork so that I can come to bed and you're worried about muffins?" Jeremiah shook his head in disbelief.

"Whatever Jeremiah. You're gonna wish you listened to me!" Leah started up the stairs.

"I'm healthy. If would be very ironic if I had this job and not be. I workout and I eat normal. I do not see your problem but go on," Jeremiah said, taking a bite out of the muffin.

Leah came and grabbed the untouched banana muffin, crumbling it then threw it in the bin.

"Leah! What the-" Jeremiah gave her a look.

"Goodnight Jeremiah!" Leah walked off.

She was testing his sanity. Even though Leah and Jeremiah have been in a relationship for quite a while, she has never witnessed the wrong side.

Jeremiah calmed himself down, thanks to some anger management. He finished going through his paperwork and pretended he did not want to go up and strangle Leah in her sleep. She was a very moody person, who could switch up in seconds and Jeremiah understood that but there is a limit to everything. He was slowly over it with Leah.

~KemrezM 💋

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