Purgatory of the Werewolf - T...

By brianference

14.5K 1.4K 355

When troubled and timeless Dorian Gray mysteriously survives being eaten alive, he is given a second chance a... More

Copyright & Prologue
Chapter 1 - A Fresh Start
Chapter 2 - The Crime Scene Part 1
Chapter 2 - The Crime Scene Part 2
Chapter 3 - New Abilities
Chapter 4 - Lady Helena Part 1
Chapter 4 - Lady Helena Part 2
Chapter 5 - An Escape Plan
Chapter 6 - The Full Moon
Chapter 7 - H.M.S. Victory Part 1
Chapter 7 - H.M.S. Victory Part 2
Chapter 8 - The Demeter Part 1
Chapter 8 - The Demeter Part 2
Chapter 9 - Van Helsing Part 1
Chapter 9 - Van Helsing Part 2
Chapter 10 - The Demon Eye Part 1
Chapter 10 - The Demon Eye Part 2
Chapter 10 - The Demon Eye Part 3
Chapter 11 - A Sea Voyage Part 1
Chapter 11 - A Sea Voyage Part 2
Chapter 12 - Undetermined Cause of Death
Chapter 13 - The House of the Dead
Chapter 14 - Rendezvous With The French Fleet
Chapter 15 - Hong Kong Harbor Part 1
Chapter 15 - Hong Kong Harbor Part 2
Chapter 16 - The Battle of Canton Part 1
Chapter 16 - The Battle of Canton Part 2
Chapter 17 - The Hunter's Moon Part 1
Chapter 17 - The Hunter's Moon Part 2
Chapter 17 - The Hunter's Moon Part 3
Chapter 18 - The Fall of Canton Part 1
Chapter 18 - The Fall of Canton Part 2
Chapter 19 - The Hunt Part 1
Chapter 19 - The Hunt Part 2
Chapter 20 - Yuexiu Forest Part 1
Chapter 20 - Yuexiu Forest Part 2
Chapter 20 Yuexiu Forest - Part 3
Chapter 21 - James Patrick McDonaugh
Chapter 23 - The Valley of Zhagjiawan
Chapter 24 - The Battle of Tongzhou Part 1
Chapter 24 - The Battle of Tongzhou Part 2
Chapter 25 - The Oakwood of South Wales Part 1
Chapter 25 - The Oakwood of South Wales Part 2
Chapter 26 - The Forbidden City
Chapter 27 - The Spell of Making Part 1
Chapter 27 - The Spell of Making Part 2
Chapter 28 - The Blood Moon Part 1
Chapter 28 - The Blood Moon Part 2
Chapter 28 - The Blood Moon Part 3

Chapter 22 - A Walk in the Forest

158 27 5
By brianference

From the night he had saved her father's life on, Shen had softened towards Dorian. As Feng continued to heal, the two worked the fields together, laughing and talking as she continued his lessons in Chinese with a newfound kindness and patience.

Where she had been coarse towards Dorian, she was now gentle. Where she had been spiteful, she was now generous. Shen insisted that Dorian sleep in the instead of with the pigs. He had taken her room, while Shen slept in her father's room as she cared for his wounds. The old warrior had slept fitfully for the first few nights. His fever had finally broken and the bandaged lacerations were now healing under Shen's watchful eye.

Dorian and Shen were suddenly alone together from sunrise until they finished their meal in the evenings. Feng fell into a deep sleep after his daughter fed him a mixture of broth and shaojiu to dull the pain. Finally resting comfortably, Shen suggested the two let him sleep and go for a walk in the night air.

The pale moonlight was dazzling as it wove among the bamboo trees and lit their path in front of them. They had walked a long way from the farm when Dorian suddenly knew that something was wrong. Shen became terrified of him and he could not understand why. "Shen? What is it?"

He tried to reassure her that she was safe, but she only backed away from him with a look of fear in her eyes. "Stay away from me!"

Dorian's thoughts were sluggish. He was appalled that she thought he meant to hurt her. "What do you mean? Shen, I love you. You are safe with me."

But she only screamed in terror. He reached out to take her in his arms, but his hands were slick with blood–Dorian awoke with a start.

He looks outside and sees that the moon is not full. It was all a terrible dream. His heart is still racing with fear. He needed to leave. Soon. Before his dream became a reality and the beast inside him regained control and killed Feng and Shen.

Wordlessly, Dorian rose and began gathering food and clothing. The wheat planting was finally finished as he had promised. Now he must put as much distance as possible between himself and the farm.

"Wake up, Wàiguó rén. I thought we could go for a swim this morning now that the planting is—." She cut off at the sight of Dorian's half-packed bag. "You are leaving?"

Dorian's shame over his cowardice kept his eyes locked on the floor. "Shen, I..."

"You weren't even going to say goodbye?" She interrupted him with pleading eyes.

Dorian dropped his bag to the floor and moved closer to her. "I wanted to. I was afraid of hurting you. It is time I rejoin the army. We both know I could not stay here forever. Wishing it otherwise is nothing more than a fantasy."

The look of death that every woman holds in her arsenal passed over her face like a cloud. "Fine. Leave. Your usefulness was long since gone."

"Shen, you don't mean that. I am sorry. Could we still part as...friends?" Dorian lifted his hands as if to move to embrace her.

Shen burst into tears and ran outside crying.

Feng appeared in time to watch his daughter's flight. "I take it you are leaving us?"

Dorian bowed his head. "I thought it good timing with the planting done and you fully recovered."

Feng returned the bow. "Are you sure you cannot stay until the harvest? Your strength would be useful and my daughter and I have grown very fond of your company."

Dorian considered for a moment before shaking his head slowly. "I am sorry, but I must return to the army. I have been gone for far too long already."

Feng nodded and strode to his room, reappearing a moment later with his bow in his hand. "Please, take this with you for protection. It is the least I can offer in thanks for saving my life."

Dorian's eyes moistened at the gesture from the greying old warrior. He spoke formally, "Nǐ zūnzhòng wǒ, dàn wǒ bìxū jùjué. Wǒ bù huì jiāng wǔqì cóng tā de wǔqì huò qí nǚ'ér zhōng fēnlí chūlái—You honor me, but I must decline. I would not part a warrior from his weapon or his daughter from its protection."

That brought a smile to Feng's lips. "You have learned well. I will tell my daughter of your dedication to her teachings. She will miss you. Know that you will always be welcome here."

The two men clasped arms as soldiers would and parted ways. When he had reached the seclusion of the bamboo forest, he paused to look back at the farm. These last few weeks had been the most peaceful and happy days of his life. A tear fell from his eye at the thought of leaving Shen. But he cared for her too deeply to endanger her life further.

After a long moment, he turned away and began walking. An arrow cut across his path and sunk into the ground. "Feng, I..."

Shen burst out from behind a tree. "I have been learning to shoot. She discarded her functional but obviously self-made bow and walked directly up to Dorian.

Dorian put his bag on the earth. "Shen, I am so glad you came back to say goodbye."

She slapped him with such force that he felt his skin vibrate in pain. Before he could defend himself, Shen leaned in and began to kiss him fiercely. The two melted together in an embrace that expressed all of their pent up frustration and desire.

Dorian put a stop to things before reaching the point of no return. "Shen, I must go. It isn't safe for you if I stay here."

Shen reluctantly released him. Some of the coldness returned in her gaze, but the warmth from his touch had planted a seed of emotion that could no longer be cooled. "I will try to understand. First, you must tell me your real name. Promise me that you will return when it is safe to."

Dorian kissed her once more, long and hard. "My name is Dorian Gray. I promise you that I will one day return. You will remain in my heart until I do."    

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