That Summer Crush (#wattys201...

By theemmydiaries

438 70 52

It's the same thing each summer. Two weeks of physical attraction and obsessiveness over "A Guy." The Same gu... More

Meet the Cast
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter One

47 8 12
By theemmydiaries

                              "She doesn't understand!" I scream as I lean back in the car against the leather seat. "She thinks that I go to this vacation for Bobby. FYI – I don't. Am I not allowed to have an assortment of clothing for my vacation?"

Cece turns her head towards me in the back and gives me a slim smile. Then she takes a sip of her Iced Caramel Macchiato, before returning her gaze. "Because she's your mom. You pack way too much for 7 days of being at the pool or the beach. Some begin to wonder what your true motives are. I love you E, but you have to admit that the evidence doesn't do you any good."

There she goes again. Putting her lawyer ways onto anyone and everyone that will listen. Granted she's smart, but she doesn't need to make me feel bad about my life choices. Yeah, I tend to pack more than the normal everyday girl and maybe it has to do with Bobby – but I like to look nice on vacation! Cece just needs to put being a Lawyer on the back burner for at least two weeks and then she can resume after my vacation. Ugh, I can hear her just nagging me about my life choices and blah, blah, blah!

                                 "Are you even listening, Hoffy? See this is another reason your mother thinks you do whatever it is that you do there out of spite of your siblings; and because you're trying to impress Bobby. It's never going to be a thing, so you might as well just stop while you're ahead." Says Cece as she turns the car off and pushes her driver side door open. "Now, let's go do some retail shopping."

Hopping out of the car, I notice Poppy on the bench just kicking her foot waiting for us. As soon as she spots us, she dashes over and wham – it's a huge hugging fest.



                                   "Are we talking about Bobby again?"

                                  "You know she is." Interjects Bea as she smiles and sips on her coffee.

                                "It's about how her mom thinks she packs way too much for 7 days." States Desi before she plants herself onto the hood of the car.

                                "And she doesn't like hearing our thoughts on it. It's a shame..." begins Cece before she pauses mid-sentence to see the new baseball transfer, Jacob Jennings entering the mall. "I'll be right back. Don't let her concoct any crazy ideas!

                                 "We won't. Go get em' tiger!" slyly says Maggie as she throws her coffee in the trash. "So, what exactly is your plan of attack this year? Wear countless bikinis and swimsuits until he notices? Dress up and have the perfect selfie? Go down to Portland's Vintage Shop? Actually enjoy the vacation?"

Maggie is right. She just keeps it real and tells it how it is. That's why I like her. When a girl was bullying me in second grade for having braces; she went up to the guy and said, "Don't you dare mess with a tiny human! You're going to squander her. Pick on someone your own size or tell her you like her. It's not that hard." Let's just say...she became super smart and popular after that and I never had to worry about being called "brace-face" again. She's my rock in a sea of unsteadiness. Ooh, Portland's Vintage Shop... I should definitely check that place out.


                                      "Hoffy! You're like the most sought after volleyball player in the US. Just because you don't get this guy doesn't mean you won't get the next guy. Be patient. Your time will come."

                                       "Volleyball won't get me very far. That's why I am going to school to become..." I begin before she slams her hands against my lips and I lick her hand. "Don't you dare say it, Hoffy? You were never meant to do some silly mediocre job such as a psychologist. Sigmund Freud was one thing – but you were born to be even more extraordinary. Travel the world. Build your memories. Make a name for yourself."

Wrapping my arm around her neck, I lean in for a side hug and say, "I know." Then we daintily walk into the mall and go retail shopping. Papaya was having a sale and my eyes went big; just like in the Snapchat filters.

After about thirty minutes in, we all meet up and decide to grab some food and talk about our summer plans some more. I was itching for Tropical Smoothie and their California flatbread and a rocking raspberry smoothie. Uh, this the thought of this was making me salivate like a dog; just like in Pavlov's experiments with canines. I move my hair behind my ear and pull out my phone to check to see if I had any notifications and I had none. Sadly, I was okay with that and I can just carry on my day prior to my wonderful vacation.

                                   "Hungry?" questions Maggie as she pokes my stomach and smiles her cunning smile. What would I do without her? She tells me what she is thinking and doesn't care if it offends you.

                                   "Yeah. I was thinking Tropical Smoothie."

                                   "I'm game. You thought we ditched you guys, didn't you?" laughed Cece as she pulled her purse around and sat down at the table. "I didn't mean to run was just Jacob Jennings." Should I be upset at her? She's always complaining and criticizing me and my choices – but when it comes to her...the rules don't apply. Cece can date about any guy she wants and no one sees anything wrong with that. Me on the other hand – well I get thrown in the dog house. It's so messed up that she can be boy crazy over like five guys and counting; but I can't like just one guy. She hogs the spotlight! When is it going to be my turn? Like seriously?

                              "Let's go get food before our stomachs decide to disown us." I exclaim as I pick my purse up and swing it over my head and walk towards the semi-large line. It was always packed. Probably because of how delicious the food and drinks are?! We finish eating and just sit at the table staring down at the ground as we all try to figure out what to say next. Shocking that Cece hasn't taken this time to bore us to death with details on her confrontation with Jacob Jennings.

                          "So? What's the plan this summer?" I ask as I take a sip of my smoothie and stare at the group. Cece had curly, brown hair with tan skin; Maggie had blonde hair and soothing eyes. Bea had long, wavy blonde hair with jet blue eyes. Desi has beautiful dark hair that pairs perfectly with her dark skin. That's my friends in a nut shell. Want a better identifier? Cece is the leader and Maggie is the Brain. Bea is the compassionate one and Desi is the princess. Where do I fit in? I'm the athlete of course.

                      "I'm interning for Simon & Welch Law firm come next week." Says Cece as she pushes up from the table and walks over to toss her smoothie in the trash; before whipping her brown hair over her shoulder for the cute brunette sitting two tables away. I take that back. She's the Dramatic One as well as the leader.

                    "I got the internship at the magazine. Granted I want to be an English teacher, but I will take all the experience I can get. At the end of the summer, I get to have an article printed in the magazine. Super stoked!" exclaims Bea as she passes her phone around to show the email amongst us all. I'm truly happy for her and wish her all the best of luck. She deserves it.

                     "Well I'm partaking in a relief program in Belize. We're helping to make sure that they have clean water, clothes, and food. After the earthquake and flood that hit about three weeks ago; my teacher recommended me. Its great experience, like Bea was saying, because the end result is that I want to be: an emergency management specialist. That's why I am in school. Maggie? Hoffy? Poppy? How about you guys?" smiles Desi as she shifts in her seat.

Everyone has a plan. They all know what they want to be. I on the other hand am sort of stuck. Yes, I love psych, but I don't want to settle for less. Poppy's right – being a psychologist is pretty mediocre. Don't get me wrong – I give props to people in that profession, but I don't believe that I have the calling. Cece is off to become the best lawyer you've ever known. Bea wants to be a 1st grade teacher and Desi wants to help the world. How about me? I could go into sports medicine or be a news anchor or be a photographer. I have to declare my major by August. Deep down, I knew what I wanted to do and that me being an athlete helps with it. Surely, my friends will be shocked. I also knew that I wanted to help people, not only athletes.

               "Oh. I'm tutoring children this summer. Then if I get good reviews, I will be able to shadow a teacher by August for a month. Not only that, I will be able to do it multiple times. Also I decided to write a book. How hard can it be? Kylie and Kendall did it. I can do it. Put words on paper and make it work. Besides that, you can find me at the beach with a wine cooler." Says Maggie as she looks over to me; knowing I was having a hard time. Not a physical hard time, but a mental one. Granted I am a well sought after volleyball player, but that will only get me so far.

               "Nice. Very cool. I just published a paper for the American Psychology Association. My plans this summer is to figure out what kind of psychologist I want to be. I'm thinking forensic or developmental psychologist; but I'll be relaxing and headed to Amsterdam within a week. It seems like we all are being successful towards our goals." Says Poppy as she stands up and prepares to leave. "That only leaves you, Everly. What are you plans this summer?"

I had to think long and hard on what to say. No, I couldn't just blurt out that my future is basically undecided just like my major. That I have no freaking idea what I want to do after college; I mean I do...but I don't. Should I tell them what I plan to do next week at my resort? The plan dealing with Bobby Tomlinson? Maybe. They're going to spit out what is left of their drink and think I have officially hit rock bottom. What do I have to lose?

Shifting in my seat, I look at them and take a deep breath. "I will be deciding on a major this summer. I am between Sports Medicine, Psychology, or Criminology. One of my dream jobs is to be a first line supervisor of police and detectives. It seems like I would never have a dull moment and I'm the perfect fit. It would be considered Criminal Justice. I'm volunteering down at the precinct this summer. Besides that, I have vowed that not only will I choose a major, but I will find a way to make my crush on Bobby something more. This summer will be different. I will try and hopefully to become his girlfriend." I said as I stood up and walked out of the mall.

They all scurried after me like little mice with the intention of trying to stop me. Well, sorry to burst your bubbles, but I have made up my mind and I am sticking to the plan. You all want me to do something crazy and well...this is crazy.

                     "Everly Grace Hoffman! Stop walking away!" screamed Cece.

                      "Have you gone mad?" questioned Bea as she sits down on the bench; and stares intently at me.

                      "When I said do something a little daring...I never meant this. Are you sure? Hoffy?! Look at me. Are you okay with the chance that the outcome will not be favorable? This isn't the bachelorette." Exclaims Maggie as she just stands there with one hand on her hip and the other on her face.

                      "You cannot be serious? Hoffy?" probes Desi.

                       "No. This is crazy. You are crazy. Listen, it'll never work! You're pulling our chain, aren't you? Right? Everly, answer me?!" asks Poppy as she stands right beside me.

                       "You wanted to know my plan. I told you. I'm sorry that you don't think I can charm my way through this coming week and get a boyfriend. I am doing this whether the outcome is favorable or not. Got it! Okay. I have to go finish packing, so could you drop me off at my house. I leave bright and early in the morning."

The car ride was quiet. Unusually quiet. It was because of me. I said something quite extraordinarily insane and they don't know how to handle it.

So what? It's my life. I know what I want and I'm going for it.

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