Where Do Broken Hearts Go (Ni...

By sarahkiley

14.4K 640 513

"These songs are deep." He spun me around once before bringing me close to his chest, our faces barley touch... More

.twenty one.
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.thirty one.
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.fourty. (Part One)
.fourty. (Part two)
.fourty one.
Authors Note
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.fourty five.


313 12 23
By sarahkiley

|Sarah's P. O. V|

My heels clicked against the floor as I rushed to find my purse. Niall was waiting down stairs for me, saying little comments how I take forever. He of course was joking, but I hated making people wait forever.

I scanned the bathroom, hoping I left it in there when I got back with Aspen from shopping. Usually I have a tendency of forgetting where I leave things, right now was one of those moments. Reaching the rather large bathroom in my bedroom, there laid my black purse.

"Here you are." I spoke to the object, snatching it up quickly before making my way to the stairs. At the bottom waited my handsome boyfriend in a tux, studying the wall which held scattered photos of various people. He must of heard my heels clicking down the wooden stairs because he began to turn around.

"Finally, I thought-- oh shit my girlfriend is gorgeous." Niall's jaw dropped as he looked me down head to toe. I'm used to those compliments, but every time I hear them I get red and an instant smile forms on my face. Reaching the bottom of the steps, I take his hand which he was holding out.

"And my boyfriend is so handsome," I smiled up at him, never wanting to look away from his beauty. Niall also smiled down at me as his hands touched all around my body. He began to lean in, but I had to stop him. "Lipstick." He hated when I wore lipstick because he could never kiss me until after we were done and back home.

Niall rolled his eyes and sighed, "Well I guess I'll just have to kiss somewhere else." He said, bringing his head down so his lips could reach my exposed neck. As Niall left soft and gentle kisses, I giggled.

"Niall, that tickles." I laughed, pushing him away. He gave me a pout, but quickly got over it once he looked at his watch.

"We gotta go babe, reservations were an hour ago." After he said this, my heart dropped instantly feeling bad for missing the reservations.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't know I was taking that long." I admitted as he pulled me out of our shared house in California. Everything- when I say everything I mean the plan Aspen and I had changed. Instead of moving in together, Niall and I bought a house and Aspen and Louis bought a house. It changed once Aspen told Louis she was pregnant and it was quite interesting to see Louis hoping right on the dad train, wanting to start a new life with Aspen. That was almost nine months ago, Aspen is ready to pop anytime now.

Anyways, after graduation Niall and I spent the night together. Myself apologizing a ton and explaining myself. All Niall did was listen, telling me things were going to get better. Then we talked about his hiatus with the boys and he explained to me how perfect everything was timed out. How him and I were ready to start new again, and how Aspen was pregnant. That was when we decided to move in together.

Shopping for a house was almost too perfect. Every time Niall and I would enter a different room he'd say what he would do to me in there. I'd giggle and the realtor would give us weird looks. We probably looked at three houses before we decided on the first house we looked at. It was a safe distance away from the road so paparazzi couldn't take pictures of us swimming in the pool. This really big house was located in the mountains- a beautiful area I might add. The amount Niall (he told me I can help pay for bills to make me feel better) paid for this was way out of the budget that Aspen and I would ever spend. But it went the same way with Aspen, Louis and her bought a really big house- kid friendly of course.

These houses we were now living in were the type of houses we wish we'd had when we were little. Now we are living our dream with our dream men.

Once Niall and I got out our front door, he already had his car pulled up so we could both hop in right away. We've been dating for nine months and he still opens the door for me. Shooting him a smile, he shut my door and jogged over to the drivers side.

"Ya ready?" He questioned, buckling up and I nodded, grabbing my seatbelt.

"Let's go."

The plan was to go to this really fancy restaurant... like really fancy for our anniversary. Yes, we are one of the very many couples who celebrate our month anniversary. I guess we are just happy at how far we've grown together.

Both of us sat in silence, the radio filling the non-awkward space between us. Niall's hand rested on mine as he drove down the road to the city. We were probably about a minute away from our house before the heart dropping red and blue lights pulled up behind us.

"What the fuck?" Niall cursed, checking his speed. I did also, groaning at the Annoying siren. Niall was going 48 in a 35, usually he doesn't speed, but for some reason he just was. Maybe because we were late?

"Just great." I rolled my eyes as Niall pulled to the side of the road.

"I'm so sorry Sarah." He said while pulling out some papers in the glove compartment. I told him it was fine, it's not like we haven't been pulled over before. Shortly the cop got out of his car and Niall began to roll down the window.

This cop looked around Niall and i's age. He was pretty attractive, I won't deny that, but this cop had a strictly business face.

"Sir, do you realize how fast you were going?" Just expecting this to be a normal conversation, my heart dropped once Niall began to freak out at the man.

"Sir, do you know who I am? I'm Niall fucking Horan." Niall's outburst shocked me, and I was about to say something, but the cop was quicker.

"Please get out of the car sir." The cop commanded and right away my heart began to pound faster. Watching Niall, he didn't look to happy. I knew him too well and he looked like he was about to burst again.

"No fucking way, I basically own this whole area." Niall's refusal made the cop very angry, and in seconds he was opening our car door to drag Niall out onto the ground. My eyes merely popped out of my head.

"Niall listen to him!" I choked out not wanting my boyfriend to get hurt and get sent to jail for disobeying a cop. This is the last drama he needs. But Niall didn't say anything back, only began to grunt as the cop threw him in handcuffs and pushed him along back to his car.

The last thing I heard Niall say was, "Bail me out  darling." I was too stunned to move. This must of been a nightmare, Niall would have never done this in real life. Looking down at my bare legs I began to pinch myself.

"Nope this is real." I said to myself and suddenly I was brought out of my trance by the sirens speeding past me, Niall's face  pressed against the window.

"Fuck!" I screamed, a few tears falling down in the process. Instead of getting out of the car, I just hopped over the center console. The car was still started so all I did was buckle up and slam the door. I didn't bother about adjusting my seat or my mirrors. All I needed to do was bail my boyfriend out of jail.

"I swear to god it's going to be like a million dollar bail." A couple tears fell down as I made sure to do the speed limit. I figured the cop would take him to the closet jail so that's where I'm heading to.

I weaved back and forth down many streets just trying find my destination. Finally I did, and I pulled in carefully. Shutting the car off quickly, I jumped out of my seat and ran to the front door in heels. My heart was pounding out of my chest every step I took.

This wasn't right. Niall would never think of disobeying a police officer. Even if he was drunk he wouldn't.

Buzzing in to the main lobby, I was greeted with a jail cell that held my boyfriend hostage. He was dangling his head as he leaned against the bars. The same cop who pulled us over sat in the chair behind the desk.

"Well, well, well, look who's here." The man said and Niall's head snapped up. Our eyes met right away and suddenly my emotion of sadness turned into anger.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry." He pleaded, but instantly I found it bullshit.

"Why would you even do this Niall? You are so stupid to even think you could take a police officer. Were you in your right mind?" My eyebrows furrowed up and now my outburst took him by surprise.

"I don't know baby." Was all he said.

"Jesus Christ," I whispered then turned to the cop who was smirking. Not asking what his deal was, I just asked the question we have all been waiting for. "How much?"

The man smiled, really smiled hard. I wasn't sure if it was a evil smile or not. Maybe he was also a paparazzi? Going to take our life savings so this article about Niall wouldn't go out?

But I was wrong.

"All you gotta do is say yes." His answer made me confused. What the hell did he mean? But then he pointed his finger at Niall and of course I turned around.

My angry face shifted to a more shocked one as Niall was down on one knee with a glistening ring in his hands. The same smile that I've came to know and love was spread right across his face.

They set me up.

My heart pounded as I walked over to Niall who was still behind bars. Every step of the way a tear fell down my cheek. Once I was right in front of him, he said the words I wasn't expecting to hear tonight.

"Sarah Lynn O'Riley, will you marry me?"

I felt the biggest smile form across my face as tears of joy spilled out from my eyes.

"Mhm!" I cried, sticking out my shaky left hand. As Niall slid the perfect ring onto my finger, I noticed he was also shaking. Then I watched him stand up and as our eyes met he was also crying. Bringing my head closer to the bars, he leaned down and kissed me passionately.  But soon we broke away, well I broke away from him.

"Hey, sir, can you let my boyfriend out?" I looked over to the sheriff and he started laughing.

"Of course," with that I backed away so he could unlock my boyfriend from behind the bars. "Congratulations Niall Horan." The cop said, patting Niall on the back. Niall thanked him and then thanked him for helping him. The cop said it was no problem, which got me thinking that Niall most likely paid the cop.

But I didn't want to think about that, all I wanted to do was think about kissing my fiancé.

My arms wrapped around Niall's neck as his wrapped around my thighs to pick me up.  Our lips met again, smiling while kissing him was something I've gotten used to.

Once again though, I pulled away. This made Niall look at me confused.

"Why a jail?" I asked, referring to why he decided to propose to me here. It didn't bother me one bit, I just needed to know why here.

Niall looked down, myself still wrapped around him. "When I was fourteen or something I read your diary," both of us couldn't help but burst into laughter. "And it said you would want to get proposed in some crazy way.... so I made sure to make it crazy."

Niall's words blew me way.. how did I end up so lucky?

"Jesus, I love you Niall Horan." I whispered while pecking his lips.

"Christ, I love you Sarah Lynn O'Riley." He then pecked my lips. But suddenly my phone began to buzz. Looking at Niall, he let me down so I could answer whoever it was. Reading the ID it said it was Aspen.

Swiping it, I pressed my phone against my ear. "Hello?" I wasn't going to tell her right away. I needed it to be a perfect time.

"Uhh, Sarah, my water just broke and and Louis is, FUCK WHY IS IT HURTING SO BAD is taking me to the hospital right now and OWE OWE!" The phone must of been passed around because the next thing I know Louis is talking. "Hey, Sarah, I'm going to be a dad!"

"HOLY FUCK WE ARE ON OUR WAY!" I screamed excitedly before hanging up. Niall looked at me confused again and by the way I was shaking I think he could tell what was happening.

"Is Aspen having the baby?" He asked and right away I nodded. A big smile fell onto Niall's face as he grabbed my arm. Both of us said thank you again to the cop before we ran out of the police station. Niall got in the drivers side while I hopped in the passengers.

"I can't believe she's having a baby." I confessed. It still hasn't hit me yet that my best friend was going to be a mom. Niall nodded, turning every which way to get to the hospital that she has been going to.

"I can't believe that we are engaged." Niall said, and right after he said that I looked down at my hand to find the beautiful diamond he picked out. Instantly a smile formed on my face as our hands intertwined.

"I can't believe I said yes." I joked and this made both Niall and I laugh.

"So, do you like the ring?" He asked as if he was worried I didn't like it. It's not like the ring was super big and gaudy, but it wasn't small either. The ring was a perfect size.

I looked at him, but Niall didn't take his eyes off the road. But I knew that he could tell I was staring at him. "I love it," I squeezed his hand and he squeezed mine back. "But what I really can't believe is that you read my diary and always remembered that I wanted to get proposed to in a crazy way. I didn't even remember that until you told me!" If it isn't obvious, well Niall knows me better than myself.

Niall began to smile and a red tint fell upon his face. "What can I say, I was and still am obsessed with the most beautiful girl in the world."

"You want to have sex tonight, don't you?" I laughed, but his compliment really made me smile.

"Well, if you insist."


Niall whipped into the parking garage where the both of us sprinted to the hospital doors. Louis was keeping me updated and it sounded like Aspen was about to blow any second.

Once we reached the main lobby, we didn't bother with asking which level Aspen was on because Louis also texted us the level before we arrived so we wouldn't have to worry about dealing with the lady at the desk. But he also told us we couldn't be in the room while she gave birth so we would have to wait in the waiting room before everything was good.

Niall and I found the nearest elevator. I was so anxious that I must of pushed the up button twenty times. As the doors opened, both Niall and I scurried in and hit the number 3.

"This is really happening." I jumped up and down. Niall was nodding his head excitedly also. The doors opened and right before we could actually find the waiting room, I checked my phone that was in my back pocket just in case Louis texted me.

Louis: It's a boy!!! Room 548 (Sent 5 minutes ago)

My heart skipped a beat before I screeched. Niall leaned over my shoulder and fist pumped in the air.

"Oh my goodness I can't." I said as we hurried down the hall. The room numbers got higher and higher and then finally we found the room number we wanted. Both Niall and I knocked and shortly after we heard a quiet "Come in."

My hand reached for the metal handle and I came face to face with some doctors. They gave me a head nod as Niall and I walked In the room. In the corner was Louis, and in his arms was a tiny little baby. In the bed was Aspen, sweating like crazy. As we walked in farther, Aspen saw me and smiled.

"I had a baby." She said and pointed to the boy in Louis's arms. Louis smiled up at us and began to stand up. My hands reached for my mouth as I came face to face with my best friends little boy.

"He is adorable, hi little guy." I whispered, waving to the sleeping baby. Niall stood next to me, smiling very hard down at the baby.

"What's his name Lou?" Niall asked, never taking his eyes off of the baby. Louis looked at Aspen as if he wanted her to tell us. Which then she did.

"His name is Freddie, Well that's what we are going-- What the hell is on your finger?"Right away I giggled at my best friend. Bringing up my ring finger, I showed her the ring.

"Right before your water broke... well Niall proposed to me, but let's not worry about me. This is your day babe." Aspen having a baby was way more important than me getting engaged, but she must of thought differently.

"No, no, no, my best friend is getting married!" She yelled, but then suddenly she groaned in pain and moved her hand to her throat.

"Baby, you gotta stop screaming." Louis commanded, but Aspen just rolled her eyes.

"Let them hold the baby." This time Aspen commanded and Louis didn't argue. He then passed Freddie towards me and I reached out, making sure I was supporting his head. As soon as he was in my arms, I wanted to cry.

"You guys made a beautiful baby," I admitted. "Hey there Freddie, I'm your aunt Sarah and this is your uncle Niall. He's a pretty cool dude, he just proposed to me in a jail cell."

"What did you just say?" Aspen asked really confused, but I just shook my head.

"I'll tell you later, I'm having a moment with your son." And then suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Looking up to the side, I saw Niall staring at me like he needed to tell me something.

"What?" I asked nicely.

"Let's have a baby."

-Authors Note-

It doesn't feel like this book is over, but it is. For the longest time I tried writing a Niall Horan fanfic that wasn't cringy and I think I did an okay job. I feel like I've improved, but to be honest I'm just happy I got through with it.

There might of been parts that seemed random which I apologize for, but I feel like I tied everything together pretty well. But anyways, I'm not gonna be hard on myself and instead I'm just going to say, thank you.

Thank you to everyone who voted and commented.

Thank you to everyone who actually enjoyed my story.

Thank you so much for sticking around and ready my story. It means the world to me.

I really hope you liked the epilogue!!

So please vote and comment!


I'm obviously going to publish another story... I actually had this story up for a little while then took it down... but it's called Kaleb And Kimberley and it's a teen fiction about these two seniors who have always hated each other and always make bets. Kimberley bets Kaleb that she can get him to fall for her first by the end of the football/cheerleading season. So basically the book is based off of that one bet.

So it would mean the world to me if you checked that out once I had it up, but if you aren't into those kinds of books it's totally fine.

And I'm also thinking about publishing a Harry Fanfic and it's about a girl who watched her parents die and she goes in and moves into her cousin Louis' house. This is where she meets Harry who she is very attracted too and is very comfortable around. She soon learns that Harry has a terrible past as well.

So yes. If you like Harry fanfics, I will be publishing one sometime so this isn't the end of one direction fanfics from me!

Alright, well I love you guys and thank you so much for sticking through this story!


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