Match made in a boardroom

Oleh anonymousgg16

151K 3.8K 681

Rory's controlling grandmother is at it again, trying to set her up with one of Hartford's biggest playboys... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Scheming
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's note on missing chapter
Chapter 35
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 13

3.7K 101 23
Oleh anonymousgg16

Logan cringed as the sound of his cell phone woke him from his peaceful sleep.  He and Rory had come home from the party at the Gilmore estate and had spent several very enjoyable hours enjoying each other before they'd drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning.  He glanced at the beautiful woman in his arms before grabbing the phone and answering it quietly, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

"Huntzberger," he said quietly, hoping not to wake Rory.

"Logan, son, did I wake you?" Mitchum's voice boomed.

"You did, Dad," Logan sighed.

"Why are you whispering?" Mitchum inquired.  Shit, he hadn't even thought about having to have that conversation with his dad, given that he and Rory were trying to keep the elders out of the loop.

"Just trying to keep it down, Dad.  Did you need something?"

"Please tell me that you're not in bed with one of your bed bunnies, Logan," Mitchum admonished.

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now, Dad.  What did you need?" Logan asked impatiently.

"I was just calling to see if you'd made plans for November break yet."

"No, I really haven't," Logan answered uncertainly.

"Well then, I thought you should know that the family jet is available, and you and Miss Gilmore would be more than welcome to take the jet and spend some time at any of the family properties.  Your mother and I are staying here in Hartford for the holiday, so we won't be bothering you if you choose to travel."

"Am I not expected to spend Thanksgiving with the family?" Logan asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"I'm telling you that you and Miss Gilmore are welcome to get away together for the holiday.  Should you not wish to do so, we will see you at home during your break and for the holiday," Mitchum clarified.

"Sure, Dad.  I'll talk with Rory about it next time I see her," Logan answered evasively.

"Very well, son.  Now, I'll let you roll back over and enjoy the rest of your morning with whomever is warming your bed, but you'd damn sure better make sure that Rory doesn't find out," Mitchum admonished him just before hanging up the phone.

"Shit!" Logan growled as he rolled back over and snuggled into the still sleeping Rory.  He watched her as she slept in his arms, their bodies pressed together intimately.  They had been too exhausted from the prior night's amorous activities to bother with putting clothes or pajamas back on before drifting off to sleep.  As he looked at Rory, he realized that this was still a new experience for him.  He'd slept with plenty of women, but he had never once stayed until the next morning.  He would usually wait until they were asleep and sneak out as soon as he could, but that all changed with Rory Gilmore.  He should be panicking right now, but every time he'd woke up next to her he had felt nothing but contentment.

He felt Rory stirring in his arms and kissed her forehead as she rolled over towards him.

"Mmm...morning, baby," she mumbled sleepily.

"Morning, beautiful.  Want me to go grab you some coffee?"

"Soon, but not quite yet.  Right now I want you to hold me for a little while longer," she whispered.

Logan's heart melted a bit and he sighed in contentment as he pulled her closer to him.

"Did I hear one of our phones ring a little bit ago?" she asked, eyes still not open.

"Yeah, it was my dad," Logan answered.

"Everything okay?" she asked.  Logan had told her all about his sometimes-rocky relationship with his parents.

"I think so," Logan chuckled.  "He actually told me that you and I were welcome to take the family jet and stay at any of the family properties if we wanted to get away during November break."  Rory's eyes shot open at this.

"What's the catch?" she asked suspiciously.

"The only catch, apparently, is that if you and I choose not to go somewhere together, I'm expected home during the break and the holiday."

"Wow, that's..." Rory trailed off.

"Yeah," he chuckled.

"So, what do you want to do?" Rory asked, suddenly awake.

"It would be nice to get away and spend some time just the two of us."

"It would.  It's just...I've never not spent Thanksgiving with my family.  Maybe we could skip our Friday classes so we could leave the Thursday before Thanksgiving and fly back the night before Thanksgiving?  That would give us almost a week."

"Yeah, that could work," Logan replied in agreement.  "Would you possibly want to try to spend Thanksgiving together?  I could try to get out of my family dinner and go with you instead?"

"I'd love that," Rory replied enthusiastically.  "You know, as badly as they want us together, I bet we could talk them into scheduling their dinners so we could attend both of them if you'd like."

"Ladies and gentlemen, my girlfriend is beautiful and brilliant," Logan teased as he tickled her sides.


Mitchum walked back to his table after he hung up the phone with his son.  He was at brunch with Richard and Emily Gilmore, and Francine Hayden.  The families had a longstanding friendship, and they were all keenly interested in keeping tabs on the new couple.

"Did he seem receptive to your proposition?" Francine asked.

"Yes, I think he was interested.  I expect we'll hear from him soon," Mitchum replied.  The group went back to their food for a moment before Emily and Shira's cell phones rang.  They both quickly answered their phones as they stepped away from the table.  They returned a couple of minutes later, both grinning broadly.

"That was Rory," Emily relayed happily to the group.  "She wanted to know if I could coordinate Thanksgiving dinner with Shira so that she and Logan would be able to attend both dinners together rather than spending the holiday apart.  They're going to leave the Thursday before Thanksgiving and fly back the night before Thanksgiving; Rory hasn't spent a major holiday away from her family and wants to be home for the holiday."

"Logan was calling me for the same reason," Shira added, obviously pleased.  "Perhaps we could combine our family holidays this year and celebrate together, Emily and Francine?"

"Oh, that's a splendid idea!" Emily enthused.

"It certainly is," Francine agreed.  "We can all meet this week to finalize the details."

"Splendid idea, ladies," Richard praised.  "Shall we make similar plans for Christmas?  It would certainly send a strong message that our families are uniting and behind Logan and Rory's relationship."

"That's a fine idea, Richard," Mitchum replied in approval.

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