the Riverdale Diaries

By catarax

32.8K 1.1K 563

"A soul eater and a abomination to the supernaturals." "I should have killed you the moment I saw... More

the Riverdale Diaries
I.Call me crazy
IIA. Three Hundred Years Ago
IIB. Where art thou Cheryline?
IIIA. Blood toys
IIIB. In the violin is the hidden
IVA. All hail Archie
IVB. Irlene's daughter
VA. Take care of our hope
VB. Achings and Compellings
VIA. Henry or Jughead?
VIB. The demon within must hold
VIIA. Out for blood
VIIB. Rebirth
VIIIB. Secret thickens
IXA. Trap for its victims
IXB. Bad dreams are called as nightmares
XA. A very supernatural feeling
XB. Meet your Demise
XIA. Never free of lies
XIB. Everlasting taunts
XIIA. Monstrosity within
XIIB. Louange Elizabeth Finiti
XIIIA.Scrawlings on the walls
XIIIB. Toppled Rune
XIVA. The world we created for the devil
XIVB. Intellectous vos fatum
XVA. Rock the swing of the heart
XVB. Polly Gave It To Me
XVIA. Kill the both of us
XVIB. Capta Per Spiritus
XVIIA. The Prophecy For The Damned
XVIIB. Remants of Humanity

VIIIA. Hunting the beloved

591 31 11
By catarax

(Play the song while you read to the left (: )

Cheryl's POV

11:00 pm

I was looking for Jason afraid that he'd do something wrong. I called him several times but it went to his voicemail.

"This is Jason leave your message here",My phone beeped as I switched it off.

He said that he was partying somewhere around here as he told me. I got worried sick so I came after him. I don't even know where his party is. 

Im carrying this dark object which I bought from Valerie she asked me to give it to Josie at her house. Apparently this object is supposed to knock the person out for hours no matter how strong it is. It was shaped as a sphere with spikes on it. 

I was walking around the street still trying to call him.

I can't control Jason. He is not getting me. Something bad hit him. Don't know what did. He became crazy. A ripper.

He is so hippnotized by blood that he forgot about the real world. I can't get him any better.

One day he was all perfect and the other day he rips innocent necks out and suck the living life from them.

The blood from the blood bank was not enough for him. It was enough for me though.

He didn't pick up my phone again.

He must be around somewhere. 

I heard a scream. A squeaky voice. It sounded like a little girl.

I ran as quickly as possible to the empty dark lane.

Oh my god Jason.

"Jason get away from her!!!",I ran near him and tried to push him away.

I couldn't push him away because he was stronger than me. I always drank animal blood except Jason didn't,he drank human blood from its flesh. That's why.

"Get away Cheryl. You can't stop me from doing this.",Jason pushed me away as I fell down to the ground.

I heard the screams of that little girl as her neck dripped with blood. Jason didn't react to her scream but he savoured her blood I couldn't watch anymore so I reached near him and snapped his neck.

Snapping his neck always didn't work as he revived everytime in 30 minutes of time and then 15 mins and five mins time by time. Something was strange about him.

But snapping his neck bought me some time to heal the victim and compel them to forget and run far far away until they now they are safe.

He fell down with his face and clothes all bloody which meant that he killed others too.  

The girl cried loudly and fell unconscious to the ground.

I ran after her and bit my wrist and offered my blood,"Please drink.Please." 

Jason was behind me passed out.

She started drinking from my wrist,she started healing.

Someone pulled me away and pinned me to the ground.

It was Jason. As I thought but this time he revived faster than it looked.

Something was strange about him. He was supposed to stay dead for 4 hours. 

"I told you to back off!!!",Jason grabbed my neck tightly not letting me breath. His face contained so much rage. Why is this happening to me?

I tried to push him away with my hands but I couldn't. I was too weak.

"Jason.",I squealed to him because he grabbed my neck so hard.

"Now leave me alone.",He left my neck and went near the little girl digging his teeth inside her precious soft neck. She screamed and cried loudly.

I gasped for breath and went near him and dug my hand inside his chest and ripped his heart out.

He dropped the girl and fell to the ground. I dropped on my knees to the floor looking at him holding his heart in front of his eyes.

"Why?",Jason said breathlessly as I cried with hot tears.

I cried out loudly and said hopelessly,"I had to do it. I am so sorry Jason.",ended my words breathlessly.

He let out a tear and turned pale with grey veins.

I glided my hand through his face closing his dead eyes.

I quickly turned near the girl who was bleeding with blood from her neck. I ran up to her and slit my wrist and cuddled her body and made her drink my blood.

She wasn't responding,"Drink please!",I cried.

She came to life and drank heartfully and then she pulled away getting scared.

"Hey there is no way to get scared of me. I came here to help you. Okay?Now what are you doing here?",I compelled.

"I got lost. I took the wrong bus and I got lost here so I was wandering around and he came to me",She pointed at Jason,"And he said that he could help me but instead he hurt me badly."

"It is going to be okay. Forget about this when you get home okay?",I compelled as she nodded.

"Is he really dead?",She asked.

"Yes he is dead.",I said slowly.

I killed my brother.

"Then where is he?",She asked.

"Right behind me.",I turned around to point at him but there was no one.

No one.

Jason is not here.

I turned around to the little girl and said quickly compelling,"Run."

She ran away as fast as she could.

I took a deep breath and turned around again. Finding no one. Where his Jason?

I stood up quietly walking forth with my heart pumping as hell abnormally.

Sweat rolled down my cheeks as I looked around the dark lane hoping to find something.


And in a flash Jason jumped on me grabbing my collars and throwing me over the wall as my head smashed brutally. 

"You killed me Cheryl. Being my only friend and  sister!",He screamed at me as he grabbed my hair pulling it and pinning me down to the floor.

"How are you alive?",I cried. Its the first thing I asked.

"I don't know! BUT I DO KNOW THAT MY SISTER RIPPED MY HEART OUT IN FRONT OF MY EYES!",he punched me lethally.

"Jason don't!",I cried out loudly as I heard him laugh.

He punched me again as I felt down on my back not giving me a chance to talk and sat beside me smiling.

"I never asked for this Cheryline but you leave me no choice.",He drove his hand through my chest as I screamed horribly on top of my voice.

His hand ran through inside my chest finding my heart,he twisted his hand giving me more pain. Pain,pain and nothing else more. It seemed that he enjoyed my suffering seeing his face.

"Jason stop",I said breathlessly practically groaning in pain.

His hand went deeper and deeper until I almost stopped breathing.

I thought of something quickly.

I reached my hand in my pockets and grabbed the dark object and smashed it into his neck.

He screamed as he pulled his hand out of my chest and felt his neck. I took a deep breath and sat up and watched him anxiously.

The spikey ball drove inside his neck disappearing inside his body and he choked.

I watched him in horror gulping deep breath inside me as he fell down to the floor almost lifeless.

My chest and my heart healed in no time thanks to the animal blood I had the evening.

I lifted his body and took him to Josie hoping her to help.


(after sometime later)

"You did a good thing bringing him here Cheryl. And we have to keep this between us okay?",Josie said as I nodded.

We locked him inside a cell which Josie had by her ancestors in her basement.

"So you snapped his neck and he came alive faster and then you killed him ripping his heart out but then again he came back to life and almost killed you.",Josie asked squinting her eyes not believing it.

"Josie I told you a hundred times. Yes.",I said loudly.

"Okay okay I wanted to tell you something about Jason Cheryl",Josie said biting her lip.

"What is it?",I asked.

"When I went down to see him in his cell,I read him. And I wanted to say that somebody is using him to get souls.",She said.

"What?How?",I asked.

"Well apparently he has a mark which says "Capta est" Which means "Taken". I don't really know what this means but he is killing people not on his will and the victim's souls are taken to to the mark giver.",She explained.

"So what would happen if the mark giver has the souls?",I asked.

"Um souls are very powerful especially when its  human, when it is eaten or taken under control,the receiver will get much power to fulfill its hunger and grows stronger soul by soul. So whomever is stealing souls is very powerful and it maybe wants more than this.",She explained.

"What about Jason coming back from the dead?",I asked.

"He was marked to do this. And until the mark giver is not fulfilled by its needs it will not let Jason die. Even the victims have this mark carved on their bodies.",She said.  

"So now what?",I  asked.

"We try to cure him. At our best.",Josie said nodding her head.


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