Into The Night

By DarkPurple22

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"Just give me one more chance, take my hand and I'll take you to Wonderland." Honestly, I did not choose to g... More

Author's ♪
Fun Fact Time
After Credits Chapter
Quick Question
Author's ♪


733 37 63
By DarkPurple22

Still, the whole church was both still and quiet. Not a single noise could be heard.

The moment was very precious yet in suspense at the same time. The genuine reactions of everyone was almost the most wondrous thing as some were surprised, some were smiling, some were liking the thrill.

Honestly, it was confusing as hell. I've no idea what's going on, why everything seemed topsy turvy. It's just strange. There was just the strangest feeling that is going through me but I know fear is a part of it. . . fear of losing Taylor.

Taylor let go and her breathing was still unnerved. She looked right into my eyes, she licked her lips. "I — I can't believe you're here."

I wondered, for a split second why no one had said anything at all, not even the groom but hey, I don't care. All I care about is Taylor.

"Of course, I'm here. You think I'm just going to let you go? Just like that?" I asked, I wouldn't let her go, not without a fight and that's exactly what I'm doing.

She smiled and held my cheek, her eyes already slowly pouring out tears but she was smiling. "No," she answered, and forced out a chuckle. "No, I — I really wanted you to come."

That answers my question. She wanted me to come.

I blinked a few times. "You really wanted me to come?" I asked, a bit confused, my eyebrows meeting. I was almost stunned by disbelief by I have caught on.

"Why else would I leave it at your dartboard?" She asked quietly and hugged me again, "I'm so glad you came!" Her voice was very soft, like she didn't want the rest of the people to hear about it.

She wanted me to stop it? She wanted me to be here? That brought me relief but also shock at the same time. Honestly, she could have gotten out of this situation if she chose to. . . why does she need me to come?!

The moment she pulled away, she was already smiling yet there were still tears in her eyes. She wiped them with her hand and sighed.

"God, thank you so much! It would've been really embarrassing," she mumbled under her breath but since I was close enough, I heard her.

I sighed, I wanted to ask, what now?

Honestly, I've no idea what goes on next.

Taylor slowly closed her eyes and opened them again, taking deep breaths, "I am so glad you came."

I blinked a few times again, I was confused. Actually, I haven't seen a wedding scenario with this one so I haven't got any idea what to do.

"So what about the wedding?" I asked, I am very unsure of what to say and it's all I could ask.

I was actually afraid of the answer. . .

Taylor shrugged a bit and slightly smiled, "It — It still should go on." Her voice was too much of a whisper but it took me by surprise.

Austin, her brother was already walking towards us and now I've no idea what just happened. One second ago, she was thankful that I'm here, she wanted me to stop it now, she's saying her wedding would go on?!

"What?" I asked, feeling my whole world shattering once more.

"Harry, I have a promise to keep. And I — I promised that I'll marry —"

"What? We had a deal," I said. "I remember our deals, Taylor." I am fricking willing to fight for it whether she wanted me to or not.

"Harry, you should go," Austin said quietly.

"Look, I'm not backing down," I told him, very sternly, I was almost glaring at him.

He laughed, "I meant at the altar, you should go. The priest is here."

He wants me. . . to go. . . to the altar?! What do they want me to do again?!

Now, I am more than perplexed. I suddenly have the urge to ask everyone what the heck is going on. All eyes on us, yet no one is reacting, mostly some are even smiling and I've no idea why.

Although. . . I'm considering one freaking thing but I tried not to bother myself with that thought.

"What?" I asked again, I don't even recall the number of times I asked that anymore.

"Austin," she said calmly and Austin backed away for a moment.

"Look, I don't care who this Todd is but please, Tay, I'm telling you I can—"

And then, Taylor faced me, holding my cheek with her hand. "Harry," she said very softly.

She smiled sweetly,

"Todd Lawyes Herralds, is an anagram for Harold Edward Styles."

Todd Lawyes Herralds. . . is an anagram of my name.

My eyes widened in disbelief but she continued talking in her soft voice.

"In fact, your invitation is the only one containing that anagram, the rest was actually your name."

I finally realised what was going on. It was why the crowds were quiet when I came in. It was the reason why Austin wanted me go to the altar. It was the very same reason why Taylor had wanted me to come here now.

In fact, it was the very same reason why the groom haven't reacted at all. Why Todd Lawyes Herralds haven't objected to me coming here.

Because I am the groom! I am freaking Todd Lawyes Herralds.

An anagram of my full name!

I gulped, suddenly I was nervous, not because I didn't want to get married today. I was nervous of the fact that I'm getting married and I didn't even know it until about a minute ago.

"So everything was just — was just a—"

Taylor smiled and nodded, "Although the wedding is real, the groom's just a bit late. If — If you're willing to continue, we'll just handle things later. . . but all the rest, it's real."

So that is why she was so relieved for me to be here earlier!

Shit! It was my own wedding day and I've been misled! Riptide freaking pranked me to believe she was getting married to someone else only for me to come here on my own to find out that it's my own actual wedding day!

My heart is now leaping of joy. I cannot believe this! This just doesn't happen everyday?! Who in the world is lucky enough to be pranked by the woman he loved into his own wedding?! This is the actual fuck.

"Holy shit," I muttered, frozen on my spot.

It's my own wedding day and I was actually pranked. I was misled! I was misled!

Taylor smiled, "Should it go on or are you going to back out?"

When I've finally caught up on the question I kissed her on the cheek. Without any doubt, I said, "Definitely not, you better say 'I do.'"

She laughed a bit and I sprinted towards the altar, smiling at the priest. I greeted him and then Niall who is now, I assume the best man.

He was grinning at me.

"You're a dead man," I warned, smiling yet glaring at him at the same time.

"You too," he whispered and I laughed quietly.

I cannot even express how overly happy I am, I am one hell of a fortunate man! If only I could scream it to the world, I would have done it by now.

"Harry, pssst," Berlyn whispered as she was just on the side and I raised an eyebrow. "Song? I need a song as she walks."

"Oh uh," they honestly couldn't give me one damn minute to think about it! "Er, Perfect by Ed Sheeran."

"Good choice!" She piped up and then she went over to the band. She took a mic and now I realised what she wanted to do. Marshal, Jhanelle and Aerielle were already there with her.

I looked at the crowd first, as Taylor was fixing herself up with her brother as swift as they could.

I've seen the most familiar faces although I didn't see her parents. I saw our friends but now I realised what had been going on. Most of them are leaguers and that's why the camera was on us.

It's also a revenge prank.

But honestly, I couldn't care, I'm getting married and that's it!

Kids had lined up, ring bearers and flower girls slowly walked on the pure white, shiny carpet, scattering flower petals for the bride.

I still cannot believe it! All those things I've gone through! All those feelings I was forced to feel as I've been misled! It's something strange yet I'm thankful it happened to my life.

Out of the many scenarios I've ran through my head of how this would end, I would never have called this one up.

The amount of happiness was indescribable. Seeing those smiling faces on us, feeling my heart race in realisation of how much of a blessing everything is going on.

I found a love. . . for me.

My heart stopped the moment the song started playing and everyone cleared out of the way. There in her brother's arm was Taylor Swift, looking so beautiful, I appreciated it now more than ever. Everything about her was breathtaking.

I couldn't believe it.

I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. . .

Slowly, she glided towards me. It was like I'm watching an angel come to me in slow motion. A beautiful glimmer shone inside her bright eyes as her lips pull to a brilliant smile.

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love. . .

Taylor was wearing everything simple into something beautiful. She made everything beautiful. Fear had left me completely. . . the whole world only revolves around her.

I will not give you up, this time. . .

Every step along the way felt like hours as everything goes on slowly. Yet, I was loving every moment in it. Every step she takes was for her to get closer to me.

And in your eyes, you're holding mine. . .

She took my breath away, she flawlessly and effortlessly took my breath away.

I cannot believe it.

Tears were already brimming in my eyes and I could barely breathe. If only mum was here, she would have been so proud.

I have known that whatever goes today, it would change my life. That if she said "I do," it would make a great impact. . . but never had I thought that it would be for me she'd say it to.

There wasn't an explanation, there wasn't a slight clue of the mix of emotions churning inside me. Everything about it was so complicated yet perfectly arranged at the same time.

Our memories together flashed inside my head, leaving me in tears of happiness. My heart barely worked normally as it was slow one second and fast in the next. Simply, it was strange. I couldn't help but smile as she came closer. . . and closer. . . and closer.

Well, I found a woman. . . stronger than anyone I know.

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home.

Taylor stopped right in front of me, she handed the bouquet to one of her bridesmaid as I took the rings, taking one moment to observe. . .

It was the same silver ring I gave her and the other pair looked almost the same, the only difference is each had a tiny paper airplane as a design.

I took one of them and gently slid it into her ring finger. And the other ring, I wore.

Not to break the moment or anything but, "You honestly couldn't give me five minutes to think of a wedding vow?" I asked.

She smiled, "I'll love whatever you'll say. . ."

It was the moment for wedding vows and I was the one who should say something. . . I remembered what I said back then.

I sighed, looking into her lovely eyes, holding her hands gently. "Honestly, this wasn't planned, and everything unplanned seemed like a bad idea. . . but I'd rather a wild, uncertain future than any other one without you."

"I can — I can't assure you that we'll be perfect, that there won't be storms and rough roads ahead but. . . I can assure you that I'll love and care for you, Taylor Alison Swift, until the end of my existence," I said sincerely.

I've seen my future in your eyes.

Taylor smiled so beautifully. . .

"I promise you, Harold Edward Styles, through the times, good or bad, I will be there. Maybe you don't believe in promises but believe in me. You and I will go through the dark and light, hand in hand. . . 'Til death do us part."

One heartbeat. . .
Two heartbeats. . .
Three heartbeats. . .
Four heartbeats. . .

When I saw you in that dress. . . looking so beautiful, I don't deserve this. . .

My whole history had been written and changed once she said the words, "I do."

Her lips were on mine, arms were around me as I kissed her. I felt everything in one moment, and she was the only one who had the magic to do that. She was so perfect, and I couldn't believe she chose me. Inside my arms, I held my whole world. . . her.

The whole place seemed to have gone wild, applause and cheers were heard in every corner. Family, friends, strangers, all of them wore their finest, happiest faces.

But none were more overjoyed than I was.

As I've said, honestly, I did not choose to go to Canada. . . I did not choose to meet her. But turns out, it was the best decision I've never made.

I have faith in what I see.

Now I know I have met an angel in person. . .

Because it led me to the woman I will love for the rest of my life.

I don't deserve this. . .

"I love you," Taylor said, keeping her eyes on mine, smiling in the most beautiful moment I'll remember for the rest of my life.

"I love you. . ."

And the rest was history.

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