Into The Night

By DarkPurple22

38.8K 2.2K 1.4K

"Just give me one more chance, take my hand and I'll take you to Wonderland." Honestly, I did not choose to g... More

Author's ♪
Fun Fact Time
After Credits Chapter
Quick Question
Author's ♪


439 26 11
By DarkPurple22

That night, Niall stayed in my room whereas Taylor and Kendall plus Jhanelle and Aerielle took each of the guest rooms. I just hope Niall won't mess with anything.

I stayed in my haven under the stairs, where I have two doors, one to the living room, –which I used for escape during the time of my fake death– and then the other one, to the kitchen. I love it here anyways, cozy and I sort of feel like Harry Potter.

Since, half of my collection of knives are down here, I started playing with them, using them as darts on my dart board. Damn, why is it so difficult for me to get a bullseye?!

When I eventually got a bit tired, I walked to my kitchen and microwaved some macaroni. As I was just waiting, Taylor came around wearing what I assume is Gemma's shirts. Too much cats. I wouldn't know if Taylor likes cats, they have too many dogs.

She smiled at me, "Hey."

"Hey," I turned my head to her at the moment and then to the fork I've been playing with for a while now. Damn, the macaroni is taking too long. "Are you hungry or something?"

She shrugged, "No, I was honestly just on my way to the bathroom. Got curious when I saw the lights were on."

"Oh, aright then," I replied and the microwave dinged while Taylor walked away. I wore some oven mitts and took it out. "Yum," I mumbled to myself.

I let it cool for a moment.

"Can I keep you company?" She asked.

"Course," I answered and then started digging in. "Sure you don't want it? It's actually good."

Taylor smiled while shaking her head, "I'm sort of still full with the smores."

I swallowed first, "Alright."

We've been quiet for a moment and it's uncomfortable as she is staring at me. Before I took another bite, I put my fork on the plate.

"It's sort of awkward when you stare at me like that," I said.

She laughed, "Sorry, I uh — I'm trying to get used to how you look like these days. I couldn't get used to it."

"How — I look like?"

"Yes, shorter hair, tanner skin and you look too serious. Even when you smile you just seem so stern," she said and I am loving that honesty.

I smiled a bit, "I wish I could say the same to you but honestly, you still look like you — only, shorter hair."

"How do you get to be like you?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Hmm?" I continued eating.

"I mean, y-you are always gone, and then when you come back, the kids just love you. They look at you like their older brother and then you sort of just had things sorted out," she said. "You're in full control of the things even though they're not under the same roof as you. Whereas I, I may be CEO but I never had control, not like you do."

I gulped, "You must be having a rough time."

"Yeah, everything was really a headache when I left. There were just too many to plan and handle," she said.

"Well, you can at least enjoy your next few days, yeah?"

She half smiled, "Yeah."

I kept offering Taylor some food yet she kept declining so there came the time when I finished it all up. I've already brushed my teeth and cleaned up the dishes and Taylor was still there.

"You're not sleepy?" I asked as the light switch was already beside me and it's time for a lights out.

"No, can I accompany you for a while?"

"Fine with me," I replied. "Wanna check out my room?"


I opened the small door that we had to go through, "Yeah, this was my escape route," I said and she nodded, then entered the room.

She looked around for a moment, knives hung on the walls with the dartboard full of the small ones. I've a rather small bed near the corner where the stairs are just overhead and the rest were some clothes then some picture frames. Across the side of the bed is the wall and the other had my small desk.

"Knife collection," she mumbled. "Is this your dad?" Taylor asked, pointing to the frame with my father in it.

"Yes," I answered. "Last picture we took, he died the same day."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's already twenty years," I said just watching as she ran her fingers through the frames.

"May I ask how?" She asked, knowing her, it's her curiosity taking over.

"Gunshot," I answered. "Investigations came out and heck, the bullet was from a policeman's gun and uh, never got justice. We weren't allowed to know."

"How'd you find out that it was from a policeman?"

"There was a chase of car nappers and policemen, sirens were around us so it wasn't difficult to tell," I answered with a smile. "I found out it was from a policeman because I sort of snuck in. I used to be too short for my age so it was easy in the station's evidence room and got through their files. That's when I realised I've got a flare for those kinds of things."

"Sounds like a hero story," Taylor commented and I smiled. "Really, I'm sorry."

"Told you, don't be. No permanent scars from that day but," I paused for a moment and then sighed, "It's why I don't use fireworks, sort of trauma but because of the military, I got over it. But because of it too, it sort of comes back."

I walked to my bed and sat down, "He was a good man, as far as I can recall but uh, pretty sure he's happy where he is."

Taylor sat beside me, playing with her hands and making the ring twist around her finger.

Silence filled the room and we sat there, staring at the wall in front of us. Regardless of everything, it did seem like a comfortable silence.

"I gotta give you something," I said, remembering what I've done when I was bored and I've bought a fair number of silver necklaces. "Don't take it as anything, I just want you to have it, alright?"


I stood up, taking my necklace off since it was just a simple silver chain. Carefully, I took the ring that had hung there in a while and gave it to her. "Accept it, don't you dare tell me you can't or don't want to."

"But Harry---"

"Don't leave my hand hanging. Just take it," I said sternly so she slowly did.

She stared at it for a moment, looking at the sides.

"Sorry, it's not perfect but--"

"You made this?" She asked.

"Er, yeah. Don't judge," I mumbled and sat with her.

"It's beautiful," Taylor said and looked directly into my eyes, "Thank you."

"It doesn't make up for the eight years, but — I do want you to have it. I wouldn't want it any other way."

She held it tightly, stared at it for a moment and then looked at me. "What took you so long, Harry?" She asked in a quiet voice and honestly, the question is giving me negative vibes. I didn't like it.

"I'm not too late," I whispered and gave her a soft kiss, my hand had already laid on her cheek and slowly crawled to the back of her neck.

She followed it, she let me lead, she take domain over her and I slowly leaned in. Everything about her overwhelmed me, urges were already taking over, getting the best of me. Her scent, the way she moves, her touch, her quite hums. . . she was taking over me and I am loving every second of it.

I slowed down and parted our lips but our foreheads still touched. She was as breathless as I am so it took us a fair while.

"Harry," she breathed, "I uh —"

There came the familiar ringing of her cellphone, signalising another caller. That had been happening in a while now but only this time have I been really pissed off. I didn't say anything though.

"I probably need to take this," she said and took very deep breaths as I sat up. She sat up as well, the moment my body wasn't hanging on top of her with the support of my limbs.

I leaned against the nearby wall as I could sit straight without hitting my head on the ceiling –stair steps. I leaned my head and closed my eyes, my legs stretched over the bed while Taylor sat at the side.

Still, I eavesdropped.

"I can't go back yet."
"You can ask my mom. Yes, both the flowers and uh, l-look, we'll talk later."
"I'm sort of busy."
"I'm sorry, okay? I just — it's not a good time."

Listening to other people's conversations is a bit odd, the worst thoughts pour in so easily.

Taylor turned her phone off and put it on the desk.

I opened one eye first and then the next, "Don't apologise, I understand the life of a CEO."

She smiled and gave me another kiss.

I haven't got much of an idea how Taylor and I managed to fall asleep on that bed together when I practically move around and the bed was rather small but when I woke up, her hands were around my neck and she was laying right on me, soundly asleep.

I've no idea what time it is either. As slowly as I could, I got off the bed, making sure I don't wake her up. When I finally was able to stand, I put a blanket over her and quietly made my way to the kitchen.

I was a bit surprised that it was already too noisy. I brushed my teeth first before actually talking to them.

"Hey, where're J and Kenny?" I asked.

"They left," Niall answered. "You know them, never really liked goodbyes. Shit, these waffles are damn good, Aers!"

"If those are damn good then I better have 'em," I sat near the counter and filled my plate up with about a five-layer stack. I put some whipped cream and some chocolate syrup, then I started going through it.

God, I couldn't even remember the last time I ate these!

"They are damn good, Aers, they're excellent!" I said and Aerielle smiled as she seemed to be having fun. "Where's mum?"

"Went out to meet some friends," Niall answered.

"Huh," I huffed and continued eating like it's my last breakfast.

It wasn't long before Cole came around since it's his habit of inviting himself in. I can't say I mind though, he helps around whenever I'm not home and I trust the kid.

"Morning peeps, it's a bright and sunny summer day, perfect for having no internet connections!" He announced the moment he came in and we were still eating. "Waffles! May I?" He asked and Aerielle nodded.

Cole took a seat beside me and took only two but put the whipped cream and the chocolate syrup in between of each waffle like a sandwich and added a fair amount of syrup and cream over.

"Easy on the sugar, lad," I said. "Aers, why don't you start eating now? Cole might wipe it out clean."

"I only took two!" Cole defended and I laughed. "Anyways, where's Miss Deathpool, Miss Riptide and Miss Jenner?"

"Neo told me they left," I answered and kept going through my food. "Riptide's still sleeping."

"Anyways where is Tay? Kendall's been looking for her."

I shrugged, "Probably still sleeping."

"Oh no, you didn't."
"Oh no, you didn't."

I was sort of surprised as Niall and Cole said that at the same time.

"Did what?" I asked, taking a forkful of those delicious waffles.

"Where is she?" Niall asked.

I blinked, "I thought she was with Kendall."

"Obviously, not, yeah?" Cole mumbled and then continued eating.

"I'm actually here," Taylor said out of nowhere and she was walking down the stairs. I've no idea how quick she was but she seemed to already have showered –explains how her hair is dripping wet– and her clothes are different. Of course, it's a slightly long and loose white shirt over leggings. And she still looks like a freaking supermodel. "Good morning."

We all exchanged our good mornings and she plopped a seat next to Niall and Aerielle.

"Received a text that they left early," Taylor mumbled and started eating, only one waffle.

My nose wrinkled, I wouldn't be content with that kind of diet.

"Anyways, Harry I—" Taylor started speaking but her phone rang. I kinda started memorising the song as I've been hearing it for about more than twelve times over the course of the past few days. "God, I'm sorry," she mumbled and then walked away.

I did notice however, the fact that she isn't wearing the silver ring I gave her last night, only the gold one she already have but I didn't try to press it as it would have been unreasonable and it was just a gift, it's her decision if she wanted to wear it or not.

"Always in a hurry," Neo mumbled and continued eating.

"Yeah, about that, why?" I asked, "I reckon you know, I hear you sort of work for their company when it comes to construction."

"Really? How'd you know?" Niall asked.

"Eh, ask Cole," I mumbled and looked over to my right hand man. Cole smirked but continued eating as though he didn't just hear what I said. "Anyways, what's going on?"

"Her company isn't too busy," he answered. "Not at the moment, no."



"She gets like twenty calls a day and you're saying she's not busy," I said.

Niall rolled his eyes, "I didn't say she wasn't busy. I said her company isn't."

"Why is she busy?" I asked.

"Well, why don't you ask her?"

"Good talk," I said and then continued eating while Cole is staring at me in a very very non obscure way. "Hey, quit that and keep eating."

Minutes flew by too easily and whether I like it or not, something was really odd but I tried not to take notice of things too much.

The house had never been more alive, of course it was rarely alive when I'm not here but of course the presence of the best people in the world just adds more life in it.

So the whole day was undeniably amazing even though we didn't get involved in too much mischief. I usually don't get into trouble anymore, the last time and first time in a few years was that death prank but I don't think I'll be getting involved and things like that anymore.

Once I got Taylor alone, I sort of asked something I've been thinking about since the morning started out.

"Why aren't you wearing the ring?" I asked, not in a jealous or possessive tone, it came out more of a light question.

We took our time inside the guest room as we were both slightly tired so I accompanied her up here. Although, she hasn't slept yet, she was seated on the bed while I was on the mattress on the ground.

Taylor took out her necklace with a half smile, showing the paper airplane charm and the ring beside it, "I don't think I deserved to wear something as beautiful as this."

"I don't think someone as beautiful as you deserved something like that as well, yet here we are," I replied with a smile.

She chuckled a bit then put both back under her shirt, "J-Just, not at the moment. Let's leave it at that, okay?"

"Okay," I answered and sat against the wall with my legs outstretched, I looked up at Taylor as she was seated on the bed while holding her phone. "Why are you so busy these days?"

"Plans," she answered nonchalantly. "It's — It's nothing. I shouldn't bother you with it."

"Tay, I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead,"

"What happens after?" I asked, "You go back to Canada, that's your life, right? Just tell me now whether I'll be in it or not."

Let's face it, I've been gone for far too long, I needed to know whether I still have a place in her life. If I don't, I'll find a way. I've been gone for too long but that never meant I'll be gone for the rest of her life. I need to be with her.

In the years that I've been gone, I've been thinking of her a bit too much. I loved her and I still do, but right now I just want to know.

Taylor sighed and put her phone down. She went off the bed and sat in front of me, leaning against the side of the bed with her legs bent near her.

"You've always been in it," she said. "It's just things are — are sl-slightly different."

My eyebrows met, "How different?"

Something was off, something had been really attacking my gut for some time now yet this is the only time I haven't ignore it. It's strange, her tone. . . she wasn't lying, I know but there's simply something different.

"Slightly," she answered with the best, sweetest yet alluring smile she's got. I've no idea what happened over the past years but definitely, something happened for her to act a bit playful in certain occasions.

"Look, you better stop doing that," I said, trying to get my mind off some thoughts.

"Doing what?" Taylor asked and laughed. She crawled right to me and gave me a kiss, leaving her breathless in the end. It was her fault, she started it.

I closed my eyes with a sigh. When I opened them, I found her eyes deeply fixated on mine. . . her fingers slowly trailed on my jaw and then to the nape of my neck. She was lying against me while I try not to make sudden movements.

As I was processing the rhythmic pattern of her quiet breathing and yet loud heartbeat, I felt her lips on mine again. It was different. . . Taylor kissed me as though it was the last time we could ever do it. She was radiating with strength, and passion that can make anyone's head spin. Every single second, every single moment, every single movement of hers was precise, powerful. . . it was every bit overwhelming.

My mind was suddenly a forest in a storm, a scene in which you couldn't find out which detail you should focus on.

I took the lead, yet. . . it still remained at the same pace. Only this time, I get to choose when to stop.

Truth is, I don't want to.

I wasn't able to count the seconds. . . maybe even minutes, I don't recall. When I pulled away, we were both breathing very heavily yet we were still at the same position earlier.

"Hey," she whispered.


Her lips pulled to a slight smile, "Whatever goes on. . ." she took a deep breath first, "Just remember I still love you. . ."

"I love you too."



Hey, I missed you guys!!!! Anyways, we're quite near there so hang on.

Can't say I have the element of surprise as a load of you expected it from Harry but with the few chaps left, enjoy. Love you guys!!!!

Stay awesome!!!!


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