The Seer Seekers

By TeAmoAeternum

552 54 23

Mackenzie, or Mack, sees things. Not ghost, or fairies, or anything else that simple. No, she sees something... More

The Day I Became Different
Awkward Situations
Near Collision
Strange Name Tags And High Hopes
Creepy Creeper
The Evil Little Cocky British Boy
Locker Room Encounters
Exchanging Of Names
Dreams Only Last For The Night
The Other Mathews
Butterflies or Terror?

The House Next Door

65 6 3
By TeAmoAeternum

We were moving again.

            Though for once, it wasn’t because my freaky ability… it was because mom got a promotion.

            “It’s going to be great, Mack! Just you, your brother, and me, spending time in the country! Who knows, maybe this will be our last move?” My mother said in her sing song voice, which was the tone she always used when she was trying to sell us shit.

            “You mean like how Georgia was supposed to be our “last move”, or how Texas was supposed to be our “last move”.” I said sarcastically, starring out of the car window and into the side mirror to see my brother’s truck behind us.

            Garret didn’t even half to come; he had graduated two years ago and was supposed to be on his own. But instead, he stuck around and mooched off mom and I. Apparently his hatred for me didn’t matter when he was broke and needed a place to stay.

            Mom sighed, “Honey, we talked about this. We had a deal! No attitude until we get to the new house.”

            Mom held up her pinky, basically telling me that I had pinky swore which meant I couldn’t take it back.

            I chuckled, “Calm your nips, Mom. I’m just kidding.”

            She rolled her eyes at my wink and turned up the radio, “What am I going to do with you?” I heard her mutter under her breath.

            My eyes zeroed in on the road sign coming up ahead. Welcome to Pocahontas County, West Virginia, population 6,554.

            Wow, congrats Mom, you’ve moved us into isolation.

            Mom gave her signal to turn left into a gas station and I watched behind us as Garret did the same. “We’re almost out of gas; I swear, the moment we’re settled into this town, I’m going to get a vehicle that doesn’t guzzle gas.” Mom griped and I chuckled as she climbed out of the car.

            “That requires money, Mom. Something we don’t have much of.”

            She turned around and gave me an exasperated look before rolling her eyes and slamming the door in my smiling face.

            I got out of the car and reached for the nozzle, my eyes catching Garret’s while doing so.

            My brother still hasn’t gotten over what happened three years ago. I mean his attitude has lessened its hatred and everything, but you can still tell that he doesn’t like me that much.

            I turned away when Garret followed inside after mom, and put the nozzle in the tank and waited until they turned the pumps on.

            The town was beautiful, I’ll give it that. I’ve never seen trees this green, and I probably sound like such a creeper, but honest, they were healthy green. And the air was filled with the scent of fresh pine cones and fallen rain, rain that probably came from yesterday considering that the blue sky wasn’t filled with a single cloud.

            Mom usually re-located somewhere where it’s always hot. Arizona, Texas, Florida, California. Somewhere that’s flat and will have your fat rolls sweating. But West Virginia has mountains, and not just rocky hills like California had, but actual full, green and wild mountains. The climate wasn’t too hot, nor cold, but the right amount of breeze and humidity. I closed my eyes as the said wind whispered through my dark brown hair and the wind chimes hanging from the gas station’s wooden porch.

            My thoughts gravitated towards the last day at Texas. I had a vision, like I do at least once a week, but that time it wasn’t bad. I wasn’t seeing something that was disastrous into the future, but something… odd.

            I saw a house, a big, white Victorian house with a red door and a swing on the wrap around porch. The paint looked brand new; everything looked new, like it had just been built.

            I don’t know why I would be seeing a house, and I tried not to think too much about it. I mean, my ability still puzzled me at times. I still don’t know how I got it, or even why I received it.

            I opened my eyes when I heard the sound of the gas station’s door chime ring.

            “Go ahead and press start, Honey. It’s already paid for.” Mom said and I did just that.

            As I waited for the car to fill up, I watched as a black jeep pulled in. The bass of the driver’s music blared through the area and I noticed that the song playing was one of my favorites.

            They passed the gas tanks and pulled up in front of the store before turning off the vehicle and climbing out. It was two guys, one black headed, and one blonde.

            They might have had different colored hair, and a little difference in height, but they still had one thing in common… they were absolutely gorgeous.

            My heart started to race the more I gazed at them, and the dark haired one, the taller out of the two, turned around and met my stare full on.

            I wanted to gasp, because right when his bright blue eyes met mine, I felt a shiver of… fear crawl over my body.

            And as if he knew what kind of reaction he was getting out of me, he smirked and his blonde companion looked my way as well.

            “Who are those guys?” Garret muttered, coming over towards me and handing me my favorite chocolate bar, Kit Kat, and gazing at the guys that kept staring at me.

            The nozzle clicked and I quickly stuffed the sweet candy down my pocket before hitting the stop button and putting it back in the slot.

            I twisted the cap back on the gas tank and turned towards Garret with a smile, “Aw, you do love me.”

            He shot me a blank look and didn’t say anything so I just sighed and answered his question, “I don’t know, I just met them.”

            And met would be stretching it, more like… observed.

            He snorted, “Whatever, just be careful with strangers… and get in the damn car. I have to piss and no way in hell am I using the gas station, it’s hard telling how many infants were made in that.”

            And there’s the brother I knew…

            I smirked and patted his shoulder, “No need to hide your feelings with hostility and anger, Brother. I love you, too.”

            He shrugged my hand off before turning away and walking to his car, cussing me from here to Alaska.

            I chuckled softly and went to open the car door to get in, but my eyes traveled across the lot and met Blue Eye’s once more.

            Blondie was nowhere to be seen, probably in the store, as his blue eyed friend smile and winked at me.

            My cheeks turned a perfect shade of crimson as I practically gawked at his audacity, before the sound of mom honking her horn brought me back to my senses.

            I jumped and glared at him, before yanking open the car door and jumping inside.

            “Jesus, Mackenzie! What took you so long?” Mom asked as she started up the car and pulled out of the gas station.

            “Oh, you know… just feeling out the neighborhood.”


            Thirty five minutes, and a hundred dollars in gas wasted, we arrived at our new house.

            We lived on a street lined with two story houses separated about twenty feet apart. Our house was also the only brick house and the one with an apple tree in the front yard.

            I loved it already.

            “Oh it’s beautiful! Isn’t it beautiful, Mack?” Mom gushed, pressing her face in the front window and grinning up at the house from the driveway.

            “Yeah, it’s great. And guess what, I bet it’ll be even greater on the inside.” I chuckled, opening the passenger side door, and standing outside the car, gazing up at our new home.

            I turned around and smiled at Garret when I heard his truck door shut.

            “You’re right, honey. I just get emotional sometimes.” Mom said, crawling out of the car and trying to discretely (not really), wipe her eyes.

            You could say that again.

            “Women, they cry over everything.” Garret mumbled, walking past us and up our new porch with one of his many boxes.

            I stood on my tip toes and called after him, “Hey! I wasn’t the one who cried at the end of The Notebook!”

            He turned around before he reached the steps and smirked, “Mack, we all cried at the end of The Notebook.”

            I glared at his retreating, laughing back. Touché.

            “Come on, Slacker. Help mommy with these boxes, they’re going to take all evening as it is.” Mom said, grabbing the first one and me the next.

            Mom was right; it had taken all evening to unload everything. And that was just unloading, we haven’t even thought about unpacking yet.

            “Mom. I. Need. Pizza.” I groaned, throwing myself on our couch and covering my eyes with my arm.

            She chuckled and tossed me her keys, “I saw a pizza joint on the way up here, and it should be no less than twenty miles away.”

            I set up with a grin, “You’re seriously going to let me take your car?”

            Garret snorted, “Yeah mom, you’re seriously going to let her take your car?”

            I glared at my brother and threw one of the couches throw pillows at his head.

            “Yes, just be careful, stop at stop signs, and be back by ten.” Mom replied and I jumped up and rushed out of the door, “Will do, bye mom, love you!”

            “Be careful!” She called out, right before her voice was died out by the sound of the front door slamming.

            I jogged to mom’s car and grinned at it.

            Sure it was a piece of crap hand-me-down from my aunt Nancy, but tonight I was going to drive the yellow beast.

            I hopped in the car, put it in drive, and ventured on to the pizza place.

            Mom had been wrong; the pizza joint took twenty minutes to get there, twenty minutes to wait for the food, and twenty more minutes to get back. It was 9:47 when I pulled back into the driveway and it was safe to say I called it close.

            But the scent of cheesy, greasy pizza hitting my nostrils as I pulled it out of the car… made the trip totally worth it.

            As I walked towards the house, I gazed at all of the other houses around us. They all looked the same, grey with white trim, except for ours, and the house to the left of ours.

            I stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes zeroed in on that one.

            It was the one. The house that I had saw days before, set twenty feet away from mine.

            Just as beautiful as when I first saw it in the vision, I gazed at it. The paint looked fresh, the swing was slightly swaying with the wind, and purple flowers lines the wrap around porch.

            My body reacted to the house oddly. My heart started to beat out of my chest, my figer tingled, and I could hardly control my quick breathing.

            “Mack? Are you planning on coming inside or making a run for it with the pizza?”

            Mom’s voice made me jerk to meet her questioning eyes and I chuckled breathlessly, “Ha. Sorry, I’m coming.”

            She raised her eyebrow at me and held the door open, “Well hop to it, Garret’s stomach is starting to sound like something off the national geographic channel.”

            I didn’t even have it in me to laugh at her joke towards my brother.

            I nodded and started to walk back towards the porch when my eyes dashed back towards the Victorian house.

            And I gasped. Because no longer was it the beautiful house I had just seen moments ago, it was not a ruined, broken down, weed contaminated mess. It looked like a house had been tore down years ago and some of the remains were still there.

            “M-Mom, what happened to that house?” I asked, still staring its way.

            She sighed, “I don’t know, Mack. We just moved here remember? Now let’s go before the pizza gets cold!”

            She walked inside but left the door wide open for me.

            So she saw the wreckage too? And not the beauty it showcased moments ago for me?

            Then why did I-?


            I sighed, “I’m coming!”

            I walked into the house and slammed the door behind me. 

A/N: The dedication goes to a girl that I am glad to call my friend here on Wattpad. She's super nice, extremely funny, and writes most of my favorite books on here. You guys should go check them out! Thank you, weby113, for being my friend. (:

Love ya, XOXOXO

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