The Life Of A Princess [fanfi...

נכתב על ידי iamyanna

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Jessica Jung is the youngest princess of the King of Korea. She is the youngest therefore the royal family ha... עוד

Chapter 1 - Finding a place
Chapter 2 - Ramyun
Chapter 3 - First day of working
Chapter 4 - Quitting
Chapter 5 - Sushi
Chapter 6 - Cold Key
Chapter 7 - Meeting prince Seungho
Chapter 8 - Exploring the city
Chapter 9 - Going back home?
Chapter 10 - Home
Chapter 12 - Mr. Kim, Miss Jung and Mr. Jang
Chapter 13 - The royal siblings
Chapter 14 - Thanks to Prince Yunho
Chapter 15 - Baby Bum
Chapter 16 - Something bad
Chapter 17 - Taecyeon's gang
Chapter 18 - Yoona's plan fail?
Chapter 19 - The sad reality
Chapter 20 - Princess Jessica
Chapter 21 - Last Chance gone
Chapter 22 - Wedding Confirmed
Chapter 23 - Training
Chapter 24 - Two days left
Chapter 25 - Running away
Chapter 26 - Happily ever after

Chapter 11 - Fortune Teller

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נכתב על ידי iamyanna

“….Like falling in love with you.”

For the next 5 seconds, The two was staring into each other’s eyes. Jessica then realized what she had said and done. She had made the atmosphere awkward. “Bwuahaha.. I was just joking.” She laughed, covering up her embarrassed self. Key froze for another 2 seconds then joined in the laughing. “Yah, I thought you were being serious!” Key slapped her arm gently. “Why? Are you ashamed of loving me?” She pouted, acting angry. Key chuckled softly before saying. “You know it’s impossible for us two. You’re a princess! I’m no prince charming.” Key pointed at himself while laughing lightly. “Ha.. Yeah..” Jessica put on a small smile. “Bali, You should get dressed and take a refreshing shower. Minho is going to be here any minute, He said he’s going to take us out to have fun.”

“Araso Araso, I’ll be quick.” Jessica then stood up from the couch. On the way to get her clothes, Somehow a frown had appeared on her angelic face.


Several days later, Key was having his day off. Coincidentally, or not, Yoona was also on her day off.  Well, Yoona was the one in charge of organizing the day off’s for their restaurants employees. Of course, poor Jessica was stuck at work when Yoona was spending her day with Key.

“Oppa, Let’s go to the fortune teller!” Yoona grabbed onto Key’s arm and led him to the fortune teller’s tent that was located in the Theme Park. Yoona had asked Key to keep her company, therefore the two had ended up being at the Theme Park. Key agreed to as he had nothing else to do other than staying at home watching TV.

“I don’t believe in these kind of things.” Key looked at the sign that read ‘fortune telling’. He was unsure about the idea. Yoona slightly pouted as she hugged onto his arm. “Oppa, There’s nothing we can lose. Let’s just see what the lady is going to say.” Yoona convinced him. Key nodded his head after seconds of thinking. Key then followed Yoona in the gloomy tent. Once they got inside, The atmosphere was tense, the place had an aura that someone was watching your every move yet the concept in the tent gave a comfortable feel to it. There was two cushions on the floor in front of the table that was not even above to Key's knees. Behind the table, the lady; most likely to be the fortune teller was sitting on her cushion with her legs folded and her hands placed on the table with her cards laid out.

Key suddenly felt nervous, the lady somehow seemed scary. Yoona slightly nudged Key, indicating him to sit down as she had already sat down on the cushion. Key sat down while his eyes was roaming around his surroundings.

“Hello, my fellow customers.” The fortune teller’s voice was deep; however it sounded as if it was forcing itself to speak with a deep voice, the tone was nothing else but low and creepy. Unlike what you see on TV, the fortune teller didn’t have a crystal ball in front of her, only her cards. She also had a dark purple bandana covering her head; forehead.

Key cleared his throat, he then greeted then fortune teller. “Anyonghaseyo.” Both, Yoona and Key greeted. “ Oppa, You go first.” Yoona smiled at him. Key was hesitated however, the fortune teller had already gestured him to pick a card. Key did what he was told. Among all the cards, he chose the one nearest to him. The fortune teller then spoke the second time. “ Please pick 4 more.” She did not smile nor frown. Key shivered a little by her voice, he obediently chose 4 more cards. Yoona watched his every move with a sly smile on.

Key placed his hands on his laps after he was done choosing the cards. The fortune teller then turned one card over slowly. “ What is your name, young man?” Speaking for the third time, the fortune teller looked at Key in the eyes. Key wanted to look away yet it was as if his eyes was stuck. “Kim Ki Bum.”  The fortune teller nodded slowly as she examined the card that she had turned over.

“You’re the year of tiger, am I right?”(A/N: I don't really know if he's year of the tiger. I just thought it's cool) The fortune teller spoke with her low voice. Key’s eyes slightly widen by her question. He nodded slowly. The fortune teller nodded as she once again examined the card. “You’re dad had past away, not too long ago. You’re mother has your older brother and you to support the family.”  Key once again was amazed. Slowly and slowly he was believing her.(A/N: Let's just pretend that's what happen.arasso?)

“ According to this card, recently there was some changes in your life.” Key thought back, the only change was Jessica moving into his condo. The fortune teller then slowly, one by one turned over the remaining 4 cards. Key watched carefully as the fortune teller read the cards. Yoona secretly smirked to herself once she saw Key’s expression. She knew Key believed the fortune teller’s words.

“Oh no.”  The fortune gasped as she tapped onto one of the cards. Key looked at which card she was tapping on. “ What are the recent changes in your life?” She asked, eyes staring into Key’s. Key nervously replied back. “ Someone moved into my flat.”

The fortune teller shook her head. “ This is bad. Bad for you.”  She said, this time her eyes wasn’t looking at Key’s. The fortune teller seemed scared for Key. Key knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. “ This is a black star. A royal black star. This star brings you nothing but bad luck.”

“Royal star?” Key arched a brow. ‘ Royal? …Princess? Jessica?’  He questioned himself. The fortune teller nodded. “Her presence is bringing you bad luck. She doesn’t belong here. Not with you.”

Key was unsure about her statement, Indeed he almost got hurt when saving her from the mafia; however nothing else bad had happened. “What can I do to prevent anything bad happening?” Key questioned, hoping there was a solution. The fortune teller shook her head while she held onto one of the cards in front of Key. “ She will cause much trouble to you, for you. The only way is to stay away from her. Get her way from you.”

Key slightly scratched his chin, unsure about the whole thing. “There has to be a solution.” Key said slowly. The fortune teller then placed the card back down.  “A girl, If you find a girl that matches with you well, the girl can help you shield away all the bad luck and trouble. The girl can fight away the royal back star.” The fortune teller said, almost in a whisper tone. “ What girl?”

The fortune teller adjusted her glasses as she looked over at Yoona then laid her eyes back onto Key. “ A girl that you had known for a long time. Maybe she’s far from you, or maybe she’s even right beside you now. This girl will have the power to help you. She has the power to love you and shield away the black star.” Key turned to Yoona with a confused expression on. “ Yoona?” He questioned. “ This Yoona can be the star that can protect you.” The fortune teller spoke deeply.

“ I think this is some kind of mistake. I’ve known Yoona for a long time, I don’t think the girl is her.” Key suddenly got up from the cushion. “Come one, Yoona. Let’s go and find something to eat.” Key pulled Yoona up from the ground. Yoona and Key then left once Yoona had put down money in the box. “ Young man, The black star will bring home a black puppy. That puppy will also bring you bad luck!” Key heard the fortune teller said before he stepped out of the tent. “ Oppa, are you okay?” Yoona asked as she tapped his shoulders gently. Key nodded his head with a small smile. “ Of course.”  He assured her, yet he was in deep thoughts. Yoona smiled to herself as she knew he was thinking about the whole meeting with the fortune teller. “Oppa, Do you believe the lady?” Yoona asked while looking up at him. Key shook his head slightly. “Of course not. Jessica has been living with me for a while now and nothing bad had happened since the whole kidnapping encounter.”  He said, somehow convincing himself. “ Araso. Well oppa, you should go and find us a table to eat. I think I left my phone in there, I’m going to get it!” Yoona pushed Key forward lightly. Key gave her a nod then walked away. Yoona then quickly rushed back into the fortune teller’s tent.

“Thanks for helping me!” Yoona smiled widely at the fortune teller, who was actually her friend. “Does he believe me?” The so called fortune teller took off the bandana and big gold earrings. Yoona smirked, nodding as she gave her friend some extra money. “ Thanks Sulli. It helped a lot. You better leave now, the real fortune teller is probably off her break time now. She’ll be back any second.”  Yoona helped Sulli take off the ridiculous fortune telling cape off her. Sulli got up from the floor as she patted her laps, patting away the dust from the floor. “ Thank god you gave me these glasses, it was covering half of my face.” Sulli gave Yoona the black thick rimmed glasses. Yoona tossed it in the bin in one swift move. “ I have to go back to him now! I’ll call you later.” Yoona gave Sulli a quick hug before rushing out of the tent. Sulli also did the same, afraid that the actual fortune teller would come back from her break time.

Yoona ran to the food area in the Theme Park, She saw Key sitting down on a wooden table that had a wooden bench attached to it. “Oppa!” Yoona waved as she ran up to him. Key gave her a smile. “ Did you get your phone?”  He asked as he moved aside for Yoona to sit down beside him. Yoona smiled brightly at him as she showed him her phone. “ Good, Now let’s see what is there to eat. I’m hungry.” Key smiled as he looked around the food stands that was surround the area.

Key and Yoona then spent the whole evening together, in the theme park.

Once Key got back home, it was already 9:30 pm. He took off his shoes then plopped down on his couch. He  sat down on the couch tiredly. He then looked over at the clock that was hanging on the wall. ‘Jessica will be off work in half an hour.’ He thought to himself. He then decided to make something for Jessica to eat. While doing so, He was thinking about the encounter with the fortune teller. “Royal star ?” He mumbled while filling the pot with water from the tap. “But Jessica didn’t bring home any puppy.” He murmured as he turned off the tap. Key then continued on cooking while in deep thoughts. It was bothering him so much. He didn’t want to believe in the fortune teller yet something that the fortune teller had said seemed, right. Like the way she knew about her family and about him. It was all strange yet.. Real.

Key shook off the thoughts in frustration. After several minutes, the door to Key’s condo opened. “Anyong!” Jessica greeted him happily. Key looked over at Jessica, his smile forming once hearing her voice. “How was work today? I bet you were sulking.” Key took off his apron then patted his hands together. “Why?“ Jessica arched a brow as she took off her jacket and shoes. “Cause I wasn’t there with you.” He teased jokingly. They both had gotten comfortable and closer to each other during the past days. “Yah, You wish.” Jessica rolled her eyes jokingly, although strangely her tummy had butterflies.

Jagiya, Come on. I made you something to eat.” Key was still joking around while calling her ‘Honey’. Jessica chuckled as she walked over to the small dining table. Key had set out the dishes and the bowl of rice. Jessica sat down as she looked at the delicious food, though it wasn’t something fancy or expensive; she was satisfied with Key’s cooking. Key watched as Jessica began to eat the food that he had cooked for her. He then sat down across from her. “How does it taste like?” He asked. Jessica gave him a cute thumbs up. Key smiled happily at her. “Are you not eating?” Jessica asked, pointing to the food in front. “I’m already full by watching you eating happily.” He once again said a cheesy line. Jessica pretended to throw up, however she was smiling secretly. His words was… melting her unknowingly.

“Come on, you should eat too. It’s weird if you just stare at me.” She pouted. Key laughed lightly. “I already ate with Yoona before coming back home.” He spoke with a smile. “Oh, you went out with Yoona today?” Key nodded, not realizing the sudden change of expression Jessica had. “We went to the Theme Park.” Key smiled. Jessica nodded, her head lowered a little as she continued on eating. “Good for you.” She mumbled, almost inaudible. Key knitted his eyebrows together, confused by her sudden change of behaviour. “Tomorrow is your day off, I remembering Jjong said you’re going to the middle school with him?”  Key decided to change the topic. Jessica nodded before drinking her cup of water. “Jonghyun oppa said the substitute art teacher isn’t in to sub the original art teacher and the other art teachers timetables won’t fit the time for that 4th grade class so I volunteered to help out.” She replied, informing him. Key nodded with a smile. “That’s good. The class must be very lucky to have a princess to teach them.” He spoke.  “You really need to stop thinking me as a princess.” Jessica murmured. “But you are one.” Key reasoned, confused by her words. “I’m not a princess now, Key. Can’t you just think of me as a normal girl?” She looked at him in the eyes as she put down her chopsticks. Confusion was written all over his face. “I’m sorry. I just had a bad day at work.” Jessica mumbled as she looked down on her bowl of rice  once she saw the expression Key had. “It’s okay. You should rest early then.” Key gave her a comforting smile. Jessica nodded then stood up from the chair. “I’ll clean these up. You should take a shower then go to bed.” Key patted her shoulder gently. Jessica then gave him another tired nod. She then entered her temporary bedroom.

Key watched with concern.

‘How can I treat you like a normal girl?

I won’t be able to control my feelings then.’

המשך קריאה

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