The Life Of A Princess [fanfi...

By iamyanna

21.6K 154 16

Jessica Jung is the youngest princess of the King of Korea. She is the youngest therefore the royal family ha... More

Chapter 1 - Finding a place
Chapter 2 - Ramyun
Chapter 3 - First day of working
Chapter 4 - Quitting
Chapter 5 - Sushi
Chapter 6 - Cold Key
Chapter 7 - Meeting prince Seungho
Chapter 8 - Exploring the city
Chapter 9 - Going back home?
Chapter 11 - Fortune Teller
Chapter 12 - Mr. Kim, Miss Jung and Mr. Jang
Chapter 13 - The royal siblings
Chapter 14 - Thanks to Prince Yunho
Chapter 15 - Baby Bum
Chapter 16 - Something bad
Chapter 17 - Taecyeon's gang
Chapter 18 - Yoona's plan fail?
Chapter 19 - The sad reality
Chapter 20 - Princess Jessica
Chapter 21 - Last Chance gone
Chapter 22 - Wedding Confirmed
Chapter 23 - Training
Chapter 24 - Two days left
Chapter 25 - Running away
Chapter 26 - Happily ever after

Chapter 10 - Home

542 5 0
By iamyanna

Jessica stared into her father’s eyes, She didn’t know what to say. Key then made a slight cough, All eyes was on her. Jessica bit her lower lip before speaking. “Appa.. What about the deal?” She asked. King Jung let out a sigh as he patted her hand gently. “Sica, This isn’t the time to think about the deal or the marriage. We can talk about this later.” King Jung said softly.  Jessica looked over at the boys who was staring back at her. King Jung and Queen Jung thought it was strange. Jessica had the chance to go back to her princess bedroom, yet she was hesitating. The three boys didn’t utter a word, they was scared to. Ahjumma Choi was watching with curiosity.  While Yunho and Tiffany watched with confusion and curiosity.

“Jessica darling, Let’s get you back home now. You need many rest.” Queen Jung decided to speak. Queen Jung then placed her hand on Jessica’s shoulder while the other around her arm then helped Jessica walk over to the limousine. The boys did not blink once while watching Jessica. Jessica’s head was still turned around, biting her lip as she looked into the boys eye.

“Thank you again for saving my daughter. We will reward you with some money. I will ask my secretary to send it over.” King Jung patted Minho’s shoulder. Key then spoke. “I’m sorry King Jung, But I’m afraid we won’t accept the money. Saving princess Jessica wasn’t an order for us, We wanted to save her willingly. It won’t be right if we accept some kind of reward.” Key said politely. King Jung stared strangely at Key. Usually other people would accept the reward happily.

King Jung then nodded. “Thank you again.” King Jung made a brief nod with his head then entered his limousine. Ahjumma Choi gave Minho a motherly hug before entering the car behind the two limousines. Seconds later, the two limousines then drove off. The three boys sat down on the side of the pavement, neither of them spoke any words. They watched as the many police cars followed the limousine. Soon, the noise made by the helicopter was no longer heard. The street became silent.

Sighs was heard from the three boys. “I thought Jessica would stay.” Jonghyun picked up a small stone on the ground then threw it across the road. Minho nodded as he also heaved out a heavy sigh. Key also sighed deeply while looking down at the road where the limousine had just drove off.

‘Just when I was slowly accepting you as Jessica and not Princess Jessica, you leave.’ He thought sadly.

“Lets go back in now,Key.” Jonghyun stood up from the pavement, his frown was seen. Minho and Key also did the same. “Well, I’m going to head home now.” Minho said lazily. He then made a brief wave then walked over to his car. Also being upset that Jessica had left them. Although the time with Jessica was short, The boys had already had many unforgettable memories with her.

Key and Jonghyun’s walked back into their building with their shoulders slumped down. Lazily, they both entered their own condo’s.

Key tiredly closed the door behind him as he walked into his condo. He looked over and saw Jessica’s slippers sitting beside the door. Her jacket and long coat was hanging on the coat rack. Key let out a sigh as he walked into his bedroom. Jessica’s belongings was still there. Her suitcase and her clothes. Her scent was all over his bedroom.

Key sat on his bed and did a face palm. He was happy that she was fine, that she did not get injured, however he was somehow missing her presence already. ‘Sooner or later, she is going to leave us. I guess the day was today.’ He thought sadly, reminding himself that Jessica didn’t belong with them.

Minutes later, Key had lied down on his bed and fell asleep.

Once Key woke up from his sleep, he felt strange. He was in waking up in his bed. He was used to sleeping on the couch already. Key slightly shook his head as he walked towards the bathroom. Once again, not used to the morning with Jessica. Usually Jessica would be in the bathroom already doing her morning routine. Key would always complain how she would take a long time in the shower yet now, He actually missed waiting outside and complaining to her.

Key walked out of his bathroom and walked over to the kitchen. He made a quick bowl of cereal to eat. When he was finished, He grabbed his coat and put on his shoes; ready to head for work.

As he opened his door he was surprised to see a body on the floor, leaning against the wall beside his door. Key bent down and realised it was no other than


 He brushed away her bangs out of her face and lifted her up bridal style back into his condo. He placed her gently on his couch. He then knelt down beside the couch and placed his coat around her. His heart was beating rapidly once he saw her. He was happy to see her.

“Sica.” He lightly tapped her shoulder. No respond came from her, instead her light snores. “Jessica ah.” He called once again. Slowly, Jessica shifted around on the couch, she then opened her eyes tiredly. “Oppa!” She exclaimed happily once she saw Key. She then gave him a hug.

They broke the brief hug, Key then felt confused. “I thought you went back to your mansion.” He questioned with his brows arched. Jessica nodded with a small pout. “Why? You wanted me to go back?”

Key then shook his head, a bit too quickly. “The boys all felt so upset when you left.” Key commented. Jessica made a slight nod. “Just the boys.” She mumbled. Before Key could speak again, Jessica spoke first. “After 5 minutes in the limousine while going back, I felt like it wasn’t right going back. I thought about the restaurant and you boys.” She started.  Key listened carefully. “I told the chauffer to stop the limousine then told my Appa that I wanted to stay. Took me almost 10 minutes to convince him but at the end he let me go. Once I saw him nod, I got out of the limousine quickly and ran back to the apartment.” She continued on. “I didn’t want to wake you up so I waited outside your condo. Unknowingly I fell asleep.” She smiled, embarrassed that she had fell asleep outside his door.

Key chuckled softly as he ruffled her hair. “Babo, You should have rung the doorbell. You could have caught the cold.” He pulled her in his arms for a hug. “Jjong was about to cry when you left.” Key joked once they broke the hug. Jessica chuckled at the thought. “I was about to cry too when I was getting on the limousine.” Jessica admitted. “But I’m glad I came back.” She added with a smile. Key nodded happily. “I don’t need to go back home because I’m already home.” She added truthfully. Key watched in awe. The younger girl was slowly attracting him.

“Well oppa, I’m going to get ready for work now. I might be late, but you should go now or you‘ll be late too. ”  Jessica pointed at her watched. Key shook his head as he patted her shoulder. “You’re not going to work today. You had an awful night, you need more rest.” He said, worried about her health. “Most importantly, you need a shower.” He pinched his nose jokingly. Jessica pouted as she slapped his arm. Key then suddenly winced in pain as he held onto his arm. Jessica knitted her eyebrows together. She then rolled up his sleeve and saw a red mark above his elbow. “What happened?” She gasped, looking into Key’s eyes. Key shook his head, feeling embarrassed. “When we were fighting that guy, he pushed me to the floor and I hit the chair before falling down.” He replied quietly. Jessica bit her lower lip, it was all her fault.

“Are you okay? Do you want to go to the doctors?” She asked with much concern. Key shook his head with a smile, assuring her. “I’m okay. Really.” He assured her. Jessica let out a small sigh as she lower her head. “I’m really sorry.” She apologised sincerely. Key patted her head gently as he lifted her chin up. “Babo, I’m fine.”

Jessica then shook her head. “You’re not going to work. You’ve injured your arm.” She pointed out. Key raised a  brow. “We can’t both not go to work though.” He reasoned. “I’m sure the restaurant will be fine without us for one day.” Jessica spoke. Key then made a slight nod. “I’ll call in then.” He reached out for his phone. Jessica nodded with a smile. “Well, I’m going to surprise Jonghyun oppa now.” Jessica jumped up from the couch. Key chuckled softly, while nodded. While he was talking on the phone, Jessica had left his condo to see Jonghyun.

“Sicaaaaaaa!” Even inside Key’s condo, You could hear Jonghyun’s exclaim. Key laughed to himself. He was finished with his phone call and had decided to go over to Jonghyun’s place. “Hey.” Key greeted Jonghyun once he entered his condo. Jonghyun’s was smiling from ear to ear. “Let’s go find Minho and tell him.” Jonghyun suggested happily. Jessica arched a brow. “But oppa, Aren’t you going to work now?” Jonghyun then remembered that he still had to go back to the middle school, he then let out a disappointing sigh. “Oppa, I’ll wait for you here, when you get back we’ll all go out for dinner. Okay?” Jessica tried to make him happy. Jonghyun nodded his head with a smile. “Well, I’m heading out now. I’ll see you two soon!” He chirped. Key and Jessica nodded, The three then exit Jonghyun’s condo. Jessica waved at him until the elevator door closed completely. Key then led Jessica back into his condo. “Let’s go find Minho oppa.” Jessica smiled. Key shook his head a little with a smile. “He’s coming over now.”

Jessica grinned happily. Even though it was not even a full day of her absents, She missed the boys dearly and they missed her too. “I still can’t believe you came back though.” Key suddenly said while sitting down on the couch. Jessica chuckled softly as she nodded her head a little. “I guess I just… think of here as home now.” She spoke honestly. Key nodded. “But Jessica ah.. What will happen when you really leave?”  Key asked as he turned to Jessica’s side. He was staring back into her almond eyes. Jessica gently bit her lower lip as she shrugged. “We can still keep in touch, right?” Jessica asked with a hopeful heart.  Key let out a long sigh. “I don’t know, Sica. I mean, you’re a princess. We’re just.. Normal people. I don’t think your father will let you be friends with us.” He said truthfully. Jessica also sighed. “The day  when I really leave, I’ll be really upset.” She was sulking about it already. Key patted her shoulder gently. “We’ll miss you.” He spoke. “Let’s just hope nothing happens, So when I leave no one will get more hurt.” She said, almost mumbling to herself. However, Key heard her. “What do you mean? Like what will happen?” He asked, confused. Jessica smiled at him, throwing away the sad mood. She then poked his forehead lightly and said cheekily.

“Like falling in love with you.”

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