The Life Of A Princess [fanfi...

By iamyanna

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Jessica Jung is the youngest princess of the King of Korea. She is the youngest therefore the royal family ha... More

Chapter 1 - Finding a place
Chapter 2 - Ramyun
Chapter 3 - First day of working
Chapter 5 - Sushi
Chapter 6 - Cold Key
Chapter 7 - Meeting prince Seungho
Chapter 8 - Exploring the city
Chapter 9 - Going back home?
Chapter 10 - Home
Chapter 11 - Fortune Teller
Chapter 12 - Mr. Kim, Miss Jung and Mr. Jang
Chapter 13 - The royal siblings
Chapter 14 - Thanks to Prince Yunho
Chapter 15 - Baby Bum
Chapter 16 - Something bad
Chapter 17 - Taecyeon's gang
Chapter 18 - Yoona's plan fail?
Chapter 19 - The sad reality
Chapter 20 - Princess Jessica
Chapter 21 - Last Chance gone
Chapter 22 - Wedding Confirmed
Chapter 23 - Training
Chapter 24 - Two days left
Chapter 25 - Running away
Chapter 26 - Happily ever after

Chapter 4 - Quitting

618 6 0
By iamyanna

Jessica was in the middle of wiping the glasses dry at the counter bar. Apparently, Yoona didn’t allow Jessica to serve any food or take down orders because Jessica was not qualified to do those task yet therefore Yoona assigned Jessica to stay behind the counter bar and make drinks and such. Jessica accepted the job without any complaints, she didn’t want to lose her job.

“Princess Jessica, Can you pour two glasses of water and a jug of water for me?” Onew asked, reading what he had written on his notepad. Jessica nodded as she began her new task. Kyuhyun who was also behind the counter bar helped her out. “Princess Jessica, you can take a rest. You’ve been working for 4 hours already with no breaks.” Kyuhyun took the glass she was holding away from her. Jessica shook her head while assuring him with a smile. “ You can really cut off the princess part and call me Sica and I’m fine, I can handle it.”

“But pri.. I mean Sica, You can really take your break now.” Just when Jessica thought she could really take a small break, Yoona walked up to the counter bar. “Jessica ah, Table four wants two glasses of coke and 1 glass of lemonade. Can you make those for me please?” Yoona asked nicely, smiling sweetly at her.  “I’ll make them.” Kyuhyun smiled, kindly offering to do so. Yoona slightly pouted. “But Kyu, You have to make those cappuccinos. You can’t make that many drinks by yourself.” Yoona acted as if she cared about Kyuhyun. “I’ll make them now then.” Jessica silently sighed to herself as she grabbed another glass. “Mianhe.” Kyuhyun mouthed to her. Yoona smirked to herself before walking away.

Jessica watched as Yoona skipped over to Key who was just finished taking someone’s order doqn and was walking into the kitchen. Yoona was clutching onto his arm and had helped him carry his notepad. Jessica rolled her eyes. “Can she be more obvious.” Kyuhyun heard her and spoke, chuckling. “She’s been crushing on Key for a long time now. Ever since he started working here.” He commented. “Yoona is such a pretty and nice girl though.” He added, smiling. Jessica secretly rolled her eyes. ‘Nice? Yeah right.’ She thought.

“But of course, Princess Jessica is way prettier.” Kyuhyun smiled widely at her. Jessica chuckled softly at his quick change. “Kyuhyun, you’re really fun to be around with.” Jessica admitted. “I thought you guys would be giving me a hard time.” She confessed truthfully. “Why?” Kyuhyun asked while placing the glasses on the tray on top of the counter. Jessica shrugged her shoulders. “I mean, come on. A princess is being a commoner for 3 months, everyone would want to give the princess a hard time and tease her or make her have a hard time. It’s a rare opportunity.” Jessica spoke causing Kyuhyun to laugh lightly. “Sica, You’re special.” He patted her shoulder, chuckling softly. Jessica pouted. “Is that a compliment or insult?” “Why would a princess think like that?” He asked, his laughter dieing down. Jessica shrugged her shoulders while pouring the soda into the glass. “Onew, Table four.” Jessica called out for Onew who was standing by the counter bar. “Thanks noona.” Onew smiled before walking away with the tray to serve the drinks. “I can’t believe Nicole and Onew are already working at this age. Onew was born in 1989 while Nicole was born in 1991. They‘re just kids.”

Key them butted in the conversation, “Unlike someone, people actually have to work to survive.” He didn’t know why it came like an insult.  Jessica ignored Key’s statement as she busied herself with the glasses of drinks. “Oppa, Can you come with me to the store to get some soap? The kitchen ran out of it.” (A/N: Key is older than Yoona here) Yoona suddenly came up to Key’s side and linked arms with him. Key nodded, giving her a smile  Key and Yoona then left the restaurant. “I think Key doesn’t like me or something.” Jessica mumbled. “He’s probably just in a bad mood.” Kyuhyun spoke, assuring her. Jessica slightly rolled her eyes. “That’s what they said on the first day too.” She muttered quietly to herself.

Seconds later, Jessica was still busying herself with wiping the glasses and placing them on the glass cabinets. Suddenly, she felt someone standing by her side behind the counter bar. She thought it was just Kyuhyun making the drinks. Jessica then turned back around once she was finished placing the glasses into the glass cabinet. “Key?” Jessica was startled by his sudden presence, Kyuhyun was no where to be seen. Jessica titled her head to see Kyuhyun taking people’s orders.

“Why are you in here?” Jessica questioned while wiping her hands off the cloth. Without speaking, Key handed Jessica a small packet of cookies. Jessica raised a brow as she looked down at the cookies then at Key. “You haven’t eaten in hours now. You must be hungry, your break is in another 2 hours.” Key extended his hand out more, pushing the packet of cookies towards Jessica. Jessica hesitated to accept the cookies. “Does princesses not eat cookies?”  Jessica didn’t know why but everything he says is against her.

“For your information, I, Jessica Jung does not just take things from someone for free.”  Key let out a chuckle at her stubborn self. “It’s not for free. You have to pay me back.” He joked, putting on a small smile. Jessica was still hesitating, she didn‘t want to lose her pride. “I take interests too.” He added, slightly waving the small pack of cookies in front of her. Jessica then grabbed the packet of cookies. “I will defiantly pay you back.” She said before opening the packet of cookies. Key chuckled to himself as he watched Jessica munch onto a piece of cookie. “Also, I didn’t have the time to ask you about the renting money.” Jessica suddenly mentioned. “How much are you going to charge my rent? Since it will be 3 long months.” Jessica added, munching onto another cookie. Key shook his head, he never thought of charging her for rent. “I can pay you the money, Key.” Jessica convinced him. “Plus I have this job now, so I will receive money.” She added. Key hesitated, he remembered clearly when his aunt told him not to charge Jessica any money for staying at his condo…………………….

“Fine, I’ll move out then. I’ll go to Minho or Jonghyun oppa’s place. I’m sure they won’t pity me and will just accept my money.” Jessica ignored Key’s presence beside her and continued on wiping the glasses. Key let out a sigh, slowly getting frustrated by her stubborn words. “I don’t pity you. I just don’t want you to give me the money that you had earned yourself.”

“At least charge me something. Or else I’ll feel extremely bad.” She said gently, more tender. Key stared into her eyes, almost getting lost in her big almond brown eyes. “We’ll make a deal.” He suggested. Jessica nodded, smiling.

“You cook dinner for 5 days every week.” Jessica frowned, a little hesitant. “What? Princess Jessica can’t adapt to the foods that us, commoner eats?” Key joked. Jessica shook her head, slightly pouting. “It’s just that..”

“What? You’re scared of the oily stove?” He teased. Jessica glared at him, stopping his teases. Key then cleared his throat after seeing her glares. “I’ll clean the stove. Just once though, Then it is your responsibility to clean it by yourself after.” He suggested. Jessica nodded, agreeing. “Araso..”  Jessica mumbled as she looked back down on the glass in her hand. “Are you..” Key was cut off by Yoona’s sudden appearance. “Oppa, Table two wants to order, can you take their order?” Yoona asked nicely, lightly tugging onto Key’s sleeve. Key looked over at Jessica one last time before walking out of the counter bar. Yoona watched carefully as Key walked up to table 2. She then stood closely next to Jessica. Jessica felt uncomfortable with Yoona’s close presence beside her. “Uh, May I help you?” Jessica put down the glass she was holding then turned to face Yoona. Yoona and Jessica were starring back at each other’s eyes. Yoona staring intensely at Jessica.

“Key’s taken.” Yoona simply stated. Jessica arched a brow, confused by her words. Yoona then made it clearer. “I like Key oppa and he’s going to be mine.” Jessica nodded, then continued on her job, not caring. Yoona grabbed her arm, yanking the piece of cloth off Jessica’s hand. Jessica then paid her full attention to Yoona. Yoona crossed her arms, tapping her right foot. “I don’t like your closeness with him. You‘re a princess, you have many other guys for you to choose.” Yoona spoke.

Jessica smirked. “Yeah, I’m a princess and do you know what I can do to you if you speak to me like that again?” Yoona did not speak, yet she didn’t show any fear. Yoona secretly gulped the lump of saliva in her throat. Yoona then walked up closer to Jessica, whispering in her ear. “I know your brother, Jessica. Your brother is the prince, either way his status is bigger than yours.” With a small smirk, Yoona walked away. Clicking her heels.

Jessica clenched her teethes as she clenched her hand, forming a fist. She harshly yanked off the apron that was tied at the lower part of her body and stormed out of the counter bar. “I’m quitting!” Jessica yelled angrily as she stormed out of the restaurant. Everyone in the restaurant was in confusion, Thankfully Mr. Im wasn’t present to watch Jessica's behaviour. However, Yoona already had thought of an idea of how to rat on Jessica to her father.

Meanwhile, Jessica had her arms crossed she walked down the streets. Her heavy steps could be heard as she look straight ahead. “Watch where you’re walking!” Jessica looked at the person she bumped into. “Excuse me? I’m a princess!” Her eyes were burning. “Ha! And I’m the king.” The person mocked as he walked away. Jessica stomped her feet, feeling more angry. “Ugh! I hate it here! Everyone is bullying me.” She complained as she kicked the air. Jessica dug into her pocket and grabbed her phone. She sped dialled Yunho‘s number and waited impatiently till he answered. She knew he was probably busy as he was the only prince, however she knew she had to call him.

“Oppa!” She exclaimed into the phone. “Whoa, Did something happen? Are you hurt? Are you okay? Where are you?” Her brother worried as much as she was angry. Jessica heaved out a heavy sigh. “Do you know a girl call Im Yoona?” Jessica asked, her anger was heard in her voice. “Yeah, She is one of Seul gi’s friend.” He answered, relieved that Jessica wasn’t in some sort of trouble.  Jessica then thought deeper if her sister in law and mentioned something about Yoona before. “Is Seul gi unnie and Yoona close?” Jessica asked. “Yoona is one of Seul gi’s close friend’s cousin.” Yunho answered truthfully. Jessica rolled her eyes, such complicated relationship. “Is everything okay?” Yunho asked. Jessica groaned, annoyed. “Never mind  oppa. Everything is fine. Don’t tell appa I called. I have to go now, I’ll talk to you soon hopefully.” Jessica then quickly hung up, not wanting to tell Yunho that she was being bullied. That she hated living outside, that she wants to go back. She didn’t want him to be worried.

“Jessica!” She turned around to see Key running up to her. Jessica waited till he reached her. “What do you want? I really have no mood to argue with you now.” Jessica muttered. Key grabbed Jessica’s wrist and attempted to drag her back to the restaurant. “I’m not going back!” Jessica pulled her wrist out of his grip. Key turned to face her with an angry expression. “Take up your responsibilities! How could you just leave? You have to apologize to Yoona and Mr. Im for your stubborn behaviour.” He said firmly. Jessica shook her head, crossing her arms. “I’m not going back. I hate it here!” “Look, Princess. Life out here isn’t the same as life in your mansion. People don’t serve you nor do they kiss your shoes for just wanting a simple praise.”

Jessica ignored his statement. “Okay fine. Just go back home and leave what you have started here. Throw away your responsibilities. Go back and marry some prince and be a stubborn princess.” Key spoke sternly. He then turned his back and took steps, walking away. “Wait.” Jessica small voice was heard. Jessica then hesitated as she walked slowly up to Key. She stood in front of him and had her head lowered. “I’ll go back with you.” She mumbled, knowing that she couldn‘t just go back home. Key smiled but then kept his posture. “I’m sorry.” Jessica looked up from the cement floor. “Don’t say sorry to me. Say sorry to Yoona and Mr. Im. Also your co-workers.” He pointed to the restaurant that was a few more steps away. “ Do I have to?” She asked, slightly frowning. Key nodded, this time he crossed his arms. “Fine.” Jessica mumbled as she followed Key back to the restaurant. “This is why I like Jonghyun and Minho oppa more.” Jessica muttered while walking back to the restaurant. Key heard what she said. “And this is why I like Yoona more.” He spoke, teasing her. Jessica rolled her eyes. “What? A princess can’t take a joke?” Jessica scrunched her nose at him before entering the restaurant. Key chuckled to himself. He knew he would have been happy if Jessica had left, then he can have his bed back and had the condo to himself again. Without Jessica in his life, he knew it would be peaceful and will have no troubles. However, apart of him deep down was thinking otherwise.

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