the lost hier

By Daphne4Riddle

2.3K 44 65

its draco malfoy and hermione grangers fith year at hogwartz ( yes voldemort is still alive, but umbridge isn... More

the missing item.
Eric the friendly beast!
speaking of the devil
nobody tells a malfoy to get under a bed!
malfoys plan
Hermione what!?
not an update!
the price to pay
granger ? gone bad ? impossible!
umbitch has done it again oh well revenge will be sweet!
time turner
a night with the slytherins

hermiones creature house

114 5 4
By Daphne4Riddle

Been getting a lot of free time lately i think its because i did all the homework last week well i guess i did a good thing then anyway the new characters in this part  came from  the extraordinary witches; JessAndMellMatthews, thatonebunnylover ,caityln-rose_riddle, and anyone else who help me come up with characters , without them i would not have had the imagination to create them three cheers for  Oh and just so you know the video is not related to the story i just put it up for the music

Still in hermiones point of view   (its like 6:45 now because i didnt know when dinner actually starts for them).

I knew dinner was in fifteen minutes so while noone noticed me i snuck out of the gryfindor common room and towards the kitchens with a small, purple bag . It hand a strap so i could hang it over my shoulders but i was just holding like a purse, i found out even before i came to hogwarts that the kitchens were near the hufflepuffs common room on the other side of the school near the basement . Once i entered the kitchens (after tickling the pear in the painting which turned out to be the doornob) i quickly found dobby and asked him for the foods on the list id been concealing in my bag. dobby took the list and began filling the bag with the food as usual,

" so dobby how have you been?" I asked as dobby gave me back the list and a bagful of food.

" Hogwarts treating dobby well as always ms granger thanks for asking" dobby said before i left the kitchens and headed up to the second highest and most abandoned corridor as quick as my legs could carry me and as unsuspious as possible.

once their i walked up to the wall at the end of the corridor and pushed it slightly , i made sure noone was looking and then stepped through the man size hole the wall just formed . as i stepped in i could almost feel the wall closing behind me while i took a look at the current setting before me , taking in as much of the inocent feel as i could . But in reality there was no inocence in what was in front of me so i just imagined everything being inocent .

"Good evening hermione how are you?" A friendly voice came from beside me ,

" hello jo how are you?" I said turning and smilling at my best slytherin friend . She was holding  our latest rescued creature while pip the bowtruckle held onto her collar,

" i think they are getting hungry " jo chuckled as she looked around the room. And true she was the creatures and so called beasts in the room were banging on the doors of there rooms as the always do when they get hungry.

" i think we'd better go feed them then ?" I said looking at jo who was just putting pip back on his tree with the other bowtruckles

" yeah oh and star, cait and jess are cleaning up  the niffler and moon calf habitats ill got give them ther food to feed the poor things as well then" jo informed me when she put pip back and grabbed some of the food to go feed the creatures in the forest habitats " is jack and lily busy?" I asked before she opened the baby giants room.

  "Yeah they got detention with snape for blowing up their cauldron" she chuckled before going into the room. " i guess ill start with the griffins then" i sighed walking Into the habit the griffins lived in.

Shutting the door i was immediately greeted by the four griffins in this habitat " why hello milly, jasper , poppy and fergas" i cooed kneeling down to pet them . " grr" the griffins stomachs grumbled and i felt bad at my time managment " oh im so sorry guys you wouldn't believe what ive been through today" i said throwing the meat and watching them tear into it .

" one habitat down nine to go" i checked off walking out the door and closing it behind me " hermione I'll take all the other creatures if you could feed the dragons, patrick and of course the hippogriff deal?" Jo said also closing the door she went through " sure but i hope that by the time i get to the dragons jack and trent come" i mumbled the last bit before grabbing the ferrets out of my bag and entering the hippogriff habitat.

I shut the door quickly and turned to find terry looking at me expectantly so i bowed as i normally would and soon after straightened because he nodded so i walked towards him and feed him his five ferrets " their you go terry you magnificent creature" i said subconsciously .

After leaving the hippogriff habitat i grabbed some of the dead chickens dobby put in my bag and went into Patrick's habitat wand raised . Gently putting the chickens down on the ground with my eyes shut in case he got out of his tunnel i called for him and i felt something brush my side " why hello patrick did you get out of your tunnel" i said smirking at the tail that wrapped around my hand and a big swallowing noise .

" oh well looks like im going to have to put you back in there" i muttered with my eyes still shut while i held a chicken in my hand, feeling around with my hands i eventually found the tunnel door. " ah i feel the broken latch did you break it patrick?" I say finding the latch and magically fixing it and making stronger " haem sasheay" yeah he broke it trying to get food.

" im sorry for being late but i promise ill give you an extra chicken tomorrow night okay?" I said before throwing the chiken into the tunnel and feeling patrick the basilisk go past me into the tunnel to get it. After patrick was in i shut the door and put all ten latches back on as i opened my eyes," well next time ill need to bring that potion so i dont need to worry about dying to look at him" i reasoned walking out of the tunnels habitat which patrick resides in. 

" ive feed the chimaeras, the Golden snidgets,  the grindy lows and all i have to feed now are the graphorns, the thunderbird,Demiguise and the doxys oh how i hate those things! Why did we save them hermione?" Jo have stated half asked when I'd picked up some meat for the dragons " well my motto is to help those in need and the doxys are quite nice to me i dont understand why they hate you? Anyway must i remind you that they were being killed by death eaters for fun! I mean how would you like it if they wanted to kill you for fun and you couldnt do anything about it!" I lectured while i grabbed the beef steak for the  Hungarian horntail.

" alright i see your point good luck with that Hungarian horntail by the way" jo said walking into the thunderbirds habitat " oh the time i wish jack and trent were here" i mumbled walking into the horntails habitat and finding him in the woodsy part of his habitat. " why hello there dean " i said walking to the center of the room and watched as he flew over to me, he tried to burn me with his fire but it didnt work because of the saftey spells i put on before i walked in " now i know your angry because i forgot to feed you earlier but thats no way to treat me" i growled at him .

I could tell he was sorry by the look on his face " here you go two pieces of beef steak" i said chucking the meat in the air and watching as he playfull flew up to eat them , " i guess ill ses you tomorrow then dean" i said taking one last lookat him   before walking over the the small grassy field where jorja was " hello jorja i thought id feed dean first in case he decided to bite my head off but i didnt forget you" i said when i was withing arms distance of her lying down figure. I put the meat in front of her carefully and gasped when she mkved her wing to reveal a beautiful baby dragon " aww jorja i didnt even notice! Congratulations oh your going to be such a good mother" i cooed kneeling down in front of her to see her smilling face "may i see if its a girl?" I asked jorja looking at her in the eye and waiting untill she finnaly nodded.

I then slowing walked around to the baby dragon lying next to jorja and examined it like a vet would an animal " its a boy!" I said turning to see jorjas face . She mustve been watching me as i handled her baby, " oh i wonder what you will name it" i said stepping back to admire the mother and son picture . Jorja and i were really close since i helped her escape the dragon fighting ring in hungary last summer , she would let me stroke her and lean against her and in turn she would get her claws cleaned and her horns would be washed along with her body.

" well i best be going I'll have to catch up with you tomorrow jorja sorry" i apologized walking out of her little safe house (yes im calling them rooms now because habitats is getting a bit repetitive) , after getting the meat for the Norwegian ridgebacks i ran into trent who had just walked in " hi herms i was told via owl that you would need my help" he chuckled grabbing the half of the meat out of my hands " come on then lets go feed norbert and nessie oh and i almost let slip to hagrid that we took his dragon because the dragons in romania tried to attack him" and continued to talk as we walked into norberts and nessies little forest.

" well that would have been a disaster wouldnt have been trent Oi norbert! Nessie i got yar dinner!"  I shouted the last bit turning my attention to the dragons above, they heard me because they flew down immediantly and waited for us to throw the food so they could catch it.  Trent feed norbert while i feed nessie as we talked about our different yet exciting day with me leaving out the guest "- and as you found out at lunch we turned all her things blue!" I replayed the days events exactly as they happened. Once we finnished feeding the Norwegian ridgebacks we got some more meat and entered the Chinese fireballs room still talking about our day, ying and yang were doing great together and i have a hunch that in a few months there will be and new member in their family.

After trent and i feed  the swedish short snout,Ukrainian Ironbelly, Peruvian Vipertooth and the Hebridean Black we decided it was best he go and finnish his transfiguration essay so he left me and i waited for jo since she was in the niffler room  with jess as cait and star left earlier to have dinner . " -and so Trelawney let us out early " i heard jess say once she and jo walked out of the room "I'll finnish up here okay girls since i already had dinner and dinner will be over by the time you get to the great hall so i suggest you go to the kitchens" i lied about having dinner but they  didnt seem to notice as they just nodded and left the same way i came in.

" i guess I'll be have dinner in the kitchens tonight" i said to noone while i walked to the mirror on the other side of the hallway-like room , i put it there and the others thought it was just because i got dirty while feeding creatures and needed to clean myself in front of a mirror but its actually a door to the rest of the creatures that I've secretly saved. I slowly walked toward to mirror with my mind blank and eyes closed as i took one step more and walked through the mirror , after stepping through the mirror i fell face first onto a mattress " i really need to work on the landing" i mumbled as i got off the matress that was put their because when it was i would hit the ground and hurt myself badly.

  Looking at the room i couldnt help but compare it to the prefects bathroom i mean it has a bath exactly like it and the windows also have moving mermaids on them and the tile is all around the room. That that moment a big splash of water hit me and i jumped in suprised " -hey hermione earth to hermione" i looked over at the bath and was reminded about the mermaids in the bath " hi guys how are you?" I said looking at max, belle , Alice, rose , darcy , brock and tom. " oh we're just fine but we would love for you to join us even if its just so you could pass through to the other rooms" darcy and rose said at the same time before blushing at the fact that they had. " fine but i will need to go see the others soon" i replied taking off my shoes, socks and shirt " oh and I'd like my tail to actually be the same color of my skirt you have no idea how long it took my last week to get the green out of it" i continued as i slid into the bath " fine but it wont look fashionable " alice said as they all swam around me and before long they had changed my skirt into a nice grey mermaid tail and my bra look like a crop top that  was made out of seaweed like roses does, of course i loved belles sewn seaweed top (which i really want to know how she did it) and alice has a nice  green clam shell bra ( that reminds me of ariel) but roses crop top just suits me the most .

" Thanks guys and i think i am getting the hang of the whole swimming like a mermaid thing" i told them excitedly as i swam a lap of the bath with my tail " you sure are" i heard brock say when i swam over . I have noticed that both max and brock have taken an interest in me  even though i know brock will end up with alice and max with belle , i know because i got to see all of my patients futures with my time turner while still keeping up with school 'its quite easy to stay on top of time when you have a time turner ' i thought to myself as the mermaids told me about the new power they had discovered. "-and then poof! Our tails turned into legs!" Belle exclaimed as the rest nodded excitedly, i only had a few minutes left with them but i did have to finnish my rounds and i am getting hungry " so now we can practice walking on our legs and hopefully soon you could show us the peaceful muggle world you say is safe" tom finnished the conversation seeing my nod " and you have to go dont you mione" brock sighed looking at me with his puppy eyed look " sadly yes "i replied looking down into the bath seeing the portal like door at the bottom of the bath " well i guess i will be seeing you all sone then" i said reminding myself that i dont need to see them everyday because they can get their own food from the magic properties of my food maker ( you say what you want and its teleports to where the machine is) .

I then swam down to the bottom of the bath in the direction of the portal and when i got there i swam through it and was once again falling, but this time you could see the other end of the portal . The portal ended in a field near a house , here it was dark but i didnt mind because i quickly ran to the house where the last of my patients resided in " why hello there it has been a while since I've seen that face" I heard as i stepped inside the house turning the light on as i went . There in front of me stood the very first person i have ever saved but i really cant say person because he is a vampire so anyway " why hello their willaim how are you?" I said facing the happy looking vampire before me " im fine thanks for asking but i think omar , daina and carrisa are a little out of sorts i thought it was because of that crazy side effect they still have  "willaim said leading me upstairs to dainas room first while climbing up two floorsworth of stairs i remembered back to when i had found omar , carrissa,daina and willaim in that old dungeon . I had gone there for an adventure in the summer holidays and because it was an old castle but when i went inside that castle i was attacked by an insane muggle that had imprisoned them their so that he could run tests on them and try to turn into a vampire himself. Fortunately i knocked him out with a spell before finding them and taking them all here this was an old house before i renovated it, it has been two years since then and i had gotten a hearing for using magic on a muggle but the minister let my go on the limb that it wad ' in self defense'.

I could here the crazy cackling coming from outside the room  and sighed guiltily before walking in to find daina ripping apart her favourite pillow whilst cackling like a mad woman. " daina stop it " i yelled at her and fixed the pillow with my wand and injected her with the antidote to her side effect while she was stunned, " you can thank me later" i muttered to her as i hauled her thrashing body over to her bed. Because daina carrissa , willaim and omar are all vampires the antidote to what their capturer did to them took a few days to brew and of course if you could fight the problem them it would go away but daina and carrissa cant fight it and omar mustve been taken by suprise.

" willaim take this shot and inject it into carrissa now!" I said to willaim knowing he wanted to help his friends , i tied daina to her bed while the antidote kicked in and ran to omars room to see him screaming and trying to fight the posion he was injected with ages ago " thats it omar keep fighting it you win this fight and the posion will fully disappear i promise this is the last one this fight is the posions last effort to consume you! " i shouted watching as he fought the posion on his own. He thrashed and kicked , he growled and screamed while i could only watch him untill he finally sighed in relief and fell asleep "the posion will be gone when you wake up " i said to him as willaim came in telling me that carrissa was safely in her bed while the antidote kicked in.

" i will make sure i congratulate him when he wakes up for curing himself but now i think i will go have a drink what about you herms?" William said as we walked downstairs into the little kitchen i sat on the bench while william looked through the fridge " do you think you have anything hot to drink?" i asked him as he still had his head in the fridge " well there is hot bear blood but i dont think you mean that so i think we still have that stuff you gave us to drink before omar and i would go hunting? What was it called   oh yeah caffee?" He answered as he took out a jar of coffee and a small bottle which most likely had the bears blood he was talking about " coffee yes ill have that! " i screeched grabbing it and make myself a cup while bouncing like i hadn't had coffee before.

" okay human calm yourelf" willaim joked patting my head as he drunk the liquid in the bottle " i am so thristy not to mention tired and hungry i havent eaten in hours but i still have to feed eric before i go to sleep" i groaned " oh just thought you would want to know it is midnight" willaim commented as i joined him in the loungeroom. 'Oh just Great im going to need the time turner to get enough sleep tonight 'i mentally moaned as i sat down on the lounge to enjoy a drink with willaim before feeding eric.

Time skip to just after she finnishes feeding Eric
I had just finnished feeding and chatting with eric when a wave of tiredness hit me ' merlin i am soo tired'i mentally groaned walking down to the first floor with a time turner in my hand . I got to the first floor and hid in the nearest closet to avoid being caught by norris who was walking around the corner, 'ok so its one oclock now and it was fifteen minutes to seven when i left the great hall, so five  turns should do the trick' i thought before turning the time turner five times and waiting for the whirl of the time travel feel to stop.......

Tada! Another chapter finnished and only four more weeks until semester one has finnished and I'll be able to go to canberra for the first time! *squealing * anyway what do you think of the story now? Is this still something worth reading? What do you think of all the creatures? Have any ideas for me to add into the story? Characters?pranks? Places? Any at all feel free to comment

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