The Life Of A Princess [fanfi...

By iamyanna

21.5K 154 16

Jessica Jung is the youngest princess of the King of Korea. She is the youngest therefore the royal family ha... More

Chapter 2 - Ramyun
Chapter 3 - First day of working
Chapter 4 - Quitting
Chapter 5 - Sushi
Chapter 6 - Cold Key
Chapter 7 - Meeting prince Seungho
Chapter 8 - Exploring the city
Chapter 9 - Going back home?
Chapter 10 - Home
Chapter 11 - Fortune Teller
Chapter 12 - Mr. Kim, Miss Jung and Mr. Jang
Chapter 13 - The royal siblings
Chapter 14 - Thanks to Prince Yunho
Chapter 15 - Baby Bum
Chapter 16 - Something bad
Chapter 17 - Taecyeon's gang
Chapter 18 - Yoona's plan fail?
Chapter 19 - The sad reality
Chapter 20 - Princess Jessica
Chapter 21 - Last Chance gone
Chapter 22 - Wedding Confirmed
Chapter 23 - Training
Chapter 24 - Two days left
Chapter 25 - Running away
Chapter 26 - Happily ever after

Chapter 1 - Finding a place

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By iamyanna

Jessica silently whined to herself while she walked down the long hallway in her mansion to her room. Somehow she was having a mixture of feelings flowing through her. She was scared, Because she had to be by herself when she’s out there. She was nervous, Because she had never lived outside other than her own mansion. She was excited, as she was able to be free for three months. However, She was also feeling a tinge of happiness as she was able to explore the world without having to be trapped under her Mother and Father’s orders.

Jessica heaved out a heavy sigh once she thought about how she was going to survive out there. Questions were appearing in her confused mind. Her body shivered as the thought of working appeared in her mind. Working means there will be a boss, Having a boss means she will be bossed around and being bossed around was defiantly not on the list of being a princess.

“Jessica, Did you talk to appa yet?” Jessica entered her enormous room to see her brother sitting on the beige leather couch by the window. Yunho, The oldest child and the only prince was Jessica’s brother. He is married to Bae Seul gi and they were living under the mansion as well. The other side of the mansion to be exact.

Jessica gave her brother a brief nod. “He said if I can last being a commoner for three months then I don’t have to get married to someone I don’t know. But if I don’t survive out there then I will have to get married to that dude.” Jessica plopped down her the couch, not caring about her sitting posture. Even though she is a princess, She never acted like one. She was however, used to the glamour things a princess receives yet she never cared about the words she chose to used or the posture she showed.

Yunho held onto her delicate hand and patted it gently, comforting his little sister. “It’s not fair how you and unnie got to marry someone you like.” Jessica complained, pouting. Yunho understood her feelings, he too was forced to marry someone he did not know however he eventually got through the difficult stage and married someone he truly loves. The fact that he was the 1st prince gave him a lot of pressure as there was 99 percent chance that he would be the next king. However Yunho had always carried a bright smile on, because he wants the people around him to be happy.

“So when are you moving out?” Yunho brought up another conversation. Jessica slouched down her shoulders, sighing. “Two days time.” Yunho patted her back softly, once again comforting her. “If you need help when you’re out there, just call me.” He wanted to help her as much as he can. Jessica shook her head as she puffed out her cheeks. “Appa said I can’t contact anyone in the mansion for help. If I do, It means I lost in the deal.”

Yunho let out a sigh, he was concerned about his sister. “Do you think you’ll be okay?” He asked, slightly raising an eyebrow. Jessica shrugged her shoulders, she was worried too. “I’ll do anything to not marry that guy. I haven’t even met him yet.”

“Just take care of yourself, okay? I’ll send out a body guard to follow you. I wont let appa know.” Yunho gently ruffled his sister’s hair as he stood up from the couch. Jessica nodded, giving him a smile. She appreciated Yunho’s caring towards her. “Well, I have to go now. I have a meeting with the government later.” Yunho looked at the watch on his wrist, checking the time. Jessica nodded, waving her hand, letting him go. “You should start packing now.” He gave her a comforting smile, giving her strength. Jessica nodded lazily. Yunho then left her bedroom.

Jessica tightly shut her eyes as she leaned back on her leather couch. She titled her head, facing the high ceiling.  Just when Jessica was slowly feeling better, one of the hundreds of maids entered the bedroom. “Princess Jessica.” The maid called out softly, standing in front of the leather couch. Jessica opened her eyes as she sat up straight. “Yes?”

“King Jung had informed me to tell you that you are only allowed to pack clothes and necessary items.” Jessica groaned, keeping in her annoyance and anger. She heaved out a low heavy sigh as she waved at the maid, signalling her to leave. Jessica got up from the leather couch and walked out of her bedroom, walking to the room across from her which was one level of her wardrobe. Jessica lazily grabbed a suitcase from the bags section and made small steps towards her clothes section. She slightly rubbed her chin while thinking of what to pack. It’s three months without her 3 level wardrobe and her two level bedroom.

Jessica once again sighed. She spent much time considering what to pack. After approximately 3 hours, Jessica finally filled one suitcase of clothes and one suit case of shoes and other necessary things.  Jessica pouted as she looked at her two suitcase sitting on the pink carpet floor in the middle of the room. Comparing the amount of clothes in the suitcase to her 3 levelled wardrobe, the suitcase clothes was nothing but just half a pea sized amount.

Once she was finished depressing over her clothes, Jessica left her wardrobe room and dragged her feet back to her bedroom. Once she entered her bedroom, she lazily walked over to her queen sized bed and laid down, looking up at her ceiling. She blinked numerous times, thinking that today would just vanish away and that none of the things had happened. However, she was just lying to herself because in two days time she would be a commoner for 3 months.

Slowly and slowly, after several minutes, Jessica drifted off to dreamland. Her thoughts and worries were gone until she wakes up again.


The second day had came, Jessica’s last day in the mansion. For some reason, Jessica felt her stomach tingling as she walked closer to the grand door. Her suitcases was seen sitting beside the door. Jessica slightly pouted as she looked at the maid standing by her side. The maid who had watched Jessica grow up and the maid who Jessica had always thought of as her own aunt.

“Ahjumma, I’m going to go now. I’ll ring back once in a while to tell you how I’m doing.” Jessica gave her a hug. “Take care of yourself. Your father had already announced it on the newspaper. He had told everyone not to give you any special treatments and just treat you like a normal young lady.” Jessica nodded slowly, knowing that it was apart of the deal. She was not allowed to have any kinds of special treatments.

The maid then shook Jessica’s hand, patting it gently. She secretly passed Jessica a small note. Jessica’s eyes slightly widen, curious on what the note is about. “My nephew is two years older than you. This is his address. He lives by himself, You can contact him if you can’t find a place to live.” The maid whispered into Jessica’s ears. Jessica nodded her head, giving a smile to the maid. “Thank you so much, Ahjumma.” She thanked sincerely. The maid nodded, patting her shoulder gently. “Now, Take care. 3 months will pass by quick.” Jessica smiled at the maid warmly. “Thank you.” She thanked one last time then walked towards the door. She grabbed the handles of her two suitcase and left the mansion, carrying her suitcase by herself.

Outside was a car waiting for her, Jessica got in and closed the door. She looked out of the window and was already missing her mansion, her bedroom and her wardrobe. “Princess Jessica, Princess Tiffany and Prince Yunho had told me to give this to you.” The chauffer turned around to hand Jessica a folded letter. Jessica thanked the chauffer before unfolding the letter.

Jessica silently read the letter to herself.

‘Dear, our Sicaaaaa.

Sorry we couldn’t do anything to help you.

We really wish you the best when you’re out there!

Take care of yourself and don’t cause any trouble.

We have hired a body guard to look after you secretly, Umma and Appa doesn’t know about it. The body guard will not show himself, he will just be looking after you from behind.

Also, we tried to make a back account for you as Appa had already stopped your other ones for the moment. But appa found out so we couldn’t do anything about it. So please use your money wisely!

If you’re really having trouble, you should come back. However, that means you lost so you will have to marry him. We know you’re a very stubborn kid so we know you will do whatever it takes to not lose.

Just remember to take care of yourself when we’re not there.

Also Appa and Umma had informed the media that they are not allowed to follow you or take photo’s of you, in anyway disturb you. If they do, They will be sued straight away and their company will have to be gone. So don’t worry about them too. They won’t disturb you.

Love, Tiffany and Yunho.’

Jessica had a small smile on once she was finished reading the small letter. She missed her brother and sister already. She doesn’t know what she will do without their support. “Princess Jessica, I will drop you off in the city. King Jung said you should find your own way through.” The chauffer informed her, looking at the reflection mirror. Jessica nodded slowly, unsure if she could find her way as she doesn’t even know the directions properly because she was used to being drove around. Biting her lower lip, Jessica fidgeted with her fingers while looking out of the window. They were far away from the mansion already. The busy streets was not so far, Jessica could see the tall buildings already.

She sighed to herself, It was really happening. She was just minutes away from starting her new life as a commoner. Although it is only 3 months, Jessica knew in those 3 months it would be difficult for her to even have a decent meal.

“Princess Jessica, We’re here.” The chauffeur had stopped the car and parked it by the streets of the busy city, Seoul. Jessica inhaled air deeply, she grasped onto the door handle and opened it slowly. She stepped out one foot slowly then got out of the car fully. “This is it.” She mumbled to herself. She tightened her jacket and fixed her sunglasses. The chauffer helped her take her suitcases out from the boot and placed them beside her, on the path. “Take care, Princess Jessica.” The chauffer bowed respectfully then went back to the driver’s seat. Jessica watched as the car slowly disappeared.

She stood on the path with her suitcases sitting beside her feet. She looked at environment around her. It was noisy and stuffy. Not to mention the city smell she was inhaling. It was all very different from her mansion and garden. There was barely any grass seen and the sky seemed so high above with the tall buildings blocking the clouds. The sun was shining above yet there were areas that was being shadowed. Jessica watched with a disgusted expression as she saw a man spitting on the ground. She scrunched her nose as she stepped aside on the path, letting people walk past her.

Heaving out a heavy sigh, Jessica held onto the handle of her suitcase tightly. Afraid to lose her belongings.

She slowly dragged her two suitcases with her while walking down the street. She had no idea where to go nor where to look for a place to live. Jessica was struggling to walk down the street with her suitcases, She was blocking people’s way and they were in her way. Jessica bit her lower lip, bowing her head to everyone she had accidentally bumped into.

‘Aha!’ Jessica cheered in her mind once she saw the store, the estate/flat agents. Jessica pushed the glass door open and dragged her suitcases in. She smiled to herself once she entered the store, it was less stuffy and it had chairs for her to sit down.

“May I help you, Miss?” The employee extended his hand out, gesturing the desk ahead. Jessica gave him a small nod as she followed him to the desk. Jessica sat down on the chair and rested her hands on the wooden desk. “I’m here to look for a place to rent for 3 months.” Jessica smiled politely at the man behind the desk. “What type of area are you looking for?”

Jessica thought for a second, She only had 300,000 won and she still had to eat therefore she couldn’t use all of the money. “Any place that is affordable.” She mumbled, somehow embarrassed for having a budget. She never had to think twice when using money, but this time she has to. She has to keep in mind that she had a low budget.

The employee did a few clicks on the computer before turning the screen towards Jessica. Jessica scanned through the screen, Every single flat that was for rent was twice the price of what she had. The price was for only 3 weeks rent too. The cheapest one Jessica saw was already more than 300,000 won. Jessica looked at the man nervously. “I only have 300,000 won. Do you think you can get me a discount?” She asked with a hopeful heart. The employee sighed, lowering his head a little. “I’m sorry Princess Jessica. But your father, the king had said that no one is to give you any special treatments. If we were to give you a discount as a normal customer, 300,000 won still won’t be enough.” The employee spoke, he knew who she was the second he saw her yet he was to not address her as Princess Jessica nor treat her like one.

Jessica let out a sigh. “Can’t you try talk to the landlord or something?” Jessica asked, she felt strange pleading for someone’s help. She had never pleaded for anyone’s help.

The employee shook his head apologetically. “I’m sorry.” Jessica nodded her head, understanding the employee’s situation. Jessica then remembered the note that her maid had slipped into her hand. She reached for her pocket and took out the crumbled note. She unfolded the note and creased out the corners, She read the address out loud. “Is it close?” She showed the employee the note. The employee read the note carefully, not wanting to mislead the princess.

He then nodded, smiling. “It is a 25 minute drive from here, that’s if the traffic isn’t busy.” He explained. Jessica smiled at him, thanking him. She then left the store and was back on the streets. She hailed a taxi quickly once she saw one coming her way.

“Please go to this address please.” Jessica asked the driver nicely. “Yes, Princess Jessica.” Even the taxi man knew who she was, but yet again she was not to have any kind of special treatments. Therefore the taxi fair was still the same price.

After paying, which was already 25,000 won from her 300,000 won. Jessica dragged her suitcases towards the building’s entrance. The building did not seem like those rich ones yet it didn’t seem too dirty and old. It seemed normal enough. Jessica inhaled deeply before stepping into the building. She was anxious to see her maid’s nephew, however she was more nervous if he would let her stay or not. Wondering what type of guy he is or even how he looks like, Jessica carried on a worried heart as she stood in the elevator.

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