NUMBER // jeon jungkook

By peachyjmdan

45.6K 885 86

A text to a wrong number. Well... more like to his friends sister. More



1.5K 31 7
By peachyjmdan

After finishing up our food and conversations.
Recess was over and it was time to head to class.
And this time I'm with my friends Soomi and Jaein for this class.
God damn it man, why does he have to be in all my classes.
And I still wonder why he's acting like this to me now.
But whatever.
Anyways my friends and I are currently walking to class now.
And I hear him again.
Like man what does he want from me.
"Jiyoo!" I turn my head around to see
Jungkook running up to us.
Soomi and Jaein turn their heads too.
After they see who it is, they start nudging me.
" oh gurl it's your boyfriend" Jaein whispered giggling.
I turned my head to her.
"Shut up omg"I told her.
I then turned my head back around and there he was right in front of me.
"What do you want now?" I asked while sighing.
"Have you done the homework?" He asked.
"Yes I have....why?" I answered.
" welll can you give me the answers pleasesee, I didn't do it because I had dance class" he said smiling cutely at me and fluttering his eyes.
"No, you chose this class and you should be able to do the homework." I scoffed and walked away from him.
We then walked to the line of classmates waiting for the teacher.
Jungkook then arrived but he kept bugging me about the homework answers he wanted me to give to him.
"Please Jiyoo, please give it to me please" Jungkook said, clasping his hands together.
"I said no" I replied and turned my head the other way, trying to not face him.
"Fine then I'll ask someone else" he said pouting then walked away.
I then see him walk towards a girl.
That fucking girl. Soojung.
Ugh I hate her after all these things she's done to me.
She's never changed, she's still such a bitch.
He then jogged up to me, smiling.
"So you will give me the answers?" Jungkook said smiling soo brightly.
"Yes okay I will" I said.
I then put my bag on the ground to take out the sheet of homework.
I then gave it to him.
"omg yes thankyou Jiyoo" he said thanking me.
Then without me thinking.
He pulled me to him and hugged me.
Tightly. Very tightly.
"Okay yes yes your welcome" I told him, prying his arms off that were around me.
He smiled then put his bag down to grab his sheet and his pen, to copy down the answers from my sheet.

Soon enough the teacher Mrs Fujioka arrived.
And luckily Jungkook finished copying the answer on time.
She unlocked the classroom door then we went in.
Into our normal spots that we usually sit in.
There weren't a lot of people in our Japanese class as not a lot of people chose it. So there's only about 18 people in the class.

"Now class it's time for me to check your homework, so you guys know the rules already. If no homework,
Give me homework slip or your student planner for me to write a note to your parents" Mrs Fujioka announced.
"Hai Sensei" everyone said, taking out their sheets of homework.
She went around stamping each of our sheets, looking to see who's done their homework or not.
"Oh Jungkook-kun you've finally done your homework" she said impressed at him.
"Hai Sensei" he said smiling, then looked at me and bowed his head thanking me once again.
I bowed my head back too, to say your welcome.
"I'm proud of you guys, everyone has done the homework" she said clapping at us.
"Because of that I'll give you guys a 10 minute early dismissal" she announced.
"WOOO" everyone yelled in excitement.
"Okay okay class calm down, before I change my mind. Now please open your notebooks to a new page and copy down what I write in the board. We will explain it after you've written it" she instructed and we followed what she said.

After a few minutes of writing what the teacher was writing on the board.
In the corner of my eye I see Jungkook picking up his book and pencil case, then walking up to where I was seated.
He then sat onto the free seat that was next to me. We were infringing of the board so I'm guessing he sat HE because of it.
"I'm sitting here cause I can't see the board properly from over there" he whispered as we had to be quite and focused on writing.
"Okay then" I whispered back to him and continued writing in my notebook.
After he finished writing, I thought that he was going to go back to his spot but he stayed where he was.
Eh but whatever, I can deal with him again... right ?

Phrases after phrases.
We learnt how to introduce our friends and tell them what we like and disliked.
There was then a part where we had to go up in front of the class with a partner to show an example of how to tell our friend what our likes and dislikes are.
Though we didn't choose our partners.
The teacher did.
And guess who got chosen to be with me.
Man I swear to God I feel like there's someone who's casting a spell for us to be chosen to be together.
We then had to go to the front and demonstrate what you would had to do.
He made a few mistakes on the way but laughed it off and corrected himself which I found really cute.
I made some mistakes too but I quickly corrected myself trying to not embarrass myself too much in front of the class.

We went back to our seats after doing that little demonstration.
"Oh JiJi I see something blooming there between you guys" Soomi nudged me.
"No just no Soomi" I said giving her a wtf look then turned my head to pay attention to the teacher for what we will do next.

Class was finally over and as we had an early 10 minute dismissal we got out of class early as our teacher told us we would.
After walking out of the class room.
Jaein, Soomi and I walked to our normal spot, where we normally sit for recess and lunch.
"Guys I'll be back I'm going to go toilet and look after my bag please " I told them putting my bag down and walking off to the toilet.
I walked in and saw soojung and he little minions glaring at me as soon as I walked in.
I saw them glare but I didn't glare back and instead just ignored them and went to do my business in a stall.

I finished doing my business and saw them still there in the same exact spot, once again glaring at me.
God do they have nothing better to do than just bother me.
I went up to the sink to wash my hands clean.
I then headed out the door to go back to lunch.

I was out the toilets till someone pulled my hair and dragged me behind the building.
I was then shoved up against a wall.
I looked up to see that bitch.
Soojung. And her fucking minions.
"What do you want?" I asked her giving her a look.
"Nothing, I just want you to back off Jungkook" she said.
"Wow really that's soo stupid, just go and get him, I don't even like him anyways" I scoffed looking to my side.
I felt her hand slap against my face.
"SHUT UP YOU BITCH! STOP LYING!" She said and grabbed my hair pulling it and slapping me again.
As she kept doing this, I decided to fight back.
Till her minions decided to help her out and they pushed me to the ground.
They were pulling my hair, punching, slapping and kicking me. I tried soo hard to get up and fight back but I couldn't.
I need help, I need someone to help me.
Someone please help me please
"HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HER" I heard a voice shout.
I looked up and saw him.

He ran up to us and grabbed me from the ground helping me up.
"Oh my god oppa, we didn't do anything she did it herself, we were just trying to help her to stop hurting herself" Soojung said trying to act innocent.
He then helped me walked and we walked to the sick bay to get some wounds cleaned up.

Once we arrived at the office, the office ladies saw me and they were in shock as to what happened to me.
They ushered us to go to the sick bay quick.
Jungkook then helped me to walk to the room and sat me down on the bed.
He sat down next to me and looked at me worriedly.
I looked down at my lap.
Not wanting to look at him and for him to see my face.
Why did they do that ? I wasn't doing anything wrong? I thought.

I soon then felt tears run down my cheeks.
I felt Jungkooks hand lift up my head and that made me look at him.
He wiped my tears away and brought me to his embrace.
"It's okay Jiyoo, I'm here now, I'm here, you can cry I'll be here for you" he said into my ear as I was laying my head on his shoulder while hugging him tightly.
I felt safe, safe in his arms.
In his warm embrace.
"Thankyou Jungkook" I whispered softly.
I looked up at him.
And he slowly leaned in till I felt his lips on mine.
He kissed me and I kissed back.
We kissed for some seconds then pulled away looking into each other's eyes for a moment then I hugged him back again.
I held him tight, while he held me tight against his chest.

I think, I've fallen for him again.

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