Ylie Illusion Finale

By donitez

9.9K 622 13

Book III of illusion series: Ylie: He is a half breed, son of a human and a werewolf Alpha. He work hard to p... More



399 24 0
By donitez

Abel pov:

>Tell me everything, and don't dare - skip any little details.<

I told John through mind link. And then he said everything to me,how I awake after a week of unconsciousness, with Cain take over our shared body,when my own mind that day is in a 'coma' states. How I order the ENLIGHTEN that day to locates my true mates whereabouts. How I threatened 'our' official and the other's who has part in my arranged marriage to Magda,how I became distant cruel and cold to them, how I abused Magda mentally , physically and sexually. I know my wolf Cain are very affectionate to anyone, he has no capability to that so. I am the one who pushed him to act that way. I mockingly thought to myself. Because of my selfishness,my cowardness, I didn't think the consequence of what I did when I blindly cruelly rejected my true mate. My pack,my friends, my family pay the price. And I ,the one who did this...

>karma, at first ,Cain took over our body in my human form,searching the mate I pushed away, now my mates are here beside me, I cannot change to my human form...<

"Wha-what!!!? You!! Yourrr!!! Mate is he-here??."

John interrupted me in his agitated voiced

>Yes,the one who save me is my mate,my true mate<

I told him,he look at me anxiety and confused

"Impossible. I mean... Ho-how? He can't be your mate."

John whisper weakly

>of course He is my mate<

I pissed snapped at him,how dare he,even he is my bestfriendbeta,he has no right to question my bond to my mate's. He bow his head like a submissive....wait! What?

>what happened to you? You are a dominant, yet you acting like a submissive?.<

I question him,he didn't look straight at me in the eyes like he always do, he averted my gaze to look down. That make me more suspicious

"N-no! Of... Of course not.. I am not...well...."

He said unsure while scratching his nape

>Did,my absence make you submissive? And please used your mind link while talking to me.<

John bow his head embarrassments

>I'm sorry Alpha, it's just, 'he' is my mate.<

John whine at me... He? He just whine at me? And what he just said 'he' is his mate. Whose mate?


I asked him suspiciously

>the young man earlier, the one who brought tray of food for us<

He answer me, I felt relief of what he said,I thought my karma is not enough that I need to deal with my bestfriendbeta regarding of my mates.

>oh, him. His my mate's cousin.. <

I am interrupted suddenly of a burst door open wide,then entered my joyful lively mate,who launched himself into mine

"I'm tired,let's go to sleep."

Ylie said with a cute yawning, I look up to my surprised beta and introduced him to his with a proud to my voice through mind link

>he is Ylie,my mate. Let's talk tomorrow,-and tell his father,Alpha Wyllard ,that I was excused for awhile to attend to my mate's comfort.<

I mind link my beta,before I get up and went to my mate,I bow slightly my head to Alpha Wyllard out of respect before we get out.


John pov:

"Their gone."

I said without thinking,still in the daze of what just happened,

"I know,- can I asked you something?."

Alpha Wyllard said,I gulped hard and look at the elder man in front of me,one of the best fighting Alpha in his generations. But this man in front of me is a huge differently of what I am imagined, he has a calmed and ease mood surrounding him,not like earlier out side that he has a tremendous aura around him,

"Yes you may Alpha."

I told him respectfully

"My son, and your Alpha,are they mates?."

Alpha Wyllard asked me,I look at him dumbfounded, I know he knew it,but why he need to asked me a questions he knew already the answer,I think he read I am thinking because he told me

"You see,my son has a special case. So I need to confirmed it,even I already knew the answer."

"Yes,they are."

I answer him,not adding the rejected part,well it's not my business after all.. He nod at my response.

"That's all I need to confirmed, so are you guys are going to stay here for a night or are you going back to your pack."

"If you permitted Alpha, can we stay here for a night?."

"Well,that's not my place to decide. This place is not mine,but my mate's nephew,Eleazar."

Said Alpha,that name Eleazar has a kick to my stomach, my wolf Baste crawling to my mind happily like a cat in heat

>damn you,don't compared me to feline!.<

Baste growl at me pissed,I secretly chuckle to myself. Wyllard look at me amused

"Come on,I will introduced you to Eleazar."

Wyllard told me with a playful smile to his lips,my eye's bulged wide open and the nervousness kick in.

"Uhm...well that's nice of you, but ammh.. It is really need to."

>oh,shit, don't be sissy let's go meet our mate<

Baste interrupted me impatiently

"Oh,will you shut up!!!"

Unconsciously I shouted him out loud,that make Baste giggle like a fucking high school girl

"Are you now fighting to your owned wolf.?"

Wyllard asked me amused,that make me blush from the embarrassment

"That's a daily common fight to our other self, more natural than fighting our siblings. But let me give you some advice coming from this old man,when it's come to a mate things don't do a selfish decision, don't forget that you are one with your wolf,everything that you do,it will reflect in your wolf happiness and yours. There are many flings out there but there is only one other half to each individuals that make you complete."

Wyllard seriously told me,then called Eleazar.

Now I am face to face to my stranger so young dominant mate. I feel my heart bouncing and bouncing like crazy,I can't even say a word,my mind is blank,and Baste didn't make a help to me. He just rolling and rolling to my head like a bitch in heat. Even he starred at me lazily in his nerdy so-so outfit it make him more cute. We didn't sense Wyllard left the room and locked it. We just stand there for a minute did nothing,just starred to each other.


He suddenly asked in lazily toned

"Ha? W-what???."

I dumbfounded asked him,he smirks at me cutely at my reactions. Then lazily lean at the door framed both arm folded to his chest.

"Uncle,told me you and your man wanted to stay here this night. I only one spared room left,you can used it,and the others can sleep at living room."

He told me like nothing while starring at me behind that eye glasses his wearing.

"That's generous of you... I will tell them now....ahm... You knew about..."

"Your 'kind', of course I knew about it. Uncle Wly, and Ylie are the both werewolf. "

"And it's not bother you at all?."

"No..it's no biggy,beside it's boring to meddling someone staff. Called your man and feel at home,I'm going to bed. Night."

Then Eleazar left like that.
I feel a stung to my chest,I want to stop him for leaving me but I can't

>stupid,human! Why didn't tell him we are his mates?!."

Baste angrily snapped at me

"I ... Can't... I don't have a courage."

I whisper weakly to him,my wolf Baste didn't say a word and give me some space.

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