Into The Night

By DarkPurple22

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"Just give me one more chance, take my hand and I'll take you to Wonderland." Honestly, I did not choose to g... More

Author's ♪
Fun Fact Time
After Credits Chapter
Quick Question
Author's ♪


460 30 26
By DarkPurple22

It was a rather harsh competition but gladly, we ended up in second place. Mr. Delfin was pretty proud of us, even treated us and promised Taylor he'd be in her party tomorrow.

Honestly, he is one of the best teachers ever. He had been so concerned and basically watched us the entire day. And at the end of it, he treated us to this restaurant and we helped ourselves to some delicious Thai food.

Taylor was watching over me too and she never left my side but we barely talked so I reckon she's still not that ready to talk to me.

Aside from the food, as a reward for joining the team, all of us had these varsity jackets, a combination of black and white but with a badge of being a History member.

When I got home, I was extremely tired. It was a different tired, it's actually tired from everything so I lied on my bed immediately the moment I got into the door.

"At least change your clothes." Niall muttered, barely looking up from his laptop.

"I'm tired." I muttered, the pillow blocking my voice but I reckon he heard it.

"Fine, if you want to get sick."

I groaned and stood up. I took most of my clothes off and leaving my boxers, and then I got back on my bed. I threw my clothes in the basket and then threw my blanket over me.

"Why are you bruised like that?" He asked, like he usually does but I reckon this is much worse. I've been hit by a car, not fatal but it hurts like hell.

"Let me sleep." I muttered and it wasn't long before I actually dozed off.

But it wasn't much of a long sleep. I got awoken by the lights as they were rather blinding even if I haven't opened my eyes yet.

"Harry, turn the lights off!" Niall muttered sleepily.

"I'm sleeping here." I mumbled, as sleepy as him. I turned my back on the wall to face him and squinted my eyes a bit, he was sleeping soundly.

"God, I'm so sorry."

I honestly did not even see that coming. My eyes snapped open at the same time the lights went out. Even without the lights, I saw Taylor standing in the middle of the room.

I had to debate first whether I was dreaming or not.

Niall stood up while I sat up and then he turned the lights on. We were both in alarm yet I reacted much calmer than he is.

I rubbed my eyes, while wishing that this isn't happening.

"Fuck, Taylor, what are you doing here?!" Niall asked but Taylor's eyes were on me and it's every bit indecent because I barely had any clothes on.

I groaned as I took a shirt from my bag and threw it on me. "Taylor, what are you doing here?" I asked calmly as I took some jeans.

She is wearing a dark hoodie with blue jeans and her hair wasn't in braids, more likely loose. "Are you okay?" She asked in her innocently, calm and quiet voice.

"To be honest, I just want to sleep." I said because I was insanely tired and I haven't had proper sleep in a long time. I laid my head down my pillow while I waited for her to say something.

"I'm sorry for breaking in, it's just — I-I r-really can't —" Taylor shut her eyes tight and licked the bottom of her lips. "I'm just sorry, I'm really sorry."

"Taylor," I said, "you can do this any other time. Please, not now." I couldn't believe that I am even saying this but I really am tired. I could barely even manage to keep my eyes open for so long.

"But, Harry, I'm already here." She reasoned out and well, I couldn't argue with that. Either I was too tired or I don't know what to say. "Please just give me five minutes of your time and if — if y-you don't like — I'll leave you alone."

"Taylor, this might not be the best time." Niall interfered and I was glad he said that.

"Just five minutes." Taylor said, facing him and then back at me yet I was barely keeping it together. My head started aching again because of both the light and being awoken from my slumber.

All I know is she's anxious about being here. For one, she had never done this before. Never have I experienced someone sneaking into my bedroom but with this girl, there are a lot of first times.

"Harry, I know I've been such a headache these past weeks and I'm sorry. I am so sorry for the things I said and I am so sorry about blaming you for almost everything when it really wasn't your fault. I--"

I licked my lips, rubbing my eyes again. She sounded sincere and I know she is but I was tired way beyond my wits.

"I g-guess I've been too caught up with the fact that I saw you as someone untouchable, I thought you wouldn't get hurt. I am so sorry for forgetting that you're just as vulnerable as I am."

Taylor started playing with her hands and blinked a few times as she looked at me. I reckon she was looking for a reaction and yet I didn't give her much of a satisfaction.

"Look, I - I know you're mad but-- all I'm asking is just one more chance." She said. "I just sort of need one more chance, I promise, I'll be different."

I shut my eyes for a moment and looked at her even if I was still lying down. "What if I don't want you to be different?" I asked. I don't want her to change, I just want to bring out parts of her that she forgot.

"I promise you, I'm — are you still mad at me?" She asked quietly and looking downtrodden like I just told her the worst thing on Earth.

I didn't answer. Maybe because I just want her to go home now.

Taylor got down on her knees so her head levels to mine. She stared right at me with those begging, brilliant blue eyes, "Harry, all I'm asking for is one chance. You're the best person I've ever met and I — I still haven't told you things that I wanted to."

I bit my tongue, knowing that I might give in but I also know that my body against it. She has to go before I actually doze off on her.

"Just give me one more chance, take my hand and I'll take you to Wonderland."

There it is, an undeniable offer from the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm not playing hard to get, I was going to tell her that I really forgave her a long time ago but, something about me was processing against it. It's the sleepless nights catching up to me.

Taylor patiently waited for an answer, her eyes kept on me and there was this gloomy look written all over her face. Yet, she was trying to hide it in her smile.

Rejection, that was something I rarely gave her. Heck, that was something people rarely give her. It's because I never liked seeing the disappointment in those eyes.

Oh goodness, I can't believe this is happening.

I licked my lips again and sat up, "Taylor, this is the first time I've got a rest in a long time. I uh, I can't do this right now. Please go home."

Rejection, as I said, I rarely gave her that but in this instance I have to. I lied back down, still feeling every impact and it hit I've taken earlier.

"Oh." There it was, the disappointment in her eyes. "Okay." She whispered, stood up and turned the lights off.

I shut my eyes and faced the wall.

Silence crept in yet I know Taylor was still inside the room, standing, probably thinking of the reasons why I rejected her. I wasn't mad, I was just tired.

"Taylor, this is really the first time he slept in a while." Niall said, seemingly, he's awake and he knew every single part of it. "He hasn't been feeling well. Especially not since today."

"I know." Taylor answered. "Goodnight Niall, night Harry."

"Stay safe, Taylor." Niall replied, "Goodnight."

Taylor left the room the way I suppose she came in, through the window. I sat up again and counted for at least a minute.

I cannot believe this.

I got up on my feet and took the nearest jacket I have. I used to have everything all figured out until now, my mind is still debating but it happens.

I looked out the window, looking at the fire exits she used to go down. When she is already on the ground and out on the streets, I started climbing down, unstable but I tried not to make too much noise.

My whole body aches, I felt like my muscles have been pushed to their limits yet I have to push it down just one more time.

I started climbing down through the slippery metal ladders that makes an insane amount of noise. My left arm was at its weakest as I kept slipping from my grasp because of both the ice and the fact that I landed on my left side earlier. . . combo times two.

I cannot believe I am doing this for a girl I rejected just a few moments ago. I kept glancing at Taylor every once in a while and she isn't that far yet. I kept climbing down until I got to the ground.

I sighed, "I'm not mad, I'm going mad." I muttered.

I kept my steps quiet and my hands in my pockets as it was a rather cold night. I followed Taylor, keeping a fair distance so she won't see me. I couldn't just let her go out alone so as much as every part of me was against it, I still have to look out for her. I might have declined to her offer because I was tired, I still can't let her off on her own.

Such an idiot.

Taylor walked quietly down the streets, her arms close to her. She was slow on her steps and unbelievably graceful at the same time.

After a moment of following her, I started feeling sleepy, but I kept on forcing myself to stay awake it would be a disaster if I drop dead on the ground now.

I told myself, we are already on the bridge, she's almost there. I just have to make sure she gets home safely.

At the bridge, Taylor walked at the sides yet I still see how shaky she was. It seemed like ages ago when I thought she was going to commit suicide her and I was wrong that time. It turned out that she was just afraid of heights and wanted to try facing it.

I felt like she's doing the same thing all over again.

Yet, this time, she kept her distance from the edge and just kept walking slowly.

It was until she got to her house and I kept my distance as Otis, one of her dogs, always approach me if I get too close. It happened a bit too much during the past weeks, I had to make sure I stay away.

When I saw her enter her bedroom window, I smiled and made my way back to the dorm.

Once again, I sunk on my bed, ready to sleep.

"I thought you declined." Niall said.

"I did." I answered. "I just had to make sure she's safe."

"You know how much it hurts for her, right?" He asked and I nodded.

Yes, I do know how much of an impact that rejection could be and I do know how she is not used to that. But the thing is, I have to look out for myself from time to time. I am barely feeling well and I've been pushing myself for far too long.

"I know." I gulped, "But I reckon it's better this way."

"No, Harry." He said, "You're just making it harder for the both of you. I know you're leaving but you have to make it clear."

"Yes, sir." I mumbled and turned my back on him. I closed my eyes and again, fell asleep as easily.

The next day, I woke up at ten AM, alone in my room so all I did was take a bath and feed CM. After a long sleep and a rather dreadful night, I tried my best to keep my mind occupied.

I paced back and forth. Until I found out that I basically threw my medal last night to the basket. I sighed and pinned my medal to the corkboard. It's been awhile since I organised a to-do list.

I pursed my lips together, looking at the corkboard and eating an apple until I saw some scented paper. Niall and I are boys, neither of us would put scented paper in this corkboard.

And then I saw the drawing of the paper airplane on it.

"Alright scented paper, you have piqued my interest." I muttered.

I scoffed, taking the tack from it and putting it in my hands. I unfolded it saw an invitation about Victorian Era's party tonight.

I took a bite out of my apple and swallowed. "Hmm, curiouser and curiouser."

Basically, I've lied on the bed almost the whole day. . . almost.

By seven-thirty PM, which is I know was almost thirty minutes after her party began, Niall called me up and I've expected that.

And here I am eating my third apple of the day. I kept munching through my apple as I was watching a lovely scene.

"Mate, have any plans tonight?" He asked, sounding quite panicked but with an awful new generation song passing in his background.

"Nope, nada and zip." I answered. "Why? Do I have to have any plans?" I asked, continuously watching the scene of bright lights and stuff.

"Harry, you of all people would know what tonight is."

I scoffed, of course I know what tonight is. It's a formal occasion wherein you are forced to dance all night. "You know I don't do promenades."

"It's Taylor's birthday celebration. It's not a prom, it's her birthday. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" He asked.

Actually, it meant a lot. Everything about Taylor means a lot. But, right now, I'm testing Niall. I want to know just how far he'll go on being my wingman.

"Her birthday was two months ago, tonight is just an excuse for her to get her Valentines date, hmm?" I asked and I think I just triggered him. I'm trying to do that. Let's see how far he'll go in trying to convince me.

"Harry, I cannot believe you keep disappointing this girl." I wanted to tell him that I don't want to disappoint her anymore. Actually, I am very well sure that after this, I won't have to disappoint her.

"Have I told anyone that I'll come?" I asked. As far as I'm concerned, she shouldn't be disappointed on default.

"You seriously do not get it." He said in frustration. Oh no, I get it, I get it very well. This is my last chance to Taylor. This is my last chance to actually prove how far I am willing to go because maybe by the end of the night, she'll find someone else. Of course, know she isn't that kind of girl but as she said, all of the eligible bachelors will be there. . . well, she's right.

I took another bite and continued talking as I was swallowing, "You honestly don't get it, do you?" I asked, returning the question to him.

"Get what?! Harry, Taylor hadn't danced since the eighteen roses and she had been declining everyone that asked her to."

"Yeah, well, I know that little detail." I said, "It's either the boys there are afraid of a little rejection or they just do not have the bloody guts."

"What are you talking about?!" He exclaimed. "Harold, I swear to you, you blow this chance, you'll blow every other chance you've got for this girl."

"I know." I replied, sounding nonchalant. I grinned and yet I continued eating my apple. "I love this conversation, you know. It's quite amusing."

"Harry, seriously?! You're being your unreasonable self right now?!" He asked, almost yelling.

I shrugged even though he won't be able to see that. I licked my lips, "Erm, not unreasonable. I just don't like the music they're playing. It's a dreck."

I stood up and kept walking casually.

"What the fuck?! Harry, you're not coming because of the music choice?!"

"Eh, the music choice is really awful, you know." I said, listening to the song in the background, and it's full of swearing which isn't fit for the occasion.

"Look, Harry, I know you don't like these occasions. I know. But please, do it for Taylor. Otherwise you're just going to wake up on Monday and she's got a new boyfriend." Niall said frustratedly while I laughed.

I kept eating through my apple, "She won't let that, you know. She's stubborn and headstrong as Alice Kingsleigh." I laughed again and seeing that annoyed look on Niall's face made me laugh a bit harder.

"It's not funny, Harry."

"Oh it is." I said, partly laughing. "I am not dancing until I hear a good song."

"What the heck are you talking about?"

I continued walking through the crowds of people I do not know until I was in front of Niall. He looked quite odd in that suit.

I smirked, "I am not dancing until I hear a good song." I repeated and looked at the rest of the gang that are with Niall, dressed in formal gowns and tuxes. "Hello."

"Harry!" Most of them exclaimed while I was still looking at Niall's puzzled face.

"We thought you couldn't come!" Berlyn said excitingly.

"Well, I didn't say I wasn't coming." I said to them and they all had their bright faces.

"Fuck you, man." Niall muttered, punching me lightly and I laughed. "I fucking hate you."

"Yeah, well," I shrugged and took another bite out of my apple.

"What got you out of your running shoes?" Niall asked, seeings as I always use my running shoes and there's rarely a sight of me in formal black shoes and formal black suit.

I smiled, "I am done disappointing my girl."

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