My Best Friend's Baby

By kateybug1114

123K 2.4K 354

17 year old Claire's life is like a rollercoaster there's ups and downs. She gets pregnant by her best fri... More

(Short) Epilogue


5.3K 119 37
By kateybug1114

My mom and I had went to a small cafe in the mall and caught up. I told her all about how Josh and I had got a house and about how excited I was about having a girl. Mom told me that she had moved a couple of towns over and she cried her eyes out while apologising for leaving me.

After the cafe I invited mom to come see our house. I showed her around and now we're just sitting in the living room chatting.

"Yes sweetie?"
"I'm scared."I said as tears came to my eyes.
"Oh sweetie there's nothing to be scared about. Everything will be perfectly fine. Once you have your baby everything will come naturally to you."  mom replied with a smile.
I nodded my head.
"Thanks mom,i'm glad you're back."

My mom left a few hours ago. I'm just sitting around waiting for Josh to get home he's a couple hours late.
Josh has been coming home a few hours late a lot lately.

It's already 6:30 so I figure he'll be home soon so I go start dinner.
I get out everything for dinner and start cooking.

I finish cooking about an hour later. I fix myself a plate and sit down at the table and eat. After I eat I wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen,then I go upstairs and take a shower once i'm done with that it's near 9:00 and Josh still isn't home. I try calling him a few times and every time it goes to voicemail. He isn't allowed to have his phone on him at work so I assume that's why he isn't answering.

I go downstairs and lay down on the couch and watch t.v., after about an hour I fall asleep.

I wake up at 3:30, I try to fall back asleep but I can't so I decide to just stay up and watch t.v., while i'm watching it I hear someone open the front door. I get up and go to the doorway between the living room and foyer I peek around the corner and see Josh.

"Where have you been?" I ask.
"Out with a friend."
"I was worried about you, you could have at least called me to let me know you were going to hang out with a friend."
"Geez Claire, you're not my mom I don't have to tell you what i'm doing all the time!" He yelled and then he went up stairs.

I went and laid back down on the couch. Josh has never raised his voice at me before. He's been acting differently lately, he used to act like he wanted to constantly be around me but now he acts like it's a bother to have to be around me. I don't understand what i've done. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore because i'm so fat or maybe i've done something to make him mad.

I sit on the couch and think of all the possible things I could have done to make him mad.

At around 6am I go make breakfast, I make eggs,bacon,and toast. I make two plates and go sit them on the table, a few minutes later Josh comes down and grabs his plate and walks into the living room to eat.

I just finish eating and then I take a quick shower and get dressed then I grab my keys and head out the door. I'm going to pick up Becky,she's been busy getting ready to head off to college in a couple weeks so I haven't really seen her much. We're going out shopping and then to lunch later today.

I get to her house and honk the horn,there's no way i'm walking all the way to the door.
A few minutes later she comes out and gets in the car.

"Oh my gosh. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Becky says.

"It's only been a couple weeks. Calm down.'' I laugh.

"So how's everything been going?"

"Everything's been umm.. Okay? I guess."

"Josh still being a dick?"

"Yeah." I told Becky about how Josh has been acting towards me the last time I saw her.

"I'm sorry. Maybe it's just a faze." she said giving me a sympathetic look.


I pull into the parking lot of the mall and look for a parking place after 5 minutes of circling the parking lot I finally find one. Once I park we get out and go in.

We go to a few different stores and Becky gets a bunch of stuff for her apartment. I don't understand why she doesn't just wait until she moves to buy stuff for her place but she said she's to excited to wait so she's buying it now.

We go to about 8 different stores before I decide I need a break. I go sit on a bench in the mall while Becky is shopping.

While sitting here i'm looking around the mall at all the different stores and people. As i'm looking around my eyes land on Josh walking through the mall holding hands with Bella.


I hope you liked this chapter.

Please let me know what you think.

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