PARK JIMIN | jimin x mara

By hellchyeahZL

801K 16.8K 9.7K

A short, spin off book only for JiMara couple's sex adventures. More

author's note + communion
chapter | 1
chapter | 2
chapter | 3
chapter | 4
chapter | 5
chapter | 6
chapter | 7
chapter | 8
chapter | 10
chapter | 11
chapter | 12
chapter | 13
chapter | 14
chapter | 15
chapter | 16
chapter | 17
chapter | 18
chapter | 19
chapter | 20
f i n a l e
e p i l o g u e

chapter | 9

22.7K 619 608
By hellchyeahZL

| jimin's point of view

Daddy, where's my mommy?

Taehyung came inside our room. It was morning and I just woke up so I didn't understand what he said at first. I sat up and rested my back against the headboard as the girl beside me, my wife, Mara, slept soundly with her back to me. She was curled up opposite to me. I pulled the sheets over he bare back before I picked our son up and placed him on the bed with us.

She's not my mommy. Who is she?

I was confused at what he was saying, She is your mommy. Why would you..

My voice disappeared as if I had swallowed them when I saw the face of the woman next to me. She's not my wife. Taehyung began to cry and call for Mara. I left him to look for her but she was not around. I looked everywhere in the house but I can't find her. When I came back to the bedroom, Taehyung was still crying so I took him in my arms.

Hey handsome. The woman was waking up. She saw Tae and smiled, Is that your son? The one you were talking about last night? Oh and by the way, before I forget. Your wife came by and caught me staying the night with you. She left crying. I didn't know she would be so weak hearted.

She laughed. I told her that it's not only my fault. You wanted it too.

You what?! Who are you? I was baffled. I don't remember anything. Taehyung kept crying as I covered his ears so he wouldn't hear her lies. I didn't sleep with you. I didn't cheat on Mara. Who are you!

What do you mean? Cheat on her? She continued to smile,

I'm your new wife.

"No!" I shot up from my desk.

"What the fuck!" Yoonji was startled, causing her to drop the papers in her arms. "You scared the shit out of me and made me drop these now I have to bend my back to pick them all up. Ugh. I hate doing stuff."

"I fell asleep?" I talked to myself but Yoonji answered me anyway.

"You don't remember?" She looked up at me from the spot where she was collecting the pages of paper on the floor. "You told me that you will rest for a bit so you told me to not let anyone in."

"Now I remember.." I groaned, cradling my headache. "Yoonji, can you get me some pain killers and water please."

"Roger that." She chirped as she skipped outside, taking the papers with her.

What was that nightmare? I left home this morning and Mara was there to see me off. It's just a bad dream after all. It's not true.

"Here you go, Mr. Park." Yoonji placed a single capsule on my desk and the glass of water. "Drink it slowly."

"Thanks. You can go, Yoonji." I dismissed her. She flipped her hair as she walked away. "Wait, Yoonji, can you tell Mara that I'd be home early today."

"She called when you were napping and I already told her what you just told me." She said, chewing gum m in her mouth again, "Does that mean I can go home early too?"

"Yeah sure." I let her go since I have no energy to left to deal with my secretary. She left before me and I followed soon after her. I left the office and was planning to go home but I remembered that I need to meet up with that woman.

I decided to be quick about it. I'm just going to see her, say hello and then leave after a few words but it didn't turn out as I planned out. When I arrived at the restaurant, I honestly believed that this arranged date was just between the two of us but I saw my mom in there, with her and another woman.

My mother stood up and hooked her arm around mine. "Jimin, this is Jenni and her mother, Mrs. Cho. Jenni, this is my son, Jimin."

"Hi." She offered her hand to me and we shook hands. "Nice to meet you. I've heard so many good things from your mother." She gave me a refined smile.

My mom nudged my side and whispered to my ear, "Do you see now why I liked her better?"

To which I replied with a cold, "No. I still don't understand why this is necessary for you."

She ignored me and went to entertain Jenni and her mother. We were ushered into a private dining room where I was seated next to Jenni on the table. We barely talked to each other. The conversation was lead by both our parents. I don't see her as someone who's after money since she's already wealthy herself, based on how refined she looked and her well polished manner of speech.

"Oh look at the time." My mother mused, a way to show off her new diamond plated watch that my father got her recently from his trip. "I guess we were enjoying ourselves too much that we have forgotten the time."

"I agree, Mrs. Park. You are such a lively talker." Jenni's mother commented. "But I noticed that Jimin and Jenni didn't have enough to talk about. Is it okay if we leave them together? We're not needed here anyway. They're both adults who can take care of themselves."

"Great idea." My mom said and so they both left us, together in the small room, beside each other. Not one  of us talking until she got bored.

"For the record, I didn't want to meet you." Jenni started, dropping her formal speech. "Not in a rude way but you get what I mean, right Jimin?"

"Wow, calling me by my first name so quickly. You're really friendly." I commented on a sarcastic note. "I get what you mean and I share the same sentiments."

"Well, it was good meeting you too. I was bored anyway." She flashed me a smile before eyeing me from head to foot, "What they said about you was true."

The statement made me raise an eyebrow. "What they said? Who said what about me?"

"Oh, just people. They said that you're a good dresser and it's true. I approve of it." She gestured to my clothes, "Black goes really well with you." She then smiled. "Reminds me of someone I know."

"Oh yeah?" I replied, finishing my wine, "I don't wanna know whoever that guy is."

"I know you don't but you won't be able to avoid it." She swirled the half empty glass of her champagne and watched the liquid swish around the glass. I didn't know what she meant and didn't have time to ask.

"You know I'm married." I said, drawing the line as early as possible.

"I know and I'm not a tad interested in married men." She let her tongue out like a child and laughed, "We both know why we're here but, don't jump to conclusions just yet, we're on the same side. I don't like you that way just as you don't like me." She pointed her ring adorned index finger at me, "Please, you're not my type."

"Thanks for insulting me." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh it's not an insult. I just don't like you." She turned to me and gave me a look that's completely the opposite of her personality a few minutes ago, in front of our parents.

"Great. Then I guess we're done here." I prepared to stand up but she placed her hand on my chest.

"Wait." She took her lipstick and applied it on her lips and then she kissed my cheek without warning. "You think they'd really leave like that. Of course not."

"Right." I took a tissue and wiped her lipstick stain off my cheek.

"Don't wipe all the evidence off!" She said, holding my wrist.

"You said we're on the same side so what's the point of this?" I pulled my arm back, "Wouldn't this make it worse for us? And stop touching me."

"God, you're sensitive." Jenni rolled her eyes at me, "Look, we'll just play along for a bit then we'll make them think that it's just not working out for us."

"Whatever, I'm leaving." I turned to walk away but I heard her following me.

"Whatever? That's it?" She nagged at me, keeping up with my strides while she struggled with her stilettos. "Atleast introduce me to your wife."

"No." I told her and then we wereout into the parking lot and my car was missing. I cursed under my breath, "Mom."

Jenni had a satisfied smile when I faced her again, "I guess I am meeting your wife tonight." She threw her keys at me. "You drive."


"Wow, nice flat." Jenni invited herself in and I stopped her before she could explore the whole house without me.

"Stay here and don't roam around, got it? I'll go get Mara, my wife." I said snd then went yo where I think she'll be, in our bedroom, but she wasn't there. I heard the water running and the bathroom door open so I assumed she was showering. I knocked on the door when I noticed that she wasn't making any sounds, "Mara?"

Without thinking, I came in and to my surprise, blood was mixed with water, her blood. Mara sat against the wall, barely conscious. I carried her up in my arms right away, taking a towel to wrap her in because she was bleeding so much even the towel, I just wrapped her in, was getting soaked quickly.

"Jenni, give me your keys!" I ran to the living room, carrying Mara in my arms.

"What the fuck." Her eyes went wide at the color of blood soaking mine and the towel around Mara.

"Keys, Jenni!" I snapped her out of it and she gave me the keys, following after us in haste. I stopped her at the door, "No, you stay. Look after my son. Please. He's asleep upstairs."

"What? You're leaving me with your kid? I don't like kids." She yelled after me. I gave her a pleading look and thankfully, she understood.

I ran to the car, placing Mara in the backseat. Her face was already pale and her hands were clammy but she was awake, "Baby, stay with me." I cupped her face. "Don't fall asleep, okay? I'll take you to the hospital."

"Jimin.. I'm sorry." She whispered inaudibly.

"What?" I had to put my ear over her lips as I asked her to say it again, "Baby, what did you say?"

"I'm sorry.." She reiterated. "I can't.. stop.. bleeding." I was almost in tears. I kissed her hands and told her to hold on.

I started the engine and the car flew at the speed I was driving at. I don't give a fuck anymore. "Mara, talk to me. Baby, stay awake."

"What if we lose the baby?" I heard her say over the hum of the engine and the blaring of horns from the traffic, "It would be my fault. I'm sorry."

"Mara, stop apologizing. It's not your fault." I told her, aggressively keeping her from falling asleep, "We won't lose the baby. Stay with me, Mara. Please!"

"I want to see my baby." She said, I was glad to keep her awake. "Is it not too late?"

"It's not." I replied, "You will see the baby. You will see him if you stay with me, okay?"

"Okay." was the last words she spoke before she lost consciousness.

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