You and Me || JM ✔️

By AlmightyBomb

468K 18.1K 5.4K

"She leaned on the wall for support. Her knees weakened but managed to hold her up. Tears trickling down her... More

Chapter 1: Let me go!
Chapter 2: Who are you?
Chapter 3: Maid costume
Chapter 4: It's the begining
Chapter 5: Rules
Chapter 6: Reasons
Chapter 7: Nearly Escaped
Chapter 8: Assistant
Chapter 9: Never!
Chapter 11: It all starts now
Chapter 12: I beg you
Chapter 13: He's crazy!
Chapter 14: Save me
Chapter 15: Finally at peace
Chapter 16: The hunt is on
Chapter 17: Hawaii
Chapter 18: Business can be nasty
Chapter 19: Shopping and starvation
Chapter 20: Reveal the truth (part 1)
Chapter 21: Reveal the truth (part 2)
Chapter 22: War with business (part 1)
Chapter 23: War with bussiness (part 2)
Chapter 24: War with bussiness (part 3)
Chapter 25: Trust
Chapter 26: All I want is you
Chapter 27: I'm back with a surprise
Chapter 28: my heart
Chapter 29: Handover
Chapter 30: lets go back home
Chapter 31: satisfaction or guilt
Chapter 32: alliance
Chapter 33: i may pronounce you husband and wife
Chapter 34: i married this man
Chapter 35: unexpected visitor
Chapter 36: the real truth
Chapter 37: honeymoon?
Chapter 38: 2 faced?
Chapter 39: it can't be
Chapter 40: not ready for this
Chapter 41: mistakes
Chapter 42: please come back
Chapter 43: another member
Chapter 44: love and hatred
Chapter 45: another chance
Chapter 46: I love you
New book

Chapter 10: Trapped once again

9.4K 418 73
By AlmightyBomb


I'm currently in studio with the rest.
But my mind is still with him.

Jimin-ah I truly hope what you're doing does not go according to your plan. I hope that the girl you wanna break, the one you wanna sleep with ends up curing your broken heart.

end of recap

Jennie's POV

Oh my god, finally, I got away from this crazy. I always knew he wouldn't do anything since he doesn't have the guts to. The one thing I don't get is why did he let me be? I mean he stared at my face when I got into the elevator...why not stop me?

Whatever, who cares, it's not like I wanna go back. I had to freaken run by four streets which would lead to my dad's company. I can't believe I thought it was close by. Looks like it but it ain't. It's quite far.

I slowed down a little, and walked. The walk was ridiculously far, with me quickening my pace. I can't wait any longer, especially not with a psycho on the lose.

Walking, walking, still walking and more walking.....

FINALLY!! There it is!

Stomping through the entrance, I walked to my dad's office which is located on the ground floor unlike Jimin's.

Walking in I realised his workers, eyeing me as if I committed murder or some shit. His secretary, Jane come running in her 6 inch heels. Wonder who she's trying to impress.

"Miss? Oh, Jennie where were you? Do you have any idea of how everyone's been?" Fake concern filled her eyes.

Ugh, everything about her shouts BITCH. I don't know why but when ever I look at this women, my blood boils. She's the age of my parents yet wears short outfits and heels. Not saying it's bad but the way she acts around dad makes me sick. Is she trying to take mum's place? Pfft what a flirt..even if she is, she will never. Dad only loves mum and I have seen that love in his eyes.

"Jennie? Jennie?"

"Huh? Uh...Oh yeah, where's dad?"

"Mr Kim? Oh he's not in the office. Not after.....what happened". She eyed me at the 'not after' part. What am I someone dirty? Well it can't be any better than her.

"Where's he than?" I questioned strictly.

"Oh he's probably at home. Do you perhaps want the driver to drop you home?" She asked innocently. Although this is the most greatest decision she could come up with. So thanks to her.

"Yeah sure".


Taking a ride home in my dad's black Mercedes Benz, I relaxed off my worries. Pfft, you can't escape me, I'll watch you, 5 rules and blah blah blah. He said to do all these and even punish me? What an idiot, he did neither of any. I always knew he wouldn't and I was right. He just can't.

I remember in school how he used to be.


"Yah, nerd," Taehyung threw his basket ball at him. To my surprise he caught it but let it slide.

Sitting here in the gym, Alone...I was interrupted by my boyfriend and Jimin, if that's his name? Yeah, Jimin.

"Yah, Tae, why are you here? Can't you see I want some alone time with my books?"

"Jennie, books ain't fun...but what's fun is this nerd". He smirked, looking over his shoulder to him.

Oml don't tell me. Here it goes again.

"Yah nerd, why are even in this school? Did no one tell don't belong here".

"Yah, Tae, let him be-"

"Why I'm here doesn't concern you or your permission".

Damn, did he just reply back to Taehyung? That too with confidence?.
I quickly stood up from my seat. What ever happening next was not gonna be pretty.

"Aish, this nerd can also talk back to me? Yah! Do wanna get beaten to death?", Taehyung was raging in anger. Jimin though had no effect to it. It was as if he was used to these kinda fights. That too, he even held that leadership expression on his face. If a stranger would have watched them, then they might have thought Jimin was the one who picked up the fight.

"Kim Taehyung, keep your mouth and hands to yourself it you don't wanna get it any uglier".

Oh no.

He even smirked at the end of his words.

"Tae, don't-"

Before I could get out from the stands I was sitting on, they broke out in a fight. Jimin gave Tae a couple of fistfuls which amazed me of his ability. Taehyung didn't budge back, he gave him more than he got.

"Guys stop!!"

I rushed down to them, trying to tear them apart and finally did when a teacher came running. The teacher took both the guys and me to the principal's office. Once in the principals office we sat together. The worst part was I had to sit between the guys. On my left was Tae, on my right was Jimin.
Turning left, a smile crept on Tae's face and turning right...awaited me a death glare by Jimin.

Even though Jimin got away with it and it was all blamed on me and Tae since we were the first people there, I still didn't care. Why does my heart feel something? Siting next to these two guys alerted me of some sort of disaster. It felt like it's a connection to future?

End of flashback

Only if I knew these two guys...are my upcoming future, I would have ran away by now. I can't believe Jimin turned from a nerd to a hot, sexy god through out these years. He looks like a freaken model. Yeah and that too, he's filthy rich, don't know how but he just is.

"Miss, we're here".

Breaking out of my shell of thoughts, I realised we were home. The driver opened my door as I got out in the familiar place. Yes that garden, this grass, the flowers, the water fountains, yes, yes, I missed it all even though it has only been probably 48 hours with that person.

"Dad, mum..I'm home", yelling out there names I headed inside.

Opening the great mansion door, I entered the living room. Oh my, I was about to cry but I don't care cause my family was right there.

"Dad? Mum".

"J-Jennie? My grandma who was sitting on the couch got up, with everyone's eyes glued on me now.

They all got up.

"Dad, oh dad I missed you so much, you have no idea h-how I've been". I hugged him so tight that he probably couldn't breathe.

"Dad I- d-dad?" His face was stricken along with everyone else's.

Wait a minute why is everyone looking at me that way? Earlier in the office, the look the workers were giving me now my parents are the same.

"M-mum? W-What Happened? Aren't you happy to see me?" I laughed out the last bit even though I stuttered. They're all just playing hard so I can't win this time.

"Jennie...child it's not that we're not happy to see you but..."

"But what mum?"

"But the things you have done, has put us to shame".

Shame? What does she mean?

Dad handed me the newspaper when I took it to find something horrible on to.

Top headline
The daughter of the most famous entrepreneur and CEO, Mr Kim had now become the run away bride. Not expected this from her at all, but due to family problems, Kim Jennie had to make a step where she had choose between family and freedom. As expected she chose freedom.
Rumours have that the marriage was a contract between families, allowing there children to marry for a business deal.

"D-dad, I didn't-"

"I know you didn't Jennie, you haven't done anything like that...but eventually we are put at shame aren't we".

I couldn't utter a word even though I wanted to shout it out to the world that I was kidnapped. Who the hell put up this news anyway?


"Look Jennie, if you didn't want to get could have told us. Even though it was on the wedding day, you could have told me and we could have sorted it out. No need to put up a drama like this", Mum finally spoke her thoughts.

"But mum i didn't run, I was kidn-"

"Jennie look, Taehyung was your choice anyway, then why didn't you marry him? Why did you run away? We didn't force you", dad questioned me as if in an interview.

"Dad I know he was my choice but I didn't ru-"

"Jennie....look child, Taehyung..he umm broke this marriage. When you ran away, he left too."

"Left? Where? When?"

"He's just changed cities. Said he had work to do". Mum announced.

Oh my lord how am I suppose to explain it to him now?


I stood there like a statue, mind rushing through thoughts again.

"Child go wash up a bit", grandma suggested.

"Don't, you're not welcome in this house anymore", dad sounded rough.

Woah what happened to dad? He was alright by now..than suddenly why did he changed?


"Look Jennie...I can't keep you in my house after what you did".

Is this even my dad speaking? It can't be. H-He's not like this.

"Look Jennie...after what you did, we're disappointed in you. That's why we want you to go spend sometime with your dad's business, partner." Mum cut in between me and dad.

"Business partner? What's that gonna do to me?"

"He's a masters at taming wild animals and people with wild behaviours, I suggest you go and learn some manners young lady".

"Dad, you're comparing me to animals? Manners? I don't want to go anywhere...I already told you I wasn't running away I was kidn-"

"I suggest you go live with him for a month as well, cause your attitude is worsening day by day.".

Why aren't they listening to me, they don't even know I was kidnapped. What's happening all of a sudden?

"Mum, dad please-grandma tell them please". Grandma just looked down. I know she couldn't have said anything now.

"Jennie your bags are packed, he must be coming any minute now", mum. explained.

Grandma sat on the couch with concern, mum sat on the sofa while I stood there with dad.

"Dad please-

*ding ding*

"He's here", he said.

The maids opened the door while i faced the other way, making sure my back was facing who ever this person was to take me with them.

"Oh come on in", dad let out a low laugh and made his way to that figure.
I think he hugged him.

"Jennie this is him, he's the one I have been talking about. You will be living with him for a while", Dad stated.

I still faced away from the unknown figure.

"Jennie be nice and greet him", mum murmured making sure I was the only to hear it.

Ugh... fine than.

I turned, my eyes widened at the sight.

"NO! Dad please, NO! Not Him!"

He smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Kim Jennie".


To be continued...

Authors note
Sorry for the late update tho, but I hope y'all like this.
Keep reading❤️

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