If It's Meant To Be....(unedi...

By _cc1984_

3.5K 45 18

Mykaela is about to find out just how dangerous Curtis' life can be. If fate brought them together what is tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3 (revised)
Chapter 4 (revised)
Chapter 5 (revised)
Chapter 6 (revised)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (revised)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

245 3 2
By _cc1984_

Picture of Tick Tock Diner on the side.

Marshall’s P.O.V.

Its been about month since little Brooklyn was born. Two weeks ago, Dre asked everyone to show up for a meeting. He wont tell anyone what it’s about. Just tells us to show up because we wont want to miss out. So me and the family flew in yesterday.

After about ten minutes of greetings everyone takes a seat around the room. It wasn’t long after that Dre calls someone, “We’re ready for you” then he hung up. I look in his direction confused at first. Then a young girl, maybe eighteen or so, steps into the room. As she makes her way up to the front of the room I take the time to examine her, light caramel skin, long curly hair and looks to be a little shorter than me. Where have I seen this girl before? 

Finally she reaches the front of the room and Dre simply says “show them”. Closing her eyes her mouth opens up and Lighters flows out of her. Hitting every note, Bruno originally sung, with the right amount of power. My brows shot up on their own accord when she doesn’t stop at singing. She raps! At that moment she is giving us all she has into the first verse. 

“Damn.” I whispered. “I know.” Dre and Fifty say from either side of me. Our entire crew is sitting around a conference room in Flux Studio’s. (Real studio although I have no idea if they go there) Keeping my voice at a whisper I ask “she is signed right, to your label?” Dre nods. “Good. Cant afford to let anyone else have her man.” 

A tentative voice pulls everyone out of their private conversations. “Um, did you guys like it?” The room goes quiet as all eyes turn to her. I try to get a look at her face but she looks down, causing her hair to create a curtain, when all the attention is on her. A few chuckles sound off through the room at her reaction. Her face catches fire at the sound. 

I see Biz stand up and I know this may not be good. “That was hot! Damn girl, you a double threat. Sing and rap, aint no need to be shy!” We all laugh a little at him but agree by nodding. Finally she looks up and smiles. Her smile is like déjà vu. I have never seen this girl in front of me but that smile I have seen hundreds of times.

“What’s your name?” I ask without even thinking. Her eyes snap over to me. “Evelyn Treasure Knight.” I stood and stuck my hand out. She took it. “I’m-” “Marshall Eminem Mathers, yeah I may have heard of you.” She gave me a small smile as I chuckle. I pull my hand back as everyone comes forward to introduce themselves. 

That last name, Knight, I have heard that. Only increasing my suspicions that my thoughts are right on point. When I heard her last name a conversation came to me from long ago. Me and Asia are skyping talking about random things. I ask about her parents. After telling me all about her mom the only thing she says about her dad is: “The only thing I know about my sperm donor is that his name is Paul Knight.” That has to just be a coincidence, right?

“Twenty.” Evelyn answered a question I didn’t hear. Looking at her now I realize she does favor Asia. Somewhat. My brows are scrunched together as close as they can be. From the corner of my eye I see Dre and Fifty share a look then walk over to me. “What’s up Em?” Dre starts. “You have that ‘uh oh’ face going on.” Fifty finishes. 

Nodding my head towards Evelyn I speak. “Look at this girl. She look like someone you seen before?” Dre looks at her intently for a moment. I could see the moment the light bulb went on. “You think?” Not giving Fifty the chance to jump in I answer Dre‘s question. “Could be. Asia’s Dad’s name is Paul Knight.” Both of their heads snap back to me with their eye brows raised, I just nod my head as if to say ‘yeah I know’. 

I have to call Asia about this. Leaving the conference room, with Fifty right behind me, I find an empty office and hit my speed dial. 

Asia’s P.O.V.

The kids and I decide to visit the Jackson household since Marshall had a meeting. It’s been to long since we last seen her. Well in the physical sense that is. Of course we get pictures constantly and face talk but its just not the same.

Lanie let Ronnie ring the door bell. Mistake. Because he kept ringing the bell until Lanie stepped away. We are still laughing when the door opens. “Hey guys come on in.” Marquise said opening the door wide for us. We all gave him a small hug on the way in. 

In the living room I see Myk sitting in the chair that Curtis bought, at the baby shower, holding Brook. There is a woman I’ve never met standing at her side looking down at Brook. From the angle of her face she kind of favors Marquise. I bet this is his mom. 

I clear my throat gathering their attention. “Since the guys are out we thought we would visit.” Myk’s face breaks into a even wider smile as her eyes take us in. The kids all take a seat somewhere in the room, after greeting Myk and Brook, Lanie keeping a hold of Ronnie.  I took a seat on the love seat next to Myk, settling a sleeping Lady on my lap. My little girl’s sleeping has not changed much.

“Oh right you guys have yet to meet. Shaniqua this is my sister Asia. Asia this is Shaniqua, Marquise‘s mom.” We both smile at each other and reach a hand out to shake. “Nice to meet you.” “Like wise. You’re married to Marshall, right?”

Before I can answer her a disgruntled Hailie does. “No, they’re not. You would think that they would go ahead and tie the knot but nooooo.” I couldn’t help but to laugh at her antics. She took it worse than anybody when me and Marshall decided we just wanted to be together, no marriage. At least not now.

“We decided not to do the whole married thing. It’s just not us.” Shaniqua’s head bobs in understanding. Movement in my arms causes me to look down. Seconds later Lady’s brilliant blue eyes flutter open. After her eyes focus on me she starts to look around. No doubt searching for Marshall or Hailie. Spotting Hailie she slides out of my embrace and runs to her sister.

Myk and Shaniqua chuckle a little as Marquise says. “She really loves her sister. Hope Brook is like that with me when she’s older.” A smile graces Shanique and Myk’s faces. I see Hailie shaking her head ‘no’ so I focus to her as she responds. “Really I look the most like Dad. Dad says that Lady is more of Daddy’s girl than I ever was.” We all laugh out loud a little at that. 

A second after the laughter died down my phone rings. Hearing my ring tone Myk smiles over to me. I still hadn’t changed it from Never Land. Pulling my phone from my back pocket I answer. “Hey babe, what’s up?” There are a few beats of silence before he responds. “Asia, I need you to go somewhere with privacy.” No one is on the balcony at the moment so I head there. I am not going to be the girl that needs an explanation for why I need to go to privacy. I mean really, that’s why you need privacy. “Okay hold on.” I stand up and head to the balcony. 

Once I step outside I shut the door behind me. Not acknowledging the confused look on Myk’s face. “Okay Marshall what’s up?” Marshall then proceeds to tell me all about this new artist in the studio. When he said her name my mouth dropped open. Evelyn Knight. I had to check myself real quick. There is no way this girl is my sister or relative at all. Just because her name is Knight. I mean there has to be lost of people out there with that last name.

“Okay although I agree that it is coincidental her name is Knight that doesn’t mean we are related.” Marshall scoffs on the other end. “You only say that because you haven’t seen her yet.” I nod in agreement to his statement. “Fine. Send me a picture then.” He agrees and we hang up. 

Meanwhile I head back into the house with everyone else. When I sit down Myk is giving me her ‘tell me now’ face. I shake my head at her expression. “Not now.” I whisper so only she can hear. She gives me a stiff nod and turns to watch the kids playing.

Finally after what felt like an eternality my phone dings alerting I have a message. Opening the message a face pops up of a young woman with similar features as me. My eyes have to be as wide as saucers as I stare at the picture. The only features we sure are the ones I know have to come from Paul Knight. 

“Asia, what is it?” I look over to Myk seeing the worry on her face I just hand her the phone. Once the phone is her hands, her expression matches mine. I speak to whatever thoughts must be in her head. “Marshall says her name is Evelyn Knight.” At the mention of the last name she looks up to me with an ‘oh shit’ face. I nod in agreement. Marshall may have just found my long lost sister. I have to call Aunt CoCo and see what she knows.

Marshall’s P.O.V.

At first, Evelyn was hesitant about me taking her picture until I showed her the picture of Asia. No one in the conference room could deny the similarities between the two. After snapping the photo of her I sent it to Asia and currently I haven’t heard a reply. I’m sure she must be freaking out a little, maybe more.

“Hey Em.” At the sound of my name I look up at Dre. “I want Evelyn to listen to those beats I sent you a few months ago. She also writes songs. Maybe we can find one for a single or something.” I nod my head in confirmation to his request. “Come with me Evelyn.” 

She follows up to an empty studio where I cue up the tracks Dre requested. Letting the beats fill the room as she takes out a pad and pen. My thoughts instantly drift over to Asia. Checking my phone that is still in my hand I see there are no new messages. I try to call but no one answers. About a minute after my fifth call a message comes through from her. ’Sorry babe. On the phone with Aunt CoCo. Asking about my sperm donor. I’ll call you after I’m done.’  

“So you really think that I might be related to the Asia Washington?” I nod my head not making eye contact to lost in my own thoughts. Evelyn clears her throats causing me to look up to her. “You okay?” A smile flashes to my lips but its gone in the same second “Yeah I’m fine. Just worried how Asia’s taking this. To answer your question fully, yeah I do. You guys just look to much alike not to be related.” I think for a minute pulling my memories of my girl’s beautiful face to the forefront of my mind. “From pictures I have seen she looks more like her mom but you have the features of someone she has never met before.”

Just as Evelyn is about to speak Space Bound erupts from my phone. Of course I answer without even thinking about it. “Are you okay?” I can hear her muffled laugh from the other end. “Yeah babe I’m fine. Look Aunt CoCo said some interesting things about my sperm donor. I’m thinking I need to meet Evelyn. We have lots to talk about.” Out of the corner of my eye I can see Evelyn trying to decipher my facial expression. “If that’s what you want. Restaurant?” 

For a moment there is silence causing me to believe that Asia must of nodded her head. I have seen her do that on phone on more than one occasion. She laughs at her self then answers. “Yeah I think that is best. Cant bring her to the kids. We don’t know her like that.” I smile at her response. She has definitely come into her momma bear status this last year.

Asia’s P.O.V.

After making lunch plans with Evelyn for the next day I hung up with Marshall. I just cannot believe that this is going on. My little talk with Aunt CoCo was very revealing. Apparently, the reason mom didn’t last long with him was because he cheated. Mom didn’t find out she was pregnant with me until two months after he disappeared from her life. Although, mom said she tried to find him, no one really believed it.

I really hate not knowing what really went on. I hate not being able to ask mom about all this. Neither of my moms. I wonder if he is still alive. Then all of the natural thoughts rushed in. Did he ever find out about me? If so, did he ever look for me? When he knows about me will he want to see me? Will Evelyn know how to contact him? Does she even know him? Who is her mom?

Ugh! I have to stop this. Giving my self a headache. Just need to let it go. Don’t think about this so much. I will get some answers tomorrow.

After the guys made it home we order some pizza and hang out for a little while. We have a flight out for two tomorrow afternoon and probably wouldn’t be able to see each other before we left. Once the twins fell asleep we headed to apartment 9313. Myk bought the apartment back when I was pregnant. She kept it for days like this. Saving us from having to get a hotel. 

The next day I sat in the Tick Tock Diner (real diner in NY) on 8th Avenue waiting for Evelyn. I arrived about ten minutes early so I wouldn’t be late. So that was thirty minutes ago. Evelyn is now twenty minutes late and something in me tells me she might not be coming. I look down at my watch. Another five minutes and I’m leaving.

I look up from my watch at the sound of the door chimes. I see Evelyn standing next to a guy I never expected to see again. His eyes bug out as they land on me. Evelyn didn’t notice his expression as her eyes found me and she started towards me with a smile playing at the edges of her mouth. I can tell by that smile that she‘s a little nervous.

As she approaches I cant help but to notice the A to O outfit she is wearing. White wash skinny jeans, navy blue shirt with match boots. “Wow we really do look alike.” I smile at her as she takes her seat across from me. “That we do.” I respond. Feeling the presence next to the table I look up at Evelyn’s “guy”. “Long time no see.” I look back at Evelyn who, of course, is confused. “We use to date back in college.” I answer her unasked question. Finally he clears his throat and sits down next to Evelyn. “College?” I knew she would be taken by surprised but the tone of her voice tells be she knows something. 

“Oh you’re that Asia?” She burst out. I cock my head to the side and zero in on the guy before I ask. “That Asia?” I ask emphasizing the same word Evelyn did. I can physically see that he is getting increasingly uncomfortable as the conversation proceeds. “How do you know him?” I question Evelyn before he can respond. “Simon’s my best friend’s brother. She couldn’t come with so I begged him to come. Which is why I’m late. I just wasn’t sure what to expect.” 

My head nods in agreement as my eyes flicker to one of Dean’s “people” on the other side of the diner watching. Marshall nor Curtis would let me go alone. Dean also insisted he send someone with me. To ease their concern I conceded the argument. Seriously it is just a simple lunch I don’t see what the worry is about.

The waitress arriving pulls me out of my thoughts. After ordering something to eat we talk. No topic is out of bounce. Well almost no topic. Of course like everyone she asks about the kids and Marshall, which I have to tell her is not up for discussion. NO ONE will ever pump me for info about them. No matter who they are.

We are still talking when Marshall calls to remind me of the flight. I say good bye and head out with my body guard, Sean, hot on my trail.

Marshall’s P.O.V.

I cant help but pace the limited space on the plane. It’s five minutes till two and Asia still hasn’t shown up. If something has happened to her I will hunt Evelyn down and do my worst. Should have sent more body guards with her. Forget that. She never should have went in the first place. Evelyn could be some psycho who had plastic surgery to look like Asia. 

Whitney‘s hand on my arm snaps me out of my torment. “Dad, calm down. Here Asia comes.” The sound of heels on the stairs starts to calm me instantly. Seeing her face relaxes me completely. She must see the look on my face because she comes to me instantly wrapping her arms around my neck. “Sorry I’m late traffic was horrible.” Circling her waist I pull her body so close to me not even air can pass through.

“You had me worried.” I put my face in the crock of her neck and inhale her essence. “Sorry sweetie. I didn’t mean to.” She whispered so only I can hear. “Mr. Mathers, are you ready?” Pulling my face from her neck but not loosening my hold on her waist I nod to my pilot. I pull back from Asia, keeping a hold of her hand, and guide her to her seat across from the twins.

Once the plane is in the air Asia moves to check on the twins. Satisfied that they are content she takes her seat once again. Seemingly caught in her own thoughts. I clear my throat to get her attention. She was busy watching Whitney playing with Lady and Ronnie.

She smiles over at me. “What happened with Evelyn.” I ask. I can tell there is something up with her and I know it has to do with the meeting with the supposed sister. She exhales through her nose not dropping her smile. “You know me so well.” I smirk and nod in confirmation. “Two words. Simon McMillan.” 

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