All I Need │Sequel Of AIEW│

By Shaaniaa

258K 6.7K 972

Why? Why did he decided to kiss me right before I left? Maybe he thought it was gonna make me still have feel... More

❥ All I Need... Roc Royal ♡ Story │Book 2 (AIEW)│
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8.6K 243 23
By Shaaniaa

│рното ѕноот


"When something happens, you better not come crying to me" Ray said, before storming out of my room. He was really mad at me. We just got into a heated argument. I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

Chres stared at me. He shook his head. "I can't believe you"

"I know, okay?" I started. "I know, you guys are disappointed in me. If you're gonna give the same lecture Ray just gave me, I don't wanna hear it"

He nodded. "I wasn't."

I let out a shaky sigh and grabbed my phone off the bed. It was 8 o'clock. I should probably go get ready. Hayley didn't really live close to us.

I took a quick bath. I curled my hair and put on my make up; just eyeliner and mascara. That's all I ever wear. I finished putting lotion on my legs and arms. I got out the bathroom. I went in my walk-in closet and closed the door behind me.

Chres was still in the room; standing out in the balcony to be exact. I quickly put my dress and heels on. I walk out and grabbed Hayley's present and card. Chres turned around when he heard the clicking sound of my heels. He smirked. "Well, don't you look beautiful"

I slightly blushed. "Thanks; you don't look bad youself"

He laughed before we both walk out the room. He helped me go down the stairs. We walk outside and got in his car. I gave him the address and he started driving.

I attacked her with a hug. "Happy birthday, Hayley!" I exclaimed, with a big smile on my face. Her house was packed with people and a table full of presents.

She smiled. "Thanks!" She look down at my hands. I was holding a box that had the necklace I bought her and the card. "Are those mine?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and giggled. "Of course not, since you're not the birthday girl" I said, sarcastically.

She laughed and hugged Chres, who was standing next to me. "Happy birthday," He said to her.

She nodded. "Thanks"

We put her gifts on the table; and yes Chresanto did buy her something. He got her a card and a red g-shock watch. It wasn't long till I started drinking. It wasn't long till I felt tipsy neither.

"Don't you think you're drinking too much?" Chres said, sitting next to me.

"Oh, chill out," I started, drinking the rest of my smirnoff."I'll be fine"

And I was. It was my last drink. I wasn't trynna get drunk and then wake up with a migraine and don't remember shit that happened today. At least not Hayley's birthday party.

Chres and I danced for basically every song. Dirty dancing, y'all might call it. I mean, what can I say. Right now, we were sitting; listening to Hayley's cousin giving her speech.

I sat in the middle of Chres and Brianna. She looked at Hayley, who was standing next to her cousin. "Your friend is fine"

I couldn't help but laugh. Not loudly though. "What?"

"She's pretty cute" She shrugged.

"Two things," I started. "First, you have a girlfriend. Second, she's my best friend"

She laughed. "Whatever"

I lay my head on Chres' shoulder. I checked my phone. It was about to be eleven o'clock. I'm already tired and sleepy. I put my hand in front of my mouth as I yawn. Chres look down at me. "You sleepy?"

I nodded. I'm debating if I should stay here till midnight or go home right now. I saw Christopher walk outside. I should probably go talk to him. Maybe the sleep will go away. Who knows.

I got up and walk outside. Chris opened the trunk of his car and took out some water bottles. I walk up behind him. "Hey"

He put the water bottles down. "Hey,"

He didn't seem like he was...happy. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

He turned around to face me. "Would you be mad if Chresanto started hanging with his ex on daily basis?"

I shrugged. "Well, yeah; only because I'm still in love with him" I said, before looking off to the side. "But, I am one of his exes"

"You two aren't back together?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

Everyone thinks that. But, I shook my head. "No"

He nodded. "But, um, Hayley's constantly hanging out with her ex, Jason"

Jason. That's an all too familiar name. One of my ex's name was Jason. He's the one that broke my heart in the worst way possible. Thinking about him made me frown. "You want me to talk to her?"

"Sure," He said, picking up the water bottles. "If you want"

He was about to walk away. "Is that why you guys got into a heated arguments the other day?"

He stopped walking. "That's exactly why" He open the door and walk in. I walk back in few moments later after him. Everybody resumed their dancing. I search for Hayley threw the crowd. "I'm about to leave, I'm sleepy" I told her when I found her.

She pout. "Aw, okay"

I gave her a hug. "Happy birthday, babe" She hugged me back tightly.

"Thanks," She said, as she pulled away. "And don't think I didn't see you and Chresanto earlier"

I blushed. "Oh, whatever"

She laughed. "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight" I smiled. "And we gotta talk tomorrow"

She nodded before I went to find Chresanto. Once I found him, we went outside and he drove home. Brianna drove Ray's car. Five minutes didn't even passed by and I was knocked out.

I felt my body being placed on the bed. I knew Chres carried me up my room. I felt him take off my heels. I, then, got comfortable under the sheets. Chresanto turned off the lamp. I heard his feet walking away. "Don't leave," I mumbled.

"You want me to stay the night?" He asked.

I nodded. "Please?" I felt the bed shake and Chres layed behind me. We cuddled together. I took a deep breath and smiled. "I love cuddling with you"

I heard him chuckle deeply. I fixed myself before laying my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I quickly sat up, breathing heavily. I look out the window; the sun was shining through my window. I look to the side of the bed and Chres wasn't there. I know this nigga didn't leave. I sighed.

"You okay?" Chres asked me. I turned to me right. He was shirtless; brushing his teeth. He leaned against the door frame of the bathroom.

I nodded. "Yeah; I thought you left" I suddenly remembered why I woke in such urgent. "Shit, what time is it?"

He took his phone out of his pocket. "10. Why?"

"Damn," I said, quickly taking off the covers off of me. I was still in my dress from yesterday. Today's Friday. "I'm late for my photo shoot" I was supposed to be there at 9:45 AM. I quickly texted Robin, telling him I'm running a little bit late.

"Oh, yeah, It is today" He laughed a little.

"That's not funny." I rolled my eyes. I stared at him as he rinsed his mouth. "You about to take a shower?" He nodded, wrapping the towel around his neck. I saved him a towel for whenever he sleeps over so he can use. "Can I go before you?" I asked, brushing my teeth.

"Nope," He said before smirking. "But, you can join me if you want"

I laughed loudly as I finished brushing my teeth. I quickly rinsed my mouth. I turned to face him. "Please?"

"I said, you can join me" He said, laughing.

"No," I whined. I guess an idea came in mind, 'cause my face lit up. "You can take a shower in here, I'll just go take a shower in Danielle's room"

"Ight." He said, nodding.

I stood on tip-a-toe, ready to kiss him. Right when I was about to press my lips on his, he turned his face to the side; making kiss his strong jaw. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why he denied my kiss. "Why'd you-"

"No kissing, remember" He said before kissing my cheek.

"Oh, I forgot" I said, pouting.

He grabbed me by my waist. "You missed my lips already?" He whispered in my ear. He, then, started kissing my neck.

That sent chills down my spine. I bit my bottom lip; trying not to moan I guess. "Oohh, you're not making this easy" He pinned me against the wall and continued kissing my neck for a minute. He stopped and look at neck. He laughed. I quickly touch my neck; knowing exactly why he was probably laughing. He gave me a hickey. "Chres!" I hit him playfully on his chest.

He laughed and kiss my cheek. "I love you,"

It shows and it wasn't small neither. What am I gonna say to Robin? What about Ray?? I blushed lightly. "Well, I don't."

"Don't make me give you another one," He whispered to me.

"Who said I was gonna let you?" I raised a brow.

He pushed me against the wall. He lightly kiss my jaw line. "Try me."

"Okay, fine!" I exclaimed, giggling. "Lemme go take a shower."

He let go off me and laughed. "I enjoyed that, by the way"

I chuckled. Boys will be boys. "Whatever"

I grab my towel and walk out the room; making my way to Dani's. It's funny that I'm not rushing. I guess it's because Robin texted saying take your time, we're just setting up the set. I walk in Dani's room to find her and Tequan laying on her bed, talking. They looked at me and stopped talking.

"Sorry for interrupting," I apologized.

Tequan chuckled. "It's okay,"

"Can I take a shower in your bathroom?" I asked. "Chres is taking a shower in mine, and I'm kind of in a hurry"

Dani nodded and laughed. "Why didn't you join him?"

My eyes widen. "No! Why would I do that?"

"So, you two can shower together" She said, laughing at my face expression.

Tequan shrugged. "Dani and I showered together before-"

"Babe!" Danielle yelled, hitting his chest. "Don't tell her about that!"

My eyes grew wide again. "Are you serious?!" Tequan laughed and nodded. I shook my head. I can't believe her. "Imma go take a shower now"

"Don't tell mom," She said. "She'll kill me"

I nodded and walk in the bathroom. I took a shower and washed my hair in the process. I got out the bathroom when I was done. "Bye,"

I walk out of her room to be meet face to face to Ray. I quickly look away, knowing we not on a really good terms right now. I was about to walk away but he quickly grabbed my arm.

I turned around. "What?" I asked, lowly.

"Is that a hickey on your neck?" He asked. Shit, I almost forgot about that.

I quickly covered it with my hand. "Uh..y-yes"

"Who did it?" He clenched his jaw.

I furrowed my eyebrow. "What do you mean who did it? Who do you think did it?"

"Chres?" He furrowed his eyebrow.

"Yeah," I nodded.

He sighed and shook his head. "Ciara-"

"Ray, just stop!" I raised me voice a little. "Stop acting like I'm fucking 5!" I snatched my arm away from him walked in my room, slamming the door behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"You okay?" Chres asked, lowering his phone. He was laying on his back.

I nodded. "Yeah," I walk in the closet and put on the crème the doctor gave me on the bruises. I, then, put on my high waist shorts, my black and white stripe crop top and my black timbs. I quickly changed my belly button piercing to a black one. "Wanna come with me?"

He nodded and stood up. And no he did not have the same clothes he had on yesterday on. He left some clothes here the other day and I washed them for him. So, that's what he was wearing now.

We walk downstairs and out of the house. I drove to the address Robin told me. I did take me a while to get there. I mean, its my first time going there. We got down from the car after I parked it and walk inside the building. We arrived at 11:15 AM.

"Hey, Robin" I greeted when I saw him.

"Hey, Ciara and you are?" He ask, looking at Chres. They never met each other but Chres knew about him.

"Oh, I'm Chres, Ciara's friend." Chres replied, shaking his hand.

" Nice to meet you," He smiled before turning his attention back to me. "Well, Ciara, the hair dresser/stylist is waiting for you" He said, pointing to the back of the room.

"K, thanks" I did a small smile.

I went to the back with Chres to see the hair dress/stylist on the phone. Funny thing is that the person is a he. I mean, not that I'm surprised. I just expected it to be a woman.

I tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me,"

"I'll call you later girl, my client is here" He hangs up.

"Hi, I'm Ciara and this is my friend Chres" I said.

"Hey, Ciara and Chres" He greeted. "I was expecting you; my name is Terence but please call me T"

"So, What do I need to do?"

"Honey, just sit down and let me work" He said, pointing to this high chair. "Chres, honey, go sit over there" He pointed at the sofa.

"Please, don't call me that." Chres said. I shot him a glare. He understood what my face was telling him. I was basically telling him to be nice.

"Whatever, come on, Cici"

It's been 5 minutes and I already got a nickname from him. As he was doing my hair and make-up he told me about himself. He's 28, proudly gay married to a man named Alvin, and doesn't like people against gays, he's a pretty cool guy .

After he was finished, he took me to the wardrobe area and helped me pick out some outfits. When I was done, I looked in the mirror in awe. I took a couple pictures then some with T. After we were done, I went out to show Chres.

"Beautiful as always," He said smiling. He stood up to give me a kiss but I turned my head making him kiss my cheek.

"No kissing, remember" I smirked.

He smacked his teeth. "This bet is tough"

"Looks like someone also misses my lips" I smirked before started making kissey faces.

"Whatever," He said before chuckling.

"Oh, girl" Terence exclaimed behind me. I turned around. "Is that what I think it is on your neck?"

I blushed and nodded. Chres chortled loudly. I flicked him off. "It's your fault!"

He continued to laughed. "You know you liked it"

I actually did. But, I'm sure not gonna admit it to him even though I know that he knew. I shook my head. "Nooo."

"You two are cute," Terence said. "I thought you were friends?"

"We are," Chres said, plopping back down on the sofa. He took out his phone.

"You two act like more than friends though?" He said, cocking his head to the side.

My cheeks grew red. "He's my ex,"

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows. He looked quite surprised. "Why'd you two broke up?"

"I-I...I mean, he-" I got cut off by Robin barging inside the room. Thank God because I didn't know what I was gonna tell him. I'm not someone who puts her business out there like that. That explains why I was stuttering.

"Are y'all done?" He asked, looking at me from head to toe. I nodded. "Alright, the set is ready"

"Hold on Rob," T said, looking at him. "I need to take care of Ciara real quick"I looked at him curiously. "Let me cover up that hickey for you right quick" He whispered in my ear.

I went with T to the makeup area, he covered it up with some type of product. Then, I met Robin at the photo shoot area. He told me what to do and I went in front of the camera and did some poses. At first, I was nervous but then it all went away after each picture was taking.

"Your doing great Ciara" Robin said complementing me.

"Thanks" I smiled. First photoshoot and I'm doing great? That's great!

"You have 5 more frames then your done"

"K," I said.

I finished my last frames then went back to wardrobe to take off my clothes. Before I left, I said thanks to T and exchanged numbers with him since he wanted to hang out sometime. I told Robin bye then left with Chres. It was now 2:56 PM and I was very hungry.

"Chres, can we stop somewhere to eat please?" I asked as soon as we got in the car.

"Sure, where to?" I let him drive. I was wearing heels for the photo shoot and my feet were killing me..

"Umm," I said, thinking. I, then, shrugged. "How about McDonalds?"

He drove to Mcdonalds and pulled into the drive thru. We ordered our food then went home. We walked in and went straight to the living room. I sat, indian style, and put the McDonald bag on my lap. I ate the fries first.

My phone vibrated as I started eating my McChicken Sandwich. I groaned. "Can you get it for me?"

He grabbed it out of my back pocket when I leaned to the right. He showed me the text.

"We're starting at 3:30" -Hayley

She was referring to basketball. We continued eating our food. "We leaving at 3:30" I told him as I took a sip out of my strawberry smoothie.

I stood up and walk in the kitchen. He followed behind me as he threw away the bag. "For what? Basketball?"

I nodded. "Well, yeah" He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. He kissed my cheek. I chuckled. "Please don't make have another one"

He chuckled. "What if I do?"

"Chres," I whined. "I don't wanna be questioned"

He laughed. "Fine." He kissed my cheek again. He, then, whispered in my ear. "You ready to lose?"

There you go. Don't forget to comment. And thanks, again, to @mimi14311 for helping me out.

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