Separated by a Fence

By peaceanddisaster

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Sam Taylor and Montana Crew have been next-door neighbours since their diaper days. You'd expect them to be s... More

Separated by a Fence (1)
Separated by a Fence (2)
Separated by a Fence (3)
Separated by a Fence (4)
Separated by a Fence (5)
Separated by a Fence (6)
Separated by a Fence (7)
Separated by a Fence (8)
Separated by a Fence (9)
Separated by a Fence (10)
Separated by a Fence (11)
Separated by a Fence (12)
Separated by a Fence (13)
Separated by a Fence (14)
Separated by a Fence (15)
Separated by a Fence (16)
Separated by a Fence (17)
Separated by a Fence (18)
Separated by a Fence (19)
Separated by a Fence (20)
Separated by a Fence (22)
Separated by a Fence (23)
Separated by a Fence (24)
Separated by a Fence (25)
Separated by a Fence (26)

Separated by a Fence (21)

1.7K 52 26
By peaceanddisaster

Chapter Twenty-One



I ran straight to the toilets, and unfortunately, there were two teenage girls standing in front of the mirror, and an middle-aged lady helping her little girl to dry her hands.

They all turned to saw me, and gaped at me.

I wouldn’t be surprised. I think I’d be a BIT surprised to see a girl standing there, with eyeliner and mascara running, and her hair matted with Coke, and her clothes drenched with Coke.

“Come on Ruby,” the woman whispered, before hurrying the girl out, like she was scared they were going to catch something from me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and ducked into a toilet cubicle, locking the door after me. I flung the toilet seat down, and sank down on it, trying hard not to burst into more tears.

I grabbed the toilet roll and tried my best to wipe off all the gross stuff off my face.

“I’m guessing her ex broke up with her,” I heard one of the girls whisper to the other.

“Yeah, and then she got mad and just spazzed out, and accidentally knocked Coke all over herself,” the other one whispered back.

Once I was sure that I’d wiped everything off and flushed it down the toilet, I opened the door and got out of the cubicle.

The two girls were still there, but they were retouching their makeup. They both whirled around to the sound of the door opening, and stood there, gawping at me.

I bravely made my way to the mirror. Thank the lord that I’d wiped away the mascara and eyeliner and most of the Coke off. My hair was still drenched with Coke and so were my clothes.

I tried to wrench all the Coke out of my hair into the sink.

The blonde girl wrinkled her nose, stepping away from me a bit.

The other girl stood there examining me, pursing her lips.

I tried to wash my hair with the sink water, trying to get the Coke smell out of my hair.


I turned around to see the non-blonde girl (aka, light brown hair) standing there, with her eyes narrowed, thrusting a Maybelline Rocket Mascara in my direction.

I gaped at her for a while.

“Do you want it or not?” the girl snapped.

I nodded slowly, trying to wrap my head around the fact that the girl who had been insulting me or whatever, was offering mascara.

I took it. “T-Thanks.”

The girl shrugged. “You don’t have Coke on your eyelashes…do you?”

I shook my head. “No, I washed my face a thousand times.”

It felt kinda weird, standing there and applying the mascara while the two girls were watching me. I did two coats, before handing the mascara back to the girl.

“Um, thank you for that,” I said, offering a small smile.

The blonde girl stepped forward. “What happened?” she asked bluntly.

The brown-haired girl slapped the blonde on the arm. “Rachael! You can’t just ask someone that!”

Rachael rolled her eyes, turning to face me. ‘You don’t mind, do you?”

I shrugged, not really caring. “I was just on a date, and my enemy…well…nemesis was behind me, and she kinda were ape-shiz on me and threw Coke all over me.”

The two girls burst into laughter, and I stood there, awkwardly.

“Here you kinda look like a ghost,” the brown haired girl said, offering a M.A.C bold red lipstick to me.

I smiled, thankfully at her.

Once I’d smeared it on, I capped it and handed it back to the brown-haired  girl.

“Well, we gotta go, good luck with the freak who threw Coke all over you,” the brown-haired girl said, shrugging.

I felt so touched, like it sounds weird, but it did.

“Yeah,” nodded Rachael.

“Thanks,” I grinned. “And thank you for letting me borrow your makeup. Hopefully I didn’t contaminate it with Coke or anything.”

They both offered a little smile at me, and then they walked out.

I looked at myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath. I would call Oliver, Jodie or Aaron to pick me up. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, and thank god the Coke didn’t get to it.

Then I walked out of the bathroom, eyes glued to my phone.

Then I glanced up, and I was surprised to find Zac leaning on the wall. He looked up at saw me, quickly pushing himself off the wall and making his way to me.

“Hey,” he said, approaching me.

I chewed my lip, nervously. “Hi.”

Zac ran his hand through his hair. “Are…are you okay?’

I nodded, casting my gaze down at the ground. “Yeah, I’m fine.’

“In case you were wondering, they left,’ Zac announced. “They were kicked out, and the guy seemed really irritated at the girl.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

Could it be possible that Sam…actually cared?

Zac nodded. “He was snapping at her that he’d really wanted to watch that movie, but then they got kicked out because of her.”

Right. Of course. This was Sam Taylor we were talking about.

Zac shifted his foot. “Well, I’m really sorry for what happened. Who was that chick? Why’d she go all crazy on you and throw Coke all over you?”

I frowned. “We’ve been enemies since we were young. She always used to bully me, and so did the other guy. Then she moved away and became a giant Hollywood star, but now she’s here to visit.”

Zac nodded, sympathetically. “Damn, I bet she’s jealous of you.”

I chuckled, unhumourlessly. “What would she have to be jealous of me for? She’s rich, she’s famous, she’s got fans, she’s kinda pretty, as much as I hate to admit it, and she’s definitely achieved more than I possibly could.”

Zac raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, but your prettier, and you have the better personality, and you’ve probably achieved more than she is-just not interms of acting and Hollywood. You are so much better than her.”

I smiled. “Thanks Zac.’

He grinned back. “No problem. Now, what do you say about finishing this date? Without any jealous Hollywood brats?’

I laughed, “Definitely.”

I followed him out of the cinema, and we slid into the car. We bucked in our seatbelt, and he switched the radio to Drake.

One day I’ll see you both in hell,

Is it everything, you thought it’d be,

When he’s not there, I bet you think of me

The Summer Set’s Mannequin started blaring out, and I quickly grabbed my iPhone out of my pocket, and checked the caller ID. It was Jodie. Huh, what did she want?

“Go ahead,” nodded Zac, when I glanced at him for approval.

I answered the phone.

“Jodie?” I questioned.

“MONTANA! Are you okay?”

“Huh?” I asked, puzzled.

“Lucia Campbell and Mia Scotland were at the movies, and they texted me, saying they saw that loser, Rochelle, fling Coke all over you! And then you ran out, and Sam went all crazy and ape-sh-

“Jodie, calm down,’ I chuckled.

“I can’t calm down! Nobody treats my best friend like that! I’ll grab my tractor and drive it over to Rochelle’s hotel, and run her over!”

I giggled.

Whenever Jodie was mad, she started to think of the most irrational and weirdest ideas ever.

“Jodie, first of all, you don’t have a tractor,” I began. “Second, do you even know what Rochelle’s hotel is? Thirdly, I think it’d be pretty damn hard to run her over, considering she’d be surrounded by bodyguards.”

“Then I’ll just run over her bodyguards as well!” seethed Jodie.

I chuckled. “Jodie, chill. I’m fine. Me and Zac are driving to get something to eat.”

“Argh, what a crap first date,” Jodie commented. “Fate just hates you.”

I smiled. “I know.”

“Well, I won’t hold you back from your date anymore,” Jodie said. “I’ll chat to you later, ‘kay? Tell me every single detail.”

“I will,” I replied, before we both hung up.

“Wow, Jodie’s definitely going to jail if she follows up with her plan,” Zac commented.

I raised an eyebrow. “How did you hear that?”

“Let’s just say that Jodie got a little excited, and her voice may have sounded like it was actually on speaker phone,” shrugged Zac, casually.

I shoved my iPhone into my pocket. “Yeah, some girls from school told Jodie about the whole incident, and she went crazy.”

“Well here we are,” Zac announced, pulling into a parking spot of a café I hadn’t been to yet.

“Cool,” I replied, looking around the parking lot.

“Have you been here before?” Zac questioned.

I shook my head. “Nup.”

He grinned. “Good. Then this is a first.”

I’d experienced a lot of ‘firsts’ tonight. First time on a date with Zac, first time seeing Iron Man 3, first time I haven’t watched a cinema movie to the end, first time sitting in a cinema with Sam and Rochelle, first time I’ve had Coke spilled on me, first time I’ve run out of a cinema, first time I’ve had to wipe Coke off my whole body, first time I’ve been offered makeup by strangers and now first time going to this café.

We both got out of the car, and made our way to the doors.

“Keep in mind, this is a kind of different café,” Zac told me, opening the door for me.

‘What do you mean by different?” I questioned, before turning around to face the café.


The café reminded me of a giant playground.

There was a ball pit, where there were some people sitting and eating and drinking and just acting like sitting in a ball pit while eating was normal. Then there was a jumping castle, where some kids were bouncing up and down on, while there were two teenage girls sitting on the edge, drinking down some Fanta.

Then there was a giant run-around playground thing, with all different types of equipment. There were kids running around, and then there were several people just sitting in different places all around the playground, casually eating and drinking.

Then there was a giant inflatable slide thing, where you climb up. There were some people just sitting at the top and eating, and then there were people sliding down while eating.

What kinda place was this?

Obviously a place that didn’t care about indigestion.

But I wasn’t going to complain at all, because this was honestly, HEAVEN.

“What do you think?” Zac asked me, as I whirled around to face him.

“What do I think?’ I repeated. “T-This place is…how did you find out about it?”

Zac shrugged. “I’ve been going here since I was a kid. Never gets old. It used to be a family tradition, but now not so much. But I still regularly come here.”

We walked up to the counter. There was a middle-aged plump, cheerful woman behind it.

“Zachary, you’re back!” she exclaimed, both hugging. “And with a girl! Two times better!’

I chuckled.

“Sandy, this is Montana. Montana, this is Sandy, the owner of this place,” Zac introduced us.

“Hello dear,” Sandy smiled at me. “Don’t worry about Zachary over here. He’s a keeper for sure.”

I grinned. “Thank you.’

There was a huge trampoline you had to cross before going to the dining tables, which were opposite the playground. I guess you could choose whether you liked your food on a table, or being bounced around.

I followed Zac up onto the trampoline, and we kinda just bounced for a few seconds, before climbing over and heading to a table.

“Hopefully this isn’t too childish for you,” Zac grinned.

I raised an eyebrow. “For me? You’re the one who’s a senior with the leather jacket!”

Zac chuckled, shaking his head. “Nah, I’ll never outgrow this place.’

We ordered some burgers and fries, and just talked about…life.

Once we’d finished our burgers, Sprites (I’d steered away from the Coke, and I think I wouldn’t touch Coke for another several years), and most of our fries, we stood up.

“Ready to go back to being kids?” Zac grinned.

I nodded. Considering I’d eaten so much, I’d probably get indigestion later. But for now, I didn’t care.

We headed to the inflatable slide, where we probably went up and down that thing 20 times.

“Wanna play tag?” Zac questioned, once we’d gotten sick of the slide.

I raised an eyebrow, before tapping him on the shoulder. “You’re It.”

With that, I raced away from him. He started chasing after him.

As I ran towards the giant playground, I developed a little game plan in my head.

Game Plan: Climb up to the 2nd storey of the playground, because the 1st storey’s too risky.

I clambered on top of a platform, and climbed as fast as I could to the 2nd storey. When I glanced downwards, I noticed that Zac was right on my heels.


I finally reached the top, and I raced over the bridge, and jumped through holes and stuff. The whole time, Zac remained on my heels, just one metre away from tagging me.

I crawled through a tunnel, and found a slide looping its way back to the ground. Huh, a slide couldn’t hurt.

I glanced behind, and saw Zac crawling his way through the tunnel.

It was now or never.

I leapt onto the slide, and slid down on it.

The bottom came so fast, that I kinda tumbled over. I kinda just stupidly sat there for a while, regaining balance and shaking away dizziness. Then I got to my feet.

Before I could make a run for it, Zac shot out of the tunnel, and tackled me to the ground.

We both tumbled onto the ground, thank god it was that cushy floor material. I was at the bottom, and he was crushing me.

I glanced up, and he opened his eyes, and we kinda just gazed at each other.

I was a hopeless romantic. I’ll admit that.

I’ve read thousands of teen romance books, and I’ve read countless times of girls and guys gazing in each other’s eyes, feeling a tingle or butterflies, or a spark.

But when I looked at Zac…I didn’t really feel butterflies in my stomach, nor did I feel any spark. I did feel disappointment. But then, there was a little hint of a tingle, and I hoped that would become more if we spent more time together.

“Zac, you’re crushing me,” I giggled, breaking the trance.

“Ooops,” he said, sheepishly, climbing off me.

I got up, and checked the time. It was 10.20.

“You wanna head home?” Zac asked, noticing me glance at the time.

I nodded. “Yeah…I’ve been feeling kinda tired today. I think all the energy from running around will only last me the car ride back.”

Zac chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah sure. Let’s head out.’

He paid for the meal (ever the gentleman), and we both walked out into the cold, crisp air.

“It’s a beautiful night,” I commented, glancing up at glittering stars in the black sky.

Zac nodded, agreeing. “Yeah definitely. I used to star-gazing on my trampoline all the time at home. But then I never had time. Dad loves astronomy, so it was a father and son kinda thing.”

I smirked. “Your family sure has a lot of traditions.”

Zac shrugged. “Meh.”

We drove back to my house, and then we both got out, and walked silently to the doorstep.

This was the end of the date.


The kissing part of the date.

We both turned to face each other, and my heart was beating so hard I felt like people in Antarctica could hear it.

“This was really awesome,” Zac grinned.

I smiled back, nodding. “Yeah. Well, apart from the whole Coke incident.’

He chuckled. “Yeah, that was a little bit disastrous. Pity…we never really got to finish Iron Man 3.”

“Maybe we can watch it again,” I shrugged.

“How about that’s our next date,’ Zac answered, boldly. “Come over to my house, and-

“Zac, Iron Man 3’s in the cinemas, how can it be out on DVD?” I laughed.

“Oh yeah,” Zac realised.

“How about we got to this mini golf place I know near my house?” I suggested. “You brought me to a childhood place, and I’ll bring you to my childhood place.”

Zac nodded, grinning. “That sounds really cool.”

Then slowly, he started to inch towards me.

My breath hitched, and I started to lean in closer.

We were literally several millimetres away from each other, when the door flung open.

We both sprang apart, and I turned to see Oliver standing there, grinning widely at us.

“Oliver!” I barked, chucking my handbag at him.

He dodged just in time, and grinned. “Hey little sis! Good date?”

“It was perfect…until you ruined it,” I growled.

Okay…that was kinda a lie…considering the whole Rochelle, Sam, Coke thing…but apart from that.

“Well it’s near your curfew, so say goodbye to lover boy, and get your butt inside,” Oliver shrugged.

Little devil. And also liar. My curfew was until much later.

I turned back to face Zac, apologetically. “I’m sorry Zac. I’ll text you about our next date.”

“Ooooh there’s a 2nd date?” crowed Oliver.

I glared at him, wanting to honestly shoot him.

“Okay sure, I’ll you at school, thanks for tonight,” Zac chuckled, kissing me gently on the cheek, before waving and heading back to his car.

I shoved Oliver back into the house, and slammed the door shut behind us.


I stormed to my room, leaving a laughing Oliver behind.


It was later that night, and I was going to go to sleep. I was busy chatting to Jodie though.

“You sounded like you had an amazing time,” Jodie said, wistfully.

I chuckled. “Yeah…apart from the start and end.’

“Monty, I haven’t been on a date since…forever,’ Jodie commented. “Why are boys so afraid to ask me out? Or maybe they just don’t want to ask me out altogether…”

I rolled my eyes. “Jod, boys kill to be near you. You just frighten them, with you barking French words at them, or going all emo and covering up a good body.”

“You think?’ Jodie questioned.

“I know.”

“Well…they got to like me for who I am!”

I let her rant for a bit, and gazed out my bedroom window.

I kinda got a mini heart attack, when my eyes landed on Sam, who still had his curtains open. He was staring back at me.

We kinda just stood there, staring at each other, before Sam cast his gaze at the ground, and shut the curtains.

I chewed my lip, confused, and sank back down on the bed.

What was that all about?


My friend was kinda badgering me to update, and I saw all the comments, so I was like 'okay, today, you are going to finish writing and post chapter 21'. So here it is! It's kinda like...part 2 of the date. A much more positive chapter. Last chapter was so freaking crazy! 

So, school is already pushing hard, and I did a French test today, and I have some more tests coming up and ASDFGHJKL. I hate school. But I'm really happy because I found out today that the upcoming break is 3 weeks, instead of the regular 2 weeks.

Okay, so I wanna test you guys and see who actually reads Author's Notes. So, if you are reading this now, comment down below and tell me what you normally watch on YouTube (eg, comedy, makeup tutorials, singing etc). Random I know.

But anyway, I'll see you guys in my next update!

peaceanddisaster xx

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