Separated by a Fence (7)

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Chapter Seven

 Dedicated to the one person who comments!

“Pass the tomato sauce!” I called, waving my hand in the air.

Jodie rolled her eyes, shoving the packet in my hand. “How much do you need to put on?”

I smiled, squirting on a whole lot. “Tons, and tons.”

We were making tacos in Jodie’s cool and newly-renovated kitchen, and we were making a total mess. Standing around the marble counter were Jodie, her cousin (who was our age), Kiera, Kiera’s best friend, Jessica and I. We were tossing around lettuce, tomatoes, grated cheese, meat, etc.

Jessica giggled. “I love tacos! Like, I’m so Italian!”

Jodie raised an eyebrow. “Hate to break it to you darling, but tacos are Mexican.”

Jessica’s eyes narrowed. “Um, liar! Everyone knows that tacos are Mexican! I am Italian myself!”

I silently snickered. “Jess...tacos are Mexican.”

Jessica glanced to Kiera for moral support. Kiera sent her a sympathetic look, before chiming in ‘Sorry Jess, but tacos are Mexican food.”

Jessica pouted, before chucking in some grated cheese. “Poo.”


“My phone,” Jodie called out, rubbing her hands against a napkin, before sliding her black blackberry out.

“Who is it?” I questioned, flinging a piece of the taco shell into my mouth.

Jodie showed me it, grinning.

From: ·Rowland·

To: xJodiex

Hey Jod, forward this to Aaron and Montana, can’t be bothered adding them into contacts. Anyway, party at mine 2nite, COME! 34 Maplebury Street.


“But it’s a school night,” I protested.

Jodie sent me a pleading look. “Please. Pwease!”

I groaned. “Fine, fine, fine. You are tres irritating, you know that right?”

Jodie sent me an approving look. “Oooh, francais, j’aimes!”

I chuckled, shaking my head.

“Ugh, you guys are so freaking lucky!” Kiera commented. “Jessica and I are stuck at a stupid girl’s school. With zilch interaction with boys. We’re all going to grow into old ladies, shrivelled up surrounded by five hundred cats.”

“For me, I’ll have two rabbits as well,” Jessica chimed in.

“Don’t you have guy family friends?’ I questioned, dumping some lettuce onto my taco with flourish.

Jessica rolled her eyes. ‘Zero. Except my weird 20-year-old neighbour who thinks playing Warcraft is socialising, and his only interaction with a girl is with me, Mum or his own Mum.”

Kiera giggled. “Well, I have boy interaction. Like cousins. But they are COUSINS.”

“Doesn’t you school mix with boys’ schools?” I questioned.

Kiera shook her head. “Freaking douchebags.’

Voila!” Jodie held up a rather fancy looking taco up. “I’m finished.”

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