Separated by a Fence (16)

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Chapter Sixteen


I swabbed on some more hair gel onto my hair, and smoothed it on. I quickly started spiking up my hair again. I had to look good. Not just everyday-ish. GOOD.

After a few more minutes of adjusting and re-spiking, I finally nodded at myself through the mirror. Alright, I looked good. Hopefully, Rochelle would notice.

“Foo! It smells yucky in here!” came Dana’s high-pitched voice.

I turned around to see Dana (looking cute in a tiny peach pink dress), holding her nose while shaking her head. I chuckled, striding over to her, and scooping her up.

“It’s called hair gel,” I told her.

Dana wrinkled her nose. “It stinks.”

I chuckled and set her back down on the carpet. “So, what have you been getting up to lately?”

“You know my friend, Ariel? She might be moving to Canada!” Dana wailed, her disgusted face quickly flipping into a miserable and upset expression.

I frowned. “Aw…sorry Dana. That must suck.”

Dana pushed out her bottom lip. “And when Ariel’s gone, I only have Cianna and Marie left! And Marie’s always playing with Kaylee Granger and her friends!”

God…why did girls make such a big deal out of friendships and all that crap? Guys? In elementary school, we just played football with whoever wanted to. That was that. If we accidentally kicked each other in the head or whatever, we’d shrug and move on with our lives!

Girls get jealous that the other one has a better skirt that them-and they don’t talk to them for the rest of their freaking lives. Geez, why are they so dramatic?

“Go make some…other friends,’ I shrugged, twisting the lid back onto the tub of hair gel.

Dana shook her head furiously. “No I can’t! Neya and her friends are always hurting poor bugs, and Kaylee and her friends are really mean to me!’

“They’re being mean to you?” I questioned, immediately perking up. “How?’

Dana shrugged. “They just call me ugly and yucky. No big deal.”

I raised an eyebrow. I knew Kaylee Granger. She was the daughter of that rich millionaire, Eamon Granger. They lived in this giant mansion with 24/7 guards and stuff. She apparently had a tree house the size of a normal ordinary house. How did I know this stuff? Her stupid brother, Danny Granger was in my year. I hated that guy. He acted like just because his Dad was the millionaire, he could boss everyone around. He even bossed seniors around. He had this group eagerly following him. It was sick.

“I’m sorry Dana,” I told her, shrugging sympathetically.

Dana exhaled, loudly. “It’s okay.’

She walked out of my room, and I glanced at myself through the mirror. Good. I strode out of my room.

“Honey, could you put the pizza on a plate?” Mum called, from where she was setting the cutlery onto the dining table.

She’d taken one of the frozen pizzas out of our freezer, and stuck it into the oven. She’d baked it well, so it looked like she’d just made it.

I nodded mutely, and strode into the kitchen. The pizza was still on the tray in the oven, but the oven was switched off. I swiped a plate off the rack, and dumped the pizza on it.

“Honey, grab the wine bottle on the kitchen counter would you?” yelled Mum.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed it before walking back into the living room.

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