Separated by a Fence (9)

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Chapter Nine

Picture of Marcus Montgomery (Sam and Montana's 'child') to the side >>>> 

Adorable I know!!!

“Are you hungry?” I questioned Maya, plopping down on the armchair next to her hospital bed.

Maya pouted, and nodded, pointing to the food. “Yuck.”

I giggled, and waved a packet of pretzels in the air. “Well, you’re in for a treat. I bought some pretzels. Do you like pretzels?”

Maya’s forehead creased up. “Pwet...zels?”

I laughed, and ripped open the packet, showing her the pretzels (in shapes of animals), grinning. “Do they look nice?”

Maya’s nose wrinkled. “They look like dried up poo with white stuff.”

I laughed. “Yeah, but they taste yummy.”

I popped one in my mouth, savouring the taste, winking. “Try one May.”

Maya stared at the packet, uncertainly, before digging her hand in, and reluctantly pulling out a pretzel in the shape of a cow.

I pointed, with a giant smile on my face. “Hey look, it’s a cow!”

Maya dropped the pretzel on the ground with a shriek. “A COW? WHERE?”

Ooops. I probably turned Maya off the thought of pretzels even more. Aren’t I smart? “I mean, it’s in a shape of a cow. You know?”

Maya looked really put out, and I decided to keep away the dried-up-poo looking cow-shaped pretzels away, and glanced at my old navy blue Ice watch, checking the time. Damn, I had to go soon. I scrambled off my armchair, and slung my black bag over my shoulder.

“Sorry chicka, but I have to go,’ I apologized. “I have loads of homework to catch up on.”

Maya pulled an unhappy face. I chuckled, messing her hair a little, affectionately. “Hey, don’t be all sad! I promise I’ll visit you soon, maybe this weekend? I can’t do it on Sunday cuz’ of a project, but maybe on Saturday. And I might drag one of my friends along.”

Maya shot me a gummy smile. “Got it dude.”

I chuckled. I’d taught Maya that saying, and it was her new favourite saying. I felt Maya and my bond had become stronger and we were getting closer every time I visited Maya in the hospital. Which had been twice. Excluding the time when we visited her the very first time as a family.

I know Skyler had dropped in to visit Maya once, but I doubt Maya’s connection with Skyler was as strong as my connection with her. Not to brag or anything...

I waved goodbye to Maya one more time, before striding out the door, and into the corridor. Since it was a children’s hospital, the walls were shades of bright orange, neon yellow and flashy hot pink. The floor was a lime green citrus colour. There were paintings hung up on the walls, painted by the little children patients in the hospital. I found it really cute, and I studied the paintings a bit, before walking to the elevator.

Bing! The elevator doors slid open, and I strode inside, pleased to find the elevator empty. I liked to have my own peace and tranquillity – especially in elevators, cuz’ it got stinky and sweaty and hot in elevators when there are too many people. 

The elevator itself wasn’t the usual grey and black shiny boring elevator, with boring grey railing. No, the walls were covered with kiddie drawings, and it was bright and colourful, and the hand railing was striped purple and green. A surprising good colour combination.

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