Separated by a Fence (13)

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Chapter Thirteen

Long A/N at end. Just quickly want to say sorry for the wait. Also-this chapter is a tiny bit depressing. READ ON :P


“Eat some breakfast honey,” Mum told me, as I strode into the kitchen, wearing a comfortable grey sweater and grey tracksuit pants.

I smiled, nodding. “Yeah, I’ll just have some yoghurt or something.”

          “Yoghurt only?” Mum questioned, her brow arching. “Are you on a diet Montana? Why didn’t you tell me?”

I rolled my eyes, sweeping my hair back. Why did she suddenly jump to conclusions and assume I was on a diet – JUST because I was having yoghurt for breakfast? That was my Mum for you.

          “Mum, I’m not on a diet,” I sighed, opening the fridge, and sliding open the small glass door compartment for all our yoghurts. “Is it a crime to have yoghurt for breakfast?

          Mum frowned, shaking her head, and stirring her coffee. “No hon, I’m sorry. It’s just know Auntie Lizzy?”

Heck yeah, I knew Auntie Lizzy. She was one of Mum’s MANY sisters. Auntie Lizzy was Mum’s second youngest sister-and she had many boyfriends and she was so awesome. Did I mention she wore the most funkiest and colourful clothing you will ever see in your lifetime?

I nodded. “Yep. What about Auntie Lizzy?”

          Mum swallowed, chewing her lip. “Well darling...Auntie Lizzy used to be an anorexic.”

          My eyes widened, and I froze, staring at Mum. WHAT? ...WHAT? Auntie Lizzy used to be anorexic? But...she’s just your average person-with the clothing taste a little bit more unique. She eats normally, her weight is completely average...

“How come you never told me before?” I accused, glaring at Mum.

          Mum sighed, shrugging. “I guess...I guess it didn’t really cross me as important.”

          “IMPORTANT?” I screeched. “Of COURSE it’s important!”

“I’m sorry Monty okay? Anyway, I’ll tell you the story,” Mum told me.

          I quickly grabbed a single tub of strawberry yoghurt, plucked a spoon from the drawer, and plopped down on one of the chairs, eyes fixed on Mum the whole time. “Okay spill.”

Mum cleared her throat. “Alright, I remember when I was...18. It was my senior year, and everything was perfect. I had a boyfriend, I was quite popular and my grades were good. Until one day, I came home. Normally when I went home, Lizzy was the only one there. Anyway, I called for her and I couldn’t find her. Then I tiptoed upstairs, and I found her puking up in the toilet bowl.”

          I cringed, swallowing a lump in my throat. Ew. Anorexia really scares me. Call me a wimp-but that’s me.

Mum continued on with her story. “So, I assumed it was just a food poisoning or something, so I just comforted her and when I asked her about it-she agreed and said it must’ve been a food poisoning. I wasn’t concerned. Until several days later, when Richelle told me she heard Lizzy puking in the bathroom.”

                   Richelle is another of Mum’s sisters. Okay, Mum has altogether five sisters, and two brothers. From oldest to youngest, it is: Eric, Brianna, Lizzy, Mum, Isabelle, Richelle, Alexandra and Steve.

“I told Richelle about finding Lizzy puking, and we both just assumed it was a case of bad food poisoning. It never really occurred to us that Lizzy might have some sort of illness. It was only after both Brianna and Isabelle both commented seeing Lizzy puke, and see Lizzy eat minimum food, when we all suspected something was going on. Lizzy was constantly seen in front of the mirror and in the bathroom. She was losing weight quickly, and was getting thinner each day.”

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