Separated by a Fence (8)

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Chapter Eight

“Hurry up, and get in here girls!” yelled Coach Eric.

Jodie and I exchanged a remorseful look, before trooping into the gym, joining the rest of the class. Most of the male population in the gym started wolf-whistling, and staring lustfully at us. Oh lord, kill me now.

The school had changed their once non-revealing and sensible P.E. uniform-into a tiny and short top that showed a hell lot of skin, and a pair of tight small shorts. A lot of the girls in our class (the sensible ones) had added thread and made it baggier and longer-but Jodie and I had forgotten. Which meant most of the males were oogling at us. Fantastic.

“This is my worst nightmare,” I muttered to Jodie, trying hard to pull my top down, as far as it could reach.

One guy’s hand reached out to slap Jodie’s bottom, but she swerved and dodged out of the way at the right time, sending the guy daggers. Oh hell, I knew there was going to be a lot of THAT happening today.

“Alright, let’s start off with one lap of the track, GO!” Coach Eric yelled, blowing his whistle prior to that.

Jodie and I started speeding up from a walk to a jog to a run, and started over-taking all the unfit guys in our class. The two of us are pretty good runners (I’m better in short distance, and she’s better in long), so we even overtook quite a number of basketball and football players. Since Jodie and my fitness levels are quite moderately high, we’re booted to the top P.E. class-which means we’re the only girls. Fun right?

“Lauren’s got a new boyfriend,” Jodie rolled her eyes, speaking of her sister.

I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? What’s her new one like?”

“I met him when we went shopping,” Jodie told me. “He’s sorta cute, and he plays tennis. But he won’t last long. I can tell. He seems a little air-headed, and doesn’t seem that bright. Lauren will probably dump him in two to three weeks minimum to maximum-my guess.”

I chuckled. ‘Wow, those aren’t good odds.”

Sam overtook us, and started running backwards, facing us and smirking. “Love those PE uniforms girls. Wear them more often.’

I glared at him, and saw that there were a couple of tennis balls next to the marathon track, on the grass. Perfect. I leant over, grabbed them while still running, and then started pelting them at him, with as much force, power and strength I could use.

“Ow, geez,” Sam muttered. ‘Just paying a freaking compliment.”

He turned, and resumed running. I narrowed my eyes.

New goal: To beat Sam Taylor.

“Sorry Jodie, I gotta ditch you, but it’s for a good cause,” I told Jodie, before picking up my speed, and running ahead of her, leaving a protesting Jodie behind.

Sam was a good few metres in front of me, and I gritted my teeth, putting in as much power as I could. There was one quarter of a track left, and I was really determined to beat Sam.

He saw me coming up, and snickered. ‘Trying to show me that females are more fit than males? Sure, you beat those wimpy losers at the back, but you seriously cannot beat me. Way out of your league, princess.”

I could barely talk because I was running with all my strength. “Well...(puff)...I’ll s-show you.’

He laughed. “Good luck try-hard.”

He continued running, picking up his speed now, as we were nearing the finish line. I gritted my teeth, and pumped my arms and legs.

Now, we were several metres away from the finish line. C’mon, beat this loser and show that females CAN do whatever males do. I started putting in all my energy, and I was starting to feel my heartbeat quicken at a very fast rate. I couldn’t feel my legs at that moment, I was just concentrated on Taylor, and to beat him.

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