Separated by a Fence (4)

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Chapter Four

I glanced over the giant selection of food. One thing our school is good the food. Our cafeteria is humongous, and they have racks of fruit, salads, subs, sandwiches, and there’s a huge glass counter that is filled with hot food, like hot chips, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti bolognese, creamy pasta, potato cakes, dimsins etc.   Then there was the huge refrigerator filled with every drink you could think of. And all of this came under our school fee.

In the end, I shoved a bowl of grapes, a wrap and a bottle of blue Gatorade onto my tray. Then I sighed, and grudgingly strode over to where Sam was sitting.

I dumped my tray on the table. “These two weeks are going to be freaking hell.”

Sam looked up, and a smirk spread across his face-no surprise there-. “Oh really princess? Nah, I’m thinking these two weeks are going to be a hell lot of fun.”

I rolled my eyes, and plopped down, distancing myself as far away from Sam as I could, so I guess I was EXACTLY opposite him. I studied his tray, and pulled a disgusted face.

He had a gross-looking fatty hamburger with tons of bacon and cheese slopped in between two pieces of stale-looking bread, a packet of greasy fries and a can of Pepsi Max.

“What is wrong with you?” I cried, gesturing towards his tray. ‘Do you not see how fatty and gross that is?”

Sam shrugged, throwing a greasy fry inside his mouth. “Mmph, don’t care, tastes nice, so whatever.”

I wrinkled my nose, and popped a grape in my mouth. ‘You are a revolting pig.”

“Thanks darling,” Sam shrugged.

I gritted my teeth. “NEVER call me darling.”

Sam looked at me innocently. ‘What was that darling?”

“DON’T CALL ME DARLING!” I hissed at him, clenching my fists, anger building up.

Sam chuckled. ‘I can call you whatever I want...darling.”

I growled, and stood up.

Sam smiled sweetly at me. “What leaving so soon? Besides, you can’t leave, teachers are watching us. And it’s compulsory to eat together.”

I groaned, and sat back down. “Can’t they bend back the rules a little? Especially for me? Since I’m stuck with a self-centred, piggy, idiotic, stupid, retarded fat loser?”

Sam raised an eyebrow, and shoved his sleeve up, showing a toned, muscular, built-up tanned arm, that obviously wasn’t fat at all. “You call this fat, princess?’

I glared somewhere else. “Well if you keep eating all that junk food, you WILL end up as a fat and gross couch potato.”
“Geez Walking Encyclopaedia, won’t you shut up for once?” Sam muttered.

I struggled to contain my frustration, and gulped down some Gatorade to hopefully cool me down. This boy could do anything to piss me off. Even just standing up would piss me off. That was how much I hated him. And I’m pretty sure this also applied to me in Sam’s head.

Then Sam chomped on his burger, and took a huge bit out of it. Then, he started chewing loudly and with his mouth open, leaning towards me. I could see all the meat and cheese being tossed and turned in his mouth, and a bad stench was coming from his mouth. His teeth had tomato sauce all over.

How could girls be attracted to some sickening weirdo like him?

I gagged, and stood up. “Okay. I ain’t sitting here anymore.”

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