Separated by a Fence (11)

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Chapter Eleven

I’m going really slow with this story...I’m going to try speed up the updates

I woke up to the heavenly smell of pancakes. Oh lord. I HAD to go grab as many as I could-before Oliver stole them all.

I bounded out of bed, and immediately felt naked (even though I was wearing my SpongeBob Square Pants tank top and tracksuit pants with a purple sweater over), because the doonas kept me so warm. I strode over to my walk-in wardrobe, and did a sort-of dance to help keep me warm-while searching for an appropriate outfit for the day.

Finally, I settled on a turquoise layered top, with a black line on the bottom of each layer, black skinny jeans and a pair of black high heels (the heels were only 1 and a half inches high) with black ribbons. I put in my favourite black dangly earrings and a black necklace with a cross in the middle. I decided to straighten my hair, and I grabbed my black shoulder bag (I’m all about the colour coordination), and stalked out of my room, heading to the kitchen-where the source of the delightful smell was.

Seth was just loading the last golden pancake onto the bowl when I entered the kitchen. He glanced up, and a giant smile spread across his face when he spotted me.

“Oh hey Montana, grab some pancakes, I made a ton,” he greeted me, sliding the bowl of heavenly looking and smelling pancakes across the table over to me.

I plopped down on one of the cool spin white chairs, grabbing a clean plate off the stack, and plunging my fork into a pancake and spearing it, dragging it onto my plate. Mmmmm. My mouth was already watering. Seth was a fantastic cook, and he was the one who cooked all our dinners and lunches and breakfasts.

Seth’s eyes twinkled, and he grabbed a pancake, dumping it on his plate. “Hey, wanna verse me in a Decorating the Pancake Contest?”

This was a regular Crew/DeLaurel household tradition. Usually on Sunday mornings, when we all had a free non-booked morning, Seth would make the pancakes, and we’d all get out all the decorating tools. Then we’d time ourselves for 2 minutes, on who could make the better pancake. It was a really fun tradition.

I grinned. “Bring it on.”

All the decorating things were already placed on the table, and I pursed my lips, trying to draw an image in my head-of what I was going to do on my pancake. Hmmm.

“Okay, time starts...NOW!” Seth tapped the START TIMER button on his iPhone, dropping it on the table.

I grabbed the whipped cream, and made a base on the pancake, trying not to make a spill. After deciding I’d put a sufficient amount of whipped cream, I grabbed the blueberry syrup, and squirted it over the whipped cream, drawing a love heart with several tiny love hearts in the middle. Then, I grabbed a handful of raspberries and sprinkled them on top. Last but not least, I grabbed the sprinkles shaker, and sprinkled the rainbow hundreds and thousands all over.

“Done!” I yelled, jumping away from my masterpiece.

Seth nodded. “Same!”

The timer went off at that exact moment, and we studied each other’s pancakes, carefully. Seth had carefully drawn a smiley face with maple syrup on his, and scattered sugar and chocolate drops all over. But he had managed to shape it, so it looked like the chocolate drops were hair, and the sugar was the skin. Damn it.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?’ Skyler entered the kitchen, dressed in her favourite Lakers jumper and a pair of jeans. Her hair was really messy, but she didn’t have too much of a bed-head.

“Oooh, you can be the judge!’ I declared. “Okay Sky, which pancake do you think looks the best? And be honest! And don’t be biased.”

Skyler chuckled, and stepped closer, examining each pancake. Finally she nodded, stepping back. “And the winner is...”

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