By BeAwesomeForLife

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Who knew we'd be hunting a serial killer at sixteen? Being a sixteen-year-old vampire-hybrid has never been a... More

The Calm Before The Storm*
Insufferable Idiots*
Do You Realise Romeo & Juliet Is A Tragedy?*
Blood Moon, A Party And Derek = The Perfect Recipe For Disaster*
Are Frist Dates Suppose To Go Like This?*
People Murder Each Other All The Time*
Hallucinations, A Minor Side Effect*
Stop Serial Killing*
H20 Just Add Murder*
This Is A Serious Issue And I'm Sorry If This Triggers You*
Lets Makeout Under The Moonlight*
Two Things Inside Me Within 12 Hours*
You Couldn't Even Tell I Had Almost Bled To Death On Their Couch*
Dressed Like Cheap 'Clueless' Characters*
Come On Babe, It's Just A Game*
We're In The Final Leg Of The Race, Who Will Catch Who Frist?*
The Calm Before An Unforgiving Storm*
She Could Have Made Herself Look Less Hot*
Ethan Black XO*
Until I Found Her Body Being Feasted Upon By Three Vampires*
Death Is A Party, Invite All Your Friends*
The Storm Is Over But The Hurricane Has Just Started*

Shit, Wrong Bathroom, Again*

115 4 4
By BeAwesomeForLife

August 13th 2018

"I hate coming back to school," Kara complains as we stand at our lockers. It's the first day back at school for Junior year and my best friend, Kara, is already complaining. Nothing different there.

"I actually enjoy it," I say, grabbing my math book from my locker. Math is one of my weaker subjects, I usually get B's and the occasional C. Kara would say those are good grades.

"Yeah, I know why you like it, little miss perfect," she chuckles as we shut our lockers.

"And..." I trail off waiting for her to pick up what I mean. Being a vampire on summer break isn't easy, we burn super easily and the sun dries out our skin, a lot, also having one friend doesn't help that either.

"Oh yeah! That!" She exclaims as people look at her. Kara is loud and bouncy almost all of the time, she has her moments but she comes back.

Me, on the other hand, it's a bit different. At school and in class I prefer to stay quiet but when I'm around Kara I let loose. The more lowkey I am, the more likely it is someone won't find out I'm a vampire, as well as my family.

"Yeah," I sigh as we make our way to our first-period class. Honestly, being a vampire, it feels like everything around you moves slower, usually only the wolves can keep up.

"Oh! I also have some good news!" She said, bouncing up and down. She's probably going to tell me about her new boyfriend, she can't seem to keep one. Most would say she's a slut but in Kara's mind, high school is no time to settle down. Like I would know, never had a relationship.

"What is it?" I ask her as she continues to bounce on the balls of her feet.

"Well here he comes," she's barely controlling herself and smiling like a psychopath. This new boy will last a month max. I bet.

I turn to see Nathan and my brother, Liam, all walking this way. Nathan has always had this 'bad boy' reputation since forever, Kara used to force me to hang out with him but I tried to get away from him as soon as possible. He and I never got along, I've always had this sixth sense bad feeling about him.

Liam joined Nathans' crew when they were both in their first year, I've always had to see Nathan whether I wanted to or not, now Kara is dating him. More of a reason for Nathan Bell to force his way into my life.

"Hey baby," Nathan said, wrapping his arms around Kara.

"Evangeline," Nathan acknowledges, using my full name, I warned him about it before summer started. He used to call me 'Eve' to piss me off but one particular day, I wasn't feeling well after a really bad sunburn so I yelled at him. He's called me Evangeline ever since. I did almost attempt to murder him, but minor details.

"So...you and my best friend?" I say, motioning between them, out of all the guys, Kara had to pick the one I dislike the most. Nathan is just an overall jerk, luckily his younger sister, Chelsea, didn't get that trait. He's always had this bad vibe about him that I could never figure out, especially since it rubbed off on my brother.

"Yeah," he said with a grin, but that grin doesn't reach his eyes and feels more harsh than friendly. Kara doesn't seem to notice though as she's too busy playing with Nathans' hair, if only she could detect that he seems heavily of cigarette smoke. I could smell it before he even came up to us.

"Fine, just know if you hurt her I will personally make your life a living Hell," I grit, glaring at him. Kara and I have been friends since we were seven, I've always been the quieter one out of us two but her being my best friend has always put her in some form of danger, and Kara knows this. I protect her with my life, you never know what threats are out there, human or supernatural. She is a fragile human, and I won't have her break.

"Yeah right," Nathan scoffed. "Like you could do anything that could hurt me," he chuckles punching Liam in the arm, but Liam isn't laughing. He knows from first-hand experience not to get on my bad side, normal siblings fight but we fight using our supernatural abilities so it's a bit different.

Liam has always been stronger, his power being electricity, but I have the power of mind control and illusion so I scrape by. Usually, our kind only ever has one ability, however, I take after my dad with two powers. A rare occurrence yet here I am.

"She's not joking," Liam tells him with a straight face and a roll of his eyes. God, you'd think he'd mature for his senior year.

"What do you mean?" Nathan stops smiling and looks at Liam. Confusion washes over his face and Kara stiffies a laugh, trust her to find this amusing.

I give her a tight smile and shake my head, she continues to giggle silently at me. My best friend is an idiot.

"The scar on my forehead is from her," Liam said, pointing at the little white line just above his eyebrow. That happened when he was fourteen and I was thirteen, only a few months after the Lightwood incident...

It seems so long ago now that it happened. I still see Derek around the school and it always leaves a tight feeling in my chest, I miss him and his company. However, sometimes it feels like I miss him more than just a friend, but that's crazy considering we haven't talked in three years, you can't miss somebody you don't know anymore.

"Hey! You broke my favourite water bottle and I just happened to punch you with the hand I had my ring on," I tell him off, pointing at him. It seems like such a dumb reason but I loved that water bottle, I forgave him after two months so it's not a big deal.

"Why would you wear a ring with a spike on it?" He throws back at me. Kara is practically dying of laughter right now, she was over that day and witnessed everything.

"Because I wanted to-" I shrug my shoulders "-but now I have a math class to attend," I announce spinning around, waving goodbye to Kara and my brother.

I love my brother, I really do, but he sometimes makes me want to either throw him off a bridge into a pit of fire or myself. As I round the corner, I find two guys have cornered Andy, my other brother, eldest twin of Liam, and are punching him.

"Hey!" I yell at them, "leave him alone!"

They both snap their heads over to me. "What are you gonna do about it?" One taunts, walking over to me while the other holds Andy down.

Both of them are clearly seniors, probably from the basketball team, those guys are jerks, but I've faced scarier things than them. Just this summer my family faced a rouge Windigo who was on a murder spree, however, there's always been something about high school bullies that leave me feeling colder than normal.

"Nothing, but you two are going to back down," I glare at them, clutching my math book tighter.

His eyes go purple then he tells his friend to back up, his friend protests but they both walk away in the end, at this point the bell has already gone. My version of mind control is a bit different from others, I have to be holding direct eye contact with the recipient in order for it to work, I know it works if their eyes go purple like that guy before.

Sometimes I have trouble controlling it, like when I was seven and I accidentally caused a group of people interviewing my mum to start reciting the Old Testament on live television. It was weird but luckily my mother and father covered it up perfectly.

"Hey, Andy, you okay?" I asked, going over to him as he stands up.

Ever since the fallout with the Lightwoods Andy has become different, wearing all black, listening to some questioning music. I get it, we all have an emo phase, mine was at fourteen, but Andy never really seemed to come out of it. The same thing happened to Liam just in a different way.

His started at the beginning of high school when he met Nathan but took full form after the Lightwood incident too. He's more of the silent bad boy but when he's angry nobody in school messes with him, partly because he's a vampire with powers and more strength than the average human.

I guess the same thing happened to me, even though I've always been the quiet type I guess after that day I just became more reserved. Had a hard time opening up with my feelings and eventually developed severe anxiety. I saw a therapist just up until last year and she really helped me learn to cope. I wish Andy or Liam would go see one.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he grumbled, he extends his hand to his bag and it flies into his hand.

Andy got telekinesis as his power, he used to use it a lot, especially to pull pranks on the family but now, we barely see him. He became very reserved and doesn't talk to us anymore, he doesn't talk to me anymore.

"You need to get to class," he sighs, then shoves past me, storming away in the opposite direction.

I sigh and slowly make my way towards math, I miss my brothers, and my mum, and my dad, we all grew apart as a family and never really recovered. Liam is never home, always out doing shady things, Andy never leaves his room, mum is either on tour or at the studio recording new music, and dad is always stuck in his office editing the photos he takes for people. The only thing my family shares anymore is the same last name.

I quickly wipe away a tear that's made its way down my face, I open the door to class and everyone stares at me, then the whispers startup which I hear, super hearing. I glance at the clock and realise I'm five minutes late to class. Oh for fuc-

"Evangeline, why are you late? Do you have a note?" My angry math teacher, Mr Davis, demands. This man hates students and should have retired when Jesus was born.

"I'm sorry," I mutter in guilt. I've never had to face this kind of situation before, I'm usually a good student. And usually, I'm let off the hook but Mr Davis is an asshol-

"Detention after school!" He yells making me wince.

I nod and find my seat, which is in the second row. I grab out my pen but the classes' whispering is making it hard to focus. From behind me, I hear a particular classmate.

"So miss perfect has detention," the voice comes from behind me, a spark runs down my spine causing me to shiver slightly but I don't turn around to find out who it is.

I'm trying so hard to block out the gossiping students but it doesn't help that the blood moon is this Friday. Blood moons are the worst because all supernatural creatures, especially vampires, lose their sense of self-control. The younger ones are usually chained up but older supernatural can control themselves. My parents started training us since we could walk to learn to control ourselves but it's still difficult.

Blood moons only occur twice every three years, the last one was only a couple months after the Lightwood incident, that was a fun one. My brothers were chained up for that blood moon because the last time one occurred Liam ended up almost killing a classmate of his that pissed him off and Andy did kill a random man on the street, therefore they have been chained up ever since. Our parents also trained us to live mainly off the blood of animals so we can be around humans but every once in a while the local hospital mysteriously 'loses' a couple of hundred bags.

After the lesson is over, I rush out of the classroom and into the bathroom. I look in the mirror where I notice my eyes are bright red. Not good, I'm losing control, I need to calm down. Breathe Evangeline, just breathe. Soon, I hear noises from outside the bathrooms, I quickly run into one of the stalls before closing and locking it. Great, there's no calming down now.

"Bro! Did you hear? That Ryder girl was late to class and now she has detention!" A boy claims to his friend.

Shit, wrong bathroom, again.

"I was there dumbass," the friend said. Wait, that voice. It's one of the football players, the voice from math. Derek Lightwood. How did I not notice sooner? Did his voice deepen over these three years and I just didn't notice?

Of course I didn't notice, I haven't spoken to him in three years. Of course he's changed in that time.

He just left my family with his parents after causing absolute havoc at a friendly dinner, an argument led to bloodshed and a permanent scar on both sides. I don't blame him for leaving that day, we were only thirteen and fourteen, what were we meant to do? Our families have hated each other since.

I miss my old best friend...

"So, basically, I have every class with her apart from P.E and math, which is what you have with her," his friend explains. "I suggest we could make a fool out of her, get back for the fallout of your families, and because it would be funny," Derek's friend said, my eyes glow a bright red as I listen.

It must be Jason, I always see them together, as well as Damon, the captain of the football team.

Jason Clark, the bubblier one of the core three, reminds me of Kara. On the football team and he's always greeting people in the halls and participating in events, he started the first 'Gay Pride' club at our school, Kara joined last year because she's always been into group activities and supporting people who have fewer rights. Oh and if the dots haven't already been connected, Jason is openly, and proudly, gay.

Damon Mills, the schools' trophy boy, leader of the core three, and most widely loved in the school. He is the guy that could pull any girl he wanted but since he is busy playing almost every sport apart from basketball he has no time for girls. He led our football team to state champions as only a freshman, he is more of a reserved person but still a widely loved boy. Not to get confused with Damon 'I would have sex with an underage girl' Mill, a freshman made that mistake last year and was almost raped. Not fun.

And the last of the three boys, my least favourite and favourite of the three, Derek Lightwood. Also a part of the football team, a part of Jason's club to support his best friends accomplishments and one of the scarier of the three. Most don't know Derek is a werewolf so he keeps to himself and is rarely seen anywhere, never had a girlfriend before which lead to rumours being spread in sophomore year that him and Jason were lovers, that rumour was quickly stopped when Derek almost ripped out a seniors throat when he caught him talking about it.

"Dude, think about it. With you being, you know, you, it would be perfect," Jason begs as water starts running.

"No, I don't want to make things worse, plus, I don't want to hurt her," Derek sighs as the water turns off. "I can't explain it but for some reason, I don't feel like I could hurt her," he said.

The door opens then closes meaning they walked out and I can come out now. I open the stall door and quickly exit the bathroom, the hallways are clear so I super speed to my next class. Late to another class all because I had to go into the boys' bathroom.

* * *

My last period is P.E which is amazing for me because it's my favourite class, unfortunately, today is running track. Super speed doesn't exactly make it easy on myself or anyone else.

I take my seat on the bleachers that look onto the schools running track and football field, at the far end is a small fence keeping students from running into the forest that sits behind the school. It gets really creepy when the weather isn't great or when it's dark.

Once everyone is seated in the bleachers our teacher, Mrs Dubois, walks out holding a clipboard and her whistle. Clipboard usually means group activities, my least favourite. She blows her whistle getting everyone's attention, "okay, listen for your name, I'm putting you into groups of four, group to get the best running time wins."

Everyone groans at this. "Nathan, Evangeline, Mya and Lightwood, one group!" She shouts and I roll my eyes. Great, the person I hate the most, a boy I haven't spoken to in three years, and an absolute stranger.

I look over to where Derek is sitting down at the bottom of the bleachers and he awkwardly smiles at me, I blankly look at him then turn my head when someone clears their throat. Nathan.

"So, I'm with miss perfect now?" He said bitterly as he sits next to me.

"Nathan, I'd watch yourself, I'm quite a fast runner," I bite back, Nathan has always held a special place in my heart for getting on my nerves no matter what he says.

"Just trying to be friendly," he mocks, throwing his hands up in surrender. Jackass.

"Hi! I'm with you guys!" The other girl said standing in front of us.

Let me introduce Mya 'Perfect' Evans. She is our schools' cheerleading captain and has never failed a competition, she always has flawless skin and her hair is always perfectly done in box braids. She is always very headstrong, never letting anyone walk over her or let people be racist towards her, considering she's the schools first black cheerleading captain. I do admire her though, prevailing no matter what.

"Yes, you are," Nathan bitterly said, rolling his eyes as Mya sits next to me.

"Mya, nice to meet you," she extends her hand to me, completely ignoring Nathans' comment. "What's your name?" She asks with a very bright and friendly smile.

"Evangeline," I mutter, shaking her hand. I like Mya, she seems laid back but strong, she also has pretty brown eyes that seem friendly and inviting. Maybe this won't be so bad.

"Oh, you're the best friend Kara talks about," she said, pulling me into a hug, which I'm very awkward about.

"Sorry," she mutters, pulling away. "Kara and I are in the pride club together, we're working on this years' poster," Mya explains and I nod.

"So where's Derek?" she asks looking down the bleachers. As if almost on cue Derek is standing right in front of me.

"I'm right here," he said, sitting right in front of my legs. I moved back a seat so he's not so close to me, I mean, of course, I'm still bitter about three years ago, he cut me off without any warning, I saw it coming obviously but it still hurt.

I cross my arms over my chest and sigh, looking away from my group letting my mind drift back to that day. Whenever I see him I'm reminded of what happened that night and a friendship that once was. It took so extensive effort by my therapist to help me bounce back from that, even now I still get PTSD.

After Mrs Dubois finishes listing off the groups she calls us to the starting line, we all lineup in a track and wait for her signal. Her whistle blows and we all start sprinting.

I started running a little faster than the others, super speed, so I slowed my pace to match them but Derek is already flying ahead, show off. "Come on Mya!" I yell at her, encouraging her to run faster. She's in shape but clearly needs to work on her stamina.

"Easy for you to say, you little thing," she laughs to herself, touching my stomach in a playful way as she catches up. Mocking how 'skinny' I am, even though I'm not, I just happen to be in shape because I'm a vampire.

As she does that though, my mind starts to whirl and spin back to that day three years ago, everything around me starts to blend together as I start to feel sick. Tears brim my eyes as I stop running, I grab my shirt trying to stop myself from passing out.

"Evangeline," Mya says, running over to me. "Are you okay?" She asks from beside me, a hand on my back.

"N-no..." I stutter, leaning over to hold my knees. The world is starting to spin even more and I can feel myself swaying.

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" She asks, crouching in front of me, Derek has also jogged over to us but he stands further away than Mya.

My vision is a complete blur between tears and panic, I can only make out the outlines of people as I focus on a breathing exercise my therapist gave me, but it's not working. Soon, the world starts to fall sideways as I hit the ground, no longer able to hold myself up.

"Evangeline! Hey! Can you hear me?" I hear Dereks' voice echo around me, a spark igniting in my shoulder, but I can't respond as my mind goes back to that night.

"Kids!" Mum shouts, "move!" She pushes Andy and I out of the way just as Ace leaps forward and slashes her chest open.

"Mum!" I yell out as she falls to the ground, soon dad tackles Ace and they tumble somewhere else. I crawl over to my mother as she gasps for breath, she has her hands against her chest trying to stop the bleeding.

I get over to her side and roll her onto her back, my hands start shaking as I come to realise the severity of her wound. Three, deep red slashes go from her right shoulder, almost down to her left hip, the blood is pouring heavily from the wounds coating the surrounding floor and me.

I shakily raise my hands to find them coated in my own mothers' blood, I scream and begin heavily crying as Andy pulls me away from our mother into his shoulder so I can cry. I watch as Laura grabs Dereks' hand forcefully as her husband joins her on the other side of Derek.

"Derek, come along," his mother forces as Derek holds eye contact with me. I cry harder as I watch a small tear escape Dereks' eye before the front door slams.

Everything is blurry and most of the time all I can see is the colour red from all the blood. My hands start to shake violently and I feel tears escaping my eyes as I recall all the feelings from that day. All the fear, all the panic, all the pain. Soon, a panic attack is slowly taking a hold of me.

"Evangeline," I hear a familiar voice call my name. "Snap out of it," the voices said again as I feel a tingling in my cheek. I know that voice, they were there that day.

"Snap out of it," the person said again as I finally came to. When my vision is finally cleared I can see Andys' face above me with Liam next to him, around us, a huge crowd. "Praise Satan, you're' okay," Andy mutters, pulling me in for a tight hug.

Over his shoulder, I can see Derek standing in the front of the crowd, he's clenching his fists then opening them as he frowns at me. "I want to go home," I whisper to Andy as Liam steps into my view, blocking me from seeing Derek.

"Dad's on his way," Andy mutters, pulling away, he lets me go and stands up. He then leans down to help me stand up and Liam goes to my other side, I notice Mya is the crowd with a worried expression.

I give her a weak smile as the crowd parts to let my brothers and I through. "Was it that bad?" I ask once we are away from the crowd.

Being a small part banshee has led me to have the only downside to my ability, hallucinations. Usually, they stem from traumatic experiences and are triggered by keywords, phrases, or places on the body, sometimes they can be completely random though, but I don't get those.

I relive the moment until I'm brought out of it, sort of like PTSD except dialled to ten. It has led me to live with panic attacks and is what triggered my anxiety in the first place. I used to take medication for it but stopped before summer because I thought I was better, clearly not.

"It was one of the worst," Liam said as we took a seat on the bleachers.

We wait a couple of minutes before dad shows up to take us home. He usually knows how to deal with the aftermath because mum used to get these sort of attacks back in her 20's. When we get home dad tells me to go to sleep until dinner time, which I happily oblige to.

These kinds of attacks usually take me out for a few hours so I have to sleep longer than normal, even though my kind only sleeps once a week. I lie down in bed after putting on some comfortable clothes and pulling my curtains, I pull the covers over myself and close my eyes letting my thoughts of today put me to sleep.

Derek Lightwood looks like he's going to be entering my life again after three years, Mya and I seem like we could be friends, and my best friend is dating an idiot and the person I despise most.

What a great start to a new school year. 

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