Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)

By Freeze-kun

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You've gotten used on accompanying the heroes in their adventure. It's always fun, rainbows, cries and rain a... More

Copyright and disclaimer
Prologue: The Embodiment of Despair
Table of Content: Arcs
Kurai Yoru OS: Different Yet The Same
1: A Daily Life of A Demon Lord
2: Past Best Forgotten...
3: Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?
4: Sweet Revenge
5: A New Friend...
6: ...Then A New World
7: Broken Bird
8: Double Vengeance
9: Lingering Nightmares
10: Rebuilding Trust
10.5: A Caring Brother [AC]
Season 2 Prologue: Learn Fear
11: Let's Start Fresh
12: Just A Plaything
13: Tricks and Lies
14: Unsealed
15: Killing Death
16: What You Really Are
18: Her Tutor
19: The Genie's Wishes
20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald
21: Not A Lie
22: Consequences
19.5: Phantasmagorical [AC]
Season 3 Prologue: Equals
23: False Serenity
24: Purgatorial Trinity
25: A Monster
26: Hybrid
27: Simplest Tactic
28: King & Queen
29: Transition
30: Difference in Strength
31: Evil-Nice Girl
32: Happy Ending
Web-Novels' Commonly Used Japanese Suffixes
Info: Cast/ Informations
33: Loyal, To The Very End
34: New Dawn

17: My Child

73 16 29
By Freeze-kun

=≠(364 days after Genesis, Final Haven)≠=

The atmosphere was thick. Thick enough for a knife to cut right through it. Four celestial beings are currently sitting around a circular table, with their faces not matching some of their appearance; some looks quite childish, you see. They were inside a room made up of quartz, with a single huge chandelier above them.

"Really, that guy." The black skinned devil, Lizifer, spoke as she glared at the empty air in front of her.

Mikael tapped his finger at the table, looking like he wanted to kill someone. "He's giving us so much trouble. The rules of the universe are trying their best, but even they can't stop him."

"Does he even have a single weakness?" Gabrielle asked, furiously trying to find something from the fights she had seen from him.

"Everything has a weakness." Satina spoke while crossing her hands. "And I know exactly what his is now."

"What? Tell us!" Mikael instantly perked up.

"No matter how twisted he is, he still have one thing we all have." She pointed at her chest. "A heart."

Lizifer instantly got what her fellow devil meant. "You're going to play with his heart... Do you really think that'll work? You heard what happened to that Death Goddess, right?"

Gabrielle looked sad after hearing that. "She wormed herself in her own domain. She doesn't even talk to any of her fellow goddesses anymore."

"We all know what he did to her. Such a disgusting creature." The blond male spat out in disgust.

'I'm not so sure about that, Mikael. Still, this isn't what we were supposed to be talking about.' Satina shook her head. "We're getting off topic here. Though something might or might not have happened, either way, he showed that he at least have an interest on females. And that is sufficient enough for me." Satina closed her eyes.

Lizifer grew worried. She thinks she already know what the fiendish little devil beside her is planning. "A bait. Your going to make a bait, aren't you?"


Mikael narrowed his eyes at her. "And who will that bait be?"

Satina opened her left eye, staring back at Mikael intently. "First off, it can't be me or Liz. Though he hadn't saw us yet before, he'll definitely smell something's up when we suddenly started growing friendly towards him. We're devils after all. Gabrielle won't do, too. He already know her."

Gabrielle tensed up when she heard her name, but then she let out a sigh of relief when Satina finished her sentence. "Then it must be someone he haven't met yet?"

"Correct. We're going to create someone he can love, yet at the same time someone who can kill him." Satina turned her head to the wide-eyed black skinned devil. "Liz, call that Life Goddess. Tell her our plan."

Lizifer just smirked. "Yes, Satan-sama." Satina grew a tick mark at that. The smiling devil quickly left.

Mikael, having been holding his breath till now, relaxed, seeing that the once childish devil showed her true nature again. "Satina, aren't you going back to the underworld already? You still need to do your act, right?" Mikael smiled.

"Geez, don't bring it up here. You know I hate acting like an evil someone such as that guy." Satina sighed.

Gabrielle let out a small giggle at that. "I heard Lizifer is already about to 'kill' you, ahaha."

"This way, Lizifer will be regarded as a great leader. I'm sure she'll do great." Satina smiled unknowingly.

Lizifer suddenly entered from the door, looking a bit panicked. "This is bad. He's currently attacking the goddess of Light, and the Life Goddess is one of the supports who was sent. She's busy right now."

Satina clicked her tongue. "He's so troublesome!" She stomped her foot at the ground.

"Satina." Gabrielle stood. "Let me create this one, just like how I created humanity with the goddess of Life."

Mikael looked at her, worried for his twin sister. "But sister, are you sure? You're not gonna make a completely sentient being here, but more like..."

"A weapon," Satina finished. "Who'll we have to dispose after it served it's purpose. Are you sure you can do that, Gabrielle?"

Gabrielle looked down, hiding her face. "Yes. Just give me a full night, by tomorrow, she--, it'll be finished." She walked outside.

Satina put a hand in her forehead. "Mikael, why didn't you stop her?"

Mikael just stared at her. "Let's trust her on this one. Gabrielle isn't taking this war very well lately. I'm sure this'll be her way on helping us."

"Ugh, that's not what I'm talking about!" Satina facepalmed. "Gabrielle is kind. Too kind. I can't even imagine her making something other than an emotion-filled, fully sentient angel, or maybe human."

"T-That's..." Mikael trailed off. Even Lizifer was surprised at what Satina said.

'She really thought this out very thoroughly.' Lizifer stared at the red devil.

=≠(Gabrielle's room)≠=

Gabrielle opened a white sliding door, and entered her room. Like all the other place in their palace, the walls are created from quartz, while her furnitures look almost like the ones in the humans dimension. Gabrielle tapped somewhere in the wall, making the small chandelier in the ceiling light up.

"Time to help the others. I... I won't slip up this time." Gabrielle stood at the middle of her room, then she chanted. A blue magic circle began to rotate below her, with unreadable runes inscribed in it.

"Satina said she should be beautiful," Gabrielle smiled to herself. She didn't even notice herself saying it's a 'she'. " and, she must also be pure, like an angel."

She began to weave her hand in different directions, all the while muttering some more chants. The sun began to rise outside the palace, and before Gabrielle knew it, a little child was already sleeping with her at her bed.

Gabrielle fluttered her eyes open, as another set of blue eyes stared back at her. Gabrielle blinked, making the child blink too. Though she's a newborn, she already look like 12 or 13 years old. Gabrielle remembered that she was busy choosing what hair color will the child have, that she had forgotten to set her age to a more appropriate one.

"U-Uhm," Gabrielle couldn't find the words to say. Her mind was currently running a mile per hour at that time. Excitement, joy, those are the feeling that flooded her mind that day. But, for her, the most dominating emotion she felt that time was fulfillment.

Gabrielle had seen this somewhere on earth. 'What do they call this again... Ah, yes. A woman who had birthed her child; A mother.' Gabrielle smiled once again just from thinking about that.

The girl tilted her head at the woman in front of her, since the older woman had been staring at her for quite some time now already. Not knowing to respond, she just let out a cute 'Mu?'.

"O-Oh, sorry. I-I'm your, mother. Call me mother." Gabrielle smiled.

"M-M-Ma... Mama?" She tilted her head again.

Gabrielle hugged the child, even shedding some tears while she did. "Yes. I'm your mama."

The girl remained frozen. She didn't know what to do, so she opted to just imitate what her 'mama' is doing. "Mama... Mama." She began speaking again.

Gabrielle let go, looking at the girl again. If she could speak normally, Gabrielle imagined she has so many question for her right now.

The girl began to raise her left hand, her right hand being buried by the blanket over her body. She pointed at Gabrielle. "Mama." Then she pointed at herself. "M-Mumu...?" She tilted her head.

Gabrielle giggled at that, the little child's innocence easily matching hers. She rubbed the little girl's head, then she closed her eyes while smiling. "You are Auri. Your name will be Auri."

"A-Aw, A-A-Awr..." The girl struggled to talked. "A-Wuwuwu...?"

And, for the first time, Gabrielle laughed wholeheartedly at someone so innocent. She hugged her again, while crying.

"You are my child, Auri."

=≠(Genesis Haven, palace: Meeting room)≠=

"I TOLD YOU MIKAEL!" Satina exclaimed, while pointing accusingly at the bowing angel. Lizifer sweatdropped at the background.

"Sorry sorry!" Mikael kept on bowing repeatedly.

Right at the north side of the table, a joyful Gabrielle sat, with a wide eyed little girl looking around her. With her cute voice, she began muttering something again.

She slowly pointed at Lizifer. "G-G-Granny!" She looked back at Gabrielle, wanting to hear a praise from her mother.

"Correct correct! How about that girl?" Gabrielle pointed at Satina.

"M-M-Midget!" She nodded furiously, which Gabrielle mirrored while smiling.

"Amazing! How about that one!" Gabrielle pointed at the crestfallen blond.

"Idiot!" Auri smiled.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STUTTER AT ME?!" Mikael cried while slamming the table with his hands.

Meanwhile, Lizifer and Satina can be seen at the background with their eyes glowing.

"Gabby." Satina spoke. "What were you teaching that kid?"

"Why did you teach her something stupid?!" Lizifer exclaimed. She ran towards Gabrielle, then furiously rub the poor angel's head at her knuckle.

"Ahahaha! I'm sorry, I couldn't help it!" Gabrielle laughed even though Lizifer kept on hitting her.

Satina just facepalmed. In her not-so-long life, never had her instincts given her wrong informations. And now, it couldn't even be more right. "This is bad..." She slumped down her head at the table. She began berating herself, thinking that she hadn't stopped Gabrielle even though she already knew what was gonna happen. As the downcast she-devil kept on mourning, she didn't notice Auri slowly walking towards her.

"S-Sowi." The child rubbed the devil's head, something that she had learned just hours ago.

Satina looked up, staring at the face of the little girl. Even she can't help but to notice the exceptional innocence and cuteness of the child. Looking at her clearly, she even saw that the child was doing her best at imitating a sad face. Satina can feel the child's true feelings though, and she's sincerely sorry.

The other three beings anticipated on what Satina will do as a respond. And, to their surprise, they saw Satina pinching Auri's cheeks.

"Mou, you're too innocent. Even I will feel guilty if I use you as a bait." Satina pouted. The blonde child just tilted her head again.

The days passed, with the four temporarily forgetting why Auri was even born for. They enjoyed their added companion, as the little girl was really fun to be with; just her very presence is enough for the four to feel happy and giddy. They taught her everything they can, but the child's mind was just simply too young to learn anything complicated. At least, she learned their correct names this time.

During random days, they would wonder where the girl would run off to. The angel often played outside of their palace, you see. Meeting the other angels, playing with the kids.

Most of the time, Auri would proudly tell the four her adventures and games with her bestfriend, 'whitey'. They never knew the real identity of this unknown friend, but they were just happy that the little angel found someone she can get close with, other than them.

"Mama Gabby!" Auri suddenly opened the double doors leading to the meeting room, surprising the four godly beings.

"Auri..." Lizifer shook her head, her hand at her forehead. Mikael just chuckled, while a demonic shadow began to grow behind Satina.

"Auri, my child," Gabrielle whispered, occasionally looking behind her if her Satina already blew off. "please, wait outside. We're having a meeting right now."

"B-But mommy, Whitey is here. He, wants to meet chu." The white garb Auri is wearing slightly slided to the side of her shoulder. Her dress was a bit too big for her.

"Your bestfriend?" Satina suddenly perked up. She wanted to see this so called 'best brother and friend in the whole heaven', eversince Auri mentioned him some months ago.

Auri turned to the side, where the four can't see since they're inside. "Whitey." They all turned to what Auri saw, then gasped.

"I see your having fun here!" A dark-eyed Sitri smiled widely. Then, he turned his gaze at the staring child at him. "Little Auri, come introd--" Sitri was about to pat her head, until Gabrielle suddenly appeared in front of him. At least, the demon looked like he was going to pat her.

"Mikael! Satina!" Gabrielle yelled behind her.

"Coming!" They both yelled, as two condensed beam passed through Gabrielle's sides. Sitri merely weaved his right hand, summoning a transparent black barrier around him. The two projectiles struck his shield, which shattered on impact. He was left unscathed though.

"Woah!" Sitri feigned surprise. "Is that how you greet your visitors here?"

"What do you want?!" Gabrielle glared daggers at the horned-individual. Sitri just merely scoffed.

"Why, meeting the guardians of my bestfriend, of course!" Sitri let out an obviously fake smile.

"Mikael, Satina, why are you hurting Whitey?" Auri pouted at the two.

Mikael was about to tell her something, but Satina brought her hand in front of him, signalling for him to stop. She shook her head at the wide-eyed angel, then spoke. "I'm sorry Little Auri, we were just surprised." Satina's eyes was foreshadowed by her hair.

"W-We-Well, please don't panic again!" Auri scolded the two, even a bit glaring at them for the added effect.

"S-Satina?!" Gabrielle yelled in front of them.

"He got us." Satina clicked her tongue. Lizifer slowly widen her eyes.

"Hey, Auri," Sitri motioned for the girl to come closer. Gabrielle reluctantly let go of the child, a normal reaction from a mother.

The white haired demon leaned in closer to Auri, then whispered. "They don't seem to like me." He made an exaggerated sad face, making Mikael groan in anger at him.

"Don't wo-worry, they are just surprised. They're really nice!" Auri smiled at him. This made Sitri pat her on the head.

"You're really such a cute girl." Auri smiled at him, then turned around. Unbeknownst to her, the demon behind her gave his signature grin; his predatory smile.

This was seen by the other four, but Satina kept them shut. The day passed on normally, without Sitri doing anything that involves destruction. After Gabrielle tucked Auri in her bed to sleep, Satina had gathered the four for a meeting.

Mikael immediately glared angrily at the red-dressed devil. "You better have a good explanation for that, Satina."

"Like I've said, he got us." Satina turned her gaze to the side. "He can manipulate Auri to do anything he want. He's just waiting for us to destroy Auri's trust ourselves. We can't do anything about him." She gritted her teeth.

"But that's--" Gabrielle suddenly stood. ", that can't be! Auri trusts us more than him! Especially me, I'm her... mother..." Then she looked down.

"Remember Gabrielle," Lizifer spoke beside her. "Though Auri's is already in her early-teen, her mind is yet to mature. Someone, specially a master of trickery, can control her." The devil looked down, contemplating on something. "He's sure to corrupt her, and we won't even be able to do anything..."

The four resented the white-haired demon even more.

Nobody dared to oppose him. Nobody told Auri the truth. Afraid that their only connection to her will be broken; her trust.

And so they did. Though, that choice may have been wrong. That question was answered on a later night, the night when Auri first sinned.


"I can't... do this anymore." A blue haired girl whispered as she dropped a black quill.

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