good for daddy {h.s} • #watty...

By lukestylesbaby

290K 3.7K 1.6K

"be good for daddy, won't you?" *COVER: me <3 More

good for daddy
knee socks and bubblegum
dinner parties and secrets || stella
dinner parties and secrets || harry
coffee and tounges || stella
breakfast and proposals || Harry
county fair and visiting limitations (part one) || both
*county fair and visiting limitations (part two) || both
county fair and visiting limitations (part three) || both
maple syrup and unexpected visits || both
awkwardness and another party||both
more parties and stalking?|| both
* promise me || Harry
sadness and pancakes
revenge and apologies (part 1) || h, s, n
revenge and apologies (part 2) || h, s, n
kitty kisses and pinky swears
quod nunc vagatur (she now roams)
a certain desire
lost and found
carolina [not an update]
not an update. but important

sign of the times

4K 65 21
By lukestylesbaby


Have a new chapter cause i love y'all xxxxx

it's been six months, but i already feel the distance between harry and i slipping out the forefront of my mind. i no longer care.

to say i don't miss him would be lying, but i've certainly found a way to preoccupy my previously distraught mentality.

since that night many weeks ago, when arlo and i first messed around, he's satisfied me at least four times a week. after the first nine days, i accepted his invitation (well, it was more of a statement) to come and live with him.

'we're always together anyway, why not make it easier?' arlo had twirled a lock of my hair around his finger, as i stood in front of him.

'i don't know, i mean, i have to find a new job and make sure my parents are-'

'stella, baby, your parents aren't for you to worry about, they're adults and they can make their own decisions. if they want t' fuck their lives up, let 'em.'

i bit my lip. he had a point. why should i continue to pander to my parents' every need when they barely recognised me as a human being anymore? i was sick of watching over them, making sure they eat and actually shower themselves.

after all, i was turning eighteen in a little over five months. i needed to get out of that hellhole of a flat before then, so i could actually start to make my way in the world.

my eighteenth birthday wasn't the party most would imagine, but it was utterly perfect. arlo took me to london and we sat by the river thames eating a picnic and drinking wine. it was wonderfully romantic, and i couldn't help but think of harry, but i forced myself to push him to the back of my mind. it was time to start anew; without him in the picture.

and then of course, well, you can imagine how the night ended.

i'd gotten accustomed to waking up to the smell of a beautiful breakfast on a sunday morning, but that doesn't make it any less sweet.

the soft sheets slides over my body as i stretch and yawn, smiling as the smell of waffles and hot chocolate wafts through the room. i stand and wrap the sheet around my somewhat unclothed figure, before making my way down arlo's - our hallway. as i reach the kitchen, i groan at the smell intensifying, before noticing arlo's tall frame in front of the window.

he's silhouetted by the dull light streaming in through the glass. his head shakes as he has noticed my presence, and he laughs as i encircle my arms around his waist.

he's wearing a dark, long sleeve button up shirt, and his skinny jeans. he only owns the one pair, contrasting my six or seven. his arms are moving as he plates up the breakfast he has prepared. my eyes close and i sigh against his upper back. i trail my hands up his hard stomach, and he tenses as they move along his chest and grasp and pinch and squeeze and then slide back down towards his lower stomach. i smirk and he puts down the plates, turning in my grasp.

i feel a kiss on the top of my head and i look up to arlo. our noses brush as i face him, my lips brushing against his, my hand moving around his middle to cup his cheek. i feel the stubble on his face from his indifference towards shaving. most of the time, it takes me scrunching up my face at the sensation for him to get rid of it.

'good morning, my sweet. i've prepared waffles and hot cocoa for your pleasure,' he smiles and kisses my forehead, rubbing my arms and turning around once again to grab the plates.

i walk over to the kitchen table, picking up my sheet and wrapping it around myself a little more before i sit down next to arlo. he places a plate in front of me, as well as cutlery and a mug of hot chocolate.

i hum in delight, picking up my knife and fork and digging into the delicate meal in front of me.

there is little talking while we eat, but no lack in conversation; our knees share a friendly quarrel, bickering and occasionally just putting pressure on the other to see who would win.

arlo takes the crown when his left hand lands itself on my upper thigh. he squeezes slightly and his fingers run back and forth on the inside of my leg.

i open my mouth to shoot a quick remark, but arlo interrupts before i can utter a sound.

'i have no idea what you're talking about,' he says, taking a sip from his mug.

i just shake my head, laughing and pressing my face into my palm.

'i have some errands to run today; my friend is moving out of his house and i'm going to help him, and then i have to pick something up from the post office. but after, we're going on a trip, okay?' he looks at me, smiling and finishing off his waffles.

'okay. but, one question - how long is this 'trip' you speak of?'

'not long, not far. you'll only need clothes for overnight. and don't freak out, because i know how you worry, and it's nothing to be worried about.'

god, sometimes i regret telling arlo things about myself, or even acting like myself around him. his mind is a fortress, it takes in everything about me and just locks it up for later. he never fails to tell me something new about me that i, myself, haven't noticed.

'alright. well, have fun helping your friend. i think i'm going to go for a drive. get some fresh air,' i rise from my seat, taking my plate to the sink and rinsing it.

'i'll try, it's just lifting heavy furniture,' he scoffs, 'i'll most likely just sweat a lot.'

'hm, maybe i'll come watch you getting all sweaty and out of breath,' i wink at arlo as he steps up beside me to wash his own plate in the other sink.

'don't tempt me, angel,' he smirks, turning to me and encompassing me in a strong hug.

i push away, laughing as his hands unexpectedly tickle my waist. it's times like these that my mind will be plagued with thoughts of who could be holding me. instead of arlo; this beautiful person who's been beside me through everything he wasn't.

i swallow my thoughts, suddenly feeling faint. i push arlo's hands away gently, and he recedes into himself, a frightened look on his face.

'ju-just give me a second,' i walk down the hall to the bathroom, locking the door behind me and sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. my heart is beating like a hummingbird's, and my breathing is erratic. i haven't had a panic attack in months, why now?

i don't know what brought this on, but i can't open my eyes or uncover my ears for fear of hearing arlo calling to me. why did i think i could get over harry? i can't do this, i'm not strong enough. not strong like arlo.

i can't believe i was so stupid! i actually thought that i could build a new life; start over and move the hell on. boy, i was wrong.

my shoulders heave with every shaky breath i take in, and i'm not oblivious to the thumping on the door next to me.

'just fuck off, will you?!' i scream, and i notice the hot tears running down my face. i instantly regret screaming at arlo, but the banging stops along with the faint calling of my name, and that's all i want.

i'm so selfish for trying to find something i lost within another helpless soul. i know how much arlo cares about me, and yet i continue to toy with him like he's for my use.

although, is that still the truth? i know i try to push away how i feel to avoid times like this, but i have grown so much closer to arlo. i'm beginning to think that my feelings for him sit deeper than i ever imagined they would.

i struggle to regain control of my breathing and my heart rate, and after a few minutes, i've somewhat calmed myself. i stand and unlock the door slowly, pulling it open.

arlo sits outside, a soft smile on his face. i kneel and fall into his arms, apologising countless times while he strokes the top of my head and consoles me. who am i to take him for granted? not after he treats me like a goddess and makes it known to me how much he cares. not just through words, but through his actions too.

my legs are curled up underneath me as i half lay, half sit between arlo's knees. i look up and meet his lips with my own, hoping that my apologetic feelings are shown through the kiss.

'it's okay, whatever you're upset about. i'm here for you, i always have been and i always will be, no matter how hard you try and push me away,' his fingertips graze my chin, and his mouth is twisted into a knowing smirk. i giggle softly and take hold of his hand, squeezing.

'thankyou arlo, i mean it. for everything you've done for me over the past six months and before that, you've always been here. i love you for that,' i kiss his cheek, and he reddens a little at my words.

'you know it's no trouble, love. in fact, you're quite the opposite,' arlo's hands wander down my back and he squeezes my ass before smirking at me.

'you're a troublemaker,' i slap his forearm, but he doesn't loosen his grasp on my backside. 'bloody hell, let me go,' i laugh, trying to pry his abnormally large hands away from me.

'mm, but they're comfortable where they are,' he says, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.

i lean up, kissing him softly. he grins, deepening the kiss and pulling me in tighter.


he steps through the elevator doors, emerging onto the first floor. the girl beside him clings tightly to his forearm.

his suitcase is pulled by another young man, trailing behind the pair and looking as anxious as anything. the boy's hands are wrapped around the handle of the luggage, as he hurries to catch up to the couple.

'oh! darling, i'm so excited for this trip! i'm a bit scared of getting that plane, plane - what's it called again love?' she rambles, as he secretly rolls his eyes and plasters on a fake smile for her sake.

'sickness?' he asks too sweetly, jaw straining at the forced pleasant expression on his face.

her colgate-white smile blinds half the people in their vicinity, as he smiles back before turning away and regaining his constant stone countenance.

'yes. that's the word. silly me, i can't believe i forgot that!'

he can't believe it either.

thoughts are running wild inside of her head; how even though they haven't been together for very long (around three months, give or take) but she feels so drawn to him. like he's her angel, heavensent to help her achieve her dreams and lifelong aspirations.

he's thinking too, about how he'd just love to slam her head against a brick wall if she didn't learn to just shut her mouth. god, she was frustrating.

his face contorted into a snarl, as he noticed their departure had been rescheduled to four hours later.

his boots stopped abruptly in their path, as she halted next to him. the boy with the luggage slammed into the back of them, knocking them both over.

she shouts at the boy, while her partner shouts at the receptionist about the lack of communication, and about how they should have been notified about the sudden change of departure time.

he wasn't sure how they'd waste the time until their flight was due to leave, but there was one thing he was sure about; he did not want to spend it around her.

his face fell blank as he turned to her, telling her that he needed the bathroom and she should just sit with their luggage and wait; he wouldn't be long.

little did she know, she'd be sitting and twiddling her manicured thumbs for the remaining four hours till he returned.


nice new chap for y'all, hope you enjoy bbs

oml i'm ordering my green day ticket next week and i'm so fucking excited


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