more parties and stalking?|| both

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((please read the author's note at the bottom, it's important! x))

stella's p.o.v


"so, what brings you here?" rose asks when i don't say anything.

"my father is close friends with the host, i always come to these functions. i'd rather be at home, but," i sigh, rubbing my arm.

rose nods understandingly, sipping her wine. i notice her nails are pointed, they look a little like claws. her personality and the way she holds herself dont match these evil things on her fingers.

"that's understandable, these parties do get boring," rose smiles, her sapphire-like eyes shining under the chandelier. she takes my hand with her clawed one, and leads me to two seats in the lounge. we sit and i tug at my dress, as it lifted a bit when i sat down.

"how is your love life, stella? do you have a boyfriend? or maybe, a girlfriend?" rose asks with curious eyes. i can tell she's just inquisitive and doesn't want to pry, but i shake my head at her last words.

i'm not sure if i should tell this older, wiser woman who could possibly be dangerous to my reputation, and life, about harry. i take a leap of faith and pray that she doesn't tell anyone i am into an older man who likes it when i call him daddy.

"its complicated...-"

"don't worry, you don't have to tell me. but i am here to listen."

i take a deep breath and ready myself for all the possibilities i can think of.

judgment; not so bad.

authorities getting involved; ruins my life and my relationships between my parents and i, and also between daddy and i.

silent; she's either shocked or disgusted, or both, and that's not good.

hopefully, she'll offer me help or some advice worth lostening to.

"there's this man, he's 20 or 21, i think.. he's nice to me and i like it. but there's this thing.." i trail off, deciding that i'd let rose's reaction to my confession so far tell me if i should continue.

her face is so emotionless, i don't know what she thinks. so i keep going.

"he wants me to call him daddy, all the time, and sometimes i just want to call him his real name. but i think i like him, i don't know. it's a silly girl crush," i laugh nervously, gaging rose's reaction.

"look, it sounds like you like this man, and in my opinion love has no age. if you love this 21 year old man whom you call daddy though he isn't your biological father, you should. don't let anyone tell you it's wrong or you should be around boys your age. maybe someone mature is what you need.

"as for the daddy thing, it's just a kink and it obviously turns him on when you say it. try to find something similar that he can do, that will attract you to him even more. that way you'll both have something for each other to do."

i leap out of my seat and hug rose, clearly shocking her. she hugs me back, placing her glass on the side table by her chair.

"thankyou so much, it feels good to let it out," i say, and i feel rose nod. i pull away and sit back in my seat, tugging my dress to an appropriate level against my legs. i can't help but think that if daddy was here, he'd massage my thigh and whisper sweet words into my ear. i shake the thought from my head with a smile.

"i had a boyfriend once," rose sighs. "we dated for nearly a year. but i ended things."

"oh. i'm so sorry." i hold her bony hand in mine awkwardly. "do you mind if i ask what happened?" rose nods.

good for daddy {h.s} • #wattys2017Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu