Neighbors (Liam Payne AU)

By AshersMom247

45.4K 2.3K 1.6K

Trapped in an unhappy marriage, Eva finds a friend in a similar situation, a shoulder to cry on and maybe the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59

Part 35

703 35 19
By AshersMom247

"Liam?" Eva sat up in bed. Liam wasn't there. It was 8am and she knew that the kids were either already up or about to be up. She stood up, pulled on her pajamas and walked out of the bedroom. Liam wasn't in the living area. She walked to the bedroom he was supposed to be sharing with Ava. She slid the door open. Ava was in the middle of the bed, alone. He wouldn't be in with the boys and she could hear them moving around. She shrugged her shoulders and went back into the kitchen to start breakfast.

The boys appeared, tousled headed and sleepy as she was putting the last of the toast in the toaster. She sat them at the table with eggs and juice as Liam came into the cabin. He was sweaty and breathing heavy. "Hey." he said. "Went for a run. Sorry." He walked over and kissed her cheek and headed into the bathroom. Eva's heart burst thinking about how this was what she had always wanted, what Harry never gave her. A bunch of kids to feed and a handsome husband who loved her, couldn't get enough of her, wanted to be around her. They were going to play putt putt golf today, then have lunch at the snack bar before letting the kids play on the playground. She knew that Liam wouldn't complain about waiting for the kids to golf. He wouldn't be angry when the line at the snack bar went out the door. When the kids were on the playground and asked for a push on the swings he wouldn't say he was too tired. Then, they'd walk back, holding hands, and he'd help her make dinner, bathe the kids and help her get them to bed. When they were asleep, he'd make love to her again. And all of that would make her happier than she'd been in years. "Hey, Evie?" Liam called from the bathroom. "Come here for a second?"

She walked over to the door and pushed it open. "Yep?"

He reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into the bathroom. "Just wanted a real good-morning kiss." he said, bending down to give her a long, hard kiss. "I'm good now." he said, winking. She grinned at him and turned to walk out. He gave her a quick smack on her butt, making her jump and looked back at him. He shrugged. "Couldn't help it. You are super sexy." She just laughed and walked out, hearing Ava asking for toast. At that moment, her life was perfect.

The next night was the 4th of July fireworks show and they watched from the comfort of their campsite. Liam and Eva sat in the wooden lawn chair, holding hands, while all of the children rolled around in the grass, giggling. Eva couldn't help it, she kept looking over at Liam and smiling. "What?" he finally said.

"I'm just so happy, Liam." she answered. " This is what I always wanted."

He smiled. "Well, I'm glad I can give it to you." He leaned in and kissed her gently. "I think his might be normal. We just don't know it."

She laughed. "No. If we were married, we'd fight. Even my parents fight. Maybe we should have a fight, to practice?"

"Naw, we'll just let it happen naturally." he said. "It will be a nice surprise."

Eva didn't need to wait long for that surprise. The next night, Eva convinced Liam to go to a drive-in movie with the kids. She drove there, paid for the tickets and explained to the kids that they were going to watch a movie in the car. Liam told her to turn off the car. She grabbed the speakers and hooked one on each side of the car. "Okay, I'm going to get snacks. Who's coming?" Liam said.

"Me, Daddy!" Ava screamed.

Liam opened the door and said, "Okay! "Let's go, princess." Then he looked at Eva. "Anything special?" She shook her head, just happy to be with him.

While he was gone, Eva decided she was hot. The whole day had been beyond hot and she didn't like to sweat. She clicked the key back to the 'on' position to make the air come on and turned it low, making the car comfortable. Happy, she sat back and relaxed.

Liam returned with drinks, popcorn and candy. The boys settled into the back seats and Ava sat in Liam's lap. They spent two hours laughing at a silly kid's movie, all three children loving the idea of watching a movie in their car. "Next time, we will have to bring chairs and sit out on the grass!" Eva said. "If it's not so hot."

"It's not hot in here." Liam said. Then he looked at Eva. "Why isn't it hot?"

"Oh, I turned on the AC." she said, not really worried.

"What?" Liam said, panic in his voice. He reached over and turned the key back into off. "Jesus, Eva. Try to start the car."

"What? Why? The movie is almost over. Please don't be the 'we have leave before the crowd' person."

Liam took a deep breath. "I'm trying really hard to not yell, Eva. Okay? Start the car."

Eva turned the key to on and pressed forward. Nothing happened. She looked at Liam, her eyes wide with fear. "I broke the car?"

He glared at her, opened the car door, slid out of under Ava and left the car, closing the door behind him. Eva opened her door and went out to talk to him. She walked around the car. "Liam?"

"Don't, Eva. Don't. I'm really angry and I know you will freak out if I start to yell. I just don't know how you could be so..." he stopped.

"Stupid?" she offered.

Liam threw his hands into the air. "God! I just want to...."

"Scream at me? You can. It's okay. I told you I was stupid . I told you Harry yelled at me for a reason. Now you know." she shrugged, her head down. "I'm going to watch the end of the movie." She sniffed, holding back her tears. She wasn't going to cry because she ruined things with Liam enough. She wasn't going to make it worse by adding in her tears. She'd made him feel how she always felt around Harry, like she was on egg shells, waiting for one to break. Now, Liam was afraid to say what was on his mind because he knew she'd lose it, cry, act like a baby. No wonder Harry didn't love her. She turned, ready to walk away.

"Stop." Liam reached out to touch her. "You aren't stupid. I wasn't going to call you stupid. I'm just angry and I don't want to make you cry again, but I did it anyhow. I'm sorry."

Eva threw herself into his arms. "I'm sorry, too. I didn't think. Thank you for saying you are sorry. It's makes all the difference. Harry never says he's sorry. I think we just had a fight."

Liam laughed. "I guess we did. But, seriously, Eva, I'm going to get mad about things. I'm going to yell sometimes."

Eva kissed him. "I know. I will, too. I just need to stop assuming the worst."

"What did I tell you about assuming?" Liam raised an eyebrow at her.

Eva laughed again. "I know. I know. Now, what did I do to the car? And how do we fix it?"

"Go watch the movie. You killed the battery. I bet it happens a lot. I'll go ask at the snack bar."

Eva got back into the car, relaxing because fighting with Liam felt so different from fighting with Harry. Harry screamed and didn't let her talk. Harry stood over her and made her feel small. He did let things go, for hours, days, he'd still be angry.

Liam walked away. He didn't say every hurtful thing he could think of. It was the fastest argument she'd ever had. She felt better, moments later. If it had been Harry, she'd be the one looking for help. Harry would have just bitched and moaned about what a pain in the ass she was.

The movie ended, the kids not really even bothered by the argument. Eva told them all to just relax in their seats because Liam was going to fix the car. He showed up moments later, with an employee in a truck. Before she could even blink, the car was running and Liam was driving them back to the campground.

Liam showered all of the kids, one at a time, sending clean children to Eva to dress and get in bed. Ava first, followed by Arden. When she put him to bed, he asked for a kiss and whispered to her, "It's nice here."

"It is, Arden. It is."

"How many more sleeps until we go home?" he asked.


Arden nodded. "Okay. I won't tell Daddy how much fun we are having."

Eva kissed him and ruffled his hair. "It's okay, buddy. Don't worry about Daddy."

"Eva! Last one!" Liam called from the bathroom. Jamie came running from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. She got him into jammies, put him in bed and went to find Liam.

"Liam?" she called.

"Shower! I was so wet, I figured I'd just take a shower. Come here."

Eva walked into the bathroom and peaked in the shower. "Yes?"

"Get in here." Liam winked at her. Eva smiled and pulled off her clothes and stepped into the shower. Liam grabbed and her pulled her close. "Shower sex?"

"The kids are still awake."

Liam nodded. "Shower blow job?"

Eva laughed. "Really?" Liam shrugged. "Okay." She stood on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him.

"You look so good wet." he whispered, his arms around her neck while his lips grazed hers. "This has been an amazing vacation."

"DADDY!" Ava screamed across the cabin.

Liam stepped back. "Shit." He stepped out of the shower and went to Ava, leaving Eva laughing in the shower.

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