My dream is possible ~ Gosh (...

By calxhoodie

12.8K 435 84

George and Josh closed the chapter about Mason after he went to jail. Now that they are together for 2 years... More

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Author's note
prequel maybe?

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517 23 9
By calxhoodie

Josh POV

I have no idea how long Sean and I have been walking, but I guess it's been quite a few hours. We're hungry, thirsty and tired, but we're still in the middle of nowhere. 

"Haven't you seen where you were going when you guys kidnapped me?" I asked Sean. He shakes his head.

"Nope, i was in the back of the van with you, and the windows were blinded" He sighs. We just keep walking and walking. But it's starting to get dark and cold. We don't have anything with us, no warm clothes, no food or anything. But then there is a light, coming towards us. Sean and I look at each other and a smile spreads on both of our faces. We start jumping and doing all kind of weird things, just to get noticed by the car. And it worked. 

The man who was driving the car, looked at us, but he didn't stop. He just started driving faster then he already was. He drives past us and honks at us, screaming something. 

"Wait, why was that car driving on the other side of the road?" Sean says. My eyes widen and I look back at the car. 

"Where the hell are we?" I ask, more to myself. He shrugs and we start walking again. I sigh and rub my eyes, trying to get the tiredness away, which doesn't really help. 

Quite a while later it's completely dark outside and there aren't any street lights here. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not scared right now. Actually, it's pretty terrifying. It looks like Sean isn't scared at all, but I think he secretly is. I mean, how is it possible not be scared at such a moment? 

I look around and yawn. 

"How long will it take to get to the ''real world''?" Sean asks me, after a few minutes. 

"I have no idea, but I hope it will be soon, I'm knackered." I sigh. Sean nods and stops walking. 

"Shall we just take a break from walking? I can't walk any longer" He says quietly. I look around and nod. We sit down against a tree, which is standing on the side of the road. 

"You know, you still haven't told my why you guys kidnapped me" I say, turning my head to look at Sean. He gulps and nods. 

"Yeah, I think you deserve to know..." He says quietly. "We had to kidnap you because someone wanted us to do that. If we did that, we would get a lot of money, so my dad made a plan with his mates and they tricked me into it." He sighs and looks at me. 

"But, who wanted you to kidnap me?" I ask him. 

"Just, uhm...." 

George POV

"George? Did you regonise the voice of the person calling you?" One of the cops asks me and I shake my head. "Did you hear anything in the background?" 

"Uhm, just kind of an echo, but no, nothing else" I say quietly. I've been sitting here for 2 hours, they keep asking me questions about the phone call and stuff. It's kind of starting to piss me off. 

Another cop comes in. 

"We might know where the call came from, but we don't know who called, it's a prepaid number" He says. I jump up out of my chair right away. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Go get him!" i say. 

"We are, but you are staying here, George" Says Jane, who just walks in. 

"What? Why?" 

"It's not safe for you to be there, you can go back to the hotel if you like or just stay here" I sigh and nod. 

"But I thought I had to come here, so you guys could use me for the plan...?" I say. 

"Yeah, but the plan has changed and we think that the person who kidnapped Josh, is really dangerous. It's saver if you don't go with us" she says. 

"Okay, then I'll just go back to the hotel. But call me if you have any news okay?" Jane nods and I walk past her to start my way towards the hotel. I grab my phone out of my pocket and I decide to call Kathryn. 

"George?" shey says when she picks up. 

"Yeah, it's me." 

"Is there anymore news about Josh?" 

"Well, they might know where he is, so they are going there now. How's Cadee?" 

"She's....doing okay. But she really misses you two." She sighs. "Do you want to talk to her?" 

"Yes, please" I say. I hear some shuffling and soon enough I hear Cadee her little voice. 


"Cadee, it's daddy" I say softly. 

"Daddy!" She squeals happily. It makes me smile instantly. 

"Hey cupcake, do you like it with granny?" 

"Yeah, i pwayed with Bwooke today" she says. 

I talk some more with Cadee and Kathryn and when I reach the hotel I hang up. I walk in and walk to the elevator to go my room. I close the door behind me and slip down to the ground, with my back against the wall. I put my head in my hands and sigh. I grab something that is lying next to me on the ground and thrown against the opposite wall as hard as I can. 

"shit" I mutter under my breath. I take a deep breath and rub my face, before getting up to walk to the bathroom. I strip down and step under the cold shower, letting is run down my body. Soon enough I start shaking because it's so cold, so I turn it to hot. I just let it fall down, not moving, barely breathing. I just stay in there for minutes, which turnes to hours. 

I got woken up from my 'daydream' in the shower, by a knock on the door. I get out of the shower and start drying myself and putting on some clothes. The person knocks again. 

"Just a sec!" I shout at the door and when I wear some jeans I walk to the door, while drying my hair with a towel. I open it and Jane is standing. She walks straight in and sits down on the chair that is standing in the room. I grab a shirt and put it on quickly. 

"I called you a few times, but you didn't pick up, so sorry for just coming by, but I need to tell you something." I look at her, waiting for her to move on. 

"Did you find him?" I ask her, when she doesn't start talking. 

"We did find the people who kidnapped him, but Josh and his son, Sean, escaped 2 days ago, they haven't heard a thing from them ever since. The police is still searching for them." She says. I slowly nod. I sit down on the bed and sigh. "We are doing everything we can George" 

"I know and thanks for everything you've done already." She nods. 

"Oh, and you have to move to another room. This one is full of camera's and so is your own house. There was a tv where they could see everything you've done." Jane suddenly says. I start looking around and I see a small black, thing sticking out of the wall. 

"How have I not noticed that before?" I say, more to myself. I get up and start packing my stuff. "But how did they get all the camera's in the house?" 

"We have no idea. Have you never thought that there was something going on?" I nod.

"All the time. I didn't feel save, like I wasn't alone. And sometimes there were windows open, while we already closed them, or doors suddenly closed. It all makes sense now.." I say, while I walk into the bathroom to pick up my stuff. 

"But is it okay if the London Police get to your house to make sure that all the camera's are gone soon?" She asks and I nod again. 

"Yeah, of course." 

"Okay, then I'll just go. This is your new room number and key, just bring the key of this room to the reception" She says before walking out. 

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