:Terri and Jake Chronicles [B...

By xXxTwilightLuverxXx

2.1M 24.5K 7.6K

-Terri Sanders and Jake Dawson. Thousands of emotions race through these teenagers mind, but only a few stan... More

-Chapter One {Waking Up To Bad News}
-Chapter Two {First Impression}
-Chapter Three {My Almost Naked Encounter}
-Chapter Four {Meeting the New Family}
-Chapter Five {Leaving}
-Chapter Six {Gambling is a Bad Thing To Do, Kids}
-Chapter Seven {Tease}
-Chapter Eight {Threatening People is Not Nice}
-Chapter Nine {Stay In or Come Out?}
-Chapter Ten {His Mr. Fluffy Pants & My New Best Friend}
-Chapter Eleven {Trouble Maker}
-Chapter Twelve {A Date with the Devil}
-Chapter Thirteen [Part One] {A Date Gone Wrong}
-Chapter Thirteen [Part Two] {Thank You is an Understatement}
-Chapter Fourteen
-Chapter Fifteen
-Chapter Sixteen
-Chapter Seventeen
-Chapter Eighteen
-Chapter Nineteen [Part One]
-Chapter Nineteen [Part Two]
-Chapter Twenty [Part One]
-Chapter Twenty [Part Two]
-Chapter Twenty~One
-Chapter Twenty~Two
-Chapter Twenty~Three
-Chapter Twenty~Four
-Chapter Twenty~Five
-Chapter Twenty~Six
-Chapter Twenty~Seven
-Chapter Twenty~Eight
-Chapter Twenty~Nine
-Chapter Thirty
-Chapter Thirty~One
-Chapter Thirty~Two
-Chapter Thirty~Three
-Chapter Thirty~Four
-Chapter Thirty~Fifty
-Chapter Thirty~Six
-Chapter Thirty~Seven [Terri's POV]
-Chapter Thirty~Seven [Jake's POV]
-Chapter Thirty~Eight
-Chapter Thirty~Nine
-Chapter Forty
-Chapter Forty~One
-Chapter Forty~Two
-Chapter Forty~Three
-Chapter Forty~Four
-Chapter Forty~Six
-Chapter Forty~Seven
-Chapter Forty~Eight
-Chapter Forty~Nine
-Chapter Fifty
-Chapter Fifty~One
-Chapter Fifty~Two
-Chapter Fifty~Three
-Chapter Fifrty~Four
-Chapter Fifty~Five [Terri's POV]
-Chapter Fifty~Five [Jake's POV]
-Chapter Fifty~Six
-Chapter Fifty~Seven
-Chapter Fifty~Eight
-Chapter Fifty~Nine
-Chapter Sixty
-Chapter Sixty~One
-Chapter Sixty~Two
-Chapter Sixty~Three
-Chapter Sixty~Four
-Chapter Sixty~Five
-Chapter Sixty~Six

-Chapter Forty~Five

22.6K 242 107
By xXxTwilightLuverxXx

1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.


okkay. so ittz like morninqq for me. && im supposd to be qettinqq ready for skool..so ima make this short [[author's not, not the chapter]]..

im sorry itt took lonqq to upload. i've been too occupied to another site. hard to imaqine but ittz true. i'll qive you the link && stuff in a little bit since you knatt copy itt here..

well..enjoy the chapter!! :D

p.s. idk if there are any qrammer mistakes..


Chapter Forty-Five

School...2:55pm (Friday, Nov. 26)...in Photography

Weeks have gone past and nothing big has happened. Life is officially sucking right now. Well, except my hair is still looking really pretty. I have made Dawn my hair technician. Only because she made my hair beautiful and I fall in love with it.

It has been 2 weeks since Jared's party. And like I predicted, the police cleared the party out. Since me and Jake both got rides to the party (one of the other football players drove him), we both decided to walk home.

Since, according to him, walking home is my specialty. I had bumped into him for that comment and almost made him fall over. Emphasis on the almost. He was lucky duck.

One good thing about these past 2 weeks is that Kara hasn't made any attempt to approach me. I haven't made any attempt to approach her.

But, that will all change after tonight. Because its time for my revenge. Correction, me and Dawn's revenge.

Me and Dawn are planning to finally breaking into her house tonight to steal all her condoms and birth pills. Inserts evil laugh.

We have it all set up. And thankfully, Jake's going to help. He'll lure Brunette Barbie out the house and me and Dawn will sneak in.

The plan has been changed to Brunette Barbie, in honor of Brunette Barbie herself!

This plan is bound to work. Nothing can screw it up. Well, there are some things...

Brunette Barbie might not want to go out with Jake.

Brunette Barbie's parents might be home.

Brunette Barbie might have a dog that will bite me and Dawn's head off.

I need to stop being a pessimistic person sometimes. But, I can't. Being pessimistic is in my blood. It's hard to just change to an optimistic person. I can't go around saying, 'I love rainbows and sunshine!' or 'Today is a great day because I picked up litter!' or 'The world is a giant ball of cotton candy!'

Haha, that last one is kinda funny. If that's true, I wonder if everything in this world is edible then. So that means I can eat glass and not die! Ooh, maybe I should try that!

But, my pessimistic side is telling me not too. Because, 'I'll die a long, painful, horrible death'.

Sigh...and of course, my pessimistic side overrules the optimistic side.

" Terri Sanders!"

I snapped back into the real world. I noticed I had doodled a heart with daggers on the back of one of my notebooks.

See, look what my pessimistic side did to me. I just wasted perfectly good lead to make a stupid heart with daggers stabbing into it! Ugh, I could have used that lead to take notes! We are learning how cameras were introduced. Mr. Fontana was explaining how lens first came to be...

Wait...Mr. Fontana.

He just called my name didn't he?!

I looked up at the front of the classroom, just to be met with angry brown eyes. What did I do?

" What." I asked. Well, I might have meant to ask it, but it didn't come out like a question.

Mr. Fontana's face turned a deep shade of red. It's not my fault my question came out as a statement. I bet it sounded like a rude statement. Oops.

" Can you tell me what we have for homework this weekend?" He said with his hands on his hips, not in a gay manner.

" Um...go to sleep in the afternoon and party at night?" I guessed.

Students in the classroom started snickering. Why? Was my answer really funny? I was just guessing something. And we all know that's exactly what people do on the weekend. Sleep in the afternoon and then party until the Sun comes up.

I averted my glaze from Mr. Fontana unto Jake, who was looking at me. He just shook his head and turned around. What?? I already mentioned I get distracted easily!

The last bell rung and people started jumping out of their seats. " Terri, could you please stay back?"

I wanted to answer no but I just grumbled and leaned back into my seat.

Jared gave me a pat on the back before leaving the classroom and Dawn told me to call her at 6pm.

Jake just shook his head again and walked out. I rolled my eyes at his retreating figure.

It's not my fault I got too carried away in my pessimistic vs. optimistic debate.

" Detention!!" I yelled to Jake as I walked to his car. " I have a fucking detention for not paying attention in class!"

I grumbled for the second time today. Stupid Fontana. That's a city in California. Not someone's last name.

Jake pulled me into a hug as I walked up to him. " Poor Terri. What is that, your 100th detention here?" He asked sarcastically.

" 101," I corrected him. I smiled up at him. I buried my face into his chest. Jake smelt like...Jake. What a good smell.

I pulled away from him after a few seconds. " I can't wait until we can leave this hellhole," I said.

" Yeah, but what about college?" Jake opened the passenger side door of his car for me. What a gentleman.

" Oh crap, I forgot about that. It's not like I'm going somewhere big and fancy-like Harvard of Yale or Princeton."

Jake got in the driver's side. " What if I go to one of those colleges?" He asked.

" I would seriously beat your ass," I said.

Jake chuckled. " Why?"

" Because you'd be a show-off. Because you know I won't be able to get into one of those colleges."

Jake started the car and drove away from the school's parking lot. " I'd rather be a show-off than a slacker."

I glared at him and then punched him in his arm. Which made the car jerk. I didn't mean to punch him that hard. Oops.

Jake grabbed his arm. " Don't punch the driver!" He yelled at me.

I just smiled at him and turned away from him.

We arrived at the house in a matter of seconds. I grabbed my bag and jumped out the car. Jake had already managed to get to the door, with his keys in his hand.

Jake unlocked the door and walked in. I followed him, but I didn't make it in through the door. I actually got stop because I ran right into a closed door.

I heard the thud and then I felt the pain in my nose. I cupped my nose with one hand. That son of a bitch just slammed the door in my freaking face!!

I banged my other hand on the door. " Dude!" I yelled, slightly annoyed.

Jake opened the door back. " Oh, my bad," he said calmly. He stepped aside so I could go in.

He just slammed the door in my face! And all he has to say is my bad?!

Why doesn't he like to freaking apologize??? He never really apologizes to me! I have to make him apologize!

" Would you like some ice?" He asked, pretending to be sweet.

I narrowed my eyes at Jake and walked past him. Purposely making my shoulder bump into his arm. I lowered my hand from my face and ran upstairs into my room.

I kicked my shoes off and threw my bag on the ground, homework can wait until later.

And by later, I mean on Monday morning, right before school starts. Maybe I am a slacker like Jake said...

Oh gawd, did I just agree with him on something?!

Yeah, right!

I am not a slacker! I do my work! I might not be as showy-off as Jake, but I am not a freaking slacker!! I can't believe he called me one! I should punch him again for calling me that! Stupid preppy.

I jumped on my bed and laid down. My bed had been made, but I just ruined it completely. Oh well, I'll be sleeping in it tonight, anyway

I grabbed my Apple iPhone and turned it on. Yes, I repeat, APPLE iPHONE! Finally!! The phone I've wanted for awhile. I finally got it.

It was a gift from Jake.

Sweet, right??

I think I'm changing his ways. I think I'm making him into a nicer person. A nicer person that buys things for me.

Wink, wink.

But Jake's been nicer. He's being a gentleman to me, well, except for earlier when he slammed the door on me. Probably payback for me punching him in the arm.

Me and him always get our revenge on each other. In a variety of ways. And trust me, we've gotten revenges A LOT of times. More than I can count.

Stupid preppy doesn't know when to stop picking on me. I'm not as weak as I look.

Anyway, since I had a new phone, I got a new number. I pretty much lost everyone's number from California. Oops. Looks like Greg and Hailey will never text me again. Which is the greatest thing in life.

I swear, if I see Greg again, I will seriously have to go to jail for murder. That stupid boy slapped me! He could also go to jail for hitting a woman!

It's kinda funny, a woman can hit another woman, a man can hit another man, a woman can hit a man, but a man can't hit a woman.

And Hailey. Don't even get me started on that slut. Sneaking behind my back and having affairs with Greg. And I thought she was my best friend. Looks like I've been lied to for a long time.

She was telling me how I should wait to have sex with Greg and I wasn't even going to be his freaking first time.

Hailey was his first time. And his second.

And third.

And fourth.

And fifth.

And sixth.

And seventh.

And eighth.

And ninth.

And fucking beyond!

And how they kept this a secret from me for 3 fucking years is further than my knowledge goes.

I still wish she has a freaking miscarriage. Maybe she'll have gotten HIV from Greg. Now that, that would just make everything better. It'd definitely bring a fucking smile to my face. Hailey having HIV. Meaning, Greg has HIV. Haha, then I'd be sooo lucky that I didn't waste my first time on him (not that I have wasted my first time on anyone).

Because you can't cure HIV. Well...I'm pretty sure you can't. You can cure STD (sexually transmitted disease), but not HIV. Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Wait...viruses can be cured. So that means HIV is curable right?

No! It's not.

Because it later turns to AIDS. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

But...you catch HIV, it doesn't spontaneously occur. So...you can catch a cold, which is a virus. And that goes away. So that means, HIV goes away because it's a virus, right??

But then, how does AIDS come into the picture??? If you have HIV you are bound to get AIDS. Right???

Why am I freaking stressing over this??

I don't care if anybody has HIV, AIDS, or STD! Those are all diseases that I don't want! And I don't want to get!

To avoid these things, you are supposed to use protection! Duhhhh!

Gosh, I don't get why people don't want to use protection! I'd rather wait just a few seconds for the guy to slip on the condom than have a greater risk of getting HIV or STD or even herpes!!

I repeat, why am I freaking stressing over this??

I just wasted a good length on time determining if HIV is curable, and then I waste some more time talking about avoiding getting those diseases! And its disgusting how much I hate Hailey and Greg. I shouldn't even think about those butt munchers.

I looked at my phone, and I noticed that somebody's voice was being heard. I accidentally called somebody!! During my time of angriness, I must have pressed onto someone's number. Oops.

I brought the phone to my ear.

" Hello?" I said.

" Terri! I've been calling your name for the past 3 minutes! Where have you been?? In la-la land??" Maddie's voice rang clear through the phone. Maddie.

Ah, Maddie. I haven't talked to her since me and Jake snuck out of the house when my...ugh...parents were here. I shuddered at the thought of them. They are butt munchers too!

I brought the phone away from my ear and turned it on speaker. " Um, sorry. And haha, I wasn't in la-la land. I was in the exact opposite, the real world."

" I think you were in la-la land," Maddie stated. From her voice, I could hear a smile.

" No," I stated.

" Dreamland."

" No," I said again.

" Heaven"

" No."

" Land of make-believe?"

I sighed. " No, I was just thinking. And this is a new phone, so I didn't know I called you." I didn't know I pressed her name.

" Never-never land?" She continued. She really thinks I was in an out-of-this-world place. I wish I was, but no. I was stuck on this stupid Earth.

No offense, Mother Nature.

" No," I said.

" Nirvana!" She shouted.

" I wish!" I shouted as well. I wish I was there. Completely enjoyable experience. Nothing is enjoyable when I'm thinking of Greg and Hailey. Absolutely nothing.

" Come on, Jake! Can you go any freaking slower??" I shouted up the stairs, as I was at the bottom steps. " All you have to do is be you! You don't have to get all dressed up to be you!"

It was almost 7 and Jake needs to be at Brunette Barbie's house at 7:30. And Dawn is waiting outside for me, but I'm not leaving the house until Jake leaves. Because if me and Dawn arrive too early, then our plan will be ruined. She'll catch us. Which would suck ass.

" Yeah, but I can't be me! Me has a girlfriend!" He shouted back.

" Well, then don't be you! Be...Jacob!" I shouted. But I didn't know what I was saying. He had a good point.

" Jacob has a girlfriend too! And so does Jelly Bean!" He said.

" Well, Jake, Jacob, and Jelly Bean's girlfriend is telling him to try and pretend to be single and want to go meet Kara because if he doesn't...Jake, Jacob, and Jelly Bean are seriously going to get their head clawed off by his girlfriend and her best friend, Dawn!" I shouted back with gritted teeth.

Which earned a pissed off facial expression from Jake when he came to the top of the stairs.

" Could you get out the fucking house now?" I shouted again.

" Calm yourself, woman!" He shouted back at me. I glared at him. He called me a woman. I have a name! Two names actually; Terri and Dewdrop!

He walked down the stairs and out the front door. Leaving me to follow his cologne scented air.

Ah, smells like Jake.

Jake stopped as he reached the car. Dawn had parked at the end of the driveway. I waved to her, hopefully she could see me. I looked back at Jake, who was staring at me.

Gawd, sometimes I wish I was a mind reader because of the way Jake always stares at me, I really want to know what he's thinking.

" What?" I asked. And thankfully it wasn't like when we were in class, it didn't come out as a harsh statement.

" I was just waiting for my goodbye hug," he stated like I should already know. I guess I should though, we always give goodbye hugs.

" Oh, I'm sorry," I said smiling. I went up to him and gave him a hug. It was a kinda tight hug. " Shouldn't you be saving these hugs for Kara?" I asked as I pulled away. I gave him a smile that showed that I was just joking.

Jake glared at me and pulled me back to him. " Jake! I was just jok-"

I got cut off by Jake pressing his lips to mine. " I ain't saving anything for her," he said as he pulled away.

" Good to know," I said pulling away from him again.

I scampered away from him and into Dawn's car.

" How long does Jake take to get ready??" She asked as I entered into the car.

" He's a slowpoke."

Dawn started the car and started driving away. We were going to take the long way because Jake still needed to leave the house.

" Yeah, but you also wasted time because of that little make out session you two had," Dawn said, looking at me from the corner of her eye.

" It wasn't a make out session. It was just a kiss. One kiss," I said smiling.

" Uh huh," Dawn said raising her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. Of course I would have preferred a make out session. But no...I was just stuck with a kiss. :(

" So, are you ready to go sleuthing??" I asked Dawn as I leaned back in my seat. I turned my head towards Dawn.

" Yeah! Time to get Brunette Barbie back!" Dawn agreed.

" I still can't believe that bitch poured spaghetti on me! And I swear if Jake hadn't had hold me back, she would be on the ground with broken...everything! I wanted to kill her!" I shouted, recalling the memories.

" Yeah, and I can't believe she called me a homosexual!! I love boys! I will, nor ever will, like girls! Lesbians are...yuck!"

I laughed. " Hey! That is really offensive to people who are really homosexual!" I shouted.

Dawn laughed too. " Oh, I'm sorry. No offense to those true homosexuals."

I playfully hit her arm (not as hard as I hit Jake's). " Much better!"

" Ay, did you hear that Monica got a sprained ankle," Dawn said, making conversation.

My eyes widen. " Seriously??"

" Yeah, during cheerleading. Someone forgot to catch her," Dawn said, rolling her eyes. I copied her. Who forgets to catch the most popular girl in school?? So, bogus.

" Does she have a cast? Does she have to have crutches?" I asked.

" Both. Well, that's what my sources told me," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. " You didn't notice that she wasn't in school today?"

" I did. But I didn't investigate why," I said.

" Looks like she can't participate in the game next week," Dawn said.

" There's a game next week?" I asked. Jake never mentioned a game. Pshh, he never mentions anything about a football game.

" Yeah, are you coming to support you boyfriend?" She asked.

" Haha, no," I said, pretending to laugh at the beginning of my sentence.

" Why not?" Dawn asked, her voice raising a tone.

" I don't do football. Never have, never will," I stated bluntly.

" Aww, come on, Terri! Come and support that handsome fiancé of yours!" Dawn said.

" Um, no thanks," I replied back. Nothing will make me go to the game. I don't like football. All you do is throw the ball to somebody and try to run to the end of the field. There is too many injuries in football.

I prefer soccer. Even though you can kick a soccer ball into a boy's...wink, wink.

" Please! At least go for me! I want to meet some hot guys from the rival team!" She said.

" What about boys from our school?" I asked.

" Yeah, I've known these boys forever! But I want to meet guys from...Cleveland? I think that's their-"

" Cleveland, Ohio??" I asked in surprise.

" No, stupid! The school is named after the president. Grover Cleveland."

" Oh," I said. I didn't even know we had a president with the last name Cleveland.

" Yeah, my sources say those boys are hot. Hot as fire," she said.

" Who are these sources you keep talking about?" I asked, suspiciously.

" I can't tell you that. Then my sources would kill me," she said with a mischievous smile. It was kind of scary. I don't think I want to know who her sources are anyway.

" Dawn, you're scaring me," I said.

She laughed instead of saying anything back.

Dawn arrived at Brunette Barbie's house just in time to see her walking out to Jake's car. Perfect timing.

" You should park a little far back. We don't want Brunette Barbie to recognize us," I said.

Dawn followed my orders. We watched us Brunette Barbie, in her tight, short purple skimpy dress, skip over to my boyfriend. She looked like she was trying to hard to impress Jake.

She better not think she's going to be getting 'lucky'. Not with my boyfriend she ain't.

It was a disgusting sight to see Brunette Barbie go hug Jake. Disgusting. I can just imagine her saying, 'OMG, Jakey-poo! I'm so happy you broke up with the California Emo! I thought I lost you forever!' I can definitely hear her saying that.

I looked at Dawn, who looked the same way I did. This was a disgusting sight to both of us.

I looked back at Jake and Brunette Barbie...and I noticed something...

I eyes went wide in shock.

" Did hell just freeze over??" I asked, turning to Dawn again.

Dawn turned to me, also with widen eyes. She probably just noticed what I just noticed.

" Brunette Barbie...is blonde?!" We both shouted.

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