Stranger Danger

By redplaybutton

8K 678 271

Two families, one fight, one happily ever after. a fun story! don't take too seriously lol More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Authors Note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
wait im still alive?
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eleven

268 23 13
By redplaybutton

Dab asked me to come to his house at 4:30. It is currently 4:20 *wink* and I haven't even told my parents I was going. I need to make up a lie for me to go. Do they know that I know about the fight between our families? I could never forget that warm day ten years ago. The voice my dad used was horrible. I need to tell my mom I'm leaving for a "friends" house. And fast, or I'm going to be late.

              "Hey mom uhh..I'm going to a..friends house. We have a project to work on, is that ok? I ask hesitatingly.

             "What's your friends name? I'll drive you over there, I would like to meet them! She said.

           "Uhh..Dylan!" I lied.

            "Okay we'll get in the car I'll bring you over there right now." You know his address right?"

            "Actually mom, im going to walk. He doesn't live to far away. I'll text you when I'm there I promise." I say

             "Okay please be safe Evan!" She yelled as I walked out the door.

            I go around the block a few times because one, I don't want my mom to see which direction I'm heading, and two, because I don't want to go to his house early because I'm socially awkward. I click my phone 4:29 it reads. I go to his door, knock, and wait. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer as my heart beats faster and faster. The door swings open and I see Dab. He's wearing a Red flannel and black pants. If I'm being completely honest, he looks really good.

           "Hey Evan." He says "You look great." He says with a smirk.

            "You're not looking too bad yourself." I say with a small chuckle. He motions me to come in and I follow him to his room. He closes the door.

            "So what are you thinking we should do for our project? It's supposed to be a persuasive project on something we feel strong about." Dab said

            "I was thinking maybe something like, I don't know, pollution? Or maybe global warming?" I say nervously

           "Evan, you don't have to be nervous. We're friends. Give me your best ideas, I won't judge you. He says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

             There are more butterflies in my stomach than stars in the sky in that moment.

          "Maybe we should talk about starting to become independent at our age or something? Like how we can make decisions for ourselves." I suggest

          Our eyes meet in a glance like we both know something. I think I know what that something is. The staring seems to be going in forever when finally he says

           "Evan not to sound sappy or anything, but I'm really glad you're my partner. You have such amazing ideas that I could never think of!" He exclaimed

            "I am pretty great, aren't I? I say jokingly.

           "Evan I'm serious. Look I'm not supposed to talk about this. But I know that our parents got in a huge fight ten years ago. I know that you were the boy I saw that day." He says.

           "I've been meaning to tell you that, but I didn't think you remembered me." I say quietly.

           "I never forgot." He says

            We're staring. And not a confused stare. An "oh my god I think I like you stare" he starts to lean close to me. Is Dab Howlter going to kiss me?! At that exact moment the door swings open. Hard.

         It's my dad.

~oh shit, cliffhanger!! Sorry this is kind of a long chapter whoops!


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