Transmigration, the tale of a...

By esliesma

390K 16.9K 2.1K

"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends... More

* Prologue - Past
* Chapter 1 - Answer
* Chapter 2 - Ball
* Chapter 3 - Fort Terra
* Chapter 4 - Crowd Pleaser
* Chapter 5 - Invitation
* Chapter 6 - Consultation
* Chapter 7 - Summons
* Chapter 8 - First Counter
* Chapter 9 - Aftermath
* Chapter 10 - Reinforcements
* Chapter 10.2- Stirrings
* Chapter 11 - Necromancy
* Chapter 12 - Betrayal
* Chapter 14 - Checkmate
* Chapter 15 - At Ease
* Chapter 16 - Royal Proclamation
* Chapter 17 - Coronation
* Chapter 17.2 - Appearances
17.3 Apperances
* Chapter 18 - Duchy of Hyacinth
* Chapter 19 - School
* Chapter 19.2 - Light
* Chapter 20 - Conference
* Chapter 20.2 - Babe
* Chapter 21 - Royal Excursion
* Chapter 22 - Championship
* Chapter 23 - Final Match
* Chapter 23.2 - Ding Dong
* Chapter 24 - Interlacing
* Chapter 24.2 - Storm
* Chapter 25 - Tick Tock
* Chapter 25.2 - Warning
* Chapter 26 - Snare
* Chapter 26.2 - Whispers
* Chapter 26.3 - Trio
Chapter 27 - Graduation
Chapter 27.2 - Relentless Trio
* Chapter 28 - Scream
* Chapter 28.2 - Help Me
* Chapter 29 - 1st Case
* Chapter 29.2 - Chalk Board
* Chapter 30 - Leads
Chapter 30.2 - Forgive Me
Chapter 31 - Culprit
Chapter 31.2 - Swing Low
Chapter 32 - Conversation
Chapter 32.2 - Patience
Chapter 33 - Delirious
Chapter 33.2 - Chatter
Chapter 34 - Vivaldi
Chapter 34.2 - Feat
Chapter 35 - Solstice
Chapter 35.2 - Annual
Chapter 36 - Envoy
Chapter 36.2 - Case
Chapter 36.3 - Impossible
Chapter 37 - Funeral
Chapter 37.2 - Lament
Chapter 38 - Hungry
Chapter 39 - Surprise
Chapter 39.1 - Farewell
* Volume 2 [CH 40] - Preamble
* Volume 2 [CH 41] - Chapter 1
* Volume 2 [CH 42] - Chapter 2

* Chapter 13 - All-Hollow's Eve

8.1K 367 34
By esliesma

-October 31st of 1312

Lena sips some rose tea as she munches on a cookie, while reading some reports. Lena knew Holly is going to scold her about eating and working at the same time, but frankly she was in no mood to pay attention. Maybe, Holly sensed Lena's foul mood, because she did not utter a single word of protest as she places a piece of cake in front of Lena, before silently leaving.

Suddenly, the communication crystal ball begins to shine as it releases a small beam of light which expands into a large screen in front of Lena. (Largely thanks to Gadrin, who figured out to privatize the system and allow access to only certain communication glass balls. Much like a phone, you must know your parties number to reach them.)

Lena puts her food down as the screen shows her father and his majesty before her.

Her father bitterly says, "We were too late, Lena, they've already made their move."

His Majesties cheeks are tight denoting his anger in a cold voice he adds, "General Byron household has openly defected to the Kingdom of Cypress. Other noble houses have begun to move to join them."

Lena frowns in understanding. Cypress will protest that they are merely offering asylum to a persecuted people and our kingdom will be unable to protest nor ask for their return. We could try to prosecute them for their crimes, but it won't work since the Kingdom of Cypress will never allow such an event to occur.

"Can we prevent the movement of other households?" Lena softly inquired.

Her father shakes his head regretfully and replies, "Not without declaring the kingdom in a state of emergency, which will only cause mass panic among the general populace."

"Well, we are still at war with Cypress even though we are currently under ceasefire as the peace talks continue. But it is unacceptable to wait considering the potential consequence that may arise if we allow an open rebellion to take place," His Majesty matter-of-factly added.

Rising his gaze, His Majesty firmly orders, "General Bartholomew, you are hereby ordered to declare attack upon Cypress. I will make the official announcement in an hour, you have then to prepare."

Lena taciturnly answers, "It shall be as your Majesty orders."

The call ends as Lena rises to gather the officers to mobilize the entire army. All-Hallows eve, certainly was living up to its name. What better day to fight for the dead?

Lena studies the gathered officers. "Assignments: Corporal Ace is to remain behind defend the fort.

Captain Darrell, will lead the left flank, while I lead the center of the formation and Lieutenant Jones, leads the right flank.

Master Sergeant Robertson, you already have your assignment along with Chief Officer Gauthier. Are there any questions?"

The men all firmly shake their heads. "Good, then. I only have one request, try not to die. I would so hate to have to replace you, seeing as I have grown rather fond of all of you," Lena truthfully said as she looked them in the eyes.

A moist sheen appears in their eyes as they all salute their general with a burning fervor. Lena firmly says, "Then gentleman, let us march."

The officers silently follow as their footsteps sound far heavy or perhaps far too light for the burdens they carry.

Lena pauses as all the soldiers turn to face her as the fort fall's abruptly silent. Lena gazes at their expectant faces full of hope and fear.

"I heard my father tale of a warrior who once said, "From this day to the ending of the world, we in it shall be remembered-;

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me, Shall be my brother;"

Now I ask you, on this day will you raise your swords to the sky and fight at my side, my brothers and sisters till the end if need be?" Lena loudly declared.

The fort is suddenly full of silent but gleaming swords raised to the sky. Lena raises her fist in response as the night sky is full of cheers. The sea of men and women part before Lena in silence as they raise create an arch of steel overhead as the officer's dart to issue orders.

Lena eyes glimmer with moisture for a moment as she passes through accompanied by Dolly, they head towards the wyvern that had been commandeered. In the space of an hour, Lena had to pay, bribe, and threaten quite a few merchants, but in the end managed to gather a substantially group of wyverns in the space of an hour.

After tonight Lena, would establish a proper flying squadron, but that was only if they survived tonight.

The readied soldiers waited as Dolly held the reins in her hands and gave a light tug. The wyvern leaped into the sky as the wyverns silently followed Dolly's unspoken command. The wyverns climbed higher and higher into the night sky until they flew above the cover of the clouds.

The moon glitters brightly as the wyverns float above a sea of glistening white, underneath a rippling night sky. Lena catches her breath at the beauty of the nearby moon that seems to be just out of our reach.

Turning away Lena unpacked the new and improved version of the DB. The size and fighting capabilities hadn't changed, but the difference was that a gravitational rune had been added by Gadrin. Which ensured that no matter what type of maneuvering was done, no soldier would not fall off their board unless the board ran out of power.

(Which did make Lena wonder just who Gadrin and his wife really were? A normal dwarf wouldn't have such talents nor would Dolly have such strong magic, if her mother was not powerful herself. But Lena know better than to pry for now.)

Dolly lets out a shrill whistle that is overheard over the roar of the wind in their ears. The wyverns let out soft huffs in understanding as Dolly mental speaks to them signaling that they were fast approaching their destination.

Upon deployment, the forces will split into three groups. Lena's group will oversee take the ground once in range, they will fly down under cover. The magicians will remain on board the wyverns and attack from the sky with Master Sergeant Robertson coordinating their attacks.

Dolly had been tasked to maneuver the wyverns on their behalf, while the ground forces deployed. Captain Darrell and his left flank were to maneuver, while protecting the mages. And Lieutenant Jones primary objective was to destroy the citadel and guard headquarters.

Dolly lets out a shrill whistle as Lena immediately holds on tightly to the saddle. The wyverns stop beating their wings and dive as they tuck their wings underneath them. The wind brushes through Lena's loose hair causing it to stand on edge.

The sleeping glittering capital of the Kingdom of Cypress appears beneath them, Victoria. The wyverns unfurl their wings to slow their descent as Dolly lets out another whistle. Lena leaps off the wyvern as several hundred men and women do the same as they plummet down below.

As they near the fast approaching ground Lena twists her body in the air and activate the DB. Suddenly floating and controlling her speed better, Lena brings her knees up to her chest and places the board underneath her feet. With ease, Lena controls her descent as she glides towards a struggling solider nearby. Similar scenes are happening in the air as their comrades help them climb on board.

The wyverns cease to fall and pull themselves level as they halt overhead. The wyverns do their best to silently flap their large wings and wait for the signal to attack. In the distance, Lena spots sleepy guards yawning on the palace walls. With ease, she reaches into her side pouch and remove two small throwing knives. Lena adjusts them for a moment in hand before flinging them at full strength.

The throwing knives pinwheel through their air, before slamming through their objective. The guards silently choke as their bodies slump to the ground. Lena lands on the wall as soldiers begin to land at various locations. With most of the soldiers grounded, Lena lets out an ear-piercing whistle.

The sky begins to light up with various colors as the spells begin to gather. Lena signal for Corporal Quarrie and the officers to lead the men and women to their point of contact. Once the mages spells begin to rein down, the walls will be the first to go, which was their current location.

The officers easily glide over the wall and head towards the guard's barracks, while Lena leaps over the wall and lands on her feet down below. Lena didn't need to use the DB, but it was far more convenient to use when trying to fly or maneuver in the air.

Lena clips the DB on her back, not particularly heavy, but the primary reason it was so easy to manufacture. Once, Lena got back, this will be one of the main equipment issued to the flying squadrons that are to be created throughout the kingdom.

A bell tower begins to frantically ring in the distance a second too late. The sky is lit with color as the spells crash into the walls and the city. The earth shakes violently as Lena runs over the jolting ground.

Around the corner a group of frightened soldiers appear as Lena reaches for throwing knives. Lena dart towards the first two guards and slams the knives through their necks. A comrade of theirs shouts with anger as he swings his blade at the murder.

Lena ducks as she rams the knife through the light armor and plunges the blade into his heart. The blade falls from the guard's hands as Lena ducks backwards as an ax chops the air in front of her. The remaining soldier easily brings the battle-axe down as the ax misses and slides across the ground creating sparks.

Lena whistles softly in admiration at the technique and skill. Now this was a worthy opponent. Swiftly returning the remaining knives, Lena unsheathes her blades. The soldier swings the battle axe at her opened sides as Lena brings up her blade and parries the battle axe.

The guard eyes widen in surprise as he is pushed back as the enemy's blade plunges into the soft underbelly. The guard falls to the floor as he tries to stop the bleeding. The guard stares up at the enemy with pleading eyes. With relief and dread, he watches the woman turn and raise her blade. With tired relief, he closes his eyes as the blade rings through the air.

Lena rushes her chase as easily sneaks into the inner sanctum amidst the chaos. Lena climbs up a window and slips inside to find a man kneeling and praying to the gods.

"Prime Minister LaCroix, I don't believe the gods would dare to answer your pleas considering who you are," Lena whispered as she took a seat before him as her blades drip blood onto the carpeted floor.

A handsome graying man wearing dark gloves narrows his eyes at the sudden appearance of a woman. "Who are you-," Minster LaCroix angrily said and paused as his eyes widen in recognition. "NO, it can't be. How is that possible? How-?" Minster LaCroix whispered in disbelief.

"Yes, I always find that people underestimate me. What is that they say about me? Oh, yes, the Scarlett Princess, who slept all the way to the top. Sadly, those rumors are false, but the masses are quite inclined to believe so," Lena mused out loud.

Prime Minister LaCroix grows unnerved at the silence, but dares not be the first to break it. "Minister LaCroix, should we make a deal?" Lena persuasively said with a kind smile that did not reach her eyes.

Prime Minister LaCroix mind races to save his life as he rises to his feet and seats himself on the edge of his bed. "Very well, what do you wish to know?" Minister LaCroix confidently said as his rapidly blinking eyes give away his fear.

"There is much I wish to know, but sadly anything said would be lies," Lena lightly said as Minister LaCroix faces pales once more.

"Hmm...I just wish to know one small detail, that you may be capable of answering. Where is General Byron?" Lena softly said.

Minster LaCroix laughs bitterly and with madness in his eyes plunges the bald from his bed side into his own heart. Lena eyes the corpse as a sweating pale faced Chief Officer Gauthier enters the room.

"Sorry, it is simply chaos out there," Chief Officer Gauthier apologetically exclaimed and paused at seeing the corpse.

Chief Officer Gauthier sighs and says, "I can extract information from the remnants of the soul, what would you have me do with the soul afterwards?"

Lena steps over the corpse and replies over her shoulders, "Chief Officer Gauthier, what do necromancers normally do?"

Chief Officer Gauthier eyes glitter as he eyes the corpse with intrigue. "Mustn't disappoint the General," Chief Officer Gauthier crooned happily to himself as the door locks behind him.

Lena leisurely makes her way down the hallway as she softly murmurs a song's lines, "The King and his men, stole the queen from her bed, and bound her in her bones-."

The unwary guards turn the corner to see a woman singing softly. Her voice is eerie as it is beautiful as she flashes her teeth wolfishly at them. With fear, they rush forward as everything turns red.

~ POV of King Edward Ⅲ (Current Ruler of the Kingdom of Cypress) ~

King Edward wakes to the ringing of the bells and the shaking. The woman in his bed fearfully clings to him as he forcefully shakes her off. Without pause, King Edward rushes to the windows to an unforgettable scene.

The palace walls are burning as the guard towers are smashed to pieces from attacks streaming from the sky. How is that possible? Are the gods attacking?

King Edward trembles with fear until he spots enemy soldiers of Alyssum fighting on the grounds. Turning on his heels, he grabs his strewn clothing off the ground as the woman trembles and fearfully speaks, "Milord, what shall we do?"

King Edward merely replies, "Stay here," before rushing to his mother's quarters.

King Edward freezes as he finds his younger brother and sisters strewn like dolls across the floor. His mother turns to face him as poisoned wine drips down her lip. She smiles sadly at her son as the chalice tumbles from her hands and King Edward rushes to catch her falling body.

Tears glimmer in his eyes as he croaks, "Mother-."

His mother smiles sadly and weakly raises her hand to touch her sons face. "We would have been made slaves if we were lucky," his mother weakly said as she faintly added, "Forgive me, my son."

Her hand falls limp as she closes her eyes tiredly. King Edward lets out a wail of pain as he rocks his mother's cooling body in his arms. He howls to the night sky as his cries go unheard.

King Edward gently lowers his mother to the ground, before carefully crossing her hands over her chest. With tears in his eyes, he does the same for his fallen brothers and sister. Drying his tears as hatred burns brightly in King Edwards gaze.

He would kill the invaders and raze the Kingdom of Alyssum to the ground, strewing salt into the ground, that nothing may live or grow for hundreds of years to come!

King Edward makes his way through the palace to his throne room. By eerie chance the hallways are empty as the palace servants have long ago fled. The halls are silent except for the sound of battle on the palace grounds as through the windows the glowing figures can be seen clashing in a battle under the red lit sky.

The palace rumbles for a moment as King Edward stumbles to pull open the golden door handles. With fury, he pulls the door and marches into the throne room. King Edward freezes mid-step as a figure coolly sits upon the throne with blades unsheathed.

King Edward narrows his eyes with hatred as he cautiously approaches the bathed in shadows "Your actions merit the capital punishment, death. Yet you still dare to sit upon the throne of a King?" King Edward icily said as he gauged the shadowy figure.

"I was bored waiting, so I decided to sit for a while. I hope you don't mind, but there were no other chairs," a woman's voice replied.

King Edward halts at the voice. No, it can't be! King Edward throw his head back as he laughs wryly to himself, it would appear we were all so very wrong.

The woman arises from the throne and leisurely descends as she steps out of the shadows in the red light. The laughter disappears from King Edward face as he recognizes the figure before him, General Bartholomew of Alyssum.

King Edward gazes at her with murderous intent as he unsheathed the blade at his side.

That woman smiles at his actions and says, "I'm relieved that you're being a good sport about it. Then shall we commence?" She raises her blades and leaves her defense open in invitation for King Edward to come at her.

King Edward darts forward aiming for her wrist. With ease, she parries the blade aside and stabs her blade back at him. He had expected as much and nimbly turn aside as he raises his own foot to kick her in the back of the knees. However, to his surprise his foot is unable to connect as she pulls herself back.

That smile on her face does not fade as it only widens further in obvious enjoyment. King Edward furrows his brows as he hastily pulls himself back pull from her swooshing blade. Before being attacked as he barely manages to parry the blade that darted hungrily at his shoulder.

They circle each other for a moment as King Edward darts back as she charges forward. Her blade swings at his head as he ducks feeling the blade pass just a breath overhead. While her second blade sneaks from down below, wincing he manages to twist away as the blade cuts into his shoulder as it passes by.

Finally, her guard wide open King Edward plunges his blade into her side. Yet to his surprise she falls to her side without the blade touching as she sweeps her foot at him as he painfully falls onto his back.

King Edward struggles to breathe as he rolls onto his side. With his eyes smarting he turn to face her only she's not there. A cold feeling of dread sweeps over him as a blade is plunged through his back and emerges out of his chest.

King Edward cough painfully as his limbs grow weak. "You- coward!" King Edward gasped.

She leans close to his ear and says, "Maybe, but funny thing is history will remember me as the victor."

King Edward wheezes painfully as she pulls her blade out and he slumps onto the floor. Her footsteps fade away as he stares at the bewitching sight through the windows.

Warm glowing colors begin to fill the sky as if welcoming him. The bright yellows that his mother so dearly loved. Tear spill down his face at that awe-inspiring sight. The light only grows and grows until he fades away in it's warm basking light.

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