Captive by Hell

By janoskians3daniel

59K 1.8K 173

Adeline Fierce, has gone through loss and difference all at once as she strived to regain position after her... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1- Turning Tables.
Chapter 2-Desperate Times Desperate Measures
Chapter 3-Blood Red
Chapter 4-boiling blood
Chapter 5- Day 3
The Beast in Us
Silent Night
The Dark Ball part 1
The Dark Ball Part 2
What is Change?
Third Shot
Glass/New book!

A Little Purple Never Hurt

2.5K 89 6
By janoskians3daniel

I stair into the mirror my hair staring back at me. It was fading the blue needed more dye. I scowl I had only used the regular shampoo once. My heart hammers against my chest. Would I finally realize my hair color. I wasn't ready for that. It would be a drastic change to my personality. I make my way out of the bathroom and storm through the doors of the rooms.

"Lorenzo!" I shout scowling when no answer comes up. I scream his name again checking the kitchen and the library.
"You do not have to scream" I turn around to see him there his bed head messy on top of his head and his top bare as he has nothing on but a pair of sweats. I find my breathing growing short and my words losing their way to my mouth. His abs were incredibly toned and his muscles were intimidating. This was not the first time but seeing him in such a vulnerable state.

"Well?" I scowl at his attitude and at my thoughts. What was wrong with me? My hot cheeks makes me stutter.
"My ha-air is fading" I say clasping my hands together and placing them in front of my body swinging ever so slightly. How awkward.
"And?" He asks raising an eyebrow which is half covered by his bang.

"Well. I need more dye. I have to fix it" I say frantically as he begins to walk back down the hallway. Ugh i would have to beg wouldn't I?
"Please!" I blurt out and he stops his head turning ever so slightly.
"Please will you get me some dye?" I ask changing my voice to a more soft tone. He huffs annoyed.
"Fine, get dressed" he says moving again towards his open room. What? Was he taking me with him? I squeal. Outdoors, yup I would be out again. Fresh air and people oh I could handle anyone besides him right now.

When I reach my room I grab sneakers, black jeans, a white tank top and a black blazer. Switching into my clothes I skate across the hallway and find myself standing at his door. I knock softly at first but after twice I begin hammering the door like a maniac.
"I am right here" I turn around my back hitting the door knob. Oh how embarrassing.
"Ouch" I tub the small part in my back.

"Your extremely clumsy" he says grimacing. I scowl, but I couldn't deny it. Clumsy I am. He walks to the door grabbing a pair of keys from his closet and opening the door. I run for it but my waist is caught as I'm flipped around.
"I wasn't going to leave" I say trying to break out of his red glare.
"Good" was his only answer as we left the apartment his hand clutching my arm so hard a bruise was definitely taking place. I struggle down the steps trying to get him to release my arm but he doesn't not until we make it to the door.

I walk out excited but my eyes react badly as the sun hits my skin. I hadn't been outdoors in a while and opening the windows hasn't really helped. I shield my eyes as I follow him across the parking lot and into his fancy black car. My eyes feel relief as they get used to the suns rays.
"Are you allergic to the sun or something?" He asks smirking as I buckle myself up.
"No only allergic to you" I say with a sassy flare. All I get is a hmm and we are driving. We drive not far till we reach the nearest target. I smile happily. I absolutely love target.

"Let's go in get your stupid hair dye and get out" he says opening the door as if this takes up most of his day and he has somewhere else to be. Like being in a locked house with me all day is so fun.
But I ignore his sour attitude and hop out of the passenger seat skipping my way into the store with his over powering shadow looming behind me. I direct us to the care and beauty isle searching for any dye. L'Oréal looks good and I look for my specific cotton candy color. When I find it I examine it and what it has in it. This would be the first time I would have to re-dye my hair and I didn't need damage.

I decide it is alright but then my eye catches a different color. A streak of purple flashes through my mind and how nice it would look so I pick up the second bottle.
"Hey I thought you wanted blue" he says watching me as I observe.
"I do but I want purple too" I say pouting, "pweaseeeeee"

"Fine just stop that!" He demands and I smile taking them both to the checkout where the women takes us instantly. She scans the two bottles eyeing Lorenzo like a fresh piece of meat, I scowl. Ew. Why did she have to be so nasty about it. He pulls out his credit card and slides it into the chip. He receives his receipt with her number on the back and takes it.

I frown, what is wrong with women these days? So desperate. But right before we leave the checkout station he throws it out, her eyes to wide and so do mine. Wow. That was rude. I scowl, which side was I on?
"Whore" he mumbles under his breath as we make our way through the doors. Surprised I make my way back to the car and stay silent the entire way back till we reach the depressing door of his condo.

I await holding my bag until he opens it. Once he does I rush to the bathroom and begin to prepare grabbing a kitchen stool and putting the bottle on the counter. He folds his arms and lays against the door watching me like a hawk. It's unnerving but I stay on task taking my sweater off to not get it dirty and letting my hair down. When I look down I find that I have no idea how to do this.

Did I have to wash my hair or something? How could I just do small strands of hair? As I stare puzzled I see him smirk.
"What?" I snap he scowls.
"Watch your tone" he says before answering, " there's directions" I stick my tongue out at him and look to the bottle where it gives a list of directions.

I follow the instructions to shake the bottle and to put it on. After I put my hair on the top of my head and sit on the toilet seat.
"Well, don't you have something else to do?" I ask waiting as the clock on the bathroom wall ticks slowly.

"You look ridiculous." He confesses, I frown.
"At least your honest" I say shrugging and waiting. After another five minutes of silence I follow the rest of the directions till my blue returns to its original state now for the purple. To do strands there is some pointy bottle thingy. I scowl how would I do this? I wanted it to show but not so much. As I struggle to find a good hair I feel a hand land on my waist.

I turn slightly but watch through the mirror as lays out my hair.
"How much purple do you want?" He asks shaking the bottle.
"Umm make it noticeable but subtle, make it how you like it since your the only person seeing it" I say looking down. Maybe the last part was unnecessary.

"Fine" he says. I can't see what he's doing but I feel as he applies the dye to certain areas of my hair. Every time his hand brushes against my neck I feel goosebumps rise on my skin. After a few minutes he puts the dye bottle down.
"There" I feel his breath on my neck and my body becomes shaky at the closeness of his front to my back. He envelopes me with warmth and I gulp down subconsciously.
He moves my hair to the side making my neck rise with goosebumps. I look at the purple and adore the way it waves into the blue.

It was perfect, exceptional, and and he was way too close. My body feels ready to pass out as he runs his finger tips down my torso and past my outer thigh.
"I think I'll g-" my words are cut off when he flips me around his red eyes becoming dark and possessive. My knees feel weak as my back is supported by the sink.

"Let's play a game" he says lifting a strand of my hair and twirling it. I scowl this couldn't be good. I look down at his finger and await the bad instructions.
"No moving" he demands lifting my thigh against his leg. I gasp. His hand runs up my leg slowly and his fingertips leave heated spots burning through my jeans.

"I don't like this g-game" I stutter my voice a whisper as he runs his lips gently along my neck. This was going too far. I couldn't fall into this no matter how good it felt. I shove him off my leg falling and my hip banging against the sink. I scream out in pain when he grabs my hand and bangs my back against the wall.

"Don't you ever touch me like that again" I say my breathing growing ecstatically as he growls making my insides turn.
"I won't, until you beg" he says throwing me aside and leaving the bathroom. Beg? What does he think I am? Some woman he can be nice to one second just to feel me up. I scowl. It would take more than that for me to gain his trust.

But my mind traces back to his touch and I find myself shaking my head excessively trying to get the naughty thoughts out of my mind. If he needed someone that woman was more than volunteering. I scowl at my own thoughts and frown at how far hair dye had gone.

I sneak my way out of the bathroom and down the hall making my way my heart thumping when I near his room. I had to pass it. The door stands openly and I frown, what was he doing in there. When I peek into the forbidden room I see shelves of books on one side and the rest is completely tidy. On the shelf lays classics of all types. Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Shakespeare and Fitzgerald.

This didn't change my view on his horrible self but now I was intrigued to grab one of those books. I peek again and see him not in there so I sneak in reaching the shelf.
Which one should I read? I mean I've read them all but I want to read again. I see sense and sensibility and I pick it out all too drop it because of his startling voice.

"Eh, I would take The Gilded Age or better was Macbeth" I frown was he implying that sense and sensibility was nonsense. I turn around slowly afraid but see him casually leaning against the door frame.
"Is this your way of apologizing?" I ask picking the book up.
"I don't apologize" he says grimacing at the thought but I smirk, I'd take what I could get.

"Did you find her work that bad?" I ask beckoning to the book.
"No, I just thought it mushy and cheesy" he says adding, "and predictable"
"Predictable! Are you mad?" He smirks at my sudden burst and I tone it down.

"I don't agree"
"I'm glad" he replies and I take my book walking past him and the door.

I scowl at his multiple shift between decency and pure rage. But it was a step and maybe I could reach into the depths of his mind. He hadn't killed me!


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