Staying with the Parkers

By ashley1515

39.5K 920 101

Hailey Johnson had a great life. That is, until one horrible day that a car accident took both her father and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 4

1.6K 45 0
By ashley1515

Chapter 4 (Hailey’s POV)

I heard the intercom click in in my room, “Hailey, guys, time for dinner. Cayden could you please get Hailey from her room and show her the way to the kitchen. Thank you.” said Mrs. Copper. I sat up on my bed and slipped on my fuzzy slippers. Soon after there was a soft knock at my door. “Its open!” I said as the door opened.

“I am here to escort you to the kitchen for dinner, Miss Johnson.” said Cayden as he held his arm out to me. “Why, aren’t you such a sweet boy.” I said as I linked my arm through his. We walked out of my room and started down the hallway. “Just a heads up- sit away from the twins. On occasion they like to start food fights. The little monsters get away with it too because mom says it’s “cutie” and they don’t know better yet. Man, if I knew that when I was their age I would have started those kinds of thing years ago.” Alison lets her kids start food fights? That surprises me. To me she seemed like the strict type. “Thanks for the advice.”

We made a few turns and went down the staircase. We then came to the busy kitchen packed with boys and one precious little girl sitting in her highchairs. I sat at the end of the table far away from the two highchairs that held the twins.

Everyone started to sit down and get comfortable. Cayden sat next to me and Brandon sat across from me. For dinner we were having tacos. I wish I hadn’t worn my new shirt. O well right? Everyone dug into the food eating like they were starved orphans. Personally, I ate slowly not to get anything on my new shirt.

Of course no one could eat a meal and not get anything on their shirt. Right? Ten minutes of nice silence and the twins must have gotten board with it. Right when I was going to take a bite of the cheesy goodness that was coming out of my taco I felt something land smack dab right on the front of my shirt. Mashed peas and potatoes mixed. Nice. I wonder who did that?

I could fell it dripping down my shirt because I was wearing a V-neck. Gosh, this was so embarrassing. Brandon, Riley, and Daniel acting as the gentleman they are burst out laughing. Like I said, stay away from them. “Boys!” shirked Alison. “Hailey, I’m so sorry. They should know better to do that.” She said frantically trying to get the little monsters out of the room. “Alison, its fine. If you could excise me though. I’m going to go change and take a shower.” I said and got up.

Wait, how was I gonna find my room in this place? I walked back into the kitchen to hear most of the guys laughing. That included Austin. wasn’t he supposed to be setting a good example for his kids? Whatever.

“Hey, can someone help me find my room?” I said and looked around. Brandon shot up, “I’ll do it.” he said and smirked at me with a glint of humor. I walked out and started up the stairs trying not to drag my beloved fluffy slippers. “You might want me to go first, considering you have no idea where you are going.” he said with a laugh. “Fine, go.” I said.

He passed by me going up the rest of the stairs and into the first hallway. “Thanks, I’ve got it from here.” I said and pushed past him down to the last door. I was just about to open it when I heard someone come up behind me, “Don’t you also need to find the bathroom and the buttons to that shirt.” His breath made shivers to go down my skin., but not really in the enjoyable way.

“No thanks, I’m not that stupid.” I said and quickly went into my room and shut the door. I made sure to lock the door behind me. What just happened? Did he seriously just ask me if I needed help to get off my shirt? What a perv! I grabbed some sweats and a comfy t-shirt and went into the bathroom.

After a nice hot shower I went into my room find the perv himself laying on my bed. “Jezz, I didn’t know it took girls that long to take a shower.” said Brandon. “What in the world are you doing in my room?” I asked as calmly as I could. Inside I was mentally stabbing him with a fork. Yeah I know, I have a very creative imagination. Or as some people would call it, mentally ill. He just kept staring at me. Now he was being eaten alive by sharks in the middle of the ocean.

“Seriously Brandon if you have nothing to say just leave.” I said. This boy was so difficult. “I was just coming to tell you that it’s Wednesday.” No crap. “Thank you caption obvious.” I said. “On Wednesday night it’s movie night in our house. O, and Mom wants to talk to you about school tomorrow,” he said still looking at me weirdly.

Ugh, I forgot about stupid school. I didn’t want to think about it because that reminded me of all my friends I left behind. Yes, I did have friends. Actually, I had a lot. I wasn’t popular or anything. Trust me, I am way better than those people. “Fine, I’ll be down in 5, and stop looking at me like that.” I said and pushed him off my bed.

He fell off and smirked at me. “Babe, I could try and stop, but you are just way to hot.” he said. What a jerkface. “Get out of my room you perv.” With that stupid smirk still on his face he left my room.

Arrr, I hate boys that act like everyone would just bow down to their every command. He reminded me of Kyle Emersion. Kyle was the biggest player in our school. He asked me out and I said yes. On our first date he acted really cocky and even tried to kiss me. I really do hate people like that. I better get down there so they don’t think I got lost in my own room. Now that would be pretty sad, but knowing me there was a good chance that that would happen.

My legs carried me out of the room. Darn! I have no idea where to go. Then I remembered something. “If you need anything my door is two down from yours on the left.” That’s what Colten told me. Ok, two down. Aha! There it is. I knocked on the door and hoped that he hadn’t gone downstairs yet. “Come in” he said. I walked in. Colten was laying in his bed watching TV with no shirt on. O my gosh, this Parker had an amazing six-pack. I couldn’t keep my eyed off his chest. Colten must have noticed so he said, “Hey, what you need Hailey?”

“O umm Brandon told me that it was supposedly movie night for your family. I was gonna go down and join in but I didn’t know where I was going and I remember what you said today about if I need anything. I was just wondering if you could help me. Sorry for interrupting your show.” I said. I really have to learn to control my rambling when I’m nerves. “It’s fine Hailey. I told you that if you needed anything that you should come to me right?” I nodded. “So, lets go then. Really, no big deal. I was on my way down there anyway.” he said. Then he put on a shirt. Thank gosh. If he didn’t I might start drooling, not that I hadn’t already done that.

By the time we got into the theater room they had already started the movie. Yes, I did say theater room. The room had the rows of seats just like a movie theater. There was a popcorn machine in the corner and the TV screen was just a little bit smaller than a real theaters. Everyone seemed to be there except the twins and Andrew. They were probably already sleeping.

“Hey there hottie. Come and sit by me.” said Riley. “No thanks. I think I’ll sit by my best friends.” I went and sat down between Cayden and Alex. That’ll show that little perv to stop messing with me. “Fine. Be that way.” said the pissed off Riley. I smirked at him. This guy was so full of himself. “What about me?” said Brandon. “Like I said, I’m gonna sit by my best friends.”

I smiled at Cayden and Alex. I was sitting between Alex and Cayden with Cody next to Cayden. Those two must be close because I always see them together. On the other side of Alex was Jason.

“Are you saying that you are stealing MY best friend?” said Cody with a playful smile on his face. “Of course not. We’ll just have to make a deal. You can be my best friend to so that Cayden can still be your’s to. It’s like a five way best friendship. Me, you, Alex, Jason, and Cayden.” I said and smiled. “Fine by me, but I’m still Cayden’s bestest friend. Right Cayden?” said Cody and pouted out his bottom lip making him look like a little kid.

“You are really gonna make me choose?” Cayden whined. “Of course not honey.” I said. I leaned down to wishper in his ear. “Cause I know I’ll always be you favorite.” I whispered. I could see the shock on his face. Ha, that’ll sow Cody. “Enough of this silly crap.” grumbled Brandon. “Fine, start the movie than.” I said grumpily because he ruined my fun.

We were an hour into the movie. Daniel, Jason, Jake, Alison, and Mr. Copper went to bed because it was already 8. The movie was called Beastly. I’m surprised the guys chose this movie. I was more like a chick flick than anything. I yawned. Ugh, better get to bed because I have school tomorrow. Alison told me that the since Brandon was in my grade he would show me around. Also, Colten said he would help because he was only a grade above me so most likely we would have some classes together.

“Well, guys, I’m gonna go to bed. I’m,” I yawned again, “tired. Could one of you fine gentleman escort me to my room. Except if you are Riley or Brandon.” I said and put on a disgusted face. “I’ll take you.” said Alex. “Night everyone. don’t stay up to late.”

I walked up the stairs turned down the first hallway. Down all the way to the last door, I thought mentally. I was about to open up the door when someone said something. “I see that you already know the way to your room.” Alex said with a laugh. I jumped. Jezz I forgot he was there.

“Alex, do you rally have to scare me like that!? Wow, I guess I do know the way. Sorry for yelling at you Alex and thanks for coming with me.” I said. I really must have a good memory if I could just walk around this big house after just being here in day. “Sure no problem Hailey, night.” he said and left.

I walked into my room. I threw on my favorite pair of short-shorts and a tank-top. Ugh. What a long day. I jumped into my new bed and fell asleep instantly thinking about the dreaded day of school tomorrow.




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