The Messages

By superwhovian123

7K 344 140

Moon Bin and Lee Dong-Min start emailing each other, not knowing who the other person is. It is mostly in Lee... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 11

263 15 10
By superwhovian123

Jin Woo's POV

I get back my office and take my phone from my desk and I open it and find a voicemail from Oppa. 

"Jin, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I like you bot Bin. I miss you. Please call me. I need to talk to you," the recording says. 

What? Does he like me? Then why did he get with Bin? I dial his number and on the third ring, he answers. 

"Jin. Where are you? Where have you been? I have been worried about you," He says right away.

"I'm fine. I just needed time to myself for once," I respond.

"Well, I need to talk to you. Can we meet somewhere?"

"Sure. Meet me at the coffee shop we always meet at."

"Okay. See you in 6 minutes."

I hang up the phone and run to where I am keeping Bin. I snicker at him. 

"Guess what. Your little boyfriend has been lying to you," I tell him. 

"What do you mean?" Bin responds.

I take out my phone and show him the recording.

"You know you are getting played right?" he says.

"Am not."

"Yes, you are. Why would he date me, kiss me and fuck me if he doesn't love me?"

"Because you are lying. He didn't really fuck you. Right?"

"He did. You can take me to the doctors and they will say the same thing. He really does love me and I have proof because of what he had done to me the night you took me."

"W-w-what did he do?"

"Do you not realize that I am wearing his shirt and boxers and no pants? Why do you think I am wearing this when we were at a house where I have clothes?"

"Because you-"

"No. He did me."

No. No. No. He is lying. Bin is lying. My innocent Dong Min wouldn't do that. Right?

I leave to go meet Dong Min and am thinking about it. I hadn't noticed it before, but Bin is wearing Dong Min's shirt from the day before. 

When I get to the coffee shop, I see that Dong Min already ordered and is sitting at a window seat, looking exhausted. I start to get excited and forget everything that Bin told me.

"Hey, I hope I didn't keep you waiting," I say as I approach. 

"No, you didn't."

"Good. What did you want to talk about?"

"Do you know where Bin is because I need to break up with him. You are the only one in my heart," He says, looking pained.

"Ummm... I don't know," I lie. 

"You are lying. Do you want to be with me or not?"

"I do."

"Then tell me where Bin is."

"He-he-he's in the hotel on 4th street."

"How do you know that? What did you do to my Bin?!"

"I did nothing to him. He is the one who tried to take you from me."

"No one took me from anyone! I love him. I love him more than anything. Do you really think that taking Bin is going to make me fall for you?"

At that same moment, one of the other people in the shop came over.

"Put your hands behind your head, Jin Woo," the person said.

"You don't have the authority to do that," I respond.

He takes something out of his pocket and shows it to me.

"Actually he does Jin. He is a detective," Dong Min says. 

I sigh and put my hands on my head. He cuffs me and checks my pockets. He finds the knife I had in there, Bin's room key, my wallet, and phone.

Dong Min takes the key and runs from the cafe and towards the hotel. 

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