Trifling Bitch (An Urban Love...

By ms_snl

304K 7.2K 476


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Recap Of 16
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Ch 16 again
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chaper 48

Chapter 46

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By ms_snl

It was 6 o clock in the morning when Mondy starred at the clock on the night stand. The sun was peeking through the curtains. The sound of light snoring caught his attention. His eyes immediately shifted towards a sleeping Avery. Avery laid stretched out across the bed. Her hair was all over the place. Half of her naked body was hidden in the white sheets. Mondy only saw her body from the waist up as she laid there on her stomach. He immediately got a flashback of what took place last night. Who would have thought this same innocent face was the same woman he got introduced to last night. Mondy chuckled to his self. Mondy was disrupted by his phone ringing. Thank god he had it on vibrate he didn't want to wake Avery no time soon. He figured she needed to rest up after he tore her lil ass up last night. Mondy was feeling kind of exhausted hisself.

"Yo boss where you been I've been trying to reach you sense midnight" Mondy placed his hand on Avery back and rubbed it gently.

"I had to handle some unfinished business Slim" Mondy looked back over at Avery who was still was knocked out.

"Aye man you ain't never let me in on any unfinished business, I'm lost man" Slim spoke thru the phone.

"Aye man we'll get into that a lil bit later" Mondy finished up the phone call so he could tend to Avery.

Happy that she was still sound asleep Mondy made his way to the bathroom to wash his face off and brush his teeth. He searched in the draw under the sink for a toothbrush. He came across a fresh pack of tooth brushes. After about 20 minutes he was in Avery's kitchen making breakfast for two in his boxer briefs. Mondy may always seem like he always on the go and never sitting in one place but if one things for sure he knew how to throw down in the kitchen. He couldn't help but smile because he learned how to cook from Princess.

"Good looks big sis" he spoke out loud as he turned his head up towards the ceiling.

About 30 minutes went by and Avery was awake. She had her back turned. She laid there for a few and thought about her night with Mondy. She smiled to herself because she wanted it to happen for a long ass time and it was everything she imagined it to be.

"Good morning" she whispered as she tuned to face Mondy but he was no where to be found.

Avery was livid, she grabbed her robe and grabbed her phone. She was so mad, yet again she was played by a nigga who she thought she could let her guard down and be herself with. Avery wasn't thinking, she damn there blacked the fuck out. She was going to find him and tell him about hisself. She didn't bother to get dress she only brushed her teeth and thru her messy hair into a pony tail. Heading down the stairs she begin to cry and yell.

"I can't believe this mother fucker gon try to up and leave after he got some... ooooohhhh I should have known he was lying like the rest of them weak ass niggas" she snatched her car keys off the coffee table and was heading towards her front door.

Mondy watch the whole thing. He was mad at the fact that she actually thought he would play her like that. I mean he not an innocent guy but he would never do her like that. He didn't plan on doing her like that either.

"Aye where ya ass in a rush to cmer" he spoke firmly. Avery was at the door but she stopped right in her tracks and turned towards Mondy who was looking good as hell in his boxers with a glass of orange juice in his hand.

Mondy was disturbed when he noticed she was crying.

"Cmer man, what's up with you why you all worked up.. why you crying?" Mondy questioned. He took Avery by her hands and pulled her into a hug. Avery immediately became weak. It was scary how Mondy could get her to be so weak.

"I just thought you.." Mondy cut her off. By placing kisses all over her. Starting with her soft lips.

"You don't gotta explain.. just know I wasn't leaving you. I thought I made that shit clear to you last night?" Avery was embarrassed because she couldn't believe she thru a whole fit like that after what they shared the night before.

"I know ya ass not in my kitchen cooking breakfast" Avery sniffled as she wiped the roof of her lip. She was taken back a bit.

"As a matter of fact I am.. what you thought a nigga couldn't throw down in the kitchen or some?" Mondy quizzed folding his arms up.

Avery tilted her head to the side some.

"Naaaaaaa" she joked.

Mondy pulled Avery into the kitchen and pulled a chair out for her.

Avery was shocked.

Damn this nigga can actually cook

She thought to herself.

"If I known I could get breakfast outta you in the morning I would have been put it on you" Avery licked her lips and they both laughed.

"Aye just don't put it on me like that every day cause a nigga can't afford to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to cook for you every morning" he teased.

"That's okay we can rotate, cause I'm sure your cooking skills can't top mine" Avery picked up her fork and begin to eat.

Mondy pulled up a seat beside her and dug in hisself.

"Well I see ya ass not talking shit no more" he clapped his hands together.

"Okay okay you got it. You shocked me.. you did a good job Mr." Avery held her hands up as if she surrendered.

"Man you ain't have to tell me I already knew baby girl" Mondy grabbed her chin.

Avery's phone begin to ring. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey girl, I hope you didn't forget about my appointment you suppose to be coming with me, remember?" Payton asked on the other end of the phone.

"Oh yeah P that's right.. I'll be over your way in the next hour or so. Avery almost forgot fucking with Mondy ass.

"Wassup P" Mondy shouted from the other side of the table. Avery tried to hush him up but Payton still heard him.

"Is that my uncle.. Bitch what's going on over there?" Payton laughed when she knew damn well what was going on.

"Nothing we just having breakfast that's all" Avery tried to cover up her tracks. She begin to blush.

"Yeah breakfast and a whole lot of fuckin" Payton teased.

"P seriously" Avery gasped. She placed her hand on her mouth feeling embarrassed.

"Bitch don't be all embarrassed now.. I know damn well what went down.. I wanna hear all the tea when you pick me up. Payton was very blunt and only teased Avery because she always knew she had a thing for her uncle she was just waiting for her to finally admit it.

"Listen Bitch Ima hit you when I'm outside you just have ya round ass outside" Avery ended the call. She placed a peace of turkey bacon in her mouth. She couldn't help but smile. She smiled even harder when Mondy noticed. They both just smiled at ome another like Lil teenagers who found their very first love.

Avery didn't know where they were going with this but she didn't have any regrets and she was excited to go on this love journey with Mondy.

Mondy stood up and placed his hands around Avery's waist. She was leaning over the counter eating her breakfast.

"What time you gotta be out of here" he questioned.

Avery turned to face him.

"In another hour" she bit down on her bottom lip.

"I want you to do something for me.. you listening carefully?" Mondy asked sternly.

"I'm all ears baby" Avery joked.

"I want you to go upstairs and get in the bed.. make sure you take that robe off. Ion wanna see nothing but your ass up in the air.. Ima come take care of you"

Mondy lifted her robe up revealing her ass which sat between a lace thong. He slowly placed several kisses on her ass sending chills up her spine.

"I gotta be out of here in an hour Mondy" Avery playfully wined.

"Aye what I say.. get your ass upstairs" Mondy pointed towards the steps.

Once Avery was out of his sight he placed all the dishes in the sink, washed his hands and headed upstairs.

Just like he said Avery was laid across the bed with her back arched in the most sexiest way. Mondy other man begin to stand up at the sight of her fat pussy up in the air.

He waisted no time and his tongue was deep in her pussy. He ate her pussy from the back  like it was his last meal. For the next 30 minutes they pleased one another until they both laid there defeated.

Meanwhile in the next town over. Cash was picking up Payton's car from the shop. She had to get an oil change. Since she was due soon he didn't want her to lift a finger. He stressed to her that her only job was to go back and fourth to her doctors appointment until they're baby girl was born she was on bed rest.

Cash noticed a tall light skin man who was in his early 40's headed towards his direction. At first he was going to dust it off but something about him stood out to him. He dressed different, he definitely wasn't from his city..

One of Cash's workers immediately intervened.

"Aye you lost or something" the worker spoke as he held his hand out in front of him
Stopping him from approaching Cash.

"Naaa I'm not lost, I just need a few words with Cash here.."

Cash didn't know this man from a can of paint. For him to be approaching him like this was definitely out of pocket.

Cash signaled the worker to give them a minute.

"Ion think we know each other man, can I help you with something. Cash asked the man while staring him directly in his eyes. They both starred at one another.

"As a matter of fact you can help me a whole lot"

"And how is that?" Cash challenged.

The man begin to reach in his pockets. The worker was back but this time he was pointing a gun at the mystery man.

"Naaa it's not like that dog I just wanna
Show him a picture" the man held both his hands up in surrender.

"Go head" Cash signaled to the worker that it was cool. The worker was confused but he put his gun away and let them talk once again.

"Can you take me to see my daughter" the man held a picture of Payton when she was just 3 years old. She was sitting on Princess lap.

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