Steel Rose

By just_autumn46

33.2K 873 164

Isabelle Nornus, a swift, the youngest child out of four older brothers, never expected anything truly specia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83

Chapter 2

988 20 2
By just_autumn46

Ptolemus Pov

   I don't want to be here. It's sundown, as Evangeline and I step into the theater. The warmth is a comfort to my skin, from the oncoming cold outside. The theater sets off a golden glow, as I examine all the Lords and ladies in their attire. Elane's red hair, catches my eye as Eve walks slightly faster over to her. I don't match my sister's pace, and quietly follow behind.

   My sister doesn't hug or kiss her like I know she would if they were alone. She nods to her, the smallest of smiles tugging at her lips. I reach them, "Tolly knows of the idea, but its not set in stone, yet." Evangeline's voice is almost excited. Elane nods at me, both in greeting and thanks. I know the plans they speak of. Marriage to Elane, so Eve never has to part from her. I don't mind these plans.

   It was Elane's idea to meet here. A newest play is showing the first time tonight, Elane loves these things, and it's a great place to eventually slip away for a few moments. The chatter of the people around me is oddly soothing. People keep close to their own families. We don't pretend to like each other until tomorrow at Queenstrial. 

   "I'll be right back," I murmur to them. Eve's eyes flash in question but she nods.

   "We'll be in our seats." They walk away as the lights begin to dim for the play. I watch them, until I can no longer see them. Everyone clears out, as people move to their seats. I on the other hand, am not so enthusiactic and walk over to the bar. A middle aged servant cleans the marble counters, but stops automatically. 

   "What can I get you, sir?" he asks keeping his head bowed. 

   I smirk, "A scotch on rocks," 

   He works quickly, grabbing a glass and ice at the same time. A hear footsteps behind me,  and I don't have time to turn to see who when their beside me. That person is a women, a girl? She doesn't even look at me, as the bartender looks up again, placing the glass in front of me.

   "Champagne for two," she tells him, before he can open his mouth to ask. He moves grabbing the glasses from above. I don't even realize I'm staring until she looks at me. I notice first, that her eyes are an odd color. Hazel, which remind me of one of Mother's big cats. Then, the fact that she is young to be ordering drinks. 

   "I'm 18," she says a laugh in her voice. "You're not the first to give me that look." 

   I remember my manners, "My apologies, miss. I did not mean to offend you."

   She quirks one plucked eyebrow at me. She looks to smart for own good. An amused smirk on her lips aimed at me should have sparked my temper. It doesn't. She grabs the glasses, but leans an elbow on the marble as if she plans on staying a while. My drink for now is forgotten. "Like I said, you're not the first to wonder." she shrugs, "A youthful face, it  runs in the family Samos. Something you should know about."

   I scowl at her, but it feel almost fake. She knows it and smiles. "Next time I'll ignore my manners if you like jabs." I tell her.

   She chuckles, "That wasn't an insult," she states clearly before standing up straight. We stare at each other for a while, and it gives me a change to examine her features. She is correct, a young face, with hazel eyes and long eyelashes. Dark honey hair, and a teasing smile. She is beautiful, I will admit. 

  I'm to busy looking at her, to notice I haven't said anything. She bits the inside of her cheek, and smiles again, only politely, about to end our brief conversation. "Nice meeting you," She turns around walking away from me. I watch her bare back leave before my feel move on there own, leaving my drink and manners. 

   I catch up to her, and she stops short in surprise. "Wait," I call out, and she stops turning around. "What's your name?" 

   Her eyes lit up in surprise. Her hands tighten around the glasses. "Isabelle Nornus," she answers. Her voice is firm but not harsh, as she tenses at my sudden interest.  "Belle if you'd prefer," She looks at me dead in the eye. "Yours?"

   "Ptolemus Samos," I answer as I hear the glasses in her hand clink together. 

   "That's a odd name" she admits, not really thinking before she speaks. There is no real meaning behind it and I know that. 

   I scowl at her nonetheless. She looks up again, and her smile disappears. Serves her right. Her eyes flash with slight confusion and hesitation. An odd girl she is, fierce yet she knows when to back down. "Why are people so easily idiotic?" I snatch one of her glasses from her hand. Her eyes flash in anger, as she reaches for it. I jerk it away with a cruel smirk. 

   She rolls her eyes, ignoring the name I practically just called her,  before reaching for the glass again. The action doesn't fit her, her smiles do. "I have to get back to my brothers," she says her voice all seriousness, before she smirks to herself, "or they'll send a search party," she reaches for the glass with slender fingers, and I let her pluck it out my hand.  "Nice meeting you Samos," she teases before really walking away. 

   I let her go this time, once again watching her bare back of her dress leave me. I stand in the hallway for a few heartbeats before I turn in the opposite direction and make my own way to my seat. Evangeline must be wondering where I've been all this time. My scotch is long forgotten, as I walk.

Isabelle Pov

    I walk back to my brothers , while listening to my heels on the carpet. I can still feel his stare on my back, and I don't turn around this time.  I know him, not personally, of course. Samos, if the silver hair hadn't made that totally obvious. No doubt he is the son of Lord Samos. His sister will be competing in Queenstrial tomorrow. As will I, but I don't expect a crown. 

   My brothers sit quietly in the booth, both of them eyes to the performance. I take my seat between them both, as I hand them the glasses. Kane, the oldest takes it without looking at me, before pushing a summing button. The servant hurries in, pouring the drink before moving over to the second oldest.

   Christian on the other hand , smiles at me and plucks the bottle from the red girl and pours it himself, before setting beside him. Obviously with the intent to keep it.

   "What took you so long, little sis?" The nickname isn't new to me, since I am the youngest out of my brothers.

   "Got held up," I tell him. Kane raises an eyebrow but only sips at his drink. Christian's smile only brightens, and he bumps my elbow. 

   We turn our attention back to the play, and I watch the colors float past my eyes. The music and the faces of the actors. But I don't pay attention for very long. 

   He was big. Muscles, and silver hair. Strong bones, and dark eyes. I should have been intimidated, and kept my distance. But when do I ever follow my first mind? I don't know why I even spoke to him first. I'm not one to engage in conversations with strangers. Or anyone for that matter. 

   "Get out of your head any pay attention," Chris whispers to me, in a tease, "This was your idea remember?" 

  "Both of you quiet," Kane says. To anyone else, he sounds firm and cruel.  Kane isn't one to sugar coat his words. But I know he is being just as playful as Christian and me. I smile at him before looking back at the stage. And I sigh as I watch the two lovers, share a secret kiss. 

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