Into The Night

By DarkPurple22

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"Just give me one more chance, take my hand and I'll take you to Wonderland." Honestly, I did not choose to g... More

Author's ♪
Fun Fact Time
After Credits Chapter
Quick Question
Author's ♪


532 35 42
By DarkPurple22

The ride was an absolute mess. . .

"Are you kidding me?! That was the only station that plays decent music, put it back on!" Berlyn yelled, it's one of the few times when she's actually really more frightening than anyone. Apparently she gets to be this way when the discussion is about music.

"Alright." I agreed because judging by her scary glare right now, I wouldn't want to oppose her.

"No! Styles, you touch that button, you're dead!" Jhanelle threatened so I backed away and raised my hands. I wouldn't want to mess with Jhanelle either.

Berlyn suddenly said in rapid French something that kind of or closely translates to, "You used to hate that channel! What the heck is going on?!"

While Jhanelle replied in English, "My goodness, I just want to listen to just one Little Mix song! You love SLS!"

"Guys! Can't we just plug someone's phone in?" Aerielle suggested and I gotta say it was a stupid thought that nobody came up with her idea.

"Okay, I'm plugging my phone." Marshal said.

Berlyn scoffed, "You wish."

"My car, my phone." Marshal retorted which makes his argument much better.

"Let it go, Bers." I said, "Your phone on our way back, how's that?"


Marshal gave me his phone and I plugged it into his stereo. For a few songs, it was just us singing along. And it was fun, it was a mess sometimes because no matter how good (or bad) our voices were, we always sound like we were crying during high notes. Chandelier was not an exception.

I almost got deaf and my throat is getting hoarse but I don't think I'm the only one.

"Why are you guys crying?" Jhanelle asked after the song and we all bursted out laughing. To be quite honest, we really did sound like wailing babies whilst singing that song.

After a few more songs, we got quiet once we started listening to a song with no musical background whatsoever.

"What song is that?" Niall asked with a wrinkled nose in absolute disgust. I mean, the a capella thing kind of sucks because the singer could have used a minus one but there were times when the notes were a little too flat.

"Shh." Berlyn shushed.

"Daylight, by Maroon 5." I said. But in this instance, it sounded like a cover.

"Shh." This time, it was Aerielle who shushed me.

"Oh God! Take it out! Plug it out Harry!" Marshal ordered.

"Why? What's--"

"OH MY GOD! IT'S MARSHAL'S VOICE!" Jhanelle yelled and the whole minivan turned into a chaos of laughter and teases.

I was literally already crying because of laughter. I tried holding it back more than a couple of times already. I don't think I'm alone in it either.

It was a long while before we've calmed down. . . and we haven't even fully calmed down.

"Oh come on guys, at least that was—"

He wasn't able to finish as someone from the back bursted out laughing again and almost the rest of us laughed as well. It is one of those contagious, can't-stop-laughing moments that I really enjoy.

And it happened a couple of more times.

My stomach hurts, tears are coming out of my eyes and it's one of the funniest things in the whole dang universe. Of course, Marshal was teased but in the end, he started throwing teases too and started playing recordings of the rest of the crew, most during their training days in middle school as not everyone was like Berlyn who was that gifted. Her voice was beautiful, even back then. The rest were not so bad back then but now they're all great.

"Right, so are we there yet?" Kendall asked after a few moments.

"Mhmm." I hummed as I kept checking my phone.

"Hey, can I see that?" Jhanelle asked.

"Sure." I handed her my phone.

"Right so if anyone were to be interested they could just sign up here and then. . .?"

"Do things." I said.

"It's not illegal or deep web stuff, is it?" Marshal asked.

"Def not. Only vandalisms, or breaking and entering, but most of the time we don't do anything. When it comes to thieving, the league catches their own flies before the authorities do and uh, they put them to wherever they deserve to be." I can be such a nerd sometimes.

"I don't understand, where did the league get all funding for this?" It was Jhanelle again.

"Well, it started out in the localities, at first it was just a small group of rich kids who decided to play laser tag. . . yep, we invented laser tag so we've been here for a while. Don't believe everything on the internet. Anyways where was I? Uh, yep, erm, as I've said, small group but then they uh picked out an orphanage wherein the kids played with them and their parents, who were all successful businessmen and women at the time couldn't be happier that their kids had done something. They were troublemakers, yeah, but they made those kids happy so they kind of said, why not? J, tap on the history you'll read a whole timeline."

"Why is it called the Midnight League?" Aerielle asked.

"Calling it the Prankster League wouldn't be that obscure." I replied.

"Harry, you're really overdoing your recruitment." Niall said, laughing. As far as I'm concerned, he's no longer an off radar and that is beautiful.

I looked at the rearview mirror and seen the guys looking at the screen. I told them if they don't want to join, it's fine. They just shouldn't spread the word about it because then we'll be having a bit of authority problem. As it seems, they started getting amazed.

"It all sounds so exciting when you say it that way." Taylor, for once had spoken up. I don't even know what I did for her to get all child-like. Not in a good way. It's a child-ready-to-throw-a-tantrum way.

I turned my head, so did a few of our friends but I was the one who stared down longer. She was at the backseat with Kendall and Aerielle.

I made it obvious that my eyebrows are meeting whereas she is holding the best blank face ever. "That's how I saw it. Why? Have you been in it to know otherwise?" I asked, getting her in the situation between lying and telling the truth. She freaking asked for it.

"Don't start with me, Harold." She warned.

"I would if you stop with that bloody attitude." I grumbled, rolling my eyes. This is definitely at the top ten of things I hate, when people suddenly has an attitude that ruins a good mood.

"Oh God, you sound like I've started it." At this point, the conversation just silenced the rest in the car. . . it just killed the mood.

"I didn't do a heck! What's your--"

"That's enough." Niall said, breaking it off. "Harry, cool it, would you?"

"You're asking me to calm down?" I asked him but I reckon the entire van had heard it.

"Harry." He said, simply in a tone that meant a million things. Calming down is included.

I calmed down and turned the radio up, frowning. The conversations went back normally after a minute but only in the middle of the van.

Once we got to the site near the forests where the games should be held, almost everyone got off. I told Niall to go ahead and lead the guys because I know someone else will be left behind. It took me a while but Kendall also followed along.

From inside the van, I can hear loud chatters and wild music playing off. Announcements are being announced in that loud Arnold Schwarzenegger voice. Too many cars had been parked around suggesting about a hundred leaguers or maybe more so the games should be fun tonight. It looked like a wild comic convention.

Humming, I made my way to the middle part of the van and looked to the backseats. Taylor was just looking outside. She glanced at me for a moment and then stared outside again.

"Why aren't you out there?" She asked.

"To ask you that question." I answered with a smile even though I know she won't see it. "Why?"

"I'm not going back."

"I'm not asking you to." I said. "Anyways, I'm going out. If you want to stay, that's okay. I just — I'm sorry about uh, losing my temper earlier."

And then she looked at me, "Aren't I supposed to be the one apologising?"

"Regardless who did it first and who did it worst, mum always taught me to apologise if I knew I did or said something wrong." I answered. "Somehow you despise the league and I cannot seem to understand why, but I'm not going to force the answer out of you. Just try not to use other tones on me too when I talk about it because I get irritated easily, alright?"

"Okay." She replied. "Sorry."

"See you later then, Miss Romanoff."

"I'll see you." She answered and that's my cue to exit.

I walked on along and caught up with the group, squeezing myself through the crowd of anime, comics, books, videogames and movie characters which is epic.

Ajax met with me in the camps, saying how I probably didn't need any weapons as I've got a lot on me now. Anyways, he dressed up as Castiel from Supernatural – or is it the tenth Doctor from Doctor Who? It's something like that but I didn't dare ask him why.

"My dad's a spectator tonight, better do well." He said, as I was just finished suiting up.

"Yeah, I've got to. Word's out that the legendary Riptide is in the perimeter." I replied with a smile.

"You're not kidding?!" And despite his everyday excited face, he seemed more excited tonight.

"Nope." I answered. "Riptide's around, just not playing."

"Let's give him a good show, then." He said, patted me on the shoulder and then walked away. . . he said him.

Now have I realised that no one really knew Riptide. I was fortunate to know that Riptide is a she and apparently, her mask of politeness hides her well. And I wonder how she is doing right now all alone inside the van –alone. And then I wondered why I was even wondering about her.

Wildcats! Get your head in the game! My head kept yelling at me, and my mind is in the game. It is in the game. . .

I'm just wondering why I'm thinking of High School Musical and how some of us are kind of the characters there. Taylor could be, I don't remember her name but was it Kelly or something? The one behind the piano all the time?

My head is not in the game.

It's flying too much.

During the game, it consists of me having too much epic fails because of dodging too many bullets. However did I become a target? It's because for starters, I made a mistake of going to the West when I'm teamed up with the North. So, as a reward, there goes one of my lives. I climbed a tree to escape and well, I fell. I don't think anyone saw.

I've watched a good load of events from above the trees though, Niall actually leading his group of the East like Captain America and I was there taking out some of his crew, taking out seven of his men before he actually noticed. Yep.

Berlyn and Aerielle did not separate which was sort of funny since Berlyn dressed up like a princess and Aerielle a vampire, they kind of looked like a walking fairytale. And I kinda watched as they were taken down. . . together. Embarrassing if I were them.

Kendall came around a bit later and I did want to tease her so I took a shot. . . that ended her game since she already had two in her vest. Plus, I wanted her to go back, Taylor needs some company.

Marshal and Jhanelle did not separate too. But it was kind of weird seeing Pikachu with Deadpool. I did not shoot any of them, I even covered for them whenever they get to this side of the forest unfortunately, a couple of minutes later, it was only Jhanelle.

The game was actually awkwardly fun. I shot down Cupid, two goblins, two Disney princesses, a fairy, Zeus and a wizard. It was odd yet I find it amusing. There goes my body count.

Yep, my head was flying.

Unfortunately, my body cannot fly. I lost footing and kind of fell but I was climbing down already but so, I was just about three feet before I fell and, still, my arm hurts. That's where I got my second shot. The last was someone shooting me, I just don't remember who. . . I think it was a Barbarian King from Clash of Clans.

But even with my flying head, I got into top ten. Niall was at the point of above fifteen and below twenty. The rest of the guys did alright, Jhanelle was actually the best. I got seventh place whereas she got second damn place. It's her freaking first time.

So the car ride was filled with their stories about what happened.

"Jay, how are you so good at that?" I asked her the first chance I got. I kept rubbing my arm I fell on and I knew then, that's going to hurt in the morning.

"Dad used to work at this place downtown with all the paintball activities and you know, it's one of the activities. Got used to it." She replied nonchalant. "Yes, baby I won."

"Second place." Niall corrected.

"First in the whole group." She corrected back. "Anyways, that was fun. When's the next?"

"Not next weekend." I said. "We should be holding some environmental cleanup for that forest and also adding a planting activity so, no."

"That's what you guys do after a fun thing like that?" She asked.


"Okay, just update me. Might find myself registering."

"That'll be great." I said.

When we got back to the town, it's already three am but none of us were actually in the mood of going home so we stuck around in the park. There, we exchanged load of stories.

I don't know if it was on purpose or anything, but Taylor sat beside me on the ground, just listening to the stories they have.

"What happened to your arm?" She asked quietly while the rest are having their conversations. "I mean you kind of flinch when something gets close to it."

"Uh, got hit." I answered briefly. In my mind something added up, got hit by the damn ground. And I'm just glad she let me go that easily.

"Yeah, during the game," Berlyn trailed on right at the time when I continued listening. "there was this girl who was dressed up as Maleficent who got saved by her partner more than like a few times."

"Eh, sucks." Jhanelle muttered, taking out some chips from the bags we bought earlier. "Yeah, earlier I saw a guy who fell from a tree." She said and almost everyone laughed except me.

One reason why I did not laugh was because from the corner of my eye, I saw Taylor looking at me teasingly. It was annoying, actually.

I looked at her, "Stop that or I will really kiss you in front of them." I warned. Actually, not my best warning but I reckon girls do get nervous when threatened in that kind of way. Sorry, it was just the first thing that came to my mind.

And still, Taylor's face did not change. . . not one bit. Of course, she just found out that I fell from a tree but dang, after a warning like that, I would not be smiling so teasingly.

"You and I both know that you're not going to do that. I've only met you and you're way too polite for that. You're going to need my full consent." She replied sweetly.

"Taylor, both you and I know that I do things whenever I feel like it. So if you don't get that silly thought out of your head, I'd do it. I consider your reply a consent because you would have told me not to by now." I replied charmingly in a way I thought I saw her blink –should be from hesitation.

"You wouldn't." She said, a bit too sure from her words if you ask me.

"You're way too sure. Say 'no' and wipe that thought. Then we're even." I told her and it might be working.

Yet, she still seems like she doesn't want to do it. She just kept smiling sweetly at me, teasingly as well and it's giving me quite the headache. I didn't like it when people have the upper hand on my little games. . . I didn't like it when people do it the same way I do, with too much mischief.

"Harry, you've got to do better than that." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. . . every second of it ringing inside my head.

"I'm warning you." I said, licking my lips, trying to make her see that I am way more than serious about what I just said.

"Uhuh." A damn, nonchalant tone.

Is she really freaking sure I won't do it?! What the hell?! What kind of blind trust does she have in my 'respect' for consents?

For a second, the world silenced and I think the reason is the gang had quieted down. . . or it was my heartbeat that I hear over everything.

And then my mind started speaking up about my respect for consents. I mean, I've told her I would and she did not say yes. . . well, she did not tell me 'no' either. So would it be wrong or not?

She must have knew my attention went back to her and she just smiled that very coquettish, alluring yet innocent smile.

"You've been warned." I smirked first.

I kissed her. I kissed Taylor. . . in plain sight and just like that!

I didn't know what I expected. . . but it's probably not what I expected.

Far from the first time I met her, I've realised she's neither cold nor that innocent as she knew her way. I kissed her and as much as I knew she didn't think I would really do it, she kissed me back.

As far as I was concerned, Taylor let me lead it. . . yet I was doing it her way. Her hands had moved to the back of my head, her fingers slightly playing with my hair. Her lips were a bit cold but, I suppose not anymore. And I could not tell whether the sharp breaths and uneven heartbeats were hers or mine.

It was odd. . . I felt like we'd been doing this for a million times now because it seemed really comfortable for me. But I could never ever tell her that.

The moment she pulled away, I started catching up with my breathing. . . and my head because it did fly. There was this strange exhilaration all over me and it's like the feeling of freedom over something. . . like it's something I always wanted to do only, I haven't really thought about it much.

I blinked a few times to snap me out of that cloud of epiphany. But there was still that sudden realisation of what I did.

I just kissed Taylor Swift!

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