One Bullet ||LevixReader||

By EvelynYang0

120K 5.3K 3.8K

**Modern AU** You're starting at a new school..... again, having personal problems at home, that you don't wa... More

Chapter 1 ~ Loner
Chapter 2 ~ The New Kid
Chapter 3 ~ Price
Chapter 4 ~ Titans
Chapter 5 ~ Job
Chapter 6 ~ My World
Chapter 7 ~ The Past
Chapter 8 ~ A Deal? Who?
Chapter 9 ~ Falling For Him
Chapter 10 ~ Family
Chapter 11 ~ F/n?
Chapter 12 ~ Start to Grow
Chapter 13 ~ Training
Chapter 14 ~ My First Kiss
Chapter 15 ~ I'm scared
Chapter 16 ~ Brat
Chapter 18 ~ Gamble
Chapter 19 ~ Through The Door

Chapter 17 ~ The Extraction

3K 120 91
By EvelynYang0

Another new chapter added to the story ^-^ you guys are probably going to hate me on this chapter :3

HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN SEASON 2? *wipes forehead* halp me

{Publish on} April 23rd, 2017

{Word count} 3693

* * *

Your POV

Even with the muffs over my ears, I can still hear the guns loud roar, spouting out fire and a metal. The bullet whiz through the air, hitting the wall past the dummy.

I closed one of my eyes, trying to aim but the bullet seemed to fly beyond from where I wanted it to go.

I paused, trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Sighing, I ripped the muffs off my head and set down the gun, putting it on safety lock.

'Levi's been quiet?' I thought with realization, then turning my head back to the tables and chairs.

Levi was sitting on one of the chairs, his arm was resting on the armrest and his hand was holding his head. His eyes were shut, and he constantly exhaled from out of his mouth.

'He actually looks nice when he's asleep,' I thought, cracking a smile.

"How dare you make me feel like this..." he mutters, stirring in his sleep, and his brows furrowing

"You idiot," I whisper back, still smiling. I couldn't help myself, my hand caress his cheek, my thumb gently rubbing his skin.

"Brat," he responds, causing me to raise my brows.

'Did he just sleep-talk to me? Or is it his dream?' I thought, my hand still resting on his warm cheek.

"Mhmm," Levi puckers up his lips, making him look like a puffer-fish.

"PFFFF!" I burst out laughing, taking my hand away from him to cover my mouth. One hand was covering my mouth and the other was on my stomach.

Levi opened his eyes slowly then blinking once to confirm that he was awake.

"Shit it was just a dream," Levi mutters, then rubbing his temples. "Why're you laughing?" he says, becoming the usual stoic man he is.

"N-nothing sir!!" I peep, laughing in between my words. "Was your dream about kissing a girl? B-because you puckered up your li- pffff!" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I was laughing so hard tears beaded at the edge of my eyes.

"Y-you... you saw that?" he says quietly, covering his mouth. "You didn't see anything cadet," he says trying to sound demanding but his voice is so soft it makes me to laugh even more.

"Y-yes sir! Pffff- I didn't see anything!!" I continue to laugh, smiling so much my cheeks hurt.

"S-shut up! G-geez... I said you didn't see anything, take orders from your superior," he whispers, covering half of his lower face, turning his direction away from me.

I can see why he covered his face, a deep dark red began to creep his face that it reached to the tip of his ears.

'H-he's actually blushing... That's so cute,' I state, finding my own cheeks rising in temperature.

"Are you blushing captain? How cute," the words slipped naturally from my mouth.

'He's going to kill me now!'

Levi stared at you with wide-eyes.

"I mean- I didn't see anything captain!" I stood up, saluting and my eyes glued to the ground.

"G-good-" Levi clears his throat. "Good, finally taking orders from your superior," he stands up. "Keep practicing, I'll be in the bathroom..."

"Yes sir!" I purse my lips to prevent myself from laughing.

Once Levi left the room to the bathroom, I giggle, laughing what I could before he would come back. After calming down, I stopped laughing, staring at my hand that caress Levi's cheek while he slept.

Sadness and little bit of jealously washed over me.

'I bet he was dreaming that he was kissing Petra.'

My heart twinges from the thought.

* * *

Levi POV

'I'm an idiot.' I leaned my face, using my hands to splash cold water over my face. 'Stupid dream.' I inhale a deep breathe, then exhaling out to calm myself. 'If only it was real.'

Walking out of the restroom, I found myself walking back to the gun range. Leaning against the open doorframe, I observe F/n raising her gun and shooting with one eye.

'Such a bad habit.'  I thought, walking silently behind her, waiting for her to stop shooting.

"You have to raise your gun higher, brat," I said, wrapping my arms around her arms and lifting the gun higher. "You have an habit of closing one eye, keep both of them open," I whisper into her ear then the memory of the dream flashing into my head.

'This better not be another damn dream,' I mentally curse, using a second to pinch myself.

"I-I'll work on it," F/n stammers, moving away from my arms. "I'll have plenty of time to practice before the Extraction."

"There's one more thing," I pause, staring into her eyes.

'Why is it hard to restrain myself from kissing her?'

* * *

Your POV

"There's one more thing," Levi pauses, staring into my eyes. My attention went to his lips, seeing him bite his lower lip gingerly.

"What is it?" I ask, setting down the pistol and slipping my muffs off.

"For the Extraction, there'll have to be a minimum of gun shooting. Which means that no shooting unless absolutely necessary," Levi says, his voice decrescendo softly. "That means," he pauses once again.

"Are you mentally prepared to kill someone?"

* * *

Fidgeting my fingers, I drummed my hand against the bulletproof vest that was strapped on my chest. I feel stiff because of all the material on my body.

Even with all the layers, I tremble even though I should feel invincible.

"Are you ok?" Eren asks, in his own bulletproof vest and gun in hand. He sets down his pistol, holding my hand to comfort me.

It relaxes me just by a bit, but I'm a nervous wreck on the inside. I stare at our hands touching, Eren's hands are like strange and obscure.

Even though me and Eren are.... dating.

It's even sounds strange.

"I'm fine," I say, taking my hand away from him subtlety.

"It's going to be fine," Eren smiles softly then standing up and picks up his gun.

Today was the day for our Extraction 'mission'. Levi says it's not a mission, it makes me wonder what a mission looks like?

All week I've been training with Levi, getting used to the guns structure and how to handle it. I hardly spent any time with Eren, except for at school which we spent decent amount of time together.

"F/n, we need to get into positions-" Eren starts off until a shaved-head boy comes towards Eren.

"Hey Eren, Erwin wanted you to see him, you have to be with him for the entire time," the shaved-headed boy says then heading back with his group.

"S-sorry F/n, I'll see you later," Eren says, staring at me contently, "are you sure you're going to be alright?"

I nod, obviously lying to myself but Eren mutters an 'ok', knowing that I'm lying as well but then squeezes my hand then leaving the room to Erwin's office.

The room I'm in is fairly big, most of the squads are here in their uniforms and guns in hand.

Petra isn't here, I've heard that she's too busy with wedding planning to come. I may be jealous of her but, I miss her, and so does Miya.

I slapped my cheeks with both of my hands, with everyone talking loudly they're don't notice me talking to myself.

"Let's roll!" I hear Hanji shout, overpowering the volume of the chatting groups. A loud cheer follows, as I heard everyone scuffle out the door.

I'm too afraid. My legs won't listen to me, they won't move. My gun is in my holster and I'm petrified.

'Am I prepared to kill someone?'

The question Levi asked me, still bugs me. It's like forgetting what to say or a good dream that disappeared when you wake up. My hands on my knees


That one word seems to make my heart lift, even though I've been annoyed of it. The person saying it makes my heart feel like it's racing a marathon.

Levi crouches in front of me, both eyes are connected with mine. His warm hand pats my head.

"You stopped trembling."

He's right.

"Let's go," Levi clears his throat, pulling his hand away. Ever since I told him that me and Eren were dating, he's been distancing himself away from me but... he's also closing in on me.

My heart aches for him more than ever.

* * *

Each squad has their own van, logically I share the same van with my squad but I sit away from the group, having a good amount of space between them and me. I feel like an outsider, because they talk to each other so casually and I'm just there, the new kid.

Levi grouped up with the other squadron leaders, wherever they may be.

Our van was parked along a building, there was some distance from where the extraction was taking place.

Our role was to wait on the sidelines just incase there was any need for backup, another squad was responsible to safely extract the person from the building and the other was keeping citizens out of the area.

Erd sits alone too, with a machine on his lap as he constantly fiddles it and wears headphones that's attach to it. Eren is still with Erwin, while Auruo and Gunther are lively chatting together.

Once in awhile, Erd mutters into his headset but I never catch what he says. My guess is that the machine is like a radio but more complex, like blocking out other people who might tune in and eavesdrop.

Auruo says something to Gunter, causing the both of them to burst out in laughter. Erd chuckles too but his focus is mainly on the radio, keeping tabs on the situation.

I touch my gun to keep myself occupied, tearing the pieces then locking them back in place again. In the back of my mind, I pray that the Extraction will go to plan and that there'll be no need for firing bullets.

"Watch! I'll-" Auruo starts off but gets intercepted by Wed.

"Shut up," Erd hisses, headphones strapped on his head as he listens contently. After a minute our two, I feel my neck craning, so curious that I hoped to hear what Erd was listening.

Erd holds a grim look, which is never a good sign. My chest tightens, making me feel like it's hard to breath. And what I'm expecting to hear from Erd leaves hairs standing on my back.

"The Extraction failed! Move out!" Erd shouts, and ripping off the headset, tightening hid bulletproof vest on his chest and swiping hid gun into his possession.

The others do the same, grabbing their guns and strapping their helmets upon their heads.

"There was an ambush, however we managed to extract the person. Our goal is to protect that person! Shoot anyone who attacks or resists," Erd barks, his face stern but he had no hesitation, placing his helmet on.

Levi's words come back, echoing in my head.

'Are you prepare to kill someone?'

Something shocks my body, preventing me to move and command the use of my legs. What I hoped for backfired, becoming one of my worst fears. 

"L/n! Hurry up!" Auruo is the one who shouts at me while climbing out if the van with the others and running towards the building. 

'Move!' I shout at myself, forcing myself out of my seat, running out of the van and sprinting after the others. 

Dread fills me up, and fear is drawn on my face. My legs tremble and I feel like I could faint at anytime, unfortunately I don't.

I switch the gun off safety lock, holding it in my hands. I could feel my hands shake, as I followed the group.

"Oi, don't shoot your own team L/n," Auruo says, jogging along side me. "I'll give ya a tip, always stay with your squad. And don't shoot randomly, know who or what you're gunna shoot."

"Y-yes sir," I nod, biting the lower of my lip. When we arrive at the building Erd and Gunther hover at the sides of the door. With guns ready, they kick down the door, then rushing in and scanning in the room.

I follow behind them, copying their movements and keeping a sharp eye out. The room was empty but in the distance, we could hear multiple gunshots.

Gunther raises his hand, indicating to follow him and to move out. We don't make a move, our actions speak for themselves. Everyone's footsteps is quiet as a mouse and alert.

Since the building was an old warehouse, we reached the main floor where there was open spaces and cargo sitting around in wooden boxes. There was also bodies upon the ground, a few were our comrades, I could tell because of the uniforms. Most of the bodies were probably from the attackers.

Erd knelt down by one of the bodies, placing a finger on their necks to feel a pulse.

"Still breathing," Erd breathes out relief, "shot in the stomach, maybe a broken rib or two," he murmurs to himself.

While he tends one of our wounded comrades, I notice Auruo and Gunther don't help. They're looking out invade of more attackers.

"L/n, help him. Carry the wounded back to the van, as many as you can," Gunther says.

I nod, switching my gun back into it's safety lock and putting it back in my holster. 

"Here, carry her," Erd says, putting arm of a unconscious woman over my shoulders. I begin to struggle, my body leaning to the side.

"Let me help," Erd offers but I refuse him.

"I got this," I said through my teeth, using all my strength to carry this woman out and into safety.

Erd finds two more wounded comrades, two males, one that's around his size and the other is shorter.

Erd tosses the smaller man over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, then beginning to drag the other man by wrapping his arms around his torso.

Our heads twisted, hearing more guns being fired.

"Go!" Erd growls, gritting his teeth from all the weight he's carrying. I feel like he's going to fall, but he doesn't and continues to carry his comrades. "We'll be fine!"

Auruo and Gunther nod, running to the source of the sound.

I feel like I'm abandoning them but I'm helping my fallen comrades. In total, me and Erd carry six injured colleagues. No one died, thank goodness for that but Auruo and Erd still haven't come back.

"Will they be fine?" I ask Erd, hovering over hid shoulder as he mentions lists their injuries.

"Luckily, we came in time or else most of them would've bled to death," he wraps a white bandage over ones head, then cutting it off with a pair of small scissors.

"I'm worried about the others," I whisper, my gaze locked onto the warehouse where they still are.

"It's too dangerous to go off alone, and I can't leave them like this," he says, referring to the six helpless people in the van, bleeding and in pain.

I stared at them, I don't know their names but seeing them like this pains me.

At first, my legs wouldn't listen and I felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown.

My legs moved on their own, and the next thing I knew I grabbed my gun and helmet, jumping out of the van and running towards the warehouse.

"L/n!!" I heard Erd's voice trying to call me back. "F/n! You're going to kill yourself!" he yells but I don't look back.

I know he won't follow me because he needs to worry about six others. I could easily list the simple tips that Auruo told me before, too bad I'll be breaking those tips.

Cautiously, I switch my gun off safety mode and pointing it to the ground while jogging at a good pace. I retrace myself back where we found the bodies. Listening carefully, I followed the direction of the sound.

"Where's everyone?" I mutter to myself.

"Look out!"

At the corner of my eye, I see a gun pointing at me however I don't see because the silhouette of the shape of the gun is greater than the person behind it.

I felt my body thrown to the ground, and the piercing rings of the air snapping and the smell of smoke. I turn to face my tackler.

"Watch where you're going!" Levi snaps, his body on top of mine. He grabs his pistol, shooting the attacker. "I thought you were in the van," he says as the body hit the ground with a great thud.

"I-I came to help," I grunt, pulling myself off the floor. I avoid to look at the body, my back facing it.

"Feels like I'm babysitting," Levi mutters, helping me up.

"Where's your vest?" I said, as he slipped his pistol back in his holster.

"Had to leave it," he says, wiping his mouth and his other hand on his hip. His sharp eyes never stay in one place too long.

I carefully study his features, his clothes were dirty. A cut had been already engraved on his cheek, looks fresh. He has a split lip and bruised face.

"What happened?" I manage to ask.

"Fake information, fucking bastards," Levi huffs, licking his busted lip. "Took out most of them but there's still a few of them in the building, hiding."

"Let's go find them then," I said, walking ahead but then stepping


My foot trips over something, I look down, seeing a thin white string over my shoe.


I don't have to look to know what that is.

My body knocks once again, by Levi of course. Our bodies rolled together at least making a full revolve. The explosion causes us to tumble even further.

"People are more dangerous when afraid," Levi groans, then rolling off of me. "I'm starting to think that you like me being on you," he coughs.

"Where's Auruo and Gunther? And the other squad leaders?" I cough back, laying on my side to face him.

"West side of the building, there more booby traps set up over there. We think that's where the salvaged attackers are," he says, sitting up and patting the dust off of him. He looks irritated, maybe because of this dust and dirt floating in the air.

"Go back to the van, I'll find the others on my own,"

"No, you're not going alone," I said, standing in front of him. 

"Are you disobeying your superiors orders?" he says, raising a brow and his gleaming eyes staring me down but I don't move away from his gaze. 

"It's too dangerous sir," I match his stare, the both of us never moving our glares from each other. 

Levi's the first to break the contact, then clicking his tongue in defeat, noting my hard stubbornness that'll never waver. "Don't leave my side." 

I tried to hide my expression of victory but a smirk forms on my face. "Yes sir!" I salute. 

"If anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll-" Levi 's eyes widen, shaking his head. "Just stay next to me, and don't do anything dumb." 

"Y-yes sir," I hide my blush by looking down. 

"Keep your eyes out for anything suspicious, especially for traps." 

We walked through the vacant hallways, slowly striding our way to the west building. Once awhile we pass a crumbling wall or splatters of blood, but never bodies. 

"We haven't crossed any traps," I whisper to him, always checking behind and in front of us. 

"The others must have set it off, so we don't have to worry about running into any," he says, wearing a calm yet relieved expression. He stops, wincing and rubs his head. "Think I might have a concussion from earlier," he utters to himself.

We froze as we heard audible gunshots and a man screaming. Levi sprinted first along with me behind him. We pulled out our pistols and cocking it. 

Finally reaching to the source, Levi kicked down the door, his gun at bay as he eyed the room. I didn't follow him, instead I remain standing outside and guarding in-case of invaders. I watched from the door frame, seeing Levi knelt down next to a body, it was Auruo.

"What happened," Levi says, setting down his gun on the ground and feeling Auruo's pulse from his wrist.

"B-behind you..." Auruo coughs out blood, weakly pointing behind Levi. "It's a.."


My head shot, seeing a figure raising their gunpoint at Levi. The figure hasn't noticed me.

Levi's quick to act. He grabs his gun but the person kicks him in the face, then kicking away the gun from his grip.

I fumble out my gun, my hands shaking and pointing to the person. They still haven't noticed my presence, because I'm quiet as a ant.

If I don't do anything, they're going to kill Levi.

Levi grips his head, the concussion seems to take effect, and it's all my fault.

'Are you prepared to kill someone?'

Levi's voice come back to me.

'It's either him or Levi!' I told myself, and the urge to protect Levi forces me to press and the cock the gun.

The person heard the click of the weapon, turning to me and their eyes widening.

We pulled out triggers at the same time. I hear a total of three gunshots, I only pulled once. Slow motion, I see my bullet hitting the offender straight in the chest, however at the same time I feel a burning in my arm and extreme pain on my chest.

'He.. got me?'

I look down to see blood coating my hand.

* * *

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